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Created March 6, 2024 15:07
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  • Save marcoag/a7527aa6421a58ea095e250a8d42463f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save marcoag/a7527aa6421a58ea095e250a8d42463f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f1812883d90> rolling
Found 450 new repositories to release: ['SMACC2', 'acado_vendor', 'ackermann_msgs', 'actuator_msgs', 'adaptive_component', 'ament_acceleration', 'ament_black', 'ament_cmake', 'ament_cmake_catch2', 'ament_cmake_ros', 'ament_download', 'ament_index', 'ament_lint', 'ament_nodl', 'ament_package', 'ament_vitis', 'angles', 'apex_test_tools', 'apriltag', 'apriltag_detector', 'apriltag_msgs', 'apriltag_ros', 'aruco_opencv', 'astuff_sensor_msgs', 'async_web_server_cpp', 'automotive_autonomy_msgs', 'autoware_auto_msgs', 'avt_vimba_camera', 'aws-robomaker-small-warehouse-world', 'aws_sdk_cpp_vendor', 'backward_ros', 'bag2_to_image', 'behaviortree_cpp_v3', 'behaviortree_cpp_v4', 'bno055', 'bond_core', 'boost_geometry_util', 'cartographer', 'cartographer_ros', 'cascade_lifecycle', 'catch_ros2', 'class_loader', 'classic_bags', 'color_names', 'color_util', 'common_interfaces', 'console_bridge_vendor', 'control_box_rst', 'control_msgs', 'control_toolbox', 'cpp_polyfills', 'cudnn_cmake_module', 'cyclonedds', 'data_tamer', 'demos', 'depthimage_to_laserscan', 'diagnostics', 'dolly', 'domain_bridge', 'dynamixel_hardware', 'dynamixel_sdk', 'dynamixel_workbench', 'dynamixel_workbench_msgs', 'ecal', 'ecl_core', 'ecl_lite', 'ecl_tools', 'eigen3_cmake_module', 'eigen_stl_containers', 'eigenpy', 'event_camera_codecs', 'event_camera_msgs', 'event_camera_py', 'event_camera_renderer', 'example_interfaces', 'examples', 'fastcdr', 'fastrtps', 'ffmpeg_image_transport', 'ffmpeg_image_transport_msgs', 'fields2cover', 'filters', 'find_object_2d', 'fluent_rviz', 'fmi_adapter', 'fmilibrary_vendor', 'foonathan_memory_vendor', 'four_wheel_steering_msgs', 'foxglove_bridge', 'foxglove_msgs', 'fuse', 'gazebo_ros2_control', 'gazebo_ros_pkgs', 'gc_spl', 'generate_parameter_library', 'geographic_info', 'geometric_shapes', 'geometry2', 'geometry_tutorials', 'google_benchmark_vendor', 'googletest', 'gps_umd', 'graph_msgs', 'grbl_msgs', 'grbl_ros', 'gscam', 'gtsam', 'gz_ros2_control', 'hash_library_vendor', 'heaphook', 'hls_lfcd_lds_driver', 'hpp-fcl', 'iceoryx', 'ifm3d_core', 'ign_rviz', 'ignition_cmake2_vendor', 'ignition_math6_vendor', 'image_common', 'image_pipeline', 'image_transport_plugins', 'imu_pipeline', 'imu_tools', 'interactive_marker_twist_server', 'interactive_markers', 'irobot_create_msgs', 'joint_state_publisher', 'joy_tester', 'joystick_drivers', 'kdl_parser', 'keyboard_handler', 'kinematics_interface', 'kobuki_core', 'kobuki_ros_interfaces', 'kobuki_velocity_smoother', 'lanelet2', 'laser_filters', 'laser_geometry', 'laser_proc', 'launch', 'launch_param_builder', 'launch_ros', 'leo_common', 'leo_desktop', 'leo_robot', 'lgsvl_msgs', 'libcaer', 'libcaer_driver', 'libg2o', 'libnabo', 'libpointmatcher', 'libstatistics_collector', 'libyaml_vendor', 'linux_isolate_process', 'magic_enum', 'mapviz', 'marti_common', 'marti_messages', 'mavlink', 'mavros', 'menge_vendor', 'message_filters', 'message_tf_frame_transformer', 'metavision_driver', 'micro_ros_diagnostics', 'micro_ros_msgs', 'microstrain_inertial', 'mimick_vendor', 'mola_common', 'mola_test_datasets', 'motion_capture_tracking', 'moveit', 'moveit_msgs', 'moveit_resources', 'moveit_visual_tools', 'mp2p_icp', 'mqtt_client', 'mrpt2', 'mrpt_msgs', 'mrpt_path_planning', 'mrt_cmake_modules', 'mvsim', 'nao_button_sim', 'nao_interfaces', 'nao_lola', 'navigation_msgs', 'neo_simulation2', 'nlohmann_json_schema_validator_vendor', 'nmea_hardware_interface', 'nmea_msgs', 'nmea_navsat_driver', 'nodl', 'nodl_to_policy', 'novatel_gps_driver', 'ntpd_driver', 'ntrip_client', 'object_recognition_msgs', 'octomap', 'octomap_mapping', 'octomap_msgs', 'octomap_ros', 'octomap_rviz_plugins', 'odom_to_tf_ros2', 'odri_master_board', 'ompl', 'openni2_camera', 'orocos_kdl_vendor', 'osqp_vendor', 'osrf_pycommon', 'osrf_testing_tools_cpp', 'ouster-ros', 'ouxt_common', 'pal_statistics', 'pangolin', 'pcl_msgs', 'perception_open3d', 'perception_pcl', 'performance_test', 'performance_test_fixture', 'phidgets_drivers', 'pick_ik', 'picknik_ament_copyright', 'picknik_controllers', 'pinocchio', 'plotjuggler', 'plotjuggler_msgs', 'plotjuggler_ros', 'pluginlib', 'point_cloud_msg_wrapper', 'point_cloud_transport', 'point_cloud_transport_plugins', 'point_cloud_transport_tutorial', 'pointcloud_to_laserscan', 'polygon_ros', 'pose_cov_ops', 'proxsuite', 'py_trees', 'py_trees_js', 'py_trees_ros', 'py_trees_ros_interfaces', 'pybind11_json_vendor', 'pybind11_vendor', 'python_cmake_module', 'python_qt_binding', 'qpoases_vendor', 'qt_gui_core', 'quaternion_operation', 'r2r_spl', 'radar_msgs', 'random_numbers', 'rc_common_msgs', 'rc_dynamics_api', 'rc_genicam_api', 'rc_genicam_driver', 'rc_reason_clients', 'rcdiscover', 'rcl', 'rcl_interfaces', 'rcl_logging', 'rclc', 'rclcpp', 'rclpy', 'rcpputils', 'rcss3d_agent', 'rcss3d_nao', 'rcutils', 'realtime_support', 'realtime_tools', 'resource_retriever', 'rig_reconfigure', 'rmf_api_msgs', 'rmf_battery', 'rmf_building_map_msgs', 'rmf_cmake_uncrustify', 'rmf_internal_msgs', 'rmf_ros2', 'rmf_simulation', 'rmf_task', 'rmf_traffic', 'rmf_traffic_editor', 'rmf_utils', 'rmf_variants', 'rmf_visualization', 'rmf_visualization_msgs', 'rmw', 'rmw_connextdds', 'rmw_cyclonedds', 'rmw_dds_common', 'rmw_fastrtps', 'rmw_gurumdds', 'rmw_implementation', 'robot_calibration', 'robot_localization', 'robot_state_publisher', 'ros1_bridge', 'ros2_canopen', 'ros2_control', 'ros2_controllers', 'ros2_kortex', 'ros2_ouster_drivers', 'ros2_robotiq_gripper', 'ros2_socketcan', 'ros2_tracing', 'ros2acceleration', 'ros2cli', 'ros2cli_common_extensions', 'ros2launch_security', 'ros_canopen', 'ros_environment', 'ros_gz', 'ros_image_to_qimage', 'ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate', 'ros_testing', 'ros_tutorials', 'ros_workspace', 'rosbag2', 'rosbag2_bag_v2', 'rosbridge_suite', 'rosidl', 'rosidl_core', 'rosidl_dds', 'rosidl_defaults', 'rosidl_dynamic_typesupport', 'rosidl_dynamic_typesupport_fastrtps', 'rosidl_python', 'rosidl_runtime_py', 'rosidl_typesupport', 'rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps', 'rospy_message_converter', 'rot_conv_lib', 'rplidar_ros', 'rpyutils', 'rqt', 'rqt_action', 'rqt_bag', 'rqt_common_plugins', 'rqt_console', 'rqt_gauges', 'rqt_graph', 'rqt_image_overlay', 'rqt_image_view', 'rqt_moveit', 'rqt_msg', 'rqt_plot', 'rqt_publisher', 'rqt_py_console', 'rqt_reconfigure', 'rqt_robot_dashboard', 'rqt_robot_monitor', 'rqt_robot_steering', 'rqt_runtime_monitor', 'rqt_service_caller', 'rqt_shell', 'rqt_srv', 'rqt_tf_tree', 'rqt_topic', 'rsl', 'rt_manipulators_cpp', 'rtabmap', 'rtcm_msgs', 'ruckig', 'rviz', 'rviz_2d_overlay_plugins', 'rviz_visual_tools', 'sdformat_urdf', 'septentrio_gnss_driver', 'sick_safevisionary_base', 'sick_safevisionary_ros2', 'simple_actions', 'simple_launch', 'slider_publisher', 'smach', 'snowbot_operating_system', 'soccer_interfaces', 'soccer_object_msgs', 'soccer_vision_3d_rviz_markers', 'soccer_visualization', 'sol_vendor', 'sophus', 'spdlog_vendor', 'srdfdom', 'sros2', 'stomp', 'stubborn_buddies', 'swri_console', 'system_fingerprint', 'system_modes', 'tango_icons_vendor', 'teleop_tools', 'teleop_twist_joy', 'teleop_twist_keyboard', 'tensorrt_cmake_module', 'test_interface_files', 'tf2_2d', 'tf_transformations', 'tinyspline_vendor', 'tinyxml2_vendor', 'tinyxml_vendor', 'tlsf', 'topic_based_ros2_control', 'topic_tools', 'tracetools_acceleration', 'tracetools_analysis', 'transport_drivers', 'turbojpeg_compressed_image_transport', 'turtlebot3_msgs', 'turtlebot3_simulations', 'tuw_geometry', 'tvm_vendor', 'twist_mux', 'twist_mux_msgs', 'twist_stamper', 'ublox', 'ublox_dgnss', 'udp_msgs', 'uncrustify_vendor', 'unique_identifier_msgs', 'ur_client_library', 'ur_description', 'ur_msgs', 'ur_robot_driver', 'urdf', 'urdf_launch', 'urdf_parser_py', 'urdf_tutorial', 'urdfdom', 'urdfdom_headers', 'urg_c', 'urg_node', 'urg_node_msgs', 'usb_cam', 'v4l2_camera', 'variants', 'velodyne', 'velodyne_simulator', 'vision_msgs', 'vision_msgs_layers', 'vision_opencv', 'visp', 'vitis_common', 'vrpn', 'vrpn_mocap', 'warehouse_ros', 'warehouse_ros_mongo', 'warehouse_ros_sqlite', 'webots_ros2', 'xacro', 'yaml_cpp_vendor', 'zbar_ros', 'zenoh_bridge_dds', 'zmqpp_vendor']
