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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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using UnityEngine;
// Component does nothing; editor script does all the magic
public class SortingLayerExposed : MonoBehaviour { }
// Put this file into a folder named "Editor"
// Added sorting layer drop-down.
// Another version is here:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System;
using UnityEditorInternal;
using System.Reflection;
public class SortingLayerExposedEditor : Editor
int id = -1;
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
// Get the renderer from the target object
var renderer = (target as SortingLayerExposed).gameObject.renderer;
// If there is no renderer, we can't do anything
if (!renderer)
// Get sorting layers for drop-down
Type internalEditorUtilityType = typeof(InternalEditorUtility);
PropertyInfo sortingLayersProperty = internalEditorUtilityType.GetProperty("sortingLayerNames", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
string[] sortingLayers = (string[])sortingLayersProperty.GetValue(null, new object[0]);
// Expose the sorting layer name
if(id < 0) id = Array.IndexOf(sortingLayers, renderer.sortingLayerName);
id = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Sorting Layer Name", id >= 0 ? id : 0, sortingLayers);
string newSortingLayerName = sortingLayers[id];
if (newSortingLayerName != renderer.sortingLayerName) {
Undo.RecordObject(renderer, "Edit Sorting Layer Name");
renderer.sortingLayerName = newSortingLayerName;
// Expose the sorting layer ID
int newSortingLayerId = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Sorting Layer ID", renderer.sortingLayerID);
if (newSortingLayerId != renderer.sortingLayerID) {
Undo.RecordObject(renderer, "Edit Sorting Layer ID");
renderer.sortingLayerID = newSortingLayerId;
// Expose the manual sorting order
int newSortingLayerOrder = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Sorting Layer Order", renderer.sortingOrder);
if (newSortingLayerOrder != renderer.sortingOrder) {
Undo.RecordObject(renderer, "Edit Sorting Order");
renderer.sortingOrder = newSortingLayerOrder;
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