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Last active March 10, 2017 19:01
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IBM Websphere
private void simpleRequest() throws IOException {
LOG.debug("Simple request without trustmanager/sslfactory config.");
ConnectionSpec spec = new ConnectionSpec.Builder(ConnectionSpec.MODERN_TLS)
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
//OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
Request requestOkhttp = new Request.Builder()
Response responseOkhttp = client.newCall(requestOkhttp).execute();
if (!responseOkhttp.isSuccessful()) throw new IOException("Unexpected code " + responseOkhttp);
Headers responseHeaders = responseOkhttp.headers();
for (int i = 0; i < responseHeaders.size(); i++) {
System.out.println( + ": " + responseHeaders.value(i));
LOG.debug("Response: " + responseOkhttp.body().string());
private void simpleRequestWithSSLTrustConfigForceCipherModern() throws IOException {
LOG.debug("Simple request with trustmanager/sslfactory config force cipher modern.");
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
String[] cipher;
X509TrustManager trustManager;
SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory;
try {
TrustManagerFactory trustManagerFactory = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(
trustManagerFactory.init((KeyStore) null);
TrustManager[] trustManagers = trustManagerFactory.getTrustManagers();
if (trustManagers.length != 1 || !(trustManagers[0] instanceof X509TrustManager)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected default trust managers:"
+ Arrays.toString(trustManagers));
trustManager = (X509TrustManager) trustManagers[0];
SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
sslContext.init(null, new TrustManager[] { trustManager }, null);
sslSocketFactory = sslContext.getSocketFactory();
cipher = sslSocketFactory.getDefaultCipherSuites();
} catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
ConnectionSpec spec = new ConnectionSpec.Builder(ConnectionSpec.MODERN_TLS)
client = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
.sslSocketFactory(sslSocketFactory, trustManager)
Request requestOkhttp = new Request.Builder()
Response responseOkhttp = client.newCall(requestOkhttp).execute();
if (!responseOkhttp.isSuccessful()) throw new IOException("Unexpected code " + responseOkhttp);
Headers responseHeaders = responseOkhttp.headers();
for (int i = 0; i < responseHeaders.size(); i++) {
System.out.println( + ": " + responseHeaders.value(i));
LOG.debug("Response: " + responseOkhttp.body().string());
[3/10/17 15:05:50:304 BRT] 00000001 FIPSManager I CWPKI0044I: FIPS security mode is : No FIPS property found.
[3/10/17 15:05:50:307 BRT] 00000001 WSKeyStore W CWPKI0041W: One or more key stores are using the default password.
[3/10/17 15:05:50:317 BRT] 00000001 SSLConfigMana I CWPKI0027I: Disabling default hostname verification for HTTPS URL connections.
[3/10/17 15:05:50:327 BRT] 00000001 SSLDiagnostic I CWPKI0014I: The SSL component's FFDC Diagnostic Module registered successfully: true.
[3/10/17 15:05:50:329 BRT] 00000001 SSLComponentI I CWPKI0002I: SSL service initialization completed successfully
[3/10/17 15:05:50:337 BRT] 00000001 DiagnosticCon I setStateCollectionSpec RASD0012I: Updating State Collection Spec from Uninitialized Value to .*:.*=0
[3/10/17 15:05:50:341 BRT] 00000001 PMIImpl Z CWPMI1001I: PMI is enabled
[3/10/17 15:05:50:747 BRT] 00000001 GAPAgentCompo I CWLRS6000I: GAP (Grid Application Placement) Component has initialized successfully on process UnManagedProcess.
[3/10/17 15:05:50:785 BRT] 00000001 SibMessage I [:] CWSIU0000I: Release: WAS855.SIB Level: cf111647.02
[3/10/17 15:05:50:874 BRT] 00000001 SecurityDM I SECJ0231I: The Security component's FFDC Diagnostic Module registered successfully: true.
[3/10/17 15:05:50:902 BRT] 00000001 distSecurityC I SECJ6004I: Security Auditing is disabled.
[3/10/17 15:05:50:905 BRT] 00000001 distSecurityC I SECJ0309I: Java 2 Security is disabled.
[3/10/17 15:05:50:905 BRT] 00000001 Configuration Z SECJ0215I: Successfully set JAAS login provider configuration class to
[3/10/17 15:05:50:939 BRT] 00000001 distSecurityC I SECJ0240I: Security service initialization completed successfully
[3/10/17 15:05:51:184 BRT] 00000001 JAASLoginConf I SECJ0212I: WCCM JAAS configuration information successfully pushed to login provider class.
[3/10/17 15:05:51:214 BRT] 00000001 CScopeCompone I CSCP0002I: Compensation service is disabled.
[3/10/17 15:05:51:252 BRT] 00000001 ActivitySessi I WACS0045I: ActivitySession service is disabled.
[3/10/17 15:05:51:256 BRT] 00000001 SOAPContainer I WSWS1062I: The SOAP Container service has been initialized.
[3/10/17 15:05:51:441 BRT] 00000001 GridConfigura I CWLRB5871I: The GridConfigurator initialized successfully.
[3/10/17 15:05:51:455 BRT] 00000001 GridDBConfigu I CWLRB5874I: The GridDBConfigurator initialized successfully.
[3/10/17 15:05:51:456 BRT] 00000001 BatchSensorCo I CWLRB5902I: BatchSensorComponent initializing.
[3/10/17 15:05:51:456 BRT] 00000001 BatchSensorCo I CWLRB5903I: BatchSensorComponent initialized successfully.
[3/10/17 15:05:51:490 BRT] 00000001 SchedulerComp I CWLRB5856I: The RUN_IN_MIXED_MODE property has a value of false.
[3/10/17 15:05:51:541 BRT] 00000001 SSLComponentI I CWPKI0003I: SSL service is starting
[3/10/17 15:05:51:545 BRT] 00000001 SSLComponentI I CWPKI0004I: SSL service started successfully
[3/10/17 15:05:51:944 BRT] 00000001 SecurityConne Z JSAS0006I: Security connection interceptor initialized.
[3/10/17 15:05:51:949 BRT] 00000001 ServiceInit Z JSAS0001I: Security configuration initialized.
[3/10/17 15:05:51:950 BRT] 00000001 ServiceInit Z JSAS0003I: Authentication mechanism: LTPA
[3/10/17 15:05:51:950 BRT] 00000001 ServiceInit Z JSAS0004I: Principal name: defaultWIMFileBasedRealm/
[3/10/17 15:05:51:959 BRT] 00000001 CSIClientRI Z JSAS0007I: Client request interceptor registered.
[3/10/17 15:05:51:983 BRT] 00000001 CSIServerRI Z JSAS0008I: Server request interceptor registered.
