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Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
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Supervisord memory check plugin for
#!/usr/bin/env python
Server Density Supervisord plugin.
Track the number of processes in each state.
For possible states see the docs at
import os
import httplib
import urllib
import xmlrpclib
from supervisor import childutils
from supervisor.datatypes import byte_size
def usage():
print doc
def shell(cmd):
return os.popen(cmd).read()
SUPERVISORD_RPC_URL = "http://localhost:9001/RPC2"
class SupervisordMemory(object):
"""Collect and return details of a local Supervisord instance.
def __init__(self, agent_config, checks_logger, raw_config):
self.agent_config = agent_config
self.checks_logger = checks_logger
self.raw_config = raw_config
self.pscommand = 'ps -orss= -p %s'
def run(self):
stats = {}
# # Pull the supervisord rpc URL from the config or default
url = self.raw_config['Main'].get('supervisord_rpc_url',
server = xmlrpclib.Server(url)
except KeyError:
# Should only happen if Main section of config is missing
self.checks_logger.error('Missing sd-agent configuration')
server = xmlrpclib.Server(SUPERVISORD_RPC_URL)
server_info = server.supervisor.getAllProcessInfo()
except (xmlrpclib.Fault, httplib.HTTPException), exc:
stats = {}
except Exception as e:
template = "An exception of type {0} occured. Arguments:\n{1!r}"
message = template.format(type(e).__name__, e.args)
return stats
def get_process_counts(self, server_info):
processes = {}
processes['total'] = 0
for info in server_info:
pid = info['pid']
name = info['name']
group = info['group']
pname = '%s:%s' % (group, name)
processes[pname] = 0
if group not in processes:
processes[group] = 0
if not pid:
# ps throws an error in this case (for processes
# in standby mode, non-auto-started).
data = shell(self.pscommand % pid)
if not data:
# no such pid (deal with race conditions)
rss = data.lstrip().rstrip()
rss = int(rss) * 1024 # rss is in KB
processes[pname] = rss
processes[group] += rss
processes['total'] += rss
except ValueError:
# line doesn't contain any data, or rss cant be intified
return processes
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