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Last active May 18, 2016 21:09
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AngularJS Cheatsheet

AngularJS Cheatsheet


Scope does not detect changes with whitespace at the end and beginning

A: You need to set ng-trim to false.

   <input ng-model="" ng-trim="false />

Require parent controller with same name

A: You can't with require: '^sameDirectiveName', use element.parent() instead

.directive('sameDirectiveName', {
    link: function(scope, element, attributes) {
        var parentSameDirectiveNameController = element.parent().controller('sameDirectiveName');
        //or use this to find a parent which isn't directly the parent.
        var parentController;
        while (element.parent() && !(parentController = element.parent().controller('sameDirectiveName')));

Potential typos


var deferred = $q.defer();


return deferred.promise;

Write argument values

   $parse($scope, 'newValue'); // can be simple 'name' or more complex '$'.

//or hardcoded:
$ = 'newValue';

//this won't work always as there's no property called '' for example:
$scope[] = 'newValue';

// or if you're outside of angular's scope (like extern events)
    $ = 'ddd';

Read argument values

//<element name="" />

var name = $scope.$eval(; // peter/test
//<element name="" />

$scope.$watch(, function(name){
//<element name="{{}}/test" />

var name = $interpolate($scope); // peter/test

var name = $interpolate('{{}}/test')($scope); // peter/test
//<element name="{{}}/test" />

attributes.$observe('name', function(name){


Scope on destruct/destroy

$scope.$on("$destroy", function() {
    if (this.getName()) {
        delete $scope.parentForms[this.getName()];

Scope Binding

   scope: {
     text: "@myText",
     twoWayBind: "=myTwoWayBind",
     oneWayBind: "&myOneWayBind"
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