Found 0 repositories to retry: []
reading in sources list data from /etc/ros/rosdep/sources.list.d
Hit file:///usr/share/python3-rosdep2/debian.yaml
Query rosdistro index file:///usr/local/google/home/marcogg/rosdistro/index-v4.yaml
Skip end-of-life distro "ardent"
Skip end-of-life distro "bouncy"
Skip end-of-life distro "crystal"
Skip end-of-life distro "dashing"
Skip end-of-life distro "eloquent"
Skip end-of-life distro "foxy"
Skip end-of-life distro "galactic"
Skip end-of-life distro "groovy"
Add distro "humble"
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f9aea1588d0> humble
Skip end-of-life distro "hydro"
Skip end-of-life distro "indigo"
Add distro "iron"
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f9aea1588d0> iron
Skip end-of-life distro "jade"
Skip end-of-life distro "kinetic"
Skip end-of-life distro "lunar"
Skip end-of-life distro "melodic"
Add distro "noetic"
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f9aea1588d0> noetic
Add distro "rolling"
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f9aea1588d0> rolling
updated cache in /usr/local/google/home/marcogg/.ros/rosdep/sources.cache
Cloning into 'SMACC2-release'...
[master dbd4296] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/_bl_n2sm/upstream'...
WARNING [vcstools] Command failed: 'git checkout 0.4.0'
run at: '/tmp/_bl_n2sm/upstream'
errcode: 1:
error: pathspec '0.4.0' did not match any file(s) known to git
Checking out repository at '' to reference '0.4.0'.
Failed to clone repository at '' to reference '0.4.0'.
Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 0.4.0 --display-uri --name upstream --output-dir /tmp/tmpssew_8n0
❌ Error running command '['/usr/local/google/home/marcogg/rosdistro/migration-tools/migration-env/bin/bloom-export-upstream', '', 'git', '--tag', '0.4.0', '--display-uri', '', '--name', 'upstream', '--output-dir', '/tmp/tmpssew_8n0']'
Cloning into 'acado_vendor-release'...
[master e5832e8] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/ddv1vwc6/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '1.0.0'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmpx3yuxvp4/upstream-1.0.0.tar.gz'
md5: fca7846dad0695b7dbfaf8c1197af474
Removing tag: 'upstream/1.0.0'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/1.0.0'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing package: ['acado_vendor']
Releasing package 'acado_vendor' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/acado_vendor'
<string>:1: (WARNING/2) Title overline too short.
Changelog for package acado_vendor
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f2ecc5cca10> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['acado_vendor']
Debian Incremental Version: 6
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/acado_vendor' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'acado_vendor' at version '1.0.0-6'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'acado-vendor' has dependencies:
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-acado-vendor_1.0.0-6_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'acado_vendor' at version '1.0.0-6'

<string>:1: (WARNING/2) Title overline too short.
Changelog for package acado_vendor
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7ff3d53aafd0> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['acado_vendor']
Debian Incremental Version: 6
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/acado_vendor' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'acado_vendor' at version '1.0.0-6'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'acado-vendor' has dependencies:
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-acado-vendor_1.0.0-6_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'acado_vendor' at version '1.0.0-6'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7ffae87947d0> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fd2586824d0> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['acado_vendor']
RPM Incremental Version: 6
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/acado_vendor' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'acado_vendor' at version '1.0.0-6'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'acado-vendor' has dependencies:
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-acado-vendor-1.0.0-6_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'acado_vendor' at version '1.0.0-6'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 1.0.0 --display-uri --name upstream --output-dir /tmp/tmpx3yuxvp4
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmpx3yuxvp4/upstream-1.0.0.tar.gz --release-version 1.0.0 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 6
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 6 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 6 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 6 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 6 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
+ d5971c2...075529f debian/rolling/acado_vendor -> debian/rolling/acado_vendor (forced update)
20797ed..36949fa master -> master
+ 5c92f50...c556a48 patches/debian/rolling/acado_vendor -> patches/debian/rolling/acado_vendor (forced update)
+ c5e64a1...b6b7aca patches/release/rolling/acado_vendor -> patches/release/rolling/acado_vendor (forced update)
+ 01335cf...1d84b14 patches/rpm/rolling/9/acado_vendor -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/acado_vendor (forced update)
+ c6d58e2...3bae049 patches/rpm/rolling/acado_vendor -> patches/rpm/rolling/acado_vendor (forced update)
+ ad538a0...1c399ec release/rolling/acado_vendor -> release/rolling/acado_vendor (forced update)
+ dad9db3...b503cdf rpm/rolling/9/acado_vendor -> rpm/rolling/9/acado_vendor (forced update)
+ 43c3962...bb7668e rpm/rolling/acado_vendor -> rpm/rolling/acado_vendor (forced update)
+ ffd62f2...68c5a1c upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/acado_vendor -> debian/rolling/bookworm/acado_vendor
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/acado_vendor -> debian/rolling/noble/acado_vendor
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/acado_vendor -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/acado_vendor
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/acado_vendor -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/acado_vendor
+ ffd62f2...68c5a1c upstream/1.0.0 -> upstream/1.0.0 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-acado-vendor_1.0.0-6_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-acado-vendor_1.0.0-6_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-acado-vendor_1.0.0-6_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-acado-vendor_1.0.0-6_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/acado_vendor/1.0.0-6 -> release/rolling/acado_vendor/1.0.0-6
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-acado-vendor-1.0.0-6_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-acado-vendor-1.0.0-6_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master 6cdf01c] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
36949fa..6cdf01c master -> master
Cloning into 'ackermann_msgs-release'...