[3/10/17 15:05:51:988 BRT] 00000001 SecurityCompo Z JSAS0009I: IOR interceptor registered.
[3/10/17 15:05:52:686 BRT] 00000001 CoordinatorIm I HMGR0206I: The Coordinator is an Active Coordinator for core group DefaultCoreGroup. The active coordinator set is [IMAC-TUKUNARENode01Cell\IMAC-TUKUNARENode01\server1].
[3/10/17 15:05:52:714 BRT] 00000001 DCSPluginSing I HMGR0005I: The Single Server DCS Core Stack transport has been started for core group DefaultCoreGroup.
[3/10/17 15:05:52:732 BRT] 00000001 CoordinatorCo I HMGR0011I: The High Availability Manager is configured to be the bulletin board provider.
[3/10/17 15:05:52:741 BRT] 00000001 DragDropDeplo I CWLDD0103I: Monitored directory application deployment service has been configured to be off.
[3/10/17 15:05:52:814 BRT] 00000001 NameServerImp Z NMSV0018I: Name server available on bootstrap port 2809.
[3/10/17 15:05:53:786 BRT] 00000001 UserRegistryI Z SECJ0136I: Custom has been initialized
[3/10/17 15:05:53:812 BRT] 00000001 JMSRegistrati Z WMSG1611I: The installed level of the WebSphere MQ messaging provider is
[3/10/17 15:05:53:815 BRT] 00000001 JMSRegistrati I WMSG1703I: RAR implementation version
[3/10/17 15:05:53:834 BRT] 00000001 ObjectPoolSer I OBPL0010I: The Object Pool service started successfully.
[3/10/17 15:05:55:713 BRT] 00000001 JMXSoapAdapte Z ADMC0013I: The SOAP connector is available at port 8880
[3/10/17 15:05:55:790 BRT] 00000001 TCPChannel I TCPC0001I: TCP Channel TCPInboundChannel_ipcc.Default_IPC_Connector_Name is listening on host (IPv4: port 9633.
[3/10/17 15:05:55:792 BRT] 00000001 WSChannelFram Z CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain IPCCInboundChain.Default_IPC_Connector_Name.
[3/10/17 15:05:55:795 BRT] 00000001 IPCConnectorS I ADMC0070I: The IPC connector is available at port 9633
[3/10/17 15:05:55:807 BRT] 00000001 distSecurityC I securityServiceStarted is true
[3/10/17 15:05:55:807 BRT] 00000001 distSecurityC I SECJ0243I: Security service started successfully
[3/10/17 15:05:55:808 BRT] 00000001 distSecurityC I SECJ0210I: Security enabled true
[3/10/17 15:05:55:873 BRT] 00000001 RecoveryDirec I CWRLS0010I: Performing recovery processing for local WebSphere server (IMAC-TUKUNARENode01Cell\IMAC-TUKUNARENode01\server1).
[3/10/17 15:05:55:880 BRT] 00000001 RecoveryDirec I CWRLS0012I: All persistent services have been directed to perform recovery processing for this WebSphere server (IMAC-TUKUNARENode01Cell\IMAC-TUKUNARENode01\server1).
[3/10/17 15:05:55:955 BRT] 00000049 RecoveryManag Z WTRN0132I: Transaction recovery for IMAC-TUKUNARENode01Cell\IMAC-TUKUNARENode01\server1 initiated with server uuid 9dfe994676f20babc562d1a5e26c1fc7a4a0186f and restart epoch 0
[3/10/17 15:05:55:958 BRT] 00000049 RecoveryManag I WTRN0135I: Transaction service recovering no transactions.
[3/10/17 15:05:55:959 BRT] 00000049 RecoveryManag Z WTRN0134I: Recovering 0 XA resource manager(s) from the transaction partner logs
[3/10/17 15:05:55:971 BRT] 00000049 RecoveryManag Z WTRN0133I: Transaction recovery processing for this server is complete
[3/10/17 15:05:56:178 BRT] 00000001 ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding DefaultEJBTimerDataSource as jdbc/DefaultEJBTimerDataSource
[3/10/17 15:05:56:193 BRT] 00000001 ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding Default_CF as eis/DefaultDatasource_CMP
[3/10/17 15:05:56:205 BRT] 00000001 ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding Default Datasource as DefaultDatasource
[3/10/17 15:05:56:223 BRT] 00000001 SOAPAcceptorC I WSSC1019I: The SOAP Acceptor Channel has been configured.
[3/10/17 15:05:56:239 BRT] 00000001 CacheServiceI I DYNA1054I: Dynamic Cache (core cache) initialized successfully.
[3/10/17 15:05:56:248 BRT] 00000001 ObjectCacheSe I DYNA1056I: Dynamic Cache (object cache) initialized successfully.
[3/10/17 15:05:56:313 BRT] 00000001 RegistryConfi I CWXRS0017I: Extension Registry objects storage: C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\temp\IMAC-TUKUNARENode01\server1\_extensionregistry
[3/10/17 15:05:56:341 BRT] 00000001 ServerCache I DYNA1001I: WebSphere Dynamic Cache instance named ws/ initialized successfully.
[3/10/17 15:05:56:341 BRT] 00000001 ServerCache I DYNA1071I: The cache provider "default" is being used.
[3/10/17 15:05:56:344 BRT] 00000001 RegistryCache I CWXRS0002I: DynaCache instance for Extension Registry created with CACHE_SIZE: 5000
[3/10/17 15:05:56:708 BRT] 00000053 ServerCache I DYNA1001I: WebSphere Dynamic Cache instance named ws/WSSecureMap initialized successfully.
[3/10/17 15:05:56:714 BRT] 00000053 ServerCache I DYNA1071I: The cache provider "default" is being used.
[3/10/17 15:05:56:898 BRT] 00000001 ThreadPool I WSVR0629I: The request buffer for thread pool "server.startup" has reached its capacity.
[3/10/17 15:05:56:900 BRT] 00000056 ApplicationMg Z WSVR0200I: Starting application: ManagementEJB
[3/10/17 15:05:56:900 BRT] 00000057 ApplicationMg Z WSVR0200I: Starting application: filetransferSecured
[3/10/17 15:05:56:900 BRT] 00000056 ApplicationMg Z WSVR0204I: Application: ManagementEJB Application build level: Unknown
[3/10/17 15:05:56:904 BRT] 00000057 ApplicationMg Z WSVR0204I: Application: filetransferSecured Application build level: Unknown
[3/10/17 15:05:56:913 BRT] 00000058 ApplicationMg Z WSVR0200I: Starting application: SchedulerCalendars
[3/10/17 15:05:56:914 BRT] 00000058 ApplicationMg Z WSVR0204I: Application: SchedulerCalendars Application build level: Unknown
[3/10/17 15:05:56:939 BRT] 00000056 J2EEServiceMa I ASYN0059I: Work Manager service initialized successfully.
