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Created July 7, 2014 22:04
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package org.robovm.bindings.googleanalytics;
import org.robovm.objc.annotation.Method;
import org.robovm.objc.annotation.NativeClass;
import org.robovm.objc.annotation.Property;
/** Google Analytics iOS top-level class. Provides facilities to create trackers and set behaviorial flags. */
public class GAI extends NSObject {
/** For convenience, this class exposes a default tracker instance. This is initialized to {@code null} and will be set to the
* first tracker that is instantiated in {@link #getTracker(String)}. It may be overridden as desired.
* The GAITrackedViewController class will, by default, use this tracker instance. */
public native GAITrackerImpl getDefaultTracker ();
public native void setDefaultTracker (GAITrackerImpl tracker);
/** The GAIDefaultLogger to use. */
public native GAIDefaultLogger getLogger ();
public native void setLogger (GAIDefaultLogger logger);
public native double getDispatchInterval ();
/** If this value is positive, tracking information will be automatically dispatched every dispatchInterval seconds. Otherwise,
* tracking information must be sent manually by calling dispatch.
* By default, this is set to {@code 120}, which indicates tracking information should be dispatched automatically every 120
* seconds. */
public native void setDispatchInterval (double interval);
public native boolean isOptOut ();
/** When this is true, no tracking information will be gathered; tracking calls will effectively become no-ops. When set to
* true, all tracking information that has not yet been submitted. The value of this flag will be persisted automatically by
* the SDK. Developers can optionally use this flag to implement an opt-out setting in the app to allows users to opt out of
* Google Analytics tracking.
* This is set to {@code false} the first time the Google Analytics SDK is used on a device, and is persisted thereafter. */
public native void setOptOut (boolean optOut);
/** When set to true, the SDK will record the currently registered uncaught exception handler, and then register an uncaught
* exception handler which tracks the exceptions that occurred using defaultTracker. If the default tracker is not {@code null},
* this function will track the exception on the tracker and attempt to dispatch any outstanding tracking information for 5
* seconds. It will then call the previously registered exception handler, if any. When set back to false, the previously
* registered uncaught exception handler will be restored. */
@Property(selector = "trackUncaughtExceptions")
public native boolean isTrackingUncaughtExceptions ();
public native void setTrackUncaughtExceptions (boolean track);
/** When this is {@code true}, no tracking information will be sent. Defaults to '{@code false}. */
public native boolean isDryRun ();
public native void setDryRun (boolean dryRun);
/** Get the shared instance of the Google Analytics for iOS class. */
@Method(selector = "sharedInstance")
public native static GAI getSharedInstance ();
/** Creates or retrieves a GAITracker implementation with the specified name and tracking ID. If the tracker for the specified
* name does not already exist, then it will be created and returned; otherwise, the existing tracker will be returned. If the
* existing tracker for the respective name has a different tracking ID, that tracking ID is not changed by this method. If
* defaultTracker is not set, it will be set to the tracker instance returned here.
* @param name The name of this tracker. Must not be {@code null} or empty.
* @param trackingID The tracking ID to use for this tracker. It should be of the form {@code UA-xxxxx-y}.
* @return A GAITracker associated with the specified name. The tracker can be used to send tracking data to Google Analytics.
* The first time this method is called with a particular name, the tracker for that name will be returned, and
* subsequent calls with the same name will return the same instance. It is not necessary to retain the tracker because
* the tracker will be retained internally by the library.
* If an error occurs or the name is not valid, this method will return {@code null}. */
@Method(selector = "trackerWithName:trackingId:")
public native GAITrackerImpl getTracker (String name, String trackingId);
/** Creates or retrieves a GAITracker implementation with name equal to the specified tracking ID. If the tracker for the
* respective name does not already exist, it is created, has it's tracking ID set to |trackingId|, and is returned; otherwise,
* the existing tracker is returned. If the existing tracker for the respective name has a different tracking ID, that tracking
* ID is not changed by this method. If defaultTracker is not set, it is set to the tracker instance returned here.
* @param trackingID The tracking ID to use for this tracker. It should be of the form {@code UA-xxxxx-y}. The name of the
* tracker will be the same as trackingID.
* @return A GAITracker associated with the specified trackingID. The tracker can be used to send tracking data to Google
* Analytics. The first time this method is called with a particular trackingID, the tracker for the respective name
* will be returned, and subsequent calls with the same trackingID will return the same instance. It is not necessary
* to retain the tracker because the tracker will be retained internally by the library.
* If an error occurs or the trackingId is not valid, this method will return {@code null}. */
@Method(selector = "trackerWithTrackingId:")
public native GAITrackerImpl getTracker (String trackingId);
/** Remove a tracker from the trackers dictionary. If it is the default tracker, clears the default tracker as well.
* @param name The name of the tracker. */
@Method(selector = "removeTrackerByName:")
public native void removeTracker (String name);
/** Dispatches any pending tracking information.
* It would be wise to call this when application is exiting to initiate the submission of any unsubmitted tracking
* information. Note that this does not have any effect on dispatchInterval, and can be used in conjunction with periodic
* dispatch. */
@Method(selector = "dispatch")
public native void dispatch ();
package org.robovm.bindings.googleanalytics;
import org.robovm.objc.ObjCRuntime;
import org.robovm.objc.annotation.Method;
import org.robovm.objc.annotation.NativeClass;
import org.robovm.objc.annotation.Property;
import org.robovm.rt.bro.annotation.Library;
public class GAITrackerImpl extends NSObject implements GAITracker {
static {
public native String getName ();
/** Set a tracking parameter.
* @param parameterName The parameter name.
* @param value The value to set for the parameter. If this is {@code null}, the value for the parameter will be cleared. */
@Method(selector = "set:value:")
public native void set (String parameterName, String value);
/** Get a tracking parameter.
* @param parameterName The parameter name.
* @returns The parameter value, or {@code null} if no value for the given parameter is set. */
@Method(selector = "get:")
public native String get (String parameterName);
/** Queue tracking information with the given parameter values.
* @param parameters A map from parameter names to parameter values which will be set just for this piece of tracking
* information, or {@code null} for none. */
@Method(selector = "send:")
public native void send (NSDictionary<NSString, NSString> parameters);
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