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Created September 24, 2023 16:55
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Deepkit dot path to objects serializer
test('dot path to objects', () => {
//given values like { "myArray[0].prop1.prop2": "123" } we want to convert it to { myArray: [{ prop1: { prop2: "123" } }] }
interface MyObject {
myArray: { prop1: { prop2: string } }[];
function convertPathObjectToValues(object: { [name: string]: any }): any {
//object has keys like "myArray[0].prop1.prop2"
//and we want to convert it to { myArray: [{ prop1: { prop2: "123" } }] }
const result: any = {};
for (const [path, value] of Object.entries(object)) {
const parts = path.split('.');
let current = result;
for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
const part = parts[i];
const isArray = part.includes('[');
const name = isArray ? part.substr(0, part.indexOf('[')) : part;
const index = isArray ? parseInt(part.substr(part.indexOf('[') + 1, part.indexOf(']') - part.indexOf('[') - 1)) : undefined;
if (i === parts.length - 1) {
current[name] = value;
} else {
if (isArray && index !== undefined) {
if (!current[name]) current[name] = [];
if (!current[name][index]) current[name][index] = {};
current = current[name][index];
} else {
if (!current[name]) current[name] = {};
current = current[name];
return result;
const mySerializer = new class extends Serializer {
override registerSerializers() {
this.deserializeRegistry.prepend(ReflectionKind.objectLiteral, (type, state) => {
//convert dot path to object
state.setContext({ convertPathObjectToValues });
state.addCodeForSetter(`${state.setter} = convertPathObjectToValues(${state.accessor});`);
const myObjectRaw: any = { 'myArray[0].prop1.prop2': '123' };
const myObject = deserialize<MyObject>(myObjectRaw, undefined, mySerializer);
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