[master 6c44d7d] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/63cu9dzv/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '2.0.2'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmpxfqkww2l/ackermann_msgs-2.0.2.tar.gz'
md5: e3a0aef6e72c5bd76a782fb26f4ee560
Removing tag: 'upstream/2.0.2'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/2.0.2'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing package: ['ackermann_msgs']
Releasing package 'ackermann_msgs' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ackermann_msgs'
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f3ba50e7bd0> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['ackermann_msgs']
Debian Incremental Version: 5
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ackermann_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ackermann_msgs' at version '2.0.2-5'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ackermann-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ackermann-msgs_2.0.2-5_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ackermann_msgs' at version '2.0.2-5'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fa6d898c0d0> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['ackermann_msgs']
Debian Incremental Version: 5
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ackermann_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ackermann_msgs' at version '2.0.2-5'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ackermann-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ackermann-msgs_2.0.2-5_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ackermann_msgs' at version '2.0.2-5'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fdfdc5a7b10> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fefdd727b10> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['ackermann_msgs']
RPM Incremental Version: 5
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ackermann_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ackermann_msgs' at version '2.0.2-5'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ackermann-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ackermann-msgs-2.0.2-5_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ackermann_msgs' at version '2.0.2-5'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 2.0.2 --display-uri --name ackermann_msgs --output-dir /tmp/tmpxfqkww2l
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmpxfqkww2l/ackermann_msgs-2.0.2.tar.gz --release-version 2.0.2 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 5
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
8bd57e7..d051bec debian/rolling/ackermann_msgs -> debian/rolling/ackermann_msgs
57c915a..d92dd3f master -> master
+ e9c2682...faae716 patches/debian/rolling/ackermann_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/ackermann_msgs (forced update)
+ af968e2...1bcbd16 patches/release/rolling/ackermann_msgs -> patches/release/rolling/ackermann_msgs (forced update)
+ 7c8b00b...0ad61e7 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ackermann_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ackermann_msgs (forced update)
+ f1ee8e4...51d3af2 patches/rpm/rolling/ackermann_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/ackermann_msgs (forced update)
+ a925747...c3bec7e release/rolling/ackermann_msgs -> release/rolling/ackermann_msgs (forced update)
+ ab9aa62...3320e3b rpm/rolling/9/ackermann_msgs -> rpm/rolling/9/ackermann_msgs (forced update)
+ 6b82e27...2f93456 rpm/rolling/ackermann_msgs -> rpm/rolling/ackermann_msgs (forced update)
+ 0ab4fd8...59b536e upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ackermann_msgs -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ackermann_msgs
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ackermann_msgs -> debian/rolling/noble/ackermann_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ackermann_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ackermann_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ackermann_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ackermann_msgs
+ 0ab4fd8...59b536e upstream/2.0.2 -> upstream/2.0.2 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ackermann-msgs_2.0.2-5_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ackermann-msgs_2.0.2-5_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ackermann-msgs_2.0.2-5_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ackermann-msgs_2.0.2-5_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/ackermann_msgs/2.0.2-5 -> release/rolling/ackermann_msgs/2.0.2-5
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ackermann-msgs-2.0.2-5_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ackermann-msgs-2.0.2-5_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master e6b713b] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
d92dd3f..e6b713b master -> master
Cloning into 'actuator_msgs-release'...
[master 65457b4] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/9j4sfmmg/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '0.0.1'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmp48hptz_6/actuator_msgs-0.0.1.tar.gz'
md5: 018f3a643c47eda24dfd2dc384de20e3
Removing tag: 'upstream/0.0.1'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/0.0.1'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing package: ['actuator_msgs']
Releasing package 'actuator_msgs' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/actuator_msgs'
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7ff297cb1b90> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['actuator_msgs']
Debian Incremental Version: 3
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/actuator_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'actuator_msgs' at version '0.0.1-3'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'actuator-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-actuator-msgs_0.0.1-3_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'actuator_msgs' at version '0.0.1-3'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f3c1f2aafd0> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['actuator_msgs']
Debian Incremental Version: 3
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/actuator_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'actuator_msgs' at version '0.0.1-3'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'actuator-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-actuator-msgs_0.0.1-3_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'actuator_msgs' at version '0.0.1-3'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f132a454cd0> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fc7652e6c10> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['actuator_msgs']
RPM Incremental Version: 3
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/actuator_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'actuator_msgs' at version '0.0.1-3'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'actuator-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-actuator-msgs-0.0.1-3_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'actuator_msgs' at version '0.0.1-3'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 0.0.1 --display-uri --name actuator_msgs --output-dir /tmp/tmp48hptz_6
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmp48hptz_6/actuator_msgs-0.0.1.tar.gz --release-version 0.0.1 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 3
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 3 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 3 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 3 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 3 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
+ 060b4ac...12e9441 debian/rolling/actuator_msgs -> debian/rolling/actuator_msgs (forced update)
02f569f..c44976f master -> master
+ 291eb18...45e165b patches/debian/rolling/actuator_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/actuator_msgs (forced update)
+ 0292a11...e61be51 patches/release/rolling/actuator_msgs -> patches/release/rolling/actuator_msgs (forced update)
+ 2ac1e6b...51fe1d4 patches/rpm/rolling/9/actuator_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/actuator_msgs (forced update)
+ 450ec88...349caa3 patches/rpm/rolling/actuator_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/actuator_msgs (forced update)
+ e29669d...7190d6d release/rolling/actuator_msgs -> release/rolling/actuator_msgs (forced update)
+ 0da7023...61bcc75 rpm/rolling/9/actuator_msgs -> rpm/rolling/9/actuator_msgs (forced update)
+ 2371026...09235cf rpm/rolling/actuator_msgs -> rpm/rolling/actuator_msgs (forced update)
+ e72d126...5942279 upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/actuator_msgs -> debian/rolling/bookworm/actuator_msgs
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/actuator_msgs -> debian/rolling/noble/actuator_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/actuator_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/actuator_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/actuator_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/actuator_msgs
+ e72d126...5942279 upstream/0.0.1 -> upstream/0.0.1 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-actuator-msgs_0.0.1-3_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-actuator-msgs_0.0.1-3_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-actuator-msgs_0.0.1-3_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-actuator-msgs_0.0.1-3_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/actuator_msgs/0.0.1-3 -> release/rolling/actuator_msgs/0.0.1-3
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-actuator-msgs-0.0.1-3_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-actuator-msgs-0.0.1-3_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master 171ddbd] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
c44976f..171ddbd master -> master
Cloning into 'adaptive_component-release'...
[master 9c07777] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/l_3uulnx/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '0.2.1'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmpopy46rv7/upstream-0.2.1.tar.gz'
md5: 51f166f7b6ab43bb2a7c20a0b8e9e4ca
Removing tag: 'upstream/0.2.1'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/0.2.1'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing package: ['adaptive_component']
Releasing package 'adaptive_component' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/adaptive_component'
<string>:1: (WARNING/2) Title overline too short.
Changelog for package adaptive_component
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f1c15162fd0> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['adaptive_component']
Debian Incremental Version: 4
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/adaptive_component' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'adaptive_component' at version '0.2.1-4'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.

A CHANGELOG.rst was found, but no changelog for this version was found.
You REALLY should have a entry (even a blank one) for each version of your package.

Package 'adaptive-component' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-adaptive-component_0.2.1-4_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'adaptive_component' at version '0.2.1-4'

<string>:1: (WARNING/2) Title overline too short.
Changelog for package adaptive_component
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7ff62c072f90> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['adaptive_component']
Debian Incremental Version: 4
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/adaptive_component' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'adaptive_component' at version '0.2.1-4'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.

A CHANGELOG.rst was found, but no changelog for this version was found.
You REALLY should have a entry (even a blank one) for each version of your package.

Package 'adaptive-component' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-adaptive-component_0.2.1-4_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'adaptive_component' at version '0.2.1-4'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fa711f67590> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f25f69064d0> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['adaptive_component']
RPM Incremental Version: 4
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/adaptive_component' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'adaptive_component' at version '0.2.1-4'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'adaptive-component' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-adaptive-component-0.2.1-4_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'adaptive_component' at version '0.2.1-4'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 0.2.1 --display-uri --name upstream --output-dir /tmp/tmpopy46rv7
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmpopy46rv7/upstream-0.2.1.tar.gz --release-version 0.2.1 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 4
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
15821ec..4a13797 debian/rolling/adaptive_component -> debian/rolling/adaptive_component
6ad8777..abd8d17 master -> master
+ 02af979...6bdc2e2 patches/debian/rolling/adaptive_component -> patches/debian/rolling/adaptive_component (forced update)
+ 19564bb...29fc007 patches/release/rolling/adaptive_component -> patches/release/rolling/adaptive_component (forced update)
+ c1e390e...5cded20 patches/rpm/rolling/9/adaptive_component -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/adaptive_component (forced update)
+ 199564b...f4bcfdc patches/rpm/rolling/adaptive_component -> patches/rpm/rolling/adaptive_component (forced update)
+ fc21f98...cea369f release/rolling/adaptive_component -> release/rolling/adaptive_component (forced update)
+ 7eb83e6...9b35443 rpm/rolling/9/adaptive_component -> rpm/rolling/9/adaptive_component (forced update)
+ cf7433b...f494e75 rpm/rolling/adaptive_component -> rpm/rolling/adaptive_component (forced update)
+ d0024cf...a620894 upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/adaptive_component -> debian/rolling/bookworm/adaptive_component
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/adaptive_component -> debian/rolling/noble/adaptive_component
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/adaptive_component -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/adaptive_component
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/adaptive_component -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/adaptive_component
+ d0024cf...a620894 upstream/0.2.1 -> upstream/0.2.1 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-adaptive-component_0.2.1-4_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-adaptive-component_0.2.1-4_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-adaptive-component_0.2.1-4_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-adaptive-component_0.2.1-4_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/adaptive_component/0.2.1-4 -> release/rolling/adaptive_component/0.2.1-4
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-adaptive-component-0.2.1-4_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-adaptive-component-0.2.1-4_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master 29f1674] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
abd8d17..29f1674 master -> master
Cloning into 'ament_acceleration-release'...
