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Created March 6, 2017 18:07
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Brewfile generated by bundle package
tap 'caskroom/cask'
tap 'homebrew/bundle'
tap 'homebrew/core'
tap 'homebrew/services'
tap 'phrase/brewed'
tap 'thoughtbot/formulae'
brew 'autoconf'
brew 'libpng'
brew 'freetype'
brew 'fontconfig'
brew 'gettext'
brew 'libffi'
brew 'pcre'
brew 'glib'
brew 'pixman'
brew 'cairo'
brew 'ctags'
brew 'zeromq'
brew 'czmq'
brew 'openssl'
brew 'jpeg'
brew 'libtiff'
brew 'wxmac'
brew 'erlang'
brew 'elixir'
brew 'exiv2'
brew 'git'
brew 'libtool'
brew 'pkg-config'
brew 'gobject-introspection'
brew 'icu4c'
brew 'harfbuzz'
brew 'pango'
brew 'fontforge'
brew 'gdbm'
brew 'little-cms2'
brew 'ghostscript'
brew 'gifsicle'
brew 'heroku'
brew 'hub'
brew 'xz'
brew 'imagemagick'
brew 'jpegoptim'
brew 'libevent'
brew 'libsodium'
brew 'libyaml'
brew 'memcached'
brew 'mozjpeg'
brew 'mysql', restart_service: true
brew 'node'
brew 'optipng'
brew 'ossp-uuid'
brew 'phantomjs'
brew 'pngquant'
brew 'qt5'
brew 'rabbitmq', restart_service: true
brew 'ruby-build'
brew 'rbenv'
brew 'readline'
brew 'reattach-to-user-namespace'
brew 'redis', restart_service: true
brew 'snappy'
brew 'the_silver_searcher'
brew 'tmux'
brew 'ttfautohint'
brew 'vim'
brew 'wget'
brew 'yarn'
brew 'zsh'
brew 'phrase/brewed/phraseapp'
brew 'thoughtbot/formulae/parity'
brew 'thoughtbot/formulae/rcm'
cask 'hyperterm'
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