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Last active December 7, 2016 02:58
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#Specify the directory here of the music in which you want to update on a song by song basis
$mp3s = Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Music" -Recurse | ? {$_.Extension -eq '.mp3' -and $_.Directory -match 'AnyDirectoryName'}
$taglib = "..\taglib-sharp.dll"
Function CheckSong ($song, $against){
$Results = @()
$1stResults = @()
$2ndResults = @()
$against | % {
$h = new-object psObject | select DistanceNumber,Song
$h.DistanceNumber = (Get-LongestCommonSubstring $song ($_ -replace '\(.*\)','')).length
$h.Song = $_
$1stResults += $h
($1stResults | sort DistanceNumber | select -Last 50).song | % {
$x = new-object psObject | select DistanceNumber,Song
$x.DistanceNumber = Get-FuzzyMatchScore $song ($_ -replace '\(.*\)','')
$x.Song = $_
$2ndResults += $x
if((($2ndResults | sort -Descending DistanceNumber)[0]).DistanceNumber -lt '1600'){
$null = (($song -split ' - ')[0]) -match '[0-9A-Za-z\x2d]+';$artist = $matches[0]
$title = (($song -split ' - ')[1])
foreach($2ndresult in $2ndResults){
if(($2ndresult.Song -split ' - ')[0] -match $artist -and ($2ndresult.Song -split ' - ')[1] -match $title)
{$Results = $2ndresult}
if((!($Results))) {$Results = $2ndResults}
Function Get-DamerauLevenshteinDistance {
param ($String1,$String2)
$Length1 = $String1.length
$Length2 = $String2.length
$Global:Hash_Matrix = @{} # Create Matrix
for ($i=0;$i -lt ($Length1 + 1);$i++) {$Hash_Matrix[$i] = [array]::CreateInstance([int],($Length2 + 1))}
for ($i=0;$i -lt $Length1; $i++) {$Hash_Matrix[$i][0] = $i }
for ($j=0;$j -lt $Length2; $j++) {$Hash_Matrix[0][$j] = $j}
for ($i=1;$i -lt $Length1;$i++)
{for ($j=1;$j -lt $Length2;$j++){
if ($String1[$i -1] -eq $String2[$j -1])
{$Cost = 0} else {$Cost = 1}
$Hash_Matrix[$i][$j] = (@(($Hash_Matrix[$i-1][$j]) + 1;($Hash_Matrix[$i][$j-1]) + 1;($Hash_Matrix[$i-1][$j-1]) + $Cost) | sort-object)[0]
if (($i -gt 1) -AND ($j -gt 1) -AND ($String1[$i -1] -eq $String2[$j -2]) -AND ($String1[$i -2] -eq $String2[$j -1])){$Hash_Matrix[$i][$j] = (@(($Hash_Matrix[$i][$j])
($Hash_Matrix[$i-2][$j-2] + $Cost))|sort-object)[0]
$Hash_Matrix[$Length1 -1][$Length2 -1]
function Get-FuzzyMatchScore {
param (
[Parameter(Position = 0)]
[string] $Search,
[Parameter(Position = 1)]
[string] $String
$score = 100
# Use approximate string matching to get some values needed to calculate the score of the result
$longestCommonSubstring = Get-LongestCommonSubstring -String1 $String -String2 $Search
$levenshteinDistance = Get-LevenshteinDistance -String1 $String -String2 $Search
$commonPrefix = Get-CommonPrefix -String1 $String -String2 $Search
# By running the result through this regex pattern we get the length of the match as well as the
# the index of where the match starts. The shorter the match length and the index, the more
# score will be added for the match.
$regexMatchFilter = $Search.ToCharArray() -join '.*?'
$match = Select-String -InputObject $String -Pattern $regexMatchFilter -AllMatches
$matchLength = ($match.Matches | Sort-Object Length | Select-Object -First 1).Value.Length
$matchIndex = ($match.Matches | Sort-Object Length | Select-Object -First 1).Index
# Calculate score
$score = $score - $levenshteinDistance
$score = $score * $longestCommonSubstring.Length
$score = $score - $matchLength
$score = $score - $matchIndex
if ($commonPrefix) {
$score = $score + $commonPrefix.Length
Write-Output $score
function Get-HammingDistance {
Get the Hamming Distance between two strings or two positive integers.
The Hamming distance between two strings of equal length is the number of positions at which the
corresponding symbols are different. In another way, it measures the minimum number of substitutions
required to change one string into the other, or the minimum number of errors that could have
transformed one string into the other. Note! Even though the original Hamming algorithm only works for
strings of equal length, this function supports strings of unequal length as well.
The function also calculates the Hamming distance between two positive integers (considered as binary
values); that is, it calculates the number of bit substitutions required to change one integer into
the other.
Get-HammingDistance 'karolin' 'kathrin'
Calculate the Hamming distance between the two strings. The result is 3.
Get-HammingDistance 'karolin' 'kathrin' -NormalizedOutput
Calculate the normalized Hamming distance between the two strings. The result is 0.571428571428571.
Get-HammingDistance -Int1 61 -Int2 15
Calculate the hamming distance between 61 and 15. The result is 3.
