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Last active May 14, 2023 15:21
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  • Save marco79cgn/c3410c8ecc8cb0e9f87409cee7b87338 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save marco79cgn/c3410c8ecc8cb0e9f87409cee7b87338 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An iOS widget for the Scriptable app which shows the availability of FFP2 masks in your local drug store (and online)
// Variables used by Scriptable.
// These must be at the very top of the file. Do not edit.
// icon-color: yellow; icon-glyph: magic;
// Maske Icon erstellt von "Freepik" (
let country = "de";
let storeId = 251;
let param = args.widgetParameter;
if (param != null && param.length > 0) {
if (param.indexOf(";") > 0) {
const paramSplit = param.split(";");
storeId = paramSplit[0];
country = paramSplit[1].toLowerCase();
} else {
storeId = param;
const widget = new ListWidget();
const storeInfo = await fetchStoreInformation();
const storeCapacity = await fetchAmountOfPaper();
const isOnlineAvailable = await isAvailableOnline();
await createWidget();
// used for debugging if script runs inside the app
if (!config.runsInWidget) {
await widget.presentSmall();
// build the content of the widget
async function createWidget() {
const logoImg = await getImage("dm-logo.png");
widget.setPadding(6, 10, 8, 10);
const titleFontSize = 12;
const detailFontSize = 36;
const logoStack = widget.addStack();
const logoImageStack = logoStack.addStack();
logoImageStack.backgroundColor = new Color("#ffffff", 1.0);
logoImageStack.cornerRadius = 8;
const wimg = logoImageStack.addImage(logoImg);
wimg.imageSize = new Size(32, 32);
const paperText = widget.addText("FFP2 MASKEN");
paperText.font = Font.semiboldRoundedSystemFont(12);
const icon = await getImage("face-mask.png");
let row = widget.addStack();
const iconImg = row.addImage(icon);
iconImg.imageSize = new Size(32, 32);
let column = row.addStack();
const storeText = column.addText("STORE");
storeText.textOpacity = 0.8;
storeText.font = Font.mediumRoundedSystemFont(10);
const packageCount = column.addText(storeCapacity.toString());
if (storeCapacity > 999) {
packageCount.font = Font.mediumRoundedSystemFont(15);
} else {
packageCount.font = Font.mediumRoundedSystemFont(19);
// packageCount.minimumScaleFactor = 0.8
if (storeCapacity < 30) {
packageCount.textColor = new Color("#E50000");
} else {
packageCount.textColor = new Color("#00CD66");
let column2 = row.addStack();
const onlineText = column2.addText("ONLINE");
onlineText.textOpacity = 0.8;
onlineText.font = Font.mediumRoundedSystemFont(10);
let onlineAvailableIcon;
if (isOnlineAvailable) {
onlineAvailableIcon = "✅";
} else {
onlineAvailableIcon = "⛔️";
const onlineAvailableText = column2.addText(onlineAvailableIcon);
if (storeCapacity > 999) {
onlineAvailableText.font = Font.regularSystemFont(11);
} else {
onlineAvailableText.font = Font.regularSystemFont(13);
const row2 = widget.addStack();
const street = row2.addText(storeInfo.address.street);
street.font = Font.regularSystemFont(11);
street.minimumScaleFactor = 0.8;
street.lineLimit = 2;
const zipCity = row2.addText( + " " +
zipCity.font = Font.regularSystemFont(11);
zipCity.minimumScaleFactor = 0.8;
zipCity.lineLimit = 1;
let currentTime = new Date().toLocaleTimeString("de-DE", {
hour: "numeric",
minute: "numeric",
let currentDay = new Date().getDay();
let isOpen;
if (currentDay > 0) {
const todaysOpeningHour =
storeInfo.openingHours[currentDay - 1].timeRanges[0].opening;
const todaysClosingHour =
storeInfo.openingHours[currentDay - 1].timeRanges[0].closing;
const range = [todaysOpeningHour, todaysClosingHour];
isOpen = isInRange(currentTime, range);