[master 464f09f] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/0p6l_zqq/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '0.2.0'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmpwwbifd3q/upstream-0.2.0.tar.gz'
md5: 525ddea701427fdb7032456d2d42c847
Removing tag: 'upstream/0.2.0'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/0.2.0'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing package: ['ament_acceleration']
Releasing package 'ament_acceleration' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_acceleration'
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f3539672a10> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['ament_acceleration']
Debian Incremental Version: 4
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_acceleration' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_acceleration' at version '0.2.0-4'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-acceleration' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-acceleration_0.2.0-4_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_acceleration' at version '0.2.0-4'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f5207796510> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['ament_acceleration']
Debian Incremental Version: 4
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_acceleration' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_acceleration' at version '0.2.0-4'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-acceleration' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-acceleration_0.2.0-4_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_acceleration' at version '0.2.0-4'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f715238a0d0> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7efeb058ed90> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['ament_acceleration']
RPM Incremental Version: 4
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_acceleration' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_acceleration' at version '0.2.0-4'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-acceleration' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-acceleration-0.2.0-4_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_acceleration' at version '0.2.0-4'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 0.2.0 --display-uri --name upstream --output-dir /tmp/tmpwwbifd3q
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmpwwbifd3q/upstream-0.2.0.tar.gz --release-version 0.2.0 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 4
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
dd1c08b..8ba1088 debian/rolling/ament_acceleration -> debian/rolling/ament_acceleration
e2b05f9..9af2b8c master -> master
+ b80a1f1...c04f70f patches/debian/rolling/ament_acceleration -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_acceleration (forced update)
+ 27d3c42...9d449e1 patches/release/rolling/ament_acceleration -> patches/release/rolling/ament_acceleration (forced update)
+ b21c010...9d53cd2 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_acceleration -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_acceleration (forced update)
+ 9ab75e3...f5117d8 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_acceleration -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_acceleration (forced update)
+ 7f8dad9...9ac46c6 release/rolling/ament_acceleration -> release/rolling/ament_acceleration (forced update)
+ 2656fac...e98171b rpm/rolling/9/ament_acceleration -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_acceleration (forced update)
+ 43a4de4...37cc39b rpm/rolling/ament_acceleration -> rpm/rolling/ament_acceleration (forced update)
+ b08a7cb...bc0bf6a upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_acceleration -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_acceleration
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_acceleration -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_acceleration
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_acceleration -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_acceleration
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_acceleration -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_acceleration
+ b08a7cb...bc0bf6a upstream/0.2.0 -> upstream/0.2.0 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-acceleration_0.2.0-4_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-acceleration_0.2.0-4_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-acceleration_0.2.0-4_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-acceleration_0.2.0-4_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_acceleration/0.2.0-4 -> release/rolling/ament_acceleration/0.2.0-4
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-acceleration-0.2.0-4_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-acceleration-0.2.0-4_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master 6448971] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
9af2b8c..6448971 master -> master
Cloning into 'ament_black-release'...
[master 6e73031] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/_dpt56e9/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '0.2.4'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmpn82cp4q_/upstream-0.2.4.tar.gz'
md5: bde52e61047303d83976535332965e6f
Removing tag: 'upstream/0.2.4'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/0.2.4'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing packages: ['ament_cmake_black', 'ament_black']
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_black' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_black'
Releasing package 'ament_black' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_black'
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f8586068f50> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['ament_black', 'ament_cmake_black']
Debian Incremental Version: 2
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_black' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_black' at version '0.2.4-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-black' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
black => ['black']
python3-unidiff => ['python3-unidiff']
python3-uvloop => ['python3-uvloop']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-black_0.2.4-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_black' at version '0.2.4-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_black' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_black' at version '0.2.4-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-black' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_black => ['ros-rolling-ament-black']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-black_0.2.4-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_black' at version '0.2.4-2'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7faf562eaf90> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['ament_cmake_black', 'ament_black']
Debian Incremental Version: 2
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_black' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_black' at version '0.2.4-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-black' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_black => ['ros-rolling-ament-black']
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-black_0.2.4-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_black' at version '0.2.4-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_black' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_black' at version '0.2.4-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-black' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
black => ['black']
python3-unidiff => ['python3-unidiff']
python3-uvloop => ['python3-uvloop']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-black_0.2.4-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_black' at version '0.2.4-2'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f108d144b50> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
Could not resolve rosdep key 'black' for distro '9':
Could not resolve rosdep key 'python3-uvloop' for distro '9':
Some of the dependencies for packages in this repository could not be resolved by rosdep.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fe2ed16c7d0> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['ament_cmake_black', 'ament_black']
RPM Incremental Version: 2
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
No definition of [black] for OS [rhel]
rosdep key : black
OS name : rhel
OS version : 9
- black
- python-black
- black
- black
- black
- dev-python/black
- python3-black@meta-ros
- black
bionic: null
Failed to resolve black on rhel:9 with: Error running generator: Failed to resolve rosdep key 'black', aborting.
black is depended on by these packages: ['ament_black']
<== Failed
No definition of [python3-uvloop] for OS [rhel]
rosdep key : python3-uvloop
OS name : rhel
OS version : 9
- python-uvloop
- python3-uvloop
- python3-uvloop
- dev-python/uvloop
- python3Packages.uvloop
- python3-uvloop@meta-ros2
- python3-uvloop
Failed to resolve python3-uvloop on rhel:9 with: Error running generator: Failed to resolve rosdep key 'python3-uvloop', aborting.
python3-uvloop is depended on by these packages: ['ament_black']
<== Failed
❌ The following generator action reported that it is missing one or more
 rosdep keys, but that the key exists in other platforms:
'['/usr/local/google/home/marcogg/rosdistro/migration-tools/migration-env/bin/git-bloom-generate', '-y', 'rosrpm', '--prefix', 'release/rolling', 'rolling', '-i', '2', '--os-name', 'rhel']'
If you are absolutely sure that this key is unavailable for the platform in
question, the generator can be skipped and you can proceed with the release.
Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 0.2.4 --display-uri --name upstream --output-dir /tmp/tmpn82cp4q_
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmpn82cp4q_/upstream-0.2.4.tar.gz --release-version 0.2.4 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 2
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name rhel
❌ Error running command '['/usr/local/google/home/marcogg/rosdistro/migration-tools/migration-env/bin/git-bloom-generate', '-y', 'rosrpm', '--prefix', 'release/rolling', 'rolling', '-i', '2', '--os-name', 'rhel']'
Cloning into 'ament_cmake-release'...
