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Created June 15, 2014 12:39
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inet_aton, inet_ntoa, ip_between functions for erlang. Convert an ip address address to/from its uint32 and text representations, check if the give ip address falls in a specific network range
-export([inet_aton/1, inet_ntoa/1]).
%% @doc Converts a binary string with a human readable ip
%% address representation into an uint32.
-spec inet_aton(binary()) -> pos_integer().
inet_aton(Ip) ->
[O1Bin, O2Bin, O3Bin, O4Bin] = binary:split(Ip, <<".">>, [global]),
B1 = binary_to_integer(O1Bin) bsl 24,
B2 = binary_to_integer(O2Bin) bsl 16,
B3 = binary_to_integer(O3Bin) bsl 8,
B4 = binary_to_integer(O4Bin),
B1 + B2 + B3 + B4.
%% @doc Converts the given uint32 into a binary string with the
%% human-readable ip address representation, i.e: <<"x.x.x.x">>.
-spec inet_ntoa(pos_integer()) -> binary().
inet_ntoa(Num) ->
B1 = (Num band 2#11111111000000000000000000000000) bsr 24,
B2 = (Num band 2#00000000111111110000000000000000) bsr 16,
B3 = (Num band 2#00000000000000001111111100000000) bsr 8,
B4 = Num band 2#00000000000000000000000011111111,
(integer_to_binary(B1))/binary, ".",
(integer_to_binary(B2))/binary, ".",
(integer_to_binary(B3))/binary, ".",
%% @doc Checks if the given IP address falls into the given network
%% range. E.g: ip_between(<<"">>, <<"">>, 16).
-spec ip_between(binary(), binary(), pos_integer()) -> boolean().
ip_between(Ip, Network, NetworkBits) ->
IpNum = inet_aton(Ip),
NetLow = inet_aton(Network),
BitsHosts = 32 - NetworkBits,
NetHigh = NetLow + erlang:trunc(math:pow(2, BitsHosts)) - 1,
IpNum >= NetLow andalso IpNum =< NetHigh.
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