} else {
isOpen = false;
let shopStateText;
if (isOpen) {
shopStateText = row2.addText("GEÖFFNET");
shopStateText.textColor = new Color("#00CD66");
} else {
shopStateText = row2.addText("GESCHLOSSEN");
shopStateText.textColor = new Color("#E50000");
shopStateText.font = Font.semiboldSystemFont(10);
// fetches the amount of toilet paper packages
async function fetchAmountOfPaper() {
let url;
let counter = 0;
if (country.toLowerCase() === "at") {
// Austria
const array = ["820"];
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
let currentItem = array[i];
url =
"" +
currentItem +
"/stocklevel?storeNumbers=" +
let req = new Request(url);
let apiResult = await req.loadJSON();
if (req.response.statusCode == 200) {
counter += apiResult.storeAvailability[0].stockLevel;
} else {
// Germany
url =
",777852,726160,755560,734782,774314,764099,755161,755178,725716,781275,722416&storeNumbers=" +
const req = new Request(url);
const apiResult = await req.loadJSON();
for (var i in apiResult.storeAvailabilities) {
counter += apiResult.storeAvailabilities[i][0].stockLevel;
return counter;
async function isAvailableOnline() {
let url;
if (country.toLowerCase() === "at") {
url =
} else {
url =
let req = new Request(url);
let apiResult = await req.loadJSON();
if (req.response.statusCode == 200) {
for (var i = 0; i < apiResult.products.length; i++) {
if (apiResult.products[i].purchasable) {
return true;
return false;
// fetches information of the configured store, e.g. opening hours, address etc.
async function fetchStoreInformation() {
let url;
if (country.toLowerCase() === "at") {
url =
"" +
widget.url =
} else {
url =
"" +
widget.url =
let req = new Request(url);
let apiResult = await req.loadJSON();
return apiResult;
// checks whether the store is currently open or closed
function isInRange(value, range) {
return value >= range[0] && value <= range[1];
// get images from local filestore or download them once
async function getImage(image) {
let fm = FileManager.local();
let dir = fm.documentsDirectory();
let path = fm.joinPath(dir, image);
if (fm.fileExists(path)) {
return fm.readImage(path);
} else {
// download once
let imageUrl;
switch (image) {
case "dm-logo.png":
imageUrl =
case "face-mask.png":
imageUrl = "";
console.log(`Sorry, couldn't find ${image}.`);
let iconImage = await loadImage(imageUrl);
fm.writeImage(path, iconImage);
return iconImage;
// helper function to download an image from a given url
async function loadImage(imgUrl) {
const req = new Request(imgUrl);
return await req.loadImage();
// please make sure to copy everything
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Hey Mike, vielen Dank für die ganzen Infos und Tipps! Bin aktuell ziemlich beschäftigt und das spart mir viel Zeit, alles selbst rausfinden zu müssen.

Werde versuchen, die Skripte zeitnah anzupassen. Die Optimierungsidee klingt auch super ohne die hart kodierten Produkte/DAN. 👍

Viele Grüße,

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@marco79cgn vielen Dank für das Widget und ähnliche, bin beim Release damals bereits drauf gestoßen und vor kurzem kam ich wieder darauf wegen einem anderen dm Artikel.
Die "dan" Nummer finden und den Script anpassen habe ich für mich hinbekommen.

Was ich aber nicht hinbekomme ist ein eigenes .png hinzuzufügen. Gibt es eine anmeldefreie Seite woraus ich Links benutzen kann?
Bzw. wie funktioniert das mit dem "FileManager", wenn ich mir zum Beispiel eigene Bildchen in einem iCloud Ordner anlege?
Also aus dem lokalen Speicher, wobei mir ein Online-Speicher lieber wäre, falls ich das Widget mit Freunden teile.
Geht das auch mit ner Dropboxfreigabe z.b.?

Viele Grüße

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