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Created May 30, 2016 15:26
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BTree implementation in JavaScript
#!/usr/bin/env node
const NKEYS = 4;
function arrayOfSize(size) {
var a = Array(size);
for (var i = 0; i < size; i += 1)
a[i] = null;
return a;
function BTreeNode() {
this._keyCount = 0;
this._keys = arrayOfSize(NKEYS);
this._childs = arrayOfSize(NKEYS+1);
BTreeNode.prototype.isLeaf = function() {
return (this._childs[0] === null);
BTreeNode.prototype.isFull = function() {
return (this._keyCount === NKEYS);
BTreeNode.prototype.keyCount = function() {
return this._keyCount;
BTreeNode.prototype.add = function(key) {
if (this.isLeaf()) {
if (this.isFull()) {
return this.split(key, null);
else {
return null;
else {
var child = this.getChildContaining(key);
var split = child.add(key);
if (!split) return null;
if (this.isFull()) {
// split this node
return this.split(split.key, split.right);
else {
return null;
BTreeNode.prototype.insertKey = function(key) {
console.assert( this.isLeaf() );
// perform insertion sort on keys
var pos = this.keyCount();
var keys = this._keys;
while (pos > 0 && keys[pos-1] > key) {
keys[pos] = keys[pos-1];
keys[pos] = key;
this._keyCount += 1;
BTreeNode.prototype.insertSplit = function(split) {
// splited child
var child = split.left;
// insert key with right child poped up from
// child node
// case A: first child was split
if (child === this._childs[0]) {
for (var i = this._keyCount; i > 0; i--)
this._keys[i] = this._keys[i-1];
this._keys[0] = split.key;
for (var i = this._keyCount+1; i > 1; i--)
this._childs[i] = this._childs[i-1];
this._childs[0] = child;
this._childs[1] = split.right;
// case B: [key][split-child] (split child is on the right)
else {
var pos = this._keyCount;
while (pos > 0 && this._childs[pos] !== child) {
this._keys[pos] = this._keys[pos-1];
this._childs[pos+1] = this._childs[pos];
this._keys[pos] = split.key;
this._childs[pos+1] = split.right;
// rest
this._keyCount += 1;
BTreeNode.prototype.getChildContaining = function(key) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.keyCount(); i += 1) {
if (key <= this._keys[i]) {
return this._childs[i];
return this._childs[this.keyCount()];
BTreeNode.prototype.split = function(key, keyRightChild) {
var left = this;
var right = new BTreeNode();
// temp storage for keys and childs
var keys = this._keys.slice();
var childs = this._childs.slice();
// find new key position
var pos = keys.length-1;
while (pos > 0 && keys[pos-1] > key) {
keys[pos] = keys[pos-1];
childs[pos+1] = childs[pos];
keys[pos] = key;
childs[pos+1] = keyRightChild;
// split into two childs and key
var medianIndex = Math.floor(keys.length / 2);
var medianKey = this._keys[medianIndex];
var i;
// fix left child keys and childs
for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
if (i < medianIndex) {
left._childs[i] = childs[i];
left._keys[i] = keys[i];
else if (i === medianIndex) {
left._childs[i] = childs[i];
left._keys[i] = null;
else {
left._childs[i] = this._keys[i] = null;
left._keyCount = medianIndex;
// fix right child keys and childs
for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
if (i > medianIndex) {
right._keys[i-medianIndex-1] = keys[i];
right._childs[i-medianIndex-1] = childs[i];
right._keyCount += 1;
right._childs[keys.length-medianIndex-1] = childs[keys.length];
return ({ left:left, key:medianKey, right:right });
BTreeNode.prototype.remove = function(key) {
if (this.isLeaf()) {
return this.removeKey(key);
else {
var keyIndex = this.indexOfKey(key);
var child;
if (keyIndex === (-1)) {
child = this.getChildContaining(key);
var result = child.remove(key);
return result;
else {
// replace key with max key from left child
child = this._childs[keyIndex];
this._keys[keyIndex] = child.extractMax();
return true;
BTreeNode.prototype.rebalance = function(childIndex) {
const MIN_NKEYS = (NKEYS/2);
var child = this._childs[childIndex];
if (child.keyCount() >= MIN_NKEYS) {
// borrow from left child
if (childIndex) {
var leftChild = this._childs[childIndex-1];
if (leftChild.keyCount() > MIN_NKEYS) {
var lastKey = leftChild._keys[leftChild.keyCount()-1];
var lastChild = leftChild._child[leftChild.keyCount()];
var key = this._keys[childIndex-1];
this._keys[childIndex-1] = lastKey;
for (var i = child._keyCount-1; i >= 0; i--) {
child._keys[i+1] = child._keys[i];
child._keys[0] = key;
for (var i = child._keyCount; i >= 0; i--) {
child._childs[i+1] = child._childs[i];
child._childs[0] = lastChild;
// borrow from right child
if (childIndex < this.keyCount()) {
var rightChild = this._childs[childIndex+1];
if (rightChild.keyCount() > MIN_NKEYS) {
var firstKey = rightChild._keys[0];
var firstChild = rightChild._childs[0];