[3/10/17 15:05:56:945 BRT] 00000056 AppProfileCom I ACIN0030I: Application Profiling service is disabled.
[3/10/17 15:05:57:119 BRT] 00000056 SchedulerServ I SCHD0036I: The Scheduler Service is initializing.
[3/10/17 15:05:57:123 BRT] 00000056 SchedulerServ I SCHD0037I: The Scheduler Service has been initialized.
[3/10/17 15:05:57:126 BRT] 00000056 JPAComponentI I CWWJP0026I: The Java Persistence API (JPA) component is initializing.
[3/10/17 15:05:57:132 BRT] 00000056 AbstractJPACo I CWWJP0006I: The class is loaded as the default Java Persistence API (JPA) provider.
[3/10/17 15:05:57:133 BRT] 00000056 JPAComponentI I CWWJP0027I: The Java Persistence API (JPA) component has initialized.
[3/10/17 15:05:57:196 BRT] 00000056 J2EEServiceMa I ASYN0055I: The Work Manager service started successfully.
[3/10/17 15:05:57:218 BRT] 00000056 WebContainer I addExtensionFactory SRVE0239I: Extension Factory [class] was registered successfully.
[3/10/17 15:05:57:218 BRT] 00000056 WebContainer I addExtensionFactory SRVE0240I: Extension Factory [class] has been associated with patterns [].
[3/10/17 15:05:57:219 BRT] 00000056 WebContainer I addExtensionFactory SRVE0239I: Extension Factory [class] was registered successfully.
[3/10/17 15:05:57:219 BRT] 00000056 WebContainer I addExtensionFactory SRVE0240I: Extension Factory [class] has been associated with patterns [].
[3/10/17 15:05:57:226 BRT] 00000056 WASAxis2Compo I WSWS7001I: The Axis2 service has been started.
[3/10/17 15:05:57:258 BRT] 00000056 SchedulerServ I SCHD0031I: The Scheduler Service is starting.
[3/10/17 15:05:57:259 BRT] 00000056 SchedulerServ I SCHD0001I: The Scheduler Service has started.
[3/10/17 15:05:57:259 BRT] 00000056 JPAComponentI I CWWJP0028I: The Java Persistence API (JPA) component is starting.
[3/10/17 15:05:57:260 BRT] 00000056 JPAComponentI I CWWJP0017I: The Java Persistence API (JPA) component has started.
[3/10/17 15:05:57:309 BRT] 00000056 ServerCache I DYNA1001I: WebSphere Dynamic Cache instance named ws/ initialized successfully.
[3/10/17 15:05:57:310 BRT] 00000056 ServerCache I DYNA1071I: The cache provider "default" is being used.
[3/10/17 15:05:57:310 BRT] 00000056 ServerCache I DYNA1001I: WebSphere Dynamic Cache instance named ws/ initialized successfully.
[3/10/17 15:05:57:317 BRT] 00000056 ServerCache I DYNA1071I: The cache provider "default" is being used.
[3/10/17 15:05:57:802 BRT] 00000056 WebContainer I addExtensionFactory SRVE0239I: Extension Factory [class] was registered successfully.
[3/10/17 15:05:57:803 BRT] 00000056 WebContainer I addExtensionFactory SRVE0240I: Extension Factory [class] has been associated with patterns [].
[3/10/17 15:05:57:806 BRT] 00000056 WebContainer I addExtensionFactory SRVE0239I: Extension Factory [class] was registered successfully.
[3/10/17 15:05:57:806 BRT] 00000056 WebContainer I addExtensionFactory SRVE0240I: Extension Factory [class] has been associated with patterns [].
[3/10/17 15:05:57:826 BRT] 00000056 WebContainer I addExtensionFactory SRVE0239I: Extension Factory [class] was registered successfully.
[3/10/17 15:05:57:827 BRT] 00000056 WebContainer I addExtensionFactory SRVE0240I: Extension Factory [class] has been associated with patterns [].
[3/10/17 15:05:57:827 BRT] 00000056 WebContainer I addExtensionFactory SRVE0239I: Extension Factory [class] was registered successfully.
[3/10/17 15:05:57:828 BRT] 00000056 WebContainer I addExtensionFactory SRVE0240I: Extension Factory [class] has been associated with patterns [].
[3/10/17 15:05:57:831 BRT] 00000056 WebContainer I addExtensionFactory SRVE0239I: Extension Factory [class] was registered successfully.
[3/10/17 15:05:57:831 BRT] 00000056 WebContainer I addExtensionFactory SRVE0240I: Extension Factory [class] has been associated with patterns [*.jsp *.jspx *.jsw *.jsv ].
[3/10/17 15:05:57:986 BRT] 00000056 ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding AsyncRequestDispatcherWorkManager as wm/ard
[3/10/17 15:05:57:992 BRT] 00000056 ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding DefaultWorkManager as wm/default
[3/10/17 15:05:57:996 BRT] 00000056 ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding DefaultTimerManager as tm/default
[3/10/17 15:05:58:146 BRT] 00000056 SharedEJBRunt I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: mejb.jar
[3/10/17 15:05:58:146 BRT] 00000058 SharedEJBRunt I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: Calendars.jar
[3/10/17 15:05:58:161 BRT] 00000057 webcontainer I initialize SRVE0161I: IBM WebSphere Application Server - Web Container. Copyright IBM Corp. 1998-2012
[3/10/17 15:05:58:162 BRT] 00000057 webcontainer I initialize SRVE0162I: Servlet Specification Level: 3.0
[3/10/17 15:05:58:162 BRT] 00000057 webcontainer I initialize SRVE0163I: Supported JSP Specification Level: 2.2
[3/10/17 15:05:58:166 BRT] 00000057 collaborator I createSecurityCollabImpl using default ejs collaborator since there is nothing in the extension points
[3/10/17 15:05:58:178 BRT] 00000057 AuthConfigFac W SECJ8032W: AuthConfigFactory implementation is not defined, using the default JASPI factory implementation class:
[3/10/17 15:05:58:176 BRT] 00000056 WASNameSpaceB I CNTR0167I: The server is binding the interface of the Management enterprise bean in the mejb.jar module of the ManagementEJB application. The binding location is: ejb/mgmt/MEJB
[3/10/17 15:05:58:184 BRT] 00000056 AbstractEJBRu I CNTR0167I: The server is binding the interface of the Management enterprise bean in the mejb.jar module of the ManagementEJB application. The binding location is: java:global/ManagementEJB/mejb/Management!
