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Last active September 28, 2015 04:48
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Save marcmo/1387109 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
check for include paths in C/C++ files that contain wrongly cased characters change: only analyze ascii characters
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import System.FilePath.FindCompat
import System.FilePath.Posix
import Control.Exception
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
import Text.Regex
import Data.Maybe(isJust)
import System.Environment(getArgs)
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.List(foldl')
import Data.List.Split(splitOn)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.HUnit((@=?),Test(TestCase),runTestTT)
import Data.Char(toLower,isLower,toUpper)
import Data.Char(isAscii)
import Debug.Trace
-- trc xs = trace (concat xs) -- debug on
trc _ a = a -- debug off
type TrieMap a = M.Map a (Trie a)
data Trie a = Empty | Node (Maybe [a]) (TrieMap a) deriving (Show)
insert :: (Eq a,Ord a) => [a] -> Trie a -> Trie a
insert = insert' [] where
insert' rs c Empty = insert' rs c (Node Nothing M.empty)
insert' rs [] (Node _ d) = Node (Just rs) d
insert' rs (x:xs) (Node b dic)
| x `M.member` dic = Node b (M.adjust (insert' (x:rs) xs) x dic)
| True = Node b (M.insert x (insert' (x:rs) xs Empty) dic)
member :: (Ord a,Show a) => [a] -> Trie a -> Maybe [a]
member _ Empty = Nothing
member [] (Node b _) = b
member (x:xs) (Node b tr) = maybe Nothing (member xs) (M.lookup x tr)
fromList = foldr insert Empty
(=~) :: String -> String -> Bool
(=~) inp pat = isJust $ matchRegex (mkRegex pat) inp
headerFiles = find always (extension ==? ".h")
headerAndSourceFiles = find always (extension ==? ".h" ||? extension ==? ".c"||? extension ==? ".cpp")
newtype CaseInsensitive = CI { content :: T.Text }
instance Eq CaseInsensitive where
(==) (CI a) (CI b) = T.toCaseFold a == T.toCaseFold b
instance Ord CaseInsensitive where
compare (CI a) (CI b) = compare (T.toCaseFold a) (T.toCaseFold b)
instance Show CaseInsensitive where show (CI a) = T.unpack a
toTrie :: [String] -> Trie CaseInsensitive
toTrie hss = fromList [map CI ts | ts <- validPaths]
where allPaths = map T.pack hss
validPaths = concatMap reverseSplitAll allPaths
reverseSplitAll = map reverse . L.tails . splitP
splitP = map T.pack . splitDirectories . T.unpack
type Include = (Int,BS.ByteString)
type IncludeMap = M.Map FilePath [Include]
cutIncludePath :: T.Text -> (T.Text,T.Text,T.Text)
cutIncludePath i
| filtered =~ "^#include[ ]{1,}\"" = ((head . tail . T.split (== '"')) i,"\"","\"")
| filtered =~ "^#include[ ]{1,}<" = (T.dropAround (\c->(c == '<') || (c == '>')) (fst $ T.breakOn ">" $ snd $ T.breakOn "<" i),"<",">")
| otherwise = error $ "no match for include path" ++ T.unpack i
where filtered = filter isAscii (T.unpack i)
fixIncludes :: BSC.ByteString -> Trie CaseInsensitive -> Maybe BSC.ByteString
fixIncludes c availablePaths
| n == 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ BSC.unlines $ reverse finalLines
where allLines = BSC.lines c
(finalLines,n) = foldl' maybeFixLine ([],0) allLines
maybeFixLine (acc,nn) x =
maybe (x:acc,nn)
(\f->(E.encodeUtf8 f:acc,nn+1))
(fixForLine x)
fixForLine x
| filter isAscii (BSC.unpack x) =~ "^#include[ ]{1,}[<\"]" =
m >>= \s -> return (T.concat ["#include ",start,s,end])
| otherwise = Nothing
where m = bestMatch cut availablePaths
(cut,start,end) = cutIncludePath (E.decodeUtf8 x)
-- | Finds the correct cased match for the include string
-- takes the include string and a list of possible file paths
-- e.g., if include = "a/bin/test.h" and the possible file paths are
-- ["a/BIN/Test.h","bin/Test.h"], it will result in Just "a/BIN/Test.h"
bestMatch :: T.Text -> Trie CaseInsensitive -> Maybe T.Text
bestMatch include validCaseTrie = member reversedIncludeCI validCaseTrie >>=
\matchedPath ->
if (content <$> matchedPath) == (content <$> includeCI)
then Nothing -- include path was spelled correctly
else Just $ T.intercalate "/" [content x | x <- matchedPath]
reversedIncludeCI = map CI (reverse $ splitP include)
includeCI = map CI (splitP include)
splitP = map T.pack . splitDirectories . T.unpack
main :: IO ()
main = do
(p:ws:_) <- getArgs
hss <- headerFiles ws
let validCaseTrie = toTrie hss
headersAndSources <- headerAndSourceFiles p
mapM_ (fixFile validCaseTrie) headersAndSources
where fixFile valid h = do
putStrLn $ "reading from " ++ h
c <- BS.readFile h
(putStr ".")
(\nc -> (print $ "fixed file " ++ h) >> BS.writeFile h nc)
(fixIncludes c valid)
-- tests
test = runTestTT $ TestCase $ Just "a/b/TEST.h" @=?
bestMatch "a/b/test.h" (toTrie ["b/TEST.h","a/b/c.h","/one/a/b/TEST.h"])
data Path = PA { getPath :: String } deriving (Eq,Show)
instance Arbitrary Path where
arbitrary = PA <$> L.intercalate "/" <$> (resize 10 $ listOf1 seg)
where seg = resize 20 $ listOf1 (elements $ ['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z'])
prop_findBetterMatch :: [Path] -> Property
prop_findBetterMatch ps = length ps > 1 ==>
do let xx@(c:_) = map getPath ps
(x,_) <- croppedPath c
return $ bestMatch (changeCase (T.pack x)) (toTrie xx) == Just (T.pack x)
data IncludeString = IS { getString :: (String,String) } deriving (Eq,Show)
instance Arbitrary IncludeString where
arbitrary = do
(PA s) <- arbitrary :: Gen Path
(open,close) <- elements [("<",">"),("\"","\"")]
rest <- arbitrary
return $ IS (s, "#include " ++ open ++ s ++ close ++ rest)
prop_cutIncludePath (IS (s,full)) =
let (core,_,_) = cutIncludePath (T.pack full) in
T.unpack core == s
croppedPath :: String -> Gen (String,Int)
croppedPath p = do
let choppedInc = splitOn "/" p
n <- choose (0,length choppedInc -1)
return (L.intercalate "/" (drop n choppedInc),n)
changeCase :: T.Text -> T.Text
changeCase = T.pack . map changed . T.unpack
where changed c = if isLower c then toUpper c else toLower c
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