Author: Øyvind Kallstad
Date: 03.11.2014
Version: 1.0
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'String')]
param (
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'String')]
[string] $String1,
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'String')]
[string] $String2,
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Integer')]
[uint32] $Int1,
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Integer')]
[uint32] $Int2,
# Makes matches case-sensitive. By default, matches are not case-sensitive.
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'String')]
[switch] $CaseSensitive,
# Normalize the output value. When the output is not normalized the maximum value is the length of the longest string, and the minimum value is 0,
# meaning that a value of 0 is a 100% match. When the output is normalized you get a value between 0 and 1, where 1 indicates a 100% match.
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'String')]
[switch] $NormalizeOutput
try {
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'String') {
# handle case insensitivity
if (-not($CaseSensitive)) {
$String1 = $String1.ToLowerInvariant()
$String2 = $String2.ToLowerInvariant()
# set initial distance
$distance = 0
# get max and min length of the input strings
$maxLength = [Math]::Max($String1.Length,$String2.Length)
$minLength = [Math]::Min($String1.Length,$String2.Length)
# calculate distance for the length of the shortest string
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $minLength; $i++) {
if (-not($String1[$i] -ceq $String2[$i])) {
# add the remaining length to the distance
$distance = $distance + ($maxLength - $minLength)
if ($NormalizeOutput) {
Write-Output (1 - ($distance / $maxLength))
else {
Write-Output $distance
else {
$distance = 0
$value = $Int1 -bxor $Int2
while ($value -ne 0) {
$value = $value -band ($value - 1)
Write-Output $distance
catch {
Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message
function Get-LevenshteinDistance {
Get the Levenshtein distance between two strings.
The Levenshtein Distance is a way of quantifying how dissimilar two strings (e.g., words) are to one another by counting the minimum number of operations required to transform one string into the other.
Get-LevenshteinDistance 'kitten' 'sitting'
Author: Øyvind Kallstad
Date: 07.11.2014
Version: 1.0
[Parameter(Position = 0)]
[Parameter(Position = 1)]
# Makes matches case-sensitive. By default, matches are not case-sensitive.
[switch] $CaseSensitive,
# A normalized output will fall in the range 0 (perfect match) to 1 (no match).
[switch] $NormalizeOutput
if (-not($CaseSensitive)) {
$String1 = $String1.ToLowerInvariant()
$String2 = $String2.ToLowerInvariant()
$d = New-Object 'Int[,]' ($String1.Length + 1), ($String2.Length + 1)
try {
for ($i = 0; $i -le $d.GetUpperBound(0); $i++) {
$d[$i,0] = $i
for ($i = 0; $i -le $d.GetUpperBound(1); $i++) {
$d[0,$i] = $i
for ($i = 1; $i -le $d.GetUpperBound(0); $i++) {
for ($j = 1; $j -le $d.GetUpperBound(1); $j++) {
$cost = [Convert]::ToInt32((-not($String1[$i-1] -ceq $String2[$j-1])))
$min1 = $d[($i-1),$j] + 1
$min2 = $d[$i,($j-1)] + 1
$min3 = $d[($i-1),($j-1)] + $cost
$d[$i,$j] = [Math]::Min([Math]::Min($min1,$min2),$min3)
$distance = ($d[$d.GetUpperBound(0),$d.GetUpperBound(1)])
if ($NormalizeOutput) {
Write-Output (1 - ($distance) / ([Math]::Max($String1.Length,$String2.Length)))
else {
Write-Output $distance
catch {
Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message
function Get-LongestCommonSubstring {
Get the longest common substring of two strings.
Get the longest common substring of two strings.
Get-LongestCommonSubstring 'Karolin' 'kathrin' -CaseSensitive
Adapted to PowerShell from code by Kevin Jones (
Author: Øyvind Kallstad
Date: 03.11.2014
Version: 1.0
param (
[Parameter(Position = 0)]
[string] $String1,
[Parameter(Position = 1)]
[string] $String2,
[switch] $CaseSensitive
if (-not($CaseSensitive)) {
$String1 = $String1.ToLowerInvariant()
$String2 = $String2.ToLowerInvariant()
$array = New-Object 'Object[,]' $String1.Length, $String2.Length
$stringBuilder = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
$maxLength = 0
$lastSubsBegin = 0
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $String1.Length; $i++) {
for ($j = 0; $j -lt $String2.Length; $j++) {
if ($String1[$i] -cne $String2[$j]) {
$array[$i,$j] = 0
else {
if (($i -eq 0) -or ($j -eq 0)) {
$array[$i,$j] = 1
else {
$array[$i,$j] = 1 + $array[($i - 1),($j - 1)]
if ($array[$i,$j] -gt $maxLength) {
$maxLength = $array[$i,$j]
$thisSubsBegin = $i - $array[$i,$j] + 1
if($lastSubsBegin -eq $thisSubsBegin) {
else {
$lastSubsBegin = $thisSubsBegin
$stringBuilder.Length = 0
[void]$stringBuilder.Append($String1.Substring($lastSubsBegin, (($i + 1) - $lastSubsBegin)))
Write-Output $stringBuilder.ToString()
function Get-CommonPrefix {
Find the common prefix of two strings.