[3/10/17 15:05:58:210 BRT] 00000056 SharedEJBRunt I WSVR0057I: EJB jar started: mejb.jar
[3/10/17 15:05:58:213 BRT] 00000057 webcontainer I addVirtualHostExtensionFactory SRVE0239I: Extension Factory [class] was registered successfully.
[3/10/17 15:05:58:213 BRT] 00000057 webcontainer I addVirtualHostExtensionFactory SRVE0240I: Extension Factory [class] has been associated with patterns [VH:_WS_EH* ].
[3/10/17 15:05:58:217 BRT] 00000058 WASNameSpaceB I CNTR0167I: The server is binding the interface of the DefaultUserCalendar enterprise bean in the Calendars.jar module of the SchedulerCalendars application. The binding location is: com/ibm/websphere/scheduler/calendar/DefaultUserCalendarHome
[3/10/17 15:05:58:218 BRT] 00000058 AbstractEJBRu I CNTR0167I: The server is binding the interface of the DefaultUserCalendar enterprise bean in the Calendars.jar module of the SchedulerCalendars application. The binding location is: java:global/SchedulerCalendars/Calendars/DefaultUserCalendar!
[3/10/17 15:05:58:225 BRT] 00000057 webapp I WebGroup SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: WebSphere Admin File Transfer Application.
[3/10/17 15:05:58:238 BRT] 00000058 SharedEJBRunt I WSVR0057I: EJB jar started: Calendars.jar
[3/10/17 15:05:58:288 BRT] 00000057 WASSessionCor I SessionContextRegistry getSessionContext SESN0176I: Will create a new session context for application key admin_host/FileTransfer
[3/10/17 15:05:58:401 BRT] 00000057 ServletWrappe I init SRVE0242I: [filetransferSecured] [/FileTransfer] [transfer]: Initialization successful.
[3/10/17 15:05:58:405 BRT] 00000057 webcontainer I addWebApplication SRVE0250I: Web Module WebSphere Admin File Transfer Application has been bound to admin_host[*:9060,*:9043].
[3/10/17 15:05:58:417 BRT] 00000056 ApplicationMg Z WSVR0221I: Application started: ManagementEJB
[3/10/17 15:05:58:418 BRT] 00000058 ApplicationMg Z WSVR0221I: Application started: SchedulerCalendars
[3/10/17 15:05:58:419 BRT] 00000056 CompositionUn Z WSVR0190I: Starting composition unit WebSphere:cuname=isclite in BLA WebSphere:blaname=isclite.
[3/10/17 15:05:58:419 BRT] 00000058 CompositionUn Z WSVR0190I: Starting composition unit WebSphere:cuname=DefaultApplication in BLA WebSphere:blaname=DefaultApplication.
[3/10/17 15:05:58:423 BRT] 00000057 ApplicationMg Z WSVR0221I: Application started: filetransferSecured
[3/10/17 15:05:58:423 BRT] 00000057 CompositionUn Z WSVR0190I: Starting composition unit WebSphere:cuname=HelloWorldEAR in BLA WebSphere:blaname=HelloWorldEAR.
[3/10/17 15:05:58:626 BRT] 00000056 ApplicationMg Z WSVR0200I: Starting application: isclite
[3/10/17 15:05:58:627 BRT] 00000056 ApplicationMg Z WSVR0203I: Application: isclite Application build level: WAS855.IM [cf111649.01]
[3/10/17 15:05:58:674 BRT] 00000057 wtp I org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.commonarchivecore.internal.strategy.Ear50NoDDImportStrategyImpl loadDeploymentDescriptor EAR [ X:\mobiDeasNovo\UpWork\PubNub\java\Projects Samples\WebSphere\HelloWorldEAR ] Module [ HelloWorld.war ] [
Web Module [ org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.application.internal.impl.WebModuleImpl@cc07ebc9 ]
URI [ HelloWorld.war ]
Alt DD [ null ]
Context Root [ null ]
] handled as loose archive [ (URI: HelloWorld.war, lastModified: 0, size: 0, directoryEntry: <unset>, originalURI: HelloWorld.war) (types: null) ]
[3/10/17 15:05:59:147 BRT] 00000057 visitor W visitAnnotation [ ] for method [ ( javax.servlet.annotation.ServletSecurity.value ) ] Name [ null ] Description [ Ljavax/servlet/annotation/HttpConstraint; ] Call in violation of protocol
[3/10/17 15:05:59:796 BRT] 00000057 ApplicationMg Z WSVR0200I: Starting application: HelloWorldEAR
[3/10/17 15:05:59:796 BRT] 00000057 ApplicationMg Z WSVR0204I: Application: HelloWorldEAR Application build level: Unknown
[3/10/17 15:05:59:871 BRT] 00000058 ApplicationMg Z WSVR0200I: Starting application: DefaultApplication
[3/10/17 15:05:59:872 BRT] 00000058 ApplicationMg Z WSVR0204I: Application: DefaultApplication Application build level: Unknown
[3/10/17 15:06:00:163 BRT] 00000058 SharedEJBRunt I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: Increment.jar
[3/10/17 15:06:00:176 BRT] 00000058 WASNameSpaceB I CNTR0167I: The server is binding the interface of the Increment enterprise bean in the Increment.jar module of the DefaultApplication application. The binding location is: Increment
[3/10/17 15:06:00:181 BRT] 00000057 webapp I WebGroup SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: HelloWorld.war.
[3/10/17 15:06:00:191 BRT] 00000058 SharedEJBRunt I WSVR0057I: EJB jar started: Increment.jar
[3/10/17 15:06:00:355 BRT] 00000057 WASSessionCor I SessionContextRegistry getSessionContext SESN0176I: Will create a new session context for application key default_host/HelloWorld
[3/10/17 15:06:01:021 BRT] 00000057 webcontainer I addWebApplication SRVE0250I: Web Module null has been bound to default_host[*:9080,*:80,*:9443,*:5060,*:5061,*:443].
[3/10/17 15:06:01:022 BRT] 00000058 webapp I WebGroup SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: Default Web Application.
[3/10/17 15:06:01:055 BRT] 00000058 WASSessionCor I SessionContextRegistry getSessionContext SESN0176I: Will create a new session context for application key default_host/
[3/10/17 15:06:01:091 BRT] 00000058 ServletWrappe I init SRVE0242I: [DefaultApplication] [/] [Hello Pervasive Servlet]: Initialization successful.
[3/10/17 15:06:01:093 BRT] 00000058 ServletWrappe I init SRVE0242I: [DefaultApplication] [/] [Snoop Servlet]: Initialization successful.