[master 0284077e4] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/p21tlzez/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '2.3.2'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmp2aypk8za/ament_cmake-2.3.2.tar.gz'
md5: a3e15947548f434f89aeb100187122a1
Removing tag: 'upstream/2.3.2'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/2.3.2'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing packages: ['ament_cmake_export_include_directories', 'ament_cmake_gtest', 'ament_cmake_test', 'ament_cmake_export_targets', 'ament_cmake_gmock', 'ament_cmake_export_definitions', 'ament_cmake_include_directories', 'ament_cmake_export_dependencies', 'ament_cmake_vendor_package', 'ament_cmake', 'ament_cmake_version', 'ament_cmake_auto', 'ament_cmake_google_benchmark', 'ament_cmake_export_libraries', 'ament_cmake_core', 'ament_cmake_export_link_flags', 'ament_cmake_export_interfaces', 'ament_cmake_pytest', 'ament_cmake_python', 'ament_cmake_libraries', 'ament_cmake_gen_version_h', 'ament_cmake_target_dependencies']
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_export_include_directories' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_include_directories'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_gtest' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_gtest'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_test' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_test'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_export_targets' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_targets'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_gmock' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_gmock'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_export_definitions' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_definitions'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_include_directories' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_include_directories'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_export_dependencies' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_dependencies'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_vendor_package' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_vendor_package'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_version' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_version'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_auto' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_auto'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_google_benchmark' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_google_benchmark'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_export_libraries' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_libraries'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_core' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_core'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_export_link_flags' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_link_flags'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_export_interfaces' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_interfaces'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_pytest' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_pytest'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_python' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_python'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_libraries' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_libraries'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_gen_version_h' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_gen_version_h'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_target_dependencies' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_target_dependencies'
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f14ea0cc510> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['ament_cmake_export_libraries', 'ament_cmake_target_dependencies', 'ament_cmake_export_targets', 'ament_cmake_test', 'ament_cmake_export_interfaces', 'ament_cmake_gen_version_h', 'ament_cmake_gtest', 'ament_cmake_pytest', 'ament_cmake_export_link_flags', 'ament_cmake_core', 'ament_cmake_include_directories', 'ament_cmake_vendor_package', 'ament_cmake_gmock', 'ament_cmake_version', 'ament_cmake_export_include_directories', 'ament_cmake', 'ament_cmake_python', 'ament_cmake_export_definitions', 'ament_cmake_google_benchmark', 'ament_cmake_auto', 'ament_cmake_export_dependencies', 'ament_cmake_libraries']
Debian Incremental Version: 2
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_libraries' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_export_libraries' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-export-libraries' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-libraries_2.3.2-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_export_libraries' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_target_dependencies' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_target_dependencies' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-target-dependencies' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_include_directories => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-include-directories']
ament_cmake_libraries => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-libraries']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-target-dependencies_2.3.2-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_target_dependencies' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_targets' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_export_targets' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-export-targets' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_export_libraries => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-libraries']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-targets_2.3.2-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_export_targets' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_test' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_test' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-test' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_python => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-python']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test_2.3.2-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_test' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_interfaces' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_export_interfaces' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-export-interfaces' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_export_libraries => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-libraries']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-interfaces_2.3.2-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_export_interfaces' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_gen_version_h' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_gen_version_h' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-gen-version-h' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_package => ['ros-rolling-ament-package']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gen-version-h_2.3.2-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_gen_version_h' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_gtest' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_gtest' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-gtest' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
gtest => ['libgtest-dev']
gtest_vendor => ['ros-rolling-gtest-vendor']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gtest_2.3.2-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_gtest' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_pytest' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_pytest' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-pytest' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
python3-pytest => ['python3-pytest']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
python3-pytest => ['python3-pytest']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pytest_2.3.2-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_pytest' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_link_flags' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_export_link_flags' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-export-link-flags' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-link-flags_2.3.2-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_export_link_flags' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_core' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_core' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-core' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
cmake => ['cmake']
ament_package => ['ros-rolling-ament-package']
python3-catkin-pkg-modules => ['python3-catkin-pkg-modules']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
cmake => ['cmake']
ament_package => ['ros-rolling-ament-package']
python3-catkin-pkg-modules => ['python3-catkin-pkg-modules']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core_2.3.2-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_core' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_include_directories' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_include_directories' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-include-directories' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-include-directories_2.3.2-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_include_directories' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_vendor_package' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_vendor_package' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-vendor-package' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_export_dependencies => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-dependencies']
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
python3-vcstool => ['python3-vcstool']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_export_dependencies => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-dependencies']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-vendor-package_2.3.2-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_vendor_package' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_gmock' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_gmock' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-gmock' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_gtest => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gtest']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
gmock_vendor => ['ros-rolling-gmock-vendor']
google-mock => ['google-mock']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gmock_2.3.2-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_gmock' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_version' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_version' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-version' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-version_2.3.2-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_version' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_include_directories' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_export_include_directories' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-export-include-directories' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-include-directories_2.3.2-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_export_include_directories' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_export_definitions => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-definitions']
ament_cmake_export_dependencies => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-dependencies']
ament_cmake_export_include_directories => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-include-directories']
ament_cmake_export_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-interfaces']
ament_cmake_export_libraries => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-libraries']
ament_cmake_export_link_flags => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-link-flags']
ament_cmake_export_targets => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-targets']
ament_cmake_gen_version_h => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gen-version-h']
ament_cmake_libraries => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-libraries']
ament_cmake_python => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-python']
ament_cmake_target_dependencies => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-target-dependencies']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
ament_cmake_version => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-version']
cmake => ['cmake']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_export_dependencies => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-dependencies']
cmake => ['cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake_2.3.2-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_python' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_python' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-python' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-python_2.3.2-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_python' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_definitions' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_export_definitions' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-export-definitions' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-definitions_2.3.2-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_export_definitions' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_google_benchmark' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_google_benchmark' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-google-benchmark' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
google_benchmark_vendor => ['ros-rolling-google-benchmark-vendor']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_export_dependencies => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-dependencies']
ament_cmake_python => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-python']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-google-benchmark_2.3.2-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_google_benchmark' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_auto' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_auto' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-auto' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_gmock => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gmock']
ament_cmake_gtest => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gtest']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_gmock => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gmock']
ament_cmake_gtest => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gtest']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-auto_2.3.2-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_auto' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_dependencies' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_export_dependencies' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-export-dependencies' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_libraries => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-libraries']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-dependencies_2.3.2-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_export_dependencies' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_libraries' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_libraries' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-libraries' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-libraries_2.3.2-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_libraries' at version '2.3.2-2'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f9e91133590> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['ament_cmake_vendor_package', 'ament_cmake_gtest', 'ament_cmake', 'ament_cmake_gmock', 'ament_cmake_auto', 'ament_cmake_export_targets', 'ament_cmake_test', 'ament_cmake_export_interfaces', 'ament_cmake_core', 'ament_cmake_export_definitions', 'ament_cmake_python', 'ament_cmake_gen_version_h', 'ament_cmake_export_dependencies', 'ament_cmake_google_benchmark', 'ament_cmake_version', 'ament_cmake_target_dependencies', 'ament_cmake_export_include_directories', 'ament_cmake_include_directories', 'ament_cmake_export_libraries', 'ament_cmake_export_link_flags', 'ament_cmake_libraries', 'ament_cmake_pytest']
Debian Incremental Version: 2
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_vendor_package' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_vendor_package' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-vendor-package' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_export_dependencies => ['ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
python3-vcstool => ['python3-vcstool']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_export_dependencies => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-vendor-package_2.3.2-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_vendor_package' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_gtest' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_gtest' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-gtest' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
gtest => ['libgtest-dev']
gtest_vendor => ['ros-rolling-gtest-vendor']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gtest_2.3.2-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_gtest' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_export_definitions => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-definitions']
ament_cmake_export_dependencies => ['ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_export_include_directories => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-include-directories']
ament_cmake_export_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-interfaces']
ament_cmake_export_libraries => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-libraries']
ament_cmake_export_link_flags => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-link-flags']
ament_cmake_export_targets => ['ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_gen_version_h => ['ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_libraries => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-libraries']
ament_cmake_python => ['ament-cmake-python']
ament_cmake_target_dependencies => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-target-dependencies']
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
ament_cmake_version => ['ament-cmake']
cmake => ['cmake']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_export_dependencies => ['ament-cmake']
cmake => ['cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake_2.3.2-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_gmock' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_gmock' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-gmock' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_gtest => ['ament-cmake-googletest']
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
gmock_vendor => ['ros-rolling-gmock-vendor']
google-mock => ['google-mock']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gmock_2.3.2-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_gmock' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_auto' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_auto' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-auto' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_gmock => ['ament-cmake-googletest']
ament_cmake_gtest => ['ament-cmake-googletest']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_gmock => ['ament-cmake-googletest']
