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Forked from reinvented/calculate-payroll.scpt
Created September 18, 2018 20:23
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JXA Scripting of, using AJAX to calculate payroll deductions from a remote PHP script
Numbers = Application('Numbers');
Numbers.includeStandardAdditions = true
var table = Numbers.documents[0].sheets[0].tables[0]
var selectedRow = table.selectionRange().cells[0];
var hoursCellRow = selectedRow.row().address();
var weekEndingCell = table.ranges["B" + hoursCellRow + ":B" + hoursCellRow].cells[0];
var nameCell = table.ranges["C" + hoursCellRow + ":C" + hoursCellRow].cells[0];
var sinCell = table.ranges["D" + hoursCellRow + ":D" + hoursCellRow].cells[0];
var hoursCell = table.ranges["F" + hoursCellRow + ":F" + hoursCellRow].cells[0];
var hourlyCell = table.ranges["G" + hoursCellRow + ":G" + hoursCellRow].cells[0];
var salaryCell = table.ranges["H" + hoursCellRow + ":H" + hoursCellRow].cells[0];
var vacationPayCell = table.ranges["I" + hoursCellRow + ":I" + hoursCellRow].cells[0];
var grossPayCell = table.ranges["J" + hoursCellRow + ":J" + hoursCellRow].cells[0];
var eiCell = table.ranges["K" + hoursCellRow + ":K" + hoursCellRow].cells[0];
var cppCell = table.ranges["L" + hoursCellRow + ":L" + hoursCellRow].cells[0];
var federalTaxCell = table.ranges["M" + hoursCellRow + ":M" + hoursCellRow].cells[0];
var provincialTaxCell = table.ranges["N" + hoursCellRow + ":N" + hoursCellRow].cells[0];
var netPayCell = table.ranges["O" + hoursCellRow + ":O" + hoursCellRow].cells[0];
var hoursValue = hoursCell.value();
var hourlyValue = hourlyCell.value();
var weekEndingValue = weekEndingCell.value();
var weekEndingDate = new Date(weekEndingValue);
var weekEndingYear = weekEndingDate.getFullYear();
var weekEndingMonth = weekEndingDate.getMonth() + 1;
var weekEndingDay = weekEndingDate.getDate();
deductions = getDeductions(hoursValue, hourlyValue, weekEndingYear, weekEndingMonth, weekEndingDay);
eiCell.value = deductions.values.EI;
cppCell.value = deductions.values.CPP;
federalTaxCell.value = deductions.values.federalTax;
provincialTaxCell.value = deductions.values.provincialTax;
var stubTable = Numbers.documents[0].sheets[1].tables[0]
var stubNameCell = stubTable.ranges["C2:C2"].cells[0];
var stubSINCell = stubTable.ranges["E2:E2"].cells[0];
var stubWeekEndingCell = stubTable.ranges["A5:A5"].cells[0];
var stubHoursCell = stubTable.ranges["B5:B5"].cells[0];
var stubHourlyCell = stubTable.ranges["C5:C5"].cells[0];
var stubSalaryCell = stubTable.ranges["D5:D5"].cells[0];
var stubVacationPayCell = stubTable.ranges["E5:E5"].cells[0];
var stubGrossPayCell = stubTable.ranges["F5:F5"].cells[0];
var stubEICell = stubTable.ranges["G5:G5"].cells[0];
var stubCPPCell = stubTable.ranges["H5:H5"].cells[0];
var stubfederalTaxCell = stubTable.ranges["I5:I5"].cells[0];
var stubprovincialTaxCell = stubTable.ranges["J5:J5"].cells[0];
var stubnetPayCell = stubTable.ranges["K5:K5"].cells[0];
stubNameCell.value = nameCell.value();
stubSINCell.value = sinCell.value();
stubWeekEndingCell.value = weekEndingCell.value();
stubHoursCell.value = hoursCell.value();
stubHourlyCell.value = hourlyCell.value();
stubSalaryCell.value = salaryCell.value();
stubVacationPayCell.value = vacationPayCell.value();
stubGrossPayCell.value = grossPayCell.value();
stubEICell.value = eiCell.value();
stubCPPCell.value = cppCell.value();
stubfederalTaxCell.value = federalTaxCell.value();
stubprovincialTaxCell.value = provincialTaxCell.value();
stubnetPayCell.value = netPayCell.value();
// Numbers.documents[0].print();
function getDeductions(hours, hourly, year, month, day) {