[3/10/17 15:06:01:096 BRT] 00000058 ServletWrappe I init SRVE0242I: [DefaultApplication] [/] [Hit Count Servlet]: Initialization successful.
[3/10/17 15:06:01:097 BRT] 00000058 webcontainer I addWebApplication SRVE0250I: Web Module Default Web Application has been bound to default_host[*:9080,*:80,*:9443,*:5060,*:5061,*:443].
[3/10/17 15:06:01:101 BRT] 00000057 ApplicationMg Z WSVR0221I: Application started: HelloWorldEAR
[3/10/17 15:06:01:101 BRT] 00000057 CompositionUn Z WSVR0191I: Composition unit WebSphere:cuname=HelloWorldEAR in BLA WebSphere:blaname=HelloWorldEAR started.
[3/10/17 15:06:01:104 BRT] 00000057 CompositionUn Z WSVR0190I: Starting composition unit WebSphere:cuname=ibmasyncrsp in BLA WebSphere:blaname=ibmasyncrsp.
[3/10/17 15:06:01:104 BRT] 00000058 ApplicationMg Z WSVR0221I: Application started: DefaultApplication
[3/10/17 15:06:01:104 BRT] 00000058 CompositionUn Z WSVR0191I: Composition unit WebSphere:cuname=DefaultApplication in BLA WebSphere:blaname=DefaultApplication started.
[3/10/17 15:06:01:105 BRT] 00000058 CompositionUn Z WSVR0190I: Starting composition unit WebSphere:cuname=query in BLA WebSphere:blaname=query.
[3/10/17 15:06:01:143 BRT] 00000057 ApplicationMg Z WSVR0200I: Starting application: ibmasyncrsp
[3/10/17 15:06:01:144 BRT] 00000057 ApplicationMg Z WSVR0203I: Application: ibmasyncrsp Application build level: 1 [3]
[3/10/17 15:06:01:188 BRT] 00000058 ApplicationMg Z WSVR0200I: Starting application: query
[3/10/17 15:06:01:188 BRT] 00000058 ApplicationMg Z WSVR0204I: Application: query Application build level: Unknown
[3/10/17 15:06:01:258 BRT] 00000057 webapp I WebGroup SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: WebSphere ASYNC Response Servlet Application.
[3/10/17 15:06:01:272 BRT] 00000058 SharedEJBRunt I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: querybean.jar
[3/10/17 15:06:01:311 BRT] 00000058 WASNameSpaceB I CNTR0167I: The server is binding the interface of the Query enterprise bean in the querybean.jar module of the query application. The binding location is: com/ibm/websphere/ejbquery/Query
[3/10/17 15:06:01:313 BRT] 00000058 AbstractEJBRu I CNTR0167I: The server is binding the interface of the Query enterprise bean in the querybean.jar module of the query application. The binding location is: java:global/query/querybean/Query!
[3/10/17 15:06:01:317 BRT] 00000058 WASNameSpaceB I CNTR0167I: The server is binding the interface of the Query enterprise bean in the querybean.jar module of the query application. The binding location is: ejblocal:com/ibm/websphere/ejbquery/Query
[3/10/17 15:06:01:321 BRT] 00000058 AbstractEJBRu I CNTR0167I: The server is binding the interface of the Query enterprise bean in the querybean.jar module of the query application. The binding location is: java:global/query/querybean/Query!
[3/10/17 15:06:01:325 BRT] 00000057 WASSessionCor I SessionContextRegistry getSessionContext SESN0176I: Will create a new session context for application key default_host/IBM_WS_SYS_RESPONSESERVLET
[3/10/17 15:06:01:329 BRT] 00000058 SharedEJBRunt I WSVR0057I: EJB jar started: querybean.jar
[3/10/17 15:06:01:357 BRT] 00000057 ServletWrappe I init SRVE0242I: [ibmasyncrsp] [/IBM_WS_SYS_RESPONSESERVLET] [rspservlet]: Initialization successful.
[3/10/17 15:06:01:358 BRT] 00000057 webcontainer I addWebApplication SRVE0250I: Web Module WebSphere ASYNC Response Servlet Application has been bound to default_host[*:9080,*:80,*:9443,*:5060,*:5061,*:443].
[3/10/17 15:06:01:359 BRT] 00000056 webapp I WebGroup SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: isclite.
[3/10/17 15:06:01:385 BRT] 00000056 WASSessionCor I SessionContextRegistry getSessionContext SESN0176I: Will create a new session context for application key admin_host/ibm/console
[3/10/17 15:06:01:981 BRT] 00000056 ServletWrappe I init SRVE0242I: [isclite] [/ibm/console] [EventInitializer]: Initialization successful.
[3/10/17 15:06:01:982 BRT] 00000056 webcontainer I addWebApplication SRVE0250I: Web Module isclite has been bound to admin_host[*:9060,*:9043].
[3/10/17 15:06:01:984 BRT] 00000057 ApplicationMg Z WSVR0221I: Application started: ibmasyncrsp
[3/10/17 15:06:01:984 BRT] 00000058 ApplicationMg Z WSVR0221I: Application started: query
[3/10/17 15:06:01:984 BRT] 00000058 CompositionUn Z WSVR0191I: Composition unit WebSphere:cuname=query in BLA WebSphere:blaname=query started.
[3/10/17 15:06:01:985 BRT] 00000057 CompositionUn Z WSVR0191I: Composition unit WebSphere:cuname=ibmasyncrsp in BLA WebSphere:blaname=ibmasyncrsp started.
[3/10/17 15:06:01:989 BRT] 00000058 CompositionUn Z WSVR0190I: Starting composition unit WebSphere:cuname=ivtApp in BLA WebSphere:blaname=ivtApp.
[3/10/17 15:06:02:049 BRT] 00000056 webapp I WebGroup SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: adminconsole redirector.
[3/10/17 15:06:02:068 BRT] 00000058 ApplicationMg Z WSVR0200I: Starting application: ivtApp
[3/10/17 15:06:02:069 BRT] 00000058 ApplicationMg Z WSVR0203I: Application: ivtApp Application build level: WASX.SERV1 [qq0723.30]
[3/10/17 15:06:02:083 BRT] 00000056 WASSessionCor I SessionContextRegistry getSessionContext SESN0176I: Will create a new session context for application key admin_host/admin
[3/10/17 15:06:02:110 BRT] 00000056 webcontainer I addWebApplication SRVE0250I: Web Module adminconsole redirector has been bound to admin_host[*:9060,*:9043].