ament_cmake_gtest => ['ament-cmake-googletest']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-auto_2.3.2-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_auto' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_targets' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_export_targets' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-export-targets' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_export_libraries => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-libraries']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-targets_2.3.2-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_export_targets' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_test' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_test' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-test' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_python => ['ament-cmake-python']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test_2.3.2-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_test' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_interfaces' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_export_interfaces' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-export-interfaces' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_export_libraries => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-libraries']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-interfaces_2.3.2-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_export_interfaces' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_core' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_core' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-core' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
cmake => ['cmake']
ament_package => ['ros-rolling-ament-package']
python3-catkin-pkg-modules => ['python3-catkin-pkg']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
cmake => ['cmake']
ament_package => ['ros-rolling-ament-package']
python3-catkin-pkg-modules => ['python3-catkin-pkg']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core_2.3.2-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_core' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_definitions' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_export_definitions' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-export-definitions' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-definitions_2.3.2-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_export_definitions' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_python' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_python' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-python' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-python_2.3.2-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_python' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_gen_version_h' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_gen_version_h' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-gen-version-h' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
ament_package => ['ros-rolling-ament-package']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gen-version-h_2.3.2-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_gen_version_h' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_dependencies' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_export_dependencies' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-export-dependencies' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_libraries => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-libraries']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-dependencies_2.3.2-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_export_dependencies' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_google_benchmark' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_google_benchmark' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-google-benchmark' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
google_benchmark_vendor => ['libbenchmark-dev']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_export_dependencies => ['ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_python => ['ament-cmake-python']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-google-benchmark_2.3.2-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_google_benchmark' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_version' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_version' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-version' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-version_2.3.2-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_version' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_target_dependencies' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_target_dependencies' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-target-dependencies' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_include_directories => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-include-directories']
ament_cmake_libraries => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-libraries']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-target-dependencies_2.3.2-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_target_dependencies' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_include_directories' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_export_include_directories' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-export-include-directories' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-include-directories_2.3.2-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_export_include_directories' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_include_directories' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_include_directories' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-include-directories' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-include-directories_2.3.2-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_include_directories' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_libraries' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_export_libraries' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-export-libraries' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-libraries_2.3.2-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_export_libraries' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_link_flags' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_export_link_flags' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-export-link-flags' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-link-flags_2.3.2-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_export_link_flags' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_libraries' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_libraries' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-libraries' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-libraries_2.3.2-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_libraries' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_pytest' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_pytest' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-pytest' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
python3-pytest => ['python3-pytest']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
python3-pytest => ['python3-pytest']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pytest_2.3.2-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_pytest' at version '2.3.2-2'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fe34d145f10> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fd366546a10> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['ament_cmake_auto', 'ament_cmake_core', 'ament_cmake_libraries', 'ament_cmake_export_dependencies', 'ament_cmake_gtest', 'ament_cmake_export_libraries', 'ament_cmake_gmock', 'ament_cmake_pytest', 'ament_cmake_export_interfaces', 'ament_cmake_vendor_package', 'ament_cmake_export_definitions', 'ament_cmake_include_directories', 'ament_cmake_export_include_directories', 'ament_cmake_python', 'ament_cmake_version', 'ament_cmake', 'ament_cmake_test', 'ament_cmake_google_benchmark', 'ament_cmake_gen_version_h', 'ament_cmake_export_link_flags', 'ament_cmake_export_targets', 'ament_cmake_target_dependencies']
RPM Incremental Version: 2
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_auto' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_auto' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-auto' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_gmock => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gmock']
ament_cmake_gtest => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gtest']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_gmock => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gmock']
ament_cmake_gtest => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gtest']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-auto-2.3.2-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_auto' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_core' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_core' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-core' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
cmake => ['cmake3']
ament_package => ['ros-rolling-ament-package']
python3-catkin-pkg-modules => ['python%{python3_pkgversion}-catkin_pkg']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
cmake => ['cmake3']
ament_package => ['ros-rolling-ament-package']
python3-catkin-pkg-modules => ['python%{python3_pkgversion}-catkin_pkg']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core-2.3.2-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_core' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_libraries' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_libraries' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-libraries' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-libraries-2.3.2-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_libraries' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_dependencies' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_export_dependencies' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-export-dependencies' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_libraries => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-libraries']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-dependencies-2.3.2-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_export_dependencies' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_gtest' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_gtest' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-gtest' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
gtest => ['gtest-devel']
gtest_vendor => ['ros-rolling-gtest-vendor']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gtest-2.3.2-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_gtest' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_libraries' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_export_libraries' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-export-libraries' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-libraries-2.3.2-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_export_libraries' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_gmock' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_gmock' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-gmock' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_gtest => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gtest']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
gmock_vendor => ['ros-rolling-gmock-vendor']
google-mock => ['gmock-devel']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gmock-2.3.2-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_gmock' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_pytest' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_pytest' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-pytest' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
python3-pytest => ['python%{python3_pkgversion}-pytest']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
python3-pytest => ['python%{python3_pkgversion}-pytest']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pytest-2.3.2-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_pytest' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_interfaces' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_export_interfaces' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-export-interfaces' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_export_libraries => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-libraries']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-interfaces-2.3.2-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_export_interfaces' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_vendor_package' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_vendor_package' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-vendor-package' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_export_dependencies => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-dependencies']
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
python3-vcstool => ['python3-vcstool']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_export_dependencies => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-dependencies']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-vendor-package-2.3.2-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_vendor_package' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_definitions' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_export_definitions' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-export-definitions' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-definitions-2.3.2-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_export_definitions' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_include_directories' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_include_directories' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-include-directories' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-include-directories-2.3.2-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_include_directories' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_include_directories' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_export_include_directories' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-export-include-directories' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-include-directories-2.3.2-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_export_include_directories' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_python' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_python' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-python' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-python-2.3.2-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_python' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_version' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_version' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-version' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-version-2.3.2-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_version' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_export_definitions => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-definitions']
ament_cmake_export_dependencies => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-dependencies']
ament_cmake_export_include_directories => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-include-directories']
ament_cmake_export_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-interfaces']
ament_cmake_export_libraries => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-libraries']
ament_cmake_export_link_flags => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-link-flags']
ament_cmake_export_targets => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-targets']
ament_cmake_gen_version_h => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gen-version-h']
ament_cmake_libraries => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-libraries']
ament_cmake_python => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-python']
ament_cmake_target_dependencies => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-target-dependencies']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
ament_cmake_version => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-version']
cmake => ['cmake3']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_export_dependencies => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-dependencies']
cmake => ['cmake3']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-2.3.2-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_test' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_test' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-test' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_python => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-python']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test-2.3.2-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_test' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_google_benchmark' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_google_benchmark' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-google-benchmark' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
google_benchmark_vendor => ['ros-rolling-google-benchmark-vendor']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_export_dependencies => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-dependencies']
ament_cmake_python => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-python']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-google-benchmark-2.3.2-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_google_benchmark' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_gen_version_h' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_gen_version_h' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-gen-version-h' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_package => ['ros-rolling-ament-package']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gen-version-h-2.3.2-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_gen_version_h' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_link_flags' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_export_link_flags' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-export-link-flags' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-link-flags-2.3.2-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_export_link_flags' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_targets' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_export_targets' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-export-targets' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_export_libraries => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-libraries']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-targets-2.3.2-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_export_targets' at version '2.3.2-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_target_dependencies' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_target_dependencies' at version '2.3.2-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-target-dependencies' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_include_directories => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-include-directories']
ament_cmake_libraries => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-libraries']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-target-dependencies-2.3.2-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_target_dependencies' at version '2.3.2-2'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 2.3.2 --display-uri --name ament_cmake --output-dir /tmp/tmp2aypk8za
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmp2aypk8za/ament_cmake-2.3.2.tar.gz --release-version 2.3.2 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 2
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
+ 0281ba7be...97c59e6c9 debian/rolling/ament_cmake -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake (forced update)
+ 4f98fd8e5...d233c01dc debian/rolling/ament_cmake_auto -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_auto (forced update)
+ 08d366d9d...034032eec debian/rolling/ament_cmake_core -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_core (forced update)