This function will get the common prefix of two strings; that is, all
the letters that they share, starting from the beginning of the strings.
Get-CommonPrefix 'Card' 'Cartoon'
Will get the common prefix of both string. Should output 'car'.
Author: Øyvind Kallstad
Date: 03.11.2014
Version 1.1
Dependencies: none
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
# Maximum length of the returned prefix.
# Makes matches case-sensitive. By default, matches are not case-sensitive.
[switch] $CaseSensitive
if (-not($CaseSensitive)) {
$String1 = $String1.ToLowerInvariant()
$String2 = $String2.ToLowerInvariant()
$outputString = New-Object 'System.Text.StringBuilder'
$shortestStringLength = [Math]::Min($String1.Length,$String2.Length)
# Let the maximum prefix length be the same as the length of the shortest of
# the two input strings, unless defined by the MaxPrefixLength parameter.
if (($shortestStringLength -lt $MaxPrefixLength) -or ($MaxPrefixLength -eq 0)) {
$MaxPrefixLength = $shortestStringLength
# Loop from the start and add any characters found that are equal
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $MaxPrefixLength; $i++) {
if ($String1[$i] -ceq $String2[$i]) {
else { break }
Write-Output $outputString.ToString()
foreach($mp3 in ($mp3s | ? {$_.FullName -match ' - '} | select -Skip 0)){
$song = $mp3.BaseName
Write-Host $song
#$song = "Billy Idol - Flesh For Fanasy"
#$song = "All Saints - Never ever"
#$song = 'Armand Van Helden - My My My'
$iTunesSearchSong = $song -replace '\(' -replace '\)' -replace ' - ', ' ' -replace '\s','+'
$SearchSong = $song[0..49] -join "" -replace '\(' -replace '\)' -replace ' - ', ' ' -replace '\s','+' -replace "'", "%27"
$MatchSong = $song -replace ' - ', '&amp;titel='
$Composer = $null;$year = $null;$Label = $null
$media = [TagLib.File]::Create($mp3.FullName)
#Check iTunes for music Label information
$uri = "$iTunesSearchSong&country=au&entity=song"
$x = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri
$iTunesResults = ($x.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).results
$y = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $iTunesResults[0].trackViewUrl
$iTunesSongCopyright = ($y.ParsedHtml.getElementsByTagName('li') | ? {$_.ClassName -eq 'copyright'}).innerText -replace '℗ '
$null = $iTunesSongCopyright -match '(?<!\d)[a-z|A-Z].*';$Label = $matches[0]
#The check australian-charts for Composer & Year infomation
$domain = ''
$uri = $domain + "search.asp?cat=s&search=$SearchSong"
$x = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri
# Check all possible results - generally starts at 462
$PossibleResults = $x.AllElements | select -Skip 400 -First 122 | ? {$_.class -eq 'text' -and $_.tagname -eq 'td' -and $_.outerText -match '[a-z|A-Z]{1,}'}
# Match the search results
$MatchedResults = CheckSong $Matchsong ($PossibleResults.innerHTML | sort -Descending)
# Find the best search result
$BestResult = ($MatchedResults | sort DistanceNumber -Descending | select -First 1).song
# Best Element
$BestElement = $x.AllElements | select -Skip 400 -First 122 | ? {$_.class -eq 'text' -and $_.tagname -eq 'td' -and $_.innerHTML -eq $BestResult}
# Find the correct URL
$null = $BestElement.outerHTML -match 'A.href="(.*)"';$resultURL = $domain + $Matches[1]
$resultURL = $resultURL -replace("&amp;","&") -replace('&quot;','"')
$y = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $resultURL
$Element = ($y.AllElements | ? {$_.tagName -eq 'HTML'})
if($Element.innerText -match 'Music\/Lyrics:(.*)')
$startpos = $Element.innertext.IndexOf("Lyrics:") + 7
$endpos = $Element.innertext.IndexOf("Producer:") -3
$null = $Element.innertext.substring($endpos)
catch { "Error occured" }
if ($error)
$endpos = $Element.innertext.IndexOf("World wide:") -3
$null = $Element.innertext.substring($endpos)
$composer = $Element.innertext.substring($startpos,($endpos - $startpos))
#even the below line will give the same result as the above line if uncommented
#$composer = $Element.innertext[$startpos..$endpos] -join ""
$composer = $composer -replace '\n', ', '
if($composer){$media.tag.Composers = $composer;Write-Host $Composer}
} else {
$Composer = $null
if($Element.innerText -match 'Year:(.*)')
$null = $Element.innerText -match 'Year:(.*)'
$Year = $Matches[1]
if($Year){$media.tag.year = $Year;Write-Host $Year}
} else {
$Year = $null
if($Element.innerText -match 'Label:(.*)')
$Element.innerText -match 'Label:(.*)'
$Label = $Matches[1]
} else
$Label = $null
if($Label){$media.tag.Publisher = $Label;Write-Host $Label`n}
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
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