[3/10/17 15:06:02:129 BRT] 00000058 SharedEJBRunt I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: ivtEJB.jar
[3/10/17 15:06:02:139 BRT] 00000058 WASNameSpaceB I CNTR0167I: The server is binding the interface of the ivtEJBObject enterprise bean in the ivtEJB.jar module of the ivtApp application. The binding location is: ejb/ivtEJBObject
[3/10/17 15:06:02:140 BRT] 00000058 AbstractEJBRu I CNTR0167I: The server is binding the interface of the ivtEJBObject enterprise bean in the ivtEJB.jar module of the ivtApp application. The binding location is: java:global/ivtApp/ivtEJB/ivtEJBObject!
[3/10/17 15:06:02:148 BRT] 00000058 SharedEJBRunt I WSVR0057I: EJB jar started: ivtEJB.jar
[3/10/17 15:06:02:168 BRT] 00000058 webapp I WebGroup SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: IVT Application.
[3/10/17 15:06:02:197 BRT] 00000058 WASSessionCor I SessionContextRegistry getSessionContext SESN0176I: Will create a new session context for application key default_host/ivt
[3/10/17 15:06:02:217 BRT] 00000058 webcontainer I addWebApplication SRVE0250I: Web Module IVT Application has been bound to default_host[*:9080,*:80,*:9443,*:5060,*:5061,*:443].
[3/10/17 15:06:02:222 BRT] 00000058 ApplicationMg Z WSVR0221I: Application started: ivtApp
[3/10/17 15:06:02:223 BRT] 00000058 CompositionUn Z WSVR0191I: Composition unit WebSphere:cuname=ivtApp in BLA WebSphere:blaname=ivtApp started.
[3/10/17 15:06:02:293 BRT] 00000056 webapp I WebGroup SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: iehs.war.
[3/10/17 15:06:02:315 BRT] 00000056 WASSessionCor I SessionContextRegistry getSessionContext SESN0176I: Will create a new session context for application key admin_host/ibm/help
[3/10/17 15:06:02:467 BRT] 00000056 webcontainer I addWebApplication SRVE0250I: Web Module null has been bound to admin_host[*:9060,*:9043].
[3/10/17 15:06:02:598 BRT] 00000056 webapp I WebGroup SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: Integrated Solutions Console.
[3/10/17 15:06:02:641 BRT] 00000056 WASSessionCor I SessionContextRegistry getSessionContext SESN0176I: Will create a new session context for application key admin_host/ISCAdminPortlet
[3/10/17 15:06:02:665 BRT] 00000056 MBeanDescript I ADMN1216I: One or more methods in Portlet mbean is excluded from access check.
[3/10/17 15:06:02:682 BRT] 00000056 MBeanDescript I ADMN1216I: One or more methods in PortletApplication mbean is excluded from access check.
[3/10/17 15:06:02:707 BRT] 00000056 webcontainer I addWebApplication SRVE0250I: Web Module Integrated Solutions Console has been bound to admin_host[*:9060,*:9043].
[3/10/17 15:06:02:757 BRT] 00000056 webapp I WebGroup SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: WIM.
[3/10/17 15:06:02:788 BRT] 00000056 WASSessionCor I SessionContextRegistry getSessionContext SESN0176I: Will create a new session context for application key admin_host/wim
[3/10/17 15:06:02:814 BRT] 00000056 webcontainer I addWebApplication SRVE0250I: Web Module WIM has been bound to admin_host[*:9060,*:9043].
[3/10/17 15:06:02:850 BRT] 00000056 webapp I WebGroup SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: WebSphere Application Server.
[3/10/17 15:06:02:877 BRT] 00000056 WASSessionCor I SessionContextRegistry getSessionContext SESN0176I: Will create a new session context for application key admin_host/wasportlet
[3/10/17 15:06:02:898 BRT] 00000056 webcontainer I addWebApplication SRVE0250I: Web Module WebSphere Application Server has been bound to admin_host[*:9060,*:9043].
[3/10/17 15:06:02:905 BRT] 00000056 ApplicationMg Z WSVR0221I: Application started: isclite
[3/10/17 15:06:02:906 BRT] 00000056 CompositionUn Z WSVR0191I: Composition unit WebSphere:cuname=isclite in BLA WebSphere:blaname=isclite started.
[3/10/17 15:06:02:913 BRT] 00000001 TCPChannel I TCPC0001I: TCP Channel TCP_1 is listening on host * (IPv6) port 9060.
[3/10/17 15:06:02:921 BRT] 00000001 WSChannelFram Z CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain WCInboundAdmin.
[3/10/17 15:06:02:922 BRT] 00000001 TCPChannel I TCPC0001I: TCP Channel TCP_2 is listening on host * (IPv6) port 9080.
[3/10/17 15:06:02:925 BRT] 00000001 WSChannelFram Z CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain WCInboundDefault.
[3/10/17 15:06:02:926 BRT] 00000001 TCPChannel I TCPC0001I: TCP Channel TCP_3 is listening on host * (IPv6) port 9043.
[3/10/17 15:06:02:929 BRT] 00000001 WSChannelFram Z CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain WCInboundAdminSecure.
[3/10/17 15:06:02:930 BRT] 00000001 TCPChannel I TCPC0001I: TCP Channel TCP_4 is listening on host * (IPv6) port 9443.
[3/10/17 15:06:02:932 BRT] 00000001 WSChannelFram Z CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain WCInboundDefaultSecure.
[3/10/17 15:06:02:935 BRT] 00000001 WSChannelFram Z CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain HttpQueueInboundDefault.
[3/10/17 15:06:02:937 BRT] 00000001 WSChannelFram Z CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain HttpQueueInboundDefaultSecure.
[3/10/17 15:06:02:937 BRT] 00000001 WSChannelFram Z CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain SOAPAcceptorChain1.
[3/10/17 15:06:02:938 BRT] 00000001 WSChannelFram Z CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain SOAPAcceptorChain2.
[3/10/17 15:06:02:938 BRT] 00000001 WSChannelFram Z CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain SOAPAcceptorChain3.
[3/10/17 15:06:02:939 BRT] 00000001 WSChannelFram Z CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain SOAPAcceptorChain4.
[3/10/17 15:06:02:939 BRT] 00000001 WSChannelFram Z CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain SOAPAcceptorChain5.
[3/10/17 15:06:02:939 BRT] 00000001 WSChannelFram Z CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain SOAPAcceptorChain6.
[3/10/17 15:06:02:940 BRT] 00000001 webcontainer I startChains SRVE0323I: The Asynchronous Request Dispatcher is not enabled. Requests sent through either the HttpQueueInboundDefault or the HttpQueueInboundDefaultSecure chain might not be properly handled.
[3/10/17 15:06:02:941 BRT] 00000057 SchedulerServ I SCHD0077I: The Scheduler Service is starting the Schedulers.
