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Last active September 10, 2021 14:57
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A PowerShell script which shows how to trigger Data Hub tasks
$baseUrl = "<dataHubUrl>"; # for example http://localhost:81
$taskGuid = "<taskGuid>"; # for example 6ca5c4e2-5095-4422-3b5e-08d96c734da2 - the ID of the task to start (can be copied from respective URL)
$username = "<username>"; # for example MyUser
$password = "<password>"; # for example Pa$$word
function TriggerTask
Write-Progress -Activity "Triggerring the task";
$headers = @{
"Content-Type" = "application/json";
"Accept" = "application/json";
"Accept-Encoding" = "gzip, deflate, br";
"Authorization" = "Bearer " + $AuthToken;
$url = "{0}/v1/Tasks/trigger/{1:B}" -f $DataHubUrl, $TaskId;
$request = Invoke-WebRequest -Headers $headers -Method Get -Uri $url -ContentType 'application/json'
if ($request.StatusCode -ne 200)
throw "Task could not be triggered. Error code {0}" -f $request.StatusCode;
$content = ConvertFrom-Json $request.Content
return @{
"name" = $;
"tableName" = $content.task.tableName;
function GetFirstTenantId
Write-Progress -Activity "Getting the first tenant ID...";
$url = "{0}/v1/Authenticate/getTenants" -f $DataHubUrl
$payload = @{
"username" = $UserName;
"password" = $Password;
$headers = @{
"Content-Type" = "application/json-patch+json";
"Accept" = "application/json";
"Accept-Encoding" = "gzip, deflate, br";
$request = Invoke-WebRequest -Headers $headers -Method Post -Body (ConvertTo-Json $payload) -Uri $url -ContentType 'application/json-patch+json'
if ($request.StatusCode -ne 200)
throw "Identification of tenants was not possible. Error code {0}" -f $request.StatusCode;
$content = ConvertFrom-Json $request.Content;
if ($content.Length -eq 0)
throw "No tenant found.";
$myTenant = $content[0].id # This will get the first tenant from the list.
return $myTenant
function GetAuthToken
Write-Progress -Activity "Getting authorization token...";
$url = "{0}/v1/Authenticate/request" -f $DataHubUrl;
$payload = @{
"username" = $UserName;
"password" = $Password;
"tenantId" = $TenantId;
"fingerprint" = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString("B");
"rememberMe" = $false;
$headers = @{
"Content-Type" = "application/json-patch+json";
"Accept" = "application/json";
"Accept-Encoding" = "gzip, deflate, br";
$request = Invoke-WebRequest -Headers $headers -Method Post -Body (ConvertTo-Json $payload) -Uri $url -ContentType 'application/json-patch+json'
if ($request.StatusCode -ne 200)
throw "Authentication was not possible. Error code {0}" -f $request.StatusCode;
$content = ConvertFrom-Json $request.Content;
$accessToken = $content.access_token;
return $accessToken;
# Step 1
# Get list of tenants. You can ignore this step if you already know your tenant ID.
# In this case, jump directly to step 2.
$tenantId = GetFirstTenantId -DataHubUrl $baseUrl -UserName $username -Password $password;
# Step 2
# Authenticate and get the authentication token (bearer) for the rest of the calls.
# The token is short-living so you should not cache it.
$authToken = GetAuthToken -DataHubUrl $baseUrl -UserName $username -Password $password -TenantId $tenantId;
# Step 3
# Having the token, perform the operation.
$taskData = TriggerTask -DataHubUrl $baseUrl -AuthToken $AuthToken -TaskId $taskGuid;
"Task '{0}' writing to data set '{1}' has been successfully triggered." -f $, $taskData.tableName;
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