for (var i = 0; i < rightChild.keyCount()-1; i++) {
rightChild._keys[i] = rightChild._keys[i+1];
for (var i = 0; i < rightChild.keyCount(); i++) {
rightChild._childs[i] = rightChild._childs[i+1];
child._keys[child.keyCount()] = this._keys[childIndex];
this._keys[childIndex] = firstKey;
child._childs[child.keyCount()+1] = firstChild;
// merge
if (childIndex) {
// merge left and current
childIndex -= 1;
// childIndex will point to the *left* node of two merged nodes
var merged = this.mergeChilds(childIndex);
for (var i = childIndex; i < this._keyCount-1; i += 1) {
this._keys[i] = this._keys[i+1];
for (var i = childIndex; i < this._keyCount; i += 1) {
this._childs[i] = this._childs[i+1];
this._childs[childIndex] = merged;
BTreeNode.prototype.mergeChilds = function(leftIndex) {
var key = this._keys[leftIndex];
var left = this._childs[leftIndex];
var right = this._childs[leftIndex+1];
left._keys[left._keyCount] = key;
// copy right keys and childs into left
for (var i = 0; i < right._keyCount; i++) {
left._childs[left._keyCount] = right._childs[i];
left._keys[left._keyCount] = right._keys[i];
left._keyCount += 1;
left._childs[left._keyCount] = right._childs[right._keyCount];
return left;
BTreeNode.prototype.extractMax = function() {
var key;
if (this.isLeaf()) {
key = this._keys[this._keyCount-1];
else {
var child = this._childs[this._keyCount];
key = child.extractMax();
return key;
BTreeNode.prototype.indexOfKey = function(key) {
for (var i = 0; i < this._keyCount; i += 1) {
if (this._keys[i] === key) {
return i;
return (-1);
BTreeNode.prototype.removeKey = function(key) {
console.assert( this.isLeaf() );
var keyIndex = this.indexOfKey(key);
if (keyIndex === (-1))
return false;
// delete key
for (var i = keyIndex+1; i < this._keyCount; i += 1) {
this._keys[i-1] = this._keys[i];
return true;
BTreeNode.prototype.toString = function(indentOpt) {
const INDENT_STRING = ' ';
indentOpt = indentOpt || '';
if (this.isLeaf()) {
return indentOpt + '[' +
this._keys.slice(0, this.keyCount()).join(', ') +
var str = '';
var childIndent = indentOpt + INDENT_STRING;
var childStrings = this._childs.
slice(0, this.keyCount()+1).
map(function(child) {
return child.toString(childIndent);
str = indentOpt + '[\n' + childStrings[0] + '\n';
for (var i = 1; i < childStrings.length; i += 1) {
str += childIndent + this._keys[i-1].toString() + '\n' +
childStrings[i] + '\n';
str += indentOpt + ']';
return str;
BTreeNode.fromSplit = function(split) {
var node = new BTreeNode();
node._keyCount = 1;
node._keys[0] = split.key;
node._childs[0] = split.left;
node._childs[1] = split.right;
return node;
function BTree() {
this._root = new BTreeNode();
BTree.prototype.add = function(key) {
var curr = this._root;
var split = curr.add(key);
if (!split) return;
this._root = BTreeNode.fromSplit(split);
BTree.prototype.remove = function(key) {
var removed = this._root.remove(key);
if (this._root.keyCount() === 0 && this._root._childs[0]) {
this._root = this._root._childs[0];
return removed;
BTree.prototype.toString = function() {
return this._root.toString();
// ------------------------------------
var btree = new BTree();
var a1 = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,20];
var a2 = [4,2,7,1,5,3,8];
var a = a1;
a.forEach(function(v) {
// console.log('----------------------------------');
// console.log('ADDING ' + v + ' TO TREE');
// console.log('');
// console.log(btree.toString());
console.log(' --- BEFORE REMOVING --- ');
a.forEach(function(v) {
console.log('REMOVING ' + v + ' FROM TREE');
console.assert( btree.remove(v) );
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mattik01 commented Jul 10, 2023

I may have found a bug...
In Line 160 this statement: left._childs[i] = this._keys[i] = null; should not be executed in the last loop iteration, because it will increase the size of the left child's keys array to be bigger than allowed by the order of the tree.

Tested it quite a bit and ran into bugs.

You should be able to observe the bug, when splitting the left child again and again, i.e., adding smaller and smaller values, for example.
After two splits, null values should start to appear in the right children, because the size of _keys was increased, and the splits therefore don't work properly anymore.

Replacing the line with this:

if (i != keys.length - 1){
                left._childs[i] = this._keys[i] = null;
                left._childs[i] = null;


seems to fix it for me

Did you have this problem as well?
What do others/the author think ?

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Also, in line 217 it says _child, when in fact it should be _childs. If you want to use this code, you need to fix that typo.

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