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Created December 18, 2017 14:49
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Searching for components with missing scripts and removes them
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine;
public class RemoveMissingScriptComponents
[MenuItem ("TOOLS/Remove Missing Scripts")]
public static void Run ()
FindAndRemoveMissingScripts ();
catch (Exception e)
EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar ();
Debug.LogError (e.Message);
throw e;
private static void FindAndRemoveMissingScripts ()
Debug.Log ("Scenes: " + EditorBuildSettings.scenes.Length);
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar ("Find Missing Script Components", "Loading scenes from build settings...", 0.2f);
for (int i = 0; i < EditorBuildSettings.scenes.Length; i++)
EditorSceneManager.OpenScene (EditorBuildSettings.scenes[i].path, OpenSceneMode.Additive);
GameObject[] sceneObjects = GetAllHierarchyObjects ();
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar ("Find Missing Script Components", "Searching for missing MonoBehaviours...", 0.4f);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
List<SerializedObject> missingComponents = FindObjectsWithMissingComponents (sceneObjects, sb);
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar ("Find Missing Script Components", "Searching for missing MonoBehaviours...", 0.5f);
if (missingComponents.Count > 0)
sb.Insert (0, "Scenes will be modified and saved:\n\n");
if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog ("Remove missing script components?", sb.ToString (), "Remove All", "Cancel"))
foreach (SerializedObject serializedObject in missingComponents)
SerializedProperty serializedProperty = serializedObject.GetIterator ();
while (serializedProperty.Next (true))
RemoveMissingScriptComponentProperty (serializedProperty, serializedObject.context);
serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties ();
serializedObject.Update ();
EditorSceneManager.MarkSceneDirty ((serializedObject.targetObject as GameObject).scene);
SaveScenes ();
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog ("No missing script components found!", "Nothing to do here :)", "Ok, cool!");
EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar ();
private static GameObject[] GetAllHierarchyObjects ()
// Filter out hidden GOs and referenced prefabs
return Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<GameObject> ()
.Where (o => string.IsNullOrEmpty (AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath (o)) && o.hideFlags == HideFlags.None)
.ToArray ();
private static List<SerializedObject> FindObjectsWithMissingComponents (GameObject[] sceneObjects, StringBuilder sb)
List<SerializedObject> missingComponents = new List<SerializedObject> ();
for (int i = 0; i < sceneObjects.Length; i++)
Component[] components = sceneObjects[i].GetComponents<Component> ();
for (int j = 0; j < components.Length; j++)
if (components[j] == null)
missingComponents.Add (new SerializedObject (sceneObjects[i]));
sb.AppendLine (sceneObjects[i] + " -> " + sceneObjects[i].name);
return missingComponents;
private static void RemoveMissingScriptComponentProperty (SerializedProperty serializedProperty, UnityEngine.Object context)
if (serializedProperty.propertyType == SerializedPropertyType.ObjectReference &&
serializedProperty.objectReferenceValue == null &&
serializedProperty.objectReferenceInstanceIDValue != 0)
bool success = serializedProperty.DeleteCommand ();
if (success == false)
Debug.LogError ("Missing component could not be deleted!", context);
throw new Exception ();
private static void SaveScenes ()
bool success = EditorSceneManager.SaveOpenScenes ();
if (success == false)
Debug.LogError ("Error saving scenes!");
throw new Exception ();
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