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Last active December 4, 2021 07:12
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  • Save marco79cgn/42052277bb7b02ca80cb2484ab46fb9e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save marco79cgn/42052277bb7b02ca80cb2484ab46fb9e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A scriptable widget that shows a random episode of "Die drei ???" and opens it in Spotify or Sonos
// insert your Spotify client id and secret here
let clientId = "xxx"
let clientSecret = "xxx"
// optional: the ip of your node-sonos-http-api and room name; use "sonos" as parameter in your widget settings to activate it
let sonosUrl = ""
let openWith = args.widgetParameter
let widget = new ListWidget()
// widget.setPadding(0,0,0,0)
widget.backgroundColor = new Color("#000000")
let searchToken = await getSpotifySearchToken()
await getRandomEpisode()
// query spotify api
async function getRandomEpisode() {
let uri = ""
let externalUrl = ""
let coverUrl = ""
if(searchToken != null) {
do {
let randomEpisodeNumber = getRandomEpisodeNumber(1,207)
let result = await searchAlbumAtSpotify(randomEpisodeNumber, "Die drei ???")
// console.log(result)
if (result != null && result.albums != null && result.albums.items != null && result.albums.items.length == 1) {
let item = result.albums.items[0]
coverUrl = item.images[0].url
uri = item.uri
externalUrl = item.external_urls.spotify
} while(coverUrl.length == 0)
if(openWith != null && openWith === "sonos") {
widget.url = sonosUrl + "/spotify/now/" + uri
} else {
widget.url = externalUrl
await loadImage(coverUrl)
// random number, min and max included
function getRandomEpisodeNumber(min, max) {
let randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min)
return add_zero(randomNumber, 3)
// add leading zeros to a number
function add_zero(number, length) {
var num = '' + number;
while (num.length < length) {
num = '0' + num;
return num;
// helper function to download an image
async function loadImage(imageUrl) {
let req = new Request(imageUrl)
let image = await req.loadImage()
// widget.backgroundImage = image
let widgetImage = widget.addImage(image)
widgetImage.imageSize = new Size(150,150)
widgetImage.cornerRadius = 16
// gets a spotify search token
async function getSpotifySearchToken() {
let url = ""
let req = new Request(url)
req.method = "POST"
req.body = "grant_type=client_credentials"
let authHeader = "Basic " + btoa(clientId+":"+clientSecret)
req.headers = {"Authorization": authHeader, "Content-Type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
let token = await req.loadJSON()
return token.access_token
// search for the album at Spotify
async function searchAlbumAtSpotify(album, artist) {
let searchString = encodeURIComponent("album:" + album +" artist:" + artist)
let searchUrl = "" + searchString + "&type=album&market=DE&limit=1"
req = new Request(searchUrl)
req.headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + searchToken, "Content-Type":"application/json", "Accept":"application/json"}
let result = await req.loadJSON()
return result
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Tolle Idee für ein Widget! Scriptable lässt es wahrscheinlich nicht zu, durch weitere zufällig Alben zu wechseln und dieses dann durch Antippen abzuspielen, oder wäre das möglich?

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Mega! Das habe ich gesucht - bin aber leider Apple Music Kunde und kann das Widget
So nicht nutzen -> wird es da eine Option geben? :)

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