[3/10/17 15:06:02:941 BRT] 00000057 SchedulerServ I SCHD0078I: The Scheduler Service has completed starting the Schedulers.
[3/10/17 15:06:02:986 BRT] 00000001 GridConfigura I CWLRB5873I: The GridConfiguratorMBean was activated successfully.
[3/10/17 15:06:03:000 BRT] 00000001 BatchSensorCo I CWLRB5904I: BatchSensorComponent starting...
[3/10/17 15:06:03:039 BRT] 00000001 BatchSensorCo I CWLRB5905I: Successfully activated GridEndpointSensorMBean.
[3/10/17 15:06:03:049 BRT] 00000001 RMIConnectorC Z ADMC0026I: The RMI Connector is available at port 2809
[3/10/17 15:06:03:065 BRT] 00000001 JMXConnectors I ADMC0058I: The JMX JSR160RMI connector is available at port 2809
[3/10/17 15:06:03:114 BRT] 00000001 WsServerImpl Z WSVR0001I: Server server1 open for e-business
[3/10/17 15:06:04:341 BRT] 00000051 ModelMgr I WSVR0801I: Initializing all server configuration models
[3/10/17 15:06:05:041 BRT] 00000078 WorkSpaceMana Z WKSP0500I: Workspace configuration consistency check is disabled.
[3/10/17 15:06:05:609 BRT] 0000007c UpdateSchedul I ADMA5078I: Update of HelloWorldEAR has started.
[3/10/17 15:06:05:667 BRT] 0000007c wtp I org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.commonarchivecore.internal.strategy.Ear50NoDDImportStrategyImpl loadDeploymentDescriptor EAR [ X:\mobiDeasNovo\UpWork\PubNub\java\Projects Samples\WebSphere\HelloWorldEAR ] Module [ HelloWorld.war ] [
Web Module [ org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.application.internal.impl.WebModuleImpl@c6b9cbc7 ]
URI [ HelloWorld.war ]
Alt DD [ null ]
Context Root [ null ]
] handled as loose archive [ (URI: HelloWorld.war, lastModified: 0, size: 0, directoryEntry: <unset>, originalURI: HelloWorld.war) (types: null) ]
[3/10/17 15:06:05:824 BRT] 0000007c visitor W visitAnnotation [ ] for method [ ( javax.servlet.annotation.ServletSecurity.value ) ] Name [ null ] Description [ Ljavax/servlet/annotation/HttpConstraint; ] Call in violation of protocol
[3/10/17 15:06:05:898 BRT] 00000076 ReloadableCla Z WSVR0655I
[3/10/17 15:06:06:216 BRT] 0000007c wtp I org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.commonarchivecore.internal.strategy.Ear50NoDDImportStrategyImpl loadDeploymentDescriptor EAR [ X:\mobiDeasNovo\UpWork\PubNub\java\Projects Samples\WebSphere\HelloWorldEAR ] Module [ HelloWorld.war ] [
Web Module [ org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.application.internal.impl.WebModuleImpl@784467f5 ]
URI [ HelloWorld.war ]
Alt DD [ null ]
Context Root [ null ]
] handled as loose archive [ (URI: HelloWorld.war, lastModified: 0, size: 0, directoryEntry: <unset>, originalURI: HelloWorld.war) (types: null) ]
[3/10/17 15:06:06:477 BRT] 0000007c visitor W visitAnnotation [ ] for method [ ( javax.servlet.annotation.ServletSecurity.value ) ] Name [ null ] Description [ Ljavax/servlet/annotation/HttpConstraint; ] Call in violation of protocol
[3/10/17 15:06:07:065 BRT] 0000007c UpdateSchedul I ADMA5079I: Update of HelloWorldEAR has ended. The application or its web modules may require a restart when a save is performed.
[3/10/17 15:06:07:794 BRT] 00000055 wtp I org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.commonarchivecore.internal.strategy.Ear50NoDDImportStrategyImpl loadDeploymentDescriptor EAR [ X:\mobiDeasNovo\UpWork\PubNub\java\Projects Samples\WebSphere\HelloWorldEAR ] Module [ HelloWorld.war ] [
Web Module [ org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.application.internal.impl.WebModuleImpl@a7daf58f ]
URI [ HelloWorld.war ]
Alt DD [ null ]
Context Root [ null ]
] handled as loose archive [ (URI: HelloWorld.war, lastModified: 0, size: 0, directoryEntry: <unset>, originalURI: HelloWorld.war) (types: null) ]
[3/10/17 15:06:07:840 BRT] 00000055 wtp I org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.commonarchivecore.internal.strategy.Ear50NoDDImportStrategyImpl loadDeploymentDescriptor EAR [ X:\mobiDeasNovo\UpWork\PubNub\java\Projects Samples\WebSphere\HelloWorldEAR ] Module [ HelloWorld.war ] [
Web Module [ org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.application.internal.impl.WebModuleImpl@874e138e ]
URI [ HelloWorld.war ]
Alt DD [ null ]
Context Root [ null ]
] handled as loose archive [ (URI: HelloWorld.war, lastModified: 0, size: 0, directoryEntry: <unset>, originalURI: HelloWorld.war) (types: null) ]
[3/10/17 15:06:07:862 BRT] 00000055 ApplicationMg I WSVR0227I: User initiated module stop operation requested on Module, HelloWorld.war, of application, HelloWorldEAR
[3/10/17 15:06:07:879 BRT] 00000055 ApplicationMg I WSVR0228I: User initiated module stop operation request completed on Module, HelloWorld.war, of application, HelloWorldEAR
[3/10/17 15:06:07:906 BRT] 00000055 wtp I org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.commonarchivecore.internal.strategy.Ear50NoDDImportStrategyImpl loadDeploymentDescriptor EAR [ X:\mobiDeasNovo\UpWork\PubNub\java\Projects Samples\WebSphere\HelloWorldEAR ] Module [ HelloWorld.war ] [
Web Module [ org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.application.internal.impl.WebModuleImpl@65934951 ]
URI [ HelloWorld.war ]
Alt DD [ null ]
Context Root [ null ]
] handled as loose archive [ (URI: HelloWorld.war, lastModified: 0, size: 0, directoryEntry: <unset>, originalURI: HelloWorld.war) (types: null) ]
[3/10/17 15:06:08:176 BRT] 00000055 visitor W visitAnnotation [ ] for method [ ( javax.servlet.annotation.ServletSecurity.value ) ] Name [ null ] Description [ Ljavax/servlet/annotation/HttpConstraint; ] Call in violation of protocol
[3/10/17 15:06:08:552 BRT] 00000055 ApplicationMg I WSVR0225I: User initiated module start operation requested on Module, HelloWorld.war, of application, HelloWorldEAR
[3/10/17 15:06:08:581 BRT] 00000055 wtp I org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.commonarchivecore.internal.strategy.Ear50NoDDImportStrategyImpl loadDeploymentDescriptor EAR [ X:\mobiDeasNovo\UpWork\PubNub\java\Projects Samples\WebSphere\HelloWorldEAR ] Module [ HelloWorld.war ] [
Web Module [ org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.application.internal.impl.WebModuleImpl@d0ff6b9d ]
URI [ HelloWorld.war ]
Alt DD [ null ]
Context Root [ null ]
] handled as loose archive [ (URI: HelloWorld.war, lastModified: 0, size: 0, directoryEntry: <unset>, originalURI: HelloWorld.war) (types: null) ]
[3/10/17 15:06:08:703 BRT] 00000055 visitor W visitAnnotation [ ] for method [ ( javax.servlet.annotation.ServletSecurity.value ) ] Name [ null ] Description [ Ljavax/servlet/annotation/HttpConstraint; ] Call in violation of protocol
[3/10/17 15:06:09:120 BRT] 00000055 webapp I WebGroup SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: HelloWorld.war.