+ 9a6c81e3f...4f2413302 debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_definitions -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_definitions (forced update)
+ c3e1e169c...136c43c6c debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_dependencies -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_dependencies (forced update)
+ be7ce436d...12a066008 debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_include_directories -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_include_directories (forced update)
+ b963b8e46...e679e7436 debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_interfaces -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_interfaces (forced update)
+ 9fe2d68cd...f22a98206 debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_libraries -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_libraries (forced update)
+ 8c0094248...f3cdeb9b2 debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_link_flags -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_link_flags (forced update)
+ dd82c2725...ee12dc1f7 debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_targets -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_targets (forced update)
+ 442d085e4...ee12899a3 debian/rolling/ament_cmake_gen_version_h -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_gen_version_h (forced update)
+ b8c2c868b...6712bdf08 debian/rolling/ament_cmake_gmock -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_gmock (forced update)
+ e4b983310...a6ce4ef8c debian/rolling/ament_cmake_google_benchmark -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_google_benchmark (forced update)
+ 6e7f50978...fe291c5e1 debian/rolling/ament_cmake_gtest -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_gtest (forced update)
+ 78d190130...4b5a11142 debian/rolling/ament_cmake_include_directories -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_include_directories (forced update)
+ 69a6f560a...fe277562c debian/rolling/ament_cmake_libraries -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_libraries (forced update)
+ 6e85d76b7...0d229f394 debian/rolling/ament_cmake_pytest -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_pytest (forced update)
+ 7cbc24f4b...b7a9469d1 debian/rolling/ament_cmake_python -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_python (forced update)
+ 810b97ba8...4e430eaa7 debian/rolling/ament_cmake_target_dependencies -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_target_dependencies (forced update)
+ f38a4a205...e9a293b7e debian/rolling/ament_cmake_test -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_test (forced update)
+ d417fa2a9...b1c479621 debian/rolling/ament_cmake_vendor_package -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_vendor_package (forced update)
+ e8513cbb6...c01cdaf94 debian/rolling/ament_cmake_version -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_version (forced update)
e768130af..75d765055 master -> master
+ 7e9e37869...55cbdd84b patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake (forced update)
+ f6ce50b4d...96990b5d3 patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_auto -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_auto (forced update)
+ 7abe633a3...d4dfdbc53 patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_core -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_core (forced update)
+ d9c6da8dd...0be7cfbd3 patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_definitions -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_definitions (forced update)
+ 85303cc6e...ec22567b5 patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_dependencies -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_dependencies (forced update)
+ 226213c82...e4e7b68bc patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_include_directories -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_include_directories (forced update)
+ 629609b43...9b47c431d patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_interfaces -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_interfaces (forced update)
+ a0d3fd9d9...e1f433682 patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_libraries -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_libraries (forced update)
+ a69c87e37...14c01313d patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_link_flags -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_link_flags (forced update)
+ e7cbd89e1...f1aa3a336 patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_targets -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_export_targets (forced update)
+ c7a93276f...b9d038675 patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_gen_version_h -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_gen_version_h (forced update)
+ 890315e47...af4a7666a patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_gmock -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_gmock (forced update)
+ a1628d49a...a760bdd37 patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_google_benchmark -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_google_benchmark (forced update)
+ aae8d3ae8...9f4e13f18 patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_gtest -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_gtest (forced update)
+ 893435f23...a5954e86c patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_include_directories -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_include_directories (forced update)
+ 2990a200a...089ce3aa4 patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_libraries -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_libraries (forced update)
+ f40beb79e...602945a82 patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_pytest -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_pytest (forced update)
+ 0149e74d1...da3de84d1 patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_python -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_python (forced update)
+ 08973ad15...8497df116 patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_target_dependencies -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_target_dependencies (forced update)
+ 831607869...6d2781477 patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_test -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_test (forced update)
+ 5047686aa...cabaaba91 patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_vendor_package -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_vendor_package (forced update)
+ bab69aa74...eb16ce00b patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_version -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_version (forced update)
+ 2bdfbc97f...561966811 patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake (forced update)
+ e605c4cff...26de95780 patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_auto -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_auto (forced update)
+ ad78ce597...1edaad484 patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_core -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_core (forced update)
+ a88c7fc09...4fea19fcd patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_definitions -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_definitions (forced update)
+ 9f838c674...a6bdfb596 patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_dependencies -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_dependencies (forced update)
+ b32d482cf...437086dbd patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_include_directories -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_include_directories (forced update)
+ e15e2801a...884e8b4bd patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_interfaces -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_interfaces (forced update)
+ 25a1fc9b5...109f8e5f4 patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_libraries -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_libraries (forced update)
+ 5a284329f...ea4fb0cba patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_link_flags -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_link_flags (forced update)
+ defec5383...768ee7ebb patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_targets -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_targets (forced update)
+ 17ae56651...8e181543b patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_gen_version_h -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_gen_version_h (forced update)
+ f27e0946c...16a66df3e patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_gmock -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_gmock (forced update)
+ 09f6c2456...41e08058d patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_google_benchmark -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_google_benchmark (forced update)
+ 6d3f98ed9...bdf2dcdb6 patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_gtest -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_gtest (forced update)
+ aa3399f23...2fec6a27a patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_include_directories -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_include_directories (forced update)
+ 0db7b6036...6145641a3 patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_libraries -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_libraries (forced update)
+ 49ae1c236...3c8ba744a patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_pytest -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_pytest (forced update)
+ 1300d19ee...ef6a091d0 patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_python -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_python (forced update)
+ d13d5f4b7...b25e92cb0 patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_target_dependencies -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_target_dependencies (forced update)
+ a1ca3e8cb...3ded244c4 patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_test -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_test (forced update)
+ 10d26245e...651a5d4c5 patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_vendor_package -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_vendor_package (forced update)
+ 1a36abca8...b7920c81c patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_version -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_version (forced update)
+ 2efb5157c...06db55d18 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake (forced update)
+ ac7833b18...db5c79168 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_auto -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_auto (forced update)
+ 91908ac0a...bd43f23df patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_core -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_core (forced update)
+ d53a91db6...14ebd8ebd patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_export_definitions -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_export_definitions (forced update)
+ 700737466...9b7554fbc patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_export_dependencies -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_export_dependencies (forced update)
+ ee3c83d62...6edf52150 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_export_include_directories -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_export_include_directories (forced update)
+ 01fb06cc5...578791406 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_export_interfaces -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_export_interfaces (forced update)
+ 48c85b96c...eed544f25 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_export_libraries -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_export_libraries (forced update)
+ e035358e7...2de858175 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_export_link_flags -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_export_link_flags (forced update)
+ 78f204cf4...31b0a308f patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_export_targets -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_export_targets (forced update)
+ 2f7a407b6...5d0851fea patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_gen_version_h -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_gen_version_h (forced update)
+ 66cd0131d...1c96b8211 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_gmock -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_gmock (forced update)
+ 88b38c077...f25669543 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_google_benchmark -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_google_benchmark (forced update)
+ b11efa8cb...46e05ed15 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_gtest -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_gtest (forced update)
+ b4d0c3e0b...fd70eb429 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_include_directories -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_include_directories (forced update)
+ fa384732a...23eb1de14 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_libraries -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_libraries (forced update)
+ f574ee15b...f5b25ad19 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_pytest -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_pytest (forced update)
+ 30c1a10c1...89cdaeee0 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_python -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_python (forced update)
+ 0a8957f5d...9cdd2c3a8 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_target_dependencies -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_target_dependencies (forced update)
+ 258acbf67...a69e3e319 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_test -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_test (forced update)
+ 8939c1604...fb3e25284 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_vendor_package -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_vendor_package (forced update)
+ abca83446...da328171e patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_version -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_version (forced update)
+ 5a5338f39...f1b6be736 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake (forced update)
+ 288b44ad0...ffb3d87bc patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_auto -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_auto (forced update)
+ fa69c91aa...86cc250e9 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_core -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_core (forced update)
+ a25727487...de34283e1 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_definitions -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_definitions (forced update)
+ 038dc18d2...a3bb34ee2 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_dependencies -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_dependencies (forced update)
+ 44b71ab92...dc1aa3b90 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_include_directories -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_include_directories (forced update)
+ a9f8ababe...ea949f3d2 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_interfaces -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_interfaces (forced update)
+ 110c2bb61...7b69955c6 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_libraries -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_libraries (forced update)
+ 73f126e66...9375efa73 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_link_flags -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_link_flags (forced update)
+ c5d20bd71...458a718d9 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_targets -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_targets (forced update)
+ 5274c5785...6a0e2f7f8 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_gen_version_h -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_gen_version_h (forced update)
+ 9d9867858...015eeab65 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_gmock -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_gmock (forced update)
+ f1abe1356...c73172534 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_google_benchmark -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_google_benchmark (forced update)
+ 4e3a0bba9...e4ee27946 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_gtest -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_gtest (forced update)
+ 87c4bb3ad...baf9e6da5 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_include_directories -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_include_directories (forced update)
+ 22d5a1bd3...8c4ee7753 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_libraries -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_libraries (forced update)
+ 46550701a...afd53c1d0 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_pytest -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_pytest (forced update)
+ d48f4ec56...39fc0fa04 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_python -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_python (forced update)
+ efc3d978d...19e8d6145 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_target_dependencies -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_target_dependencies (forced update)
+ 30f58cfb8...403e9f7ca patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_test -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_test (forced update)
+ 9ebfa20be...e07497c1e patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_vendor_package -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_vendor_package (forced update)
+ c8d0c75c2...c950e837d patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_version -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_version (forced update)
+ 8b2a8a5ca...d5c2f64df release/rolling/ament_cmake -> release/rolling/ament_cmake (forced update)
+ 64814c338...66fb79fad release/rolling/ament_cmake_auto -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_auto (forced update)
+ e4a5f7ac9...880c07e22 release/rolling/ament_cmake_core -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_core (forced update)
+ 41badc65b...77aaf4af6 release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_definitions -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_definitions (forced update)
+ a420ca134...88b832737 release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_dependencies -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_dependencies (forced update)
+ c527c1a50...94e3a7bdc release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_include_directories -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_include_directories (forced update)
+ bb4acfe2f...74f00d980 release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_interfaces -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_interfaces (forced update)
+ 17d0d5f96...f6387c2ad release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_libraries -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_libraries (forced update)
+ f5bc1f365...202e4d703 release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_link_flags -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_link_flags (forced update)
+ b3f20d812...fed535e46 release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_targets -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_targets (forced update)
+ c574c9815...be7560bf5 release/rolling/ament_cmake_gen_version_h -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_gen_version_h (forced update)
+ 072d34c6c...77a343ab7 release/rolling/ament_cmake_gmock -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_gmock (forced update)
+ 1476f851f...9923c2490 release/rolling/ament_cmake_google_benchmark -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_google_benchmark (forced update)
+ c587c0333...1acbac213 release/rolling/ament_cmake_gtest -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_gtest (forced update)
+ 2494a7178...31978beec release/rolling/ament_cmake_include_directories -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_include_directories (forced update)
+ 8f4b2212b...0c68a34bd release/rolling/ament_cmake_libraries -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_libraries (forced update)
