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Created September 12, 2012 20:57
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mongodb examples
dependencies {
runtime "org.mongodb:mongo-java-driver:2.9.1"
compile "org.mongodb:mongo-java-driver:2.9.1"
runtime "com.gmongo:gmongo:1.0"
plugins {
//runtime ":hibernate:$grailsVersion"
//runtime ":database-migration:1.1"
compile (":mongodb:1.0.0.GA"){
excludes 'mongo-java-driver', 'gmongo'
<ul class="bullets">
<g:each in="${avgCityPopulation}" var="state">
<li><b>${state._id}</b> -- ${state.avgCityPop} </li>
def populationByState(){
return zipcodes().aggregate(
[ $group :
[ _id : [ state : '$state', city : '$city' ], pop : [ $sum : '$pop' ] ]
[ $group :
[ _id : '$_id.state', avgCityPop : [ $avg : '$pop' ] ]
[ $sort: ['avgCityPop' : -1] ]
Result: [
"_id": "ND",
"avgCityPop": 1629.591836734694
"_id": "SD",
"avgCityPop": 1826.7821522309712
"_id": "VT",
"avgCityPop": 2315.8765432098767
class ZipCodeService {
def mongo
def getDB(){
return mongo.getDB("MongoPlay")
def zipcodes(){
return getDB().zipcodes
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