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Marc Kean marckean

View GitHub Profile
# Download the latest copy of SHOUTcast
$url = ''
$exeoutput = "$env:TEMP\sc_serv2_win64-latest.exe"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $exeoutput
# Setup SHOUTcast silently
$arguments = '/S'
Start-Process $exeoutput -ArgumentList $arguments -Wait
# Copy the SHOUTcast Config file
Written with version 3.5.0 of the Azure PowerShell Module
available from here
Install-Module -Name Az -Repository PSGallery -RequiredVersion 3.5.0 -Force -AllowClobber
Migration instructions Azure.RM to Az -
Login-AzAccount | Out-Null
$subscriptions = Get-AzSubscription
# Switch to the Azure AzureRM PowerShell module
if(Get-Module -Name Az*){
Remove-Module -Name Az*
Import-Module -Name AzureRM -Force}
# Switch to the Azure AZ PowerShell module (
if(Get-Module -Name AzureRM*){
Remove-Module -Name AzureRM*
Import-Module -Name Az -Force}
Written with version 2.8.0 of the Azure PowerShell Module
available from here
or run: Install-Module -Name Az -RequiredVersion 2.8.0 -AllowClobber
Migration instructions Azure.RM to Az -
#$resourceGroupName = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the Resource Group name"
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
"@search.score": 1.0,
"attendeeCount": 393,
"hasLiveStream": true,
"sessionId": "83014",
"sessionInstanceId": "83014",
"sessionCode": "THR3091",
"sessionCodeNormalized": "THR3091",
"title": "Gain Efficiencies in Security Response with ServiceNow and Azure Sentinel Integration powered by Microsoft Graph",
# Recently tested fully with a later version of the Azure PowerShell module - Install-Module AzureRM -RequiredVersion 4.4.1
#region Logon to Azure
$subscription = Get-AzureRmSubscription | Out-GridView -PassThru
Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId $subscription.Id
# Variables for YOu to fill in
####### only works if the Route template is blank #######
# QUERY based parameter values - GET method
$firstName = 'Marc'
$surName = 'Kean'
$iwr = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$firstName&surname=$surName" -Method Get
$RadioFormat = 'Kiis'
$WritetoTableStorage = 'Yes'
$TableName = "JustPlayedKiis"
#Define the storage account and context.
$StorageAccountName = "StorageAccountName"
$StorageAccountKey = "StorageAccountKey"
$Ctx = New-AzureStorageContext $StorageAccountName -StorageAccountKey $StorageAccountKey
#region Clear the cache (variables)
# Fill in mandatory details for the WiFi network
$WirelessNetworkSSID = '<WiFi_SSID>'
$WirelessNetworkPassword = '<WiFi_password>'
$Authentication = 'WPA2PSK' # Could be WPA2
$Encryption = 'AES'
# Create the WiFi profile, set the profile to auto connect
$WirelessProfile = @'
<WLANProfile xmlns="">
# Setup the Azure Functions parameters
switch -RegEx ($REQ_QUERY_STATE)
\S {$state = $REQ_QUERY_STATE}
default {$state = $REQ_PARAMS_STATE}