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Last active January 8, 2020 12:12
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Laravel International String Validation

Laravel International String Validation

Validate a string containing any international alpha character.

InternationalString.php should be placed in App\Rules -> App\Rules\InternationalString.php

Usage Example

Example shows usage with validate method from the Request instance in a Controllers store method handling a POST request.

    public function store(Request $request)
            'label' => ['required', new InternationalString()],


        $model = new MyModel();



        return $model;


You can extend the valiation with custom characters, here spaces are included:

 'name' => [new InternationalString('\s')]

Validation allowing dashes and numerics, settings second parameter to true allows numerical values:

 'title' => [new InternationalString('\-',true)]

Validate with custom string message:

 'name' => [new InternationalString('\s',false,'Please enter a valid full name')]

Validate with custom translation key:

 'name' => [new InternationalString('\s',false,'user.fullname')]
* Author: Marc Newton <>
* Link:
* Laravel custom validation rule.
* Pattern match for checking strings only contain alphabetical characters from various launguage writing systems.
* Accepts additional custom appended regex syntax.
* Confirmed supported script types: Cyrillic
namespace App\Rules;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Rule;
class InternationalString implements Rule
* InternationalString constructor.
* @param string $extra Optional appended regex syntax.
* @param bool $numbers If true then allow numerical 0-9.
* @param string|null $message Optionally specify a custom error message or translation key string.
public function __construct($extra = '', $numbers = false, $message = null)
$this->extra = $extra;
$this->numbers = $numbers;
$this->message = $message ?: 'The :attribute contains invalid characters.';
public function passes($attribute, $value)
preg_match('/[^' . ($this->numbers ? '\p{N}' : '') . '\p{L}' . $this->extra . ']/', $value, $invalid);
return empty($invalid);
public function message()
return trans($this->message);
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