app = Application.currentApplication()
app.includeStandardAdditions = true;
result = app.doShellScript('curl "' + hours + '&hourly=' + hourly + '&year=' + weekEndingYear + '&month=' + weekEndingMonth + '&day=' + weekEndingDay + '"');
result = JSON.parse(result);
return result;
$retval = array();
$retval['status'] = 'success';
$required = array('hours', 'hourly', 'year', 'month', 'day');
foreach($required as $key => $value) {
if (!$_GET[$value]) {
$retval['status'] = 'error';
$retval['errormessage'] = "Missing '" . $value . "' parameter.";
if ($retval['status'] != 'error') {
$param = array();
$param['income'] = ($_GET['hourly'] * $_GET['hours']);
$param['vacationPay'] = round($param['income'] * 0.04, 2);
$param['year'] = $_GET['year'];
$param['month'] = $_GET['month'];
$param['day'] = $_GET['day'];
$param['month'] = str_pad($param['month'], 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$param['day'] = str_pad($param['day'], 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$data = array(
"step0" => array(
"calculationType" => "salary", // Salary
"goStep1" => "Next"
"step1" => array(
"employeeName" => "The Employee",
"employerName" => "The Employer",
"province" => "2", // Prince Edward Island
"payPeriod" => "1", // Weekly
"cmbFirstYear" => $param['year'],
"cmbFirstMonth" => $param['month'],
"cmbFirstDay" => $param['day'],
"goStep2AddOption" => "Next"
"step2" => array(
"incomeTypeAmount" => $param['income'],
"vacationPay" => $param['vacationPay'],
"salaryType" => "na",
"clergyType" => "hna",
"goStep2Option" => "Next"
"step3" => array(
"claimCodeFed" => "1",
"requestAdditionalTax" => "0.00",
"claimCodeProv" => "1",
"yearToDateCPP" => "0",
"yearToDatePeAmount" => "0",
"yearToDateCPPAmount" => "0",
"yearToDateEI" => "0",
"yearToDateIeAmount" => "0",
"yearToDateEIAmount" => "0",
"reducedEIRate" => "0",
"goResults" => "Calculate"
$triggers = array(
"federalTax" => array("Federal tax deduction", 2),
"provincialTax" => array("Provincial tax deduction", 4),
"CPP" => array("CPP deductions", 5),
"EI" => array("EI deductions", 3),
$result = fetch("", array('post' => false));
$result = fetch("", array('refer' => '', 'post' => http_build_query($data['step0'], '', '&')));
$result = fetch("", array('refer' => '', 'post' => http_build_query($data['step1'], '', '&')));
$result = fetch("", array('refer' => '', 'post' => http_build_query($data['step2'], '', '&')));
$result = fetch("", array('refer' => '', 'post' => http_build_query($data['step3'], '', '&')));
$lines = explode("\n", $result);
foreach ($lines as $linenumber => $line) {
foreach ($triggers as $key => $trigger) {
if (strpos($line, $trigger[0]) !== FALSE) {
$values[$key] = trim($lines[$linenumber + $trigger[1]]);
$retval['values'] = $values;
print json_encode($retval);
function fetch($url, $z=null) {
$ch = curl_init();
$useragent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:10.0.2) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0.2';
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, true );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POST, isset($z['post']) );
if( isset($z['post']) ) curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $z['post'] );
if( isset($z['refer']) ) curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $z['refer'] );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $useragent );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5 );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, '/tmp/cra-cookies.txt' );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, '/tmp/cra-cookies.txt' );
$result = curl_exec( $ch );
curl_close( $ch );
return $result;
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