+ ab7c1a4b2...d5e01e311 release/rolling/ament_cmake_pytest -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_pytest (forced update)
+ 08350219a...c9d1e0bc0 release/rolling/ament_cmake_python -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_python (forced update)
+ 62a359efc...df5ce9d87 release/rolling/ament_cmake_target_dependencies -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_target_dependencies (forced update)
+ c4616ba17...49ebc159c release/rolling/ament_cmake_test -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_test (forced update)
+ 904828a67...d8ee4a4ad release/rolling/ament_cmake_vendor_package -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_vendor_package (forced update)
+ 09735da9a...4c0e68128 release/rolling/ament_cmake_version -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_version (forced update)
+ 0c6f7735a...ec6969d0d rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake (forced update)
+ 38c8e8106...099707e28 rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_auto -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_auto (forced update)
+ 7009c98f6...0535c6a9b rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_core -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_core (forced update)
+ 8d79f81f7...e6614faca rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_export_definitions -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_export_definitions (forced update)
+ b4fddb58e...73f0aef97 rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_export_dependencies -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_export_dependencies (forced update)
+ bc97d5881...1c2922aac rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_export_include_directories -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_export_include_directories (forced update)
+ 3cc3fdb3d...891b0e58d rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_export_interfaces -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_export_interfaces (forced update)
+ 4876e6312...e3473a49c rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_export_libraries -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_export_libraries (forced update)
+ be0c2a6f4...49038313a rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_export_link_flags -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_export_link_flags (forced update)
+ bdf9eb32c...acc2a83cf rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_export_targets -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_export_targets (forced update)
+ 27fb32c60...d2e83e021 rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_gen_version_h -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_gen_version_h (forced update)
+ 1171c59b0...d8596592c rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_gmock -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_gmock (forced update)
+ f649a92bb...7f97cdc21 rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_google_benchmark -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_google_benchmark (forced update)
+ fb445ff31...4cab989bb rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_gtest -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_gtest (forced update)
+ 07f2a9b41...2bddc3227 rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_include_directories -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_include_directories (forced update)
+ 66b2594c1...2ac1951c4 rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_libraries -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_libraries (forced update)
+ 2b336932b...6f321374e rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_pytest -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_pytest (forced update)
+ ea06c57e9...389a0de08 rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_python -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_python (forced update)
+ 72b55a914...6c7add605 rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_target_dependencies -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_target_dependencies (forced update)
+ 895a55e3b...e621e528c rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_test -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_test (forced update)
+ 09fe32a1b...d3deaf24d rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_vendor_package -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_vendor_package (forced update)
+ fc8e81888...f553cbc4b rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_version -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_version (forced update)
+ b1c2c2759...05138b517 rpm/rolling/ament_cmake -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake (forced update)
+ 15fb75e57...97bb1192a rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_auto -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_auto (forced update)
+ 41eedae46...b547c3ea9 rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_core -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_core (forced update)
+ f0ea740ac...ca9bed4b6 rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_definitions -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_definitions (forced update)
+ d54546474...8966592cd rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_dependencies -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_dependencies (forced update)
+ 3ebce0fe3...3e5735021 rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_include_directories -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_include_directories (forced update)
+ 0e9f01d8c...a5cf3dc41 rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_interfaces -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_interfaces (forced update)
+ 204cb947a...85cbbf1b5 rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_libraries -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_libraries (forced update)
+ e9eff0c71...c500453c5 rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_link_flags -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_link_flags (forced update)
+ e7b39f95a...4554a3077 rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_targets -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_export_targets (forced update)
+ 780f9b5d0...f97092b07 rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_gen_version_h -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_gen_version_h (forced update)
+ 632a3c0d0...50c34e847 rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_gmock -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_gmock (forced update)
+ 5288e84ef...a2e61fb8a rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_google_benchmark -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_google_benchmark (forced update)
+ 27ba2e380...b685489f6 rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_gtest -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_gtest (forced update)
+ eb2400ba9...dbf607b51 rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_include_directories -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_include_directories (forced update)
+ 269861f82...ba2d5aaec rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_libraries -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_libraries (forced update)
+ ec79c2d68...fd47ae1e4 rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_pytest -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_pytest (forced update)
+ 2ef02af51...7c804cccc rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_python -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_python (forced update)
+ a75524d37...35af0ce0e rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_target_dependencies -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_target_dependencies (forced update)
+ 138d0f94b...8bcfa5792 rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_test -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_test (forced update)
+ 34b698b96...fe0e549a6 rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_vendor_package -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_vendor_package (forced update)
+ 1a7f54fb5...9fa0cf8b1 rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_version -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_version (forced update)
+ dd2518c4f...7156da000 upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_auto -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_auto
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_core -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_core
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_export_definitions -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_export_definitions
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_export_dependencies -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_export_dependencies
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_export_include_directories -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_export_include_directories
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_export_interfaces -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_export_interfaces
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_export_libraries -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_export_libraries
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_export_link_flags -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_export_link_flags
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_export_targets -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_export_targets
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_gen_version_h -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_gen_version_h
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_gmock -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_gmock
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_google_benchmark -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_google_benchmark
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_gtest -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_gtest
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_include_directories -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_include_directories
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_libraries -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_libraries
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_pytest -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_pytest
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_python -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_python
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_target_dependencies -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_target_dependencies
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_test -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_test
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_vendor_package -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_vendor_package
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_version -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_version
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_auto -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_auto
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_core -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_core
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_export_definitions -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_export_definitions
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_export_dependencies -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_export_dependencies
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_export_include_directories -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_export_include_directories
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_export_interfaces -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_export_interfaces
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_export_libraries -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_export_libraries
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_export_link_flags -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_export_link_flags
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_export_targets -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_export_targets
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_gen_version_h -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_gen_version_h
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_gmock -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_gmock
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_google_benchmark -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_google_benchmark
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_gtest -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_gtest
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_include_directories -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_include_directories
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_libraries -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_libraries
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_pytest -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_pytest
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_python -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_python
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_target_dependencies -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_target_dependencies
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_test -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_test
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_vendor_package -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_vendor_package
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_version -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_version
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_auto -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_auto
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_core -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_core
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_export_definitions -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_export_definitions
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_export_dependencies -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_export_dependencies
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_export_include_directories -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_export_include_directories
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_export_interfaces -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_export_interfaces
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_export_libraries -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_export_libraries
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_export_link_flags -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_export_link_flags
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_export_targets -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_export_targets
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_gen_version_h -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_gen_version_h
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_gmock -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_gmock
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_google_benchmark -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_google_benchmark
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_gtest -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_gtest
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_include_directories -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_include_directories
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_libraries -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_libraries
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_pytest -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_pytest
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_python -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_python
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_target_dependencies -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_target_dependencies
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_test -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_test
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_vendor_package -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_vendor_package
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_version -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_version
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_auto -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_auto
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_core -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_core
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_export_definitions -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_export_definitions
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_export_dependencies -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_export_dependencies
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_export_include_directories -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_export_include_directories
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_export_interfaces -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_export_interfaces
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_export_libraries -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_export_libraries
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_export_link_flags -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_export_link_flags
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_export_targets -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_export_targets
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_gen_version_h -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_gen_version_h
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_gmock -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_gmock
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_google_benchmark -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_google_benchmark
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_gtest -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_gtest
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_include_directories -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_include_directories
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_libraries -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_libraries
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_pytest -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_pytest
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_python -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_python
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_target_dependencies -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_target_dependencies
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_test -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_test
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_vendor_package -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_vendor_package
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_version -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_version
+ f71454c5b...7156da000 upstream/2.3.2 -> upstream/2.3.2 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-auto_2.3.2-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-auto_2.3.2-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-auto_2.3.2-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-auto_2.3.2-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core_2.3.2-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core_2.3.2-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core_2.3.2-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core_2.3.2-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-definitions_2.3.2-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