[3/10/17 15:06:09:241 BRT] 00000055 WASSessionCor I SessionContextRegistry getSessionContext SESN0176I: Will create a new session context for application key default_host/HelloWorld
[3/10/17 15:06:09:655 BRT] 00000055 webcontainer I addWebApplication SRVE0250I: Web Module null has been bound to default_host[*:9080,*:80,*:9443,*:5060,*:5061,*:443].
[3/10/17 15:06:09:662 BRT] 00000055 ApplicationMg I WSVR0226I: User initiated module start operation request completed on Module, HelloWorld.war, of application, HelloWorldEAR
[3/10/17 15:06:09:692 BRT] 00000055 AppBinaryProc I ADMA7021I: Distribution of application HelloWorldEAR completed successfully.
[3/10/17 15:06:09:710 BRT] 00000055 FileRepositor Z ADMR0015I: User defaultWIMFileBasedRealm/ created document cells/IMAC-TUKUNARENode01Cell/applications/HelloWorldEAR.ear/deltas/HelloWorldEAR/delta-1489169167057.
[3/10/17 15:06:09:712 BRT] 00000055 FileRepositor Z ADMR0016I: User defaultWIMFileBasedRealm/ modified document cells/IMAC-TUKUNARENode01Cell/nodes/IMAC-TUKUNARENode01/serverindex.xml.
[3/10/17 15:06:09:713 BRT] 00000055 FileRepositor Z ADMR0016I: User defaultWIMFileBasedRealm/ modified document cells/IMAC-TUKUNARENode01Cell/applications/HelloWorldEAR.ear/deployments/HelloWorldEAR/deployment.xml.
[3/10/17 15:06:09:713 BRT] 00000055 FileRepositor Z ADMR0016I: User defaultWIMFileBasedRealm/ modified document cells/IMAC-TUKUNARENode01Cell/applications/HelloWorldEAR.ear/deployments/HelloWorldEAR/META-INF/ibm-application-runtime.props.
[3/10/17 15:06:09:789 BRT] 00000042 wtp I org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.commonarchivecore.internal.strategy.Ear50NoDDImportStrategyImpl loadDeploymentDescriptor EAR [ X:\mobiDeasNovo\UpWork\PubNub\java\Projects Samples\WebSphere\HelloWorldEAR ] Module [ HelloWorld.war ] [
Web Module [ org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.application.internal.impl.WebModuleImpl@1680492 ]
URI [ HelloWorld.war ]
Alt DD [ null ]
Context Root [ null ]
] handled as loose archive [ (URI: HelloWorld.war, lastModified: 0, size: 0, directoryEntry: <unset>, originalURI: HelloWorld.war) (types: null) ]
[3/10/17 15:06:09:990 BRT] 00000042 visitor W visitAnnotation [ ] for method [ ( javax.servlet.annotation.ServletSecurity.value ) ] Name [ null ] Description [ Ljavax/servlet/annotation/HttpConstraint; ] Call in violation of protocol
[3/10/17 15:06:10:654 BRT] 00000042 wtp I org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.commonarchivecore.internal.strategy.Ear50NoDDImportStrategyImpl loadDeploymentDescriptor EAR [ X:\mobiDeasNovo\UpWork\PubNub\java\Projects Samples\WebSphere\HelloWorldEAR ] Module [ HelloWorld.war ] [
Web Module [ org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.application.internal.impl.WebModuleImpl@2c493dd ]
URI [ HelloWorld.war ]
Alt DD [ null ]
Context Root [ null ]
] handled as loose archive [ (URI: HelloWorld.war, lastModified: 0, size: 0, directoryEntry: <unset>, originalURI: HelloWorld.war) (types: null) ]
[3/10/17 15:06:10:712 BRT] 00000085 ServletWrappe I init SRVE0242I: [HelloWorldEAR] [/HelloWorld] [com.testssl.TestSSL]: Initialization successful.
[3/10/17 15:06:10:840 BRT] 00000042 visitor W visitAnnotation [ ] for method [ ( javax.servlet.annotation.ServletSecurity.value ) ] Name [ null ] Description [ Ljavax/servlet/annotation/HttpConstraint; ] Call in violation of protocol
[3/10/17 15:06:13:438 BRT] 00000085 SystemOut O 15:06:13.429 [WebContainer : 0] DEBUG com.testssl.TestSSL - Simple OkHttp Connection Servlet called!
[3/10/17 15:06:13:439 BRT] 00000085 SystemOut O 15:06:13.439 [WebContainer : 0] DEBUG com.testssl.TestSSL - Simple request with trustmanager/sslfactory config force cipher modern.
[3/10/17 15:06:34:396 BRT] 00000085 SystemOut O Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2017 18:06:21 GMT
[3/10/17 15:06:34:398 BRT] 00000085 SystemOut O Content-Type: text/javascript; charset="UTF-8"
[3/10/17 15:06:34:400 BRT] 00000085 SystemOut O Content-Length: 19
[3/10/17 15:06:34:401 BRT] 00000085 SystemOut O Connection: keep-alive
[3/10/17 15:06:34:401 BRT] 00000085 SystemOut O Cache-Control: no-cache
[3/10/17 15:06:34:402 BRT] 00000085 SystemOut O Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
[3/10/17 15:06:34:403 BRT] 00000085 SystemOut O Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET
[3/10/17 15:06:38:188 BRT] 00000085 SystemOut O 15:06:38.187 [WebContainer : 0] DEBUG com.testssl.TestSSL - Response: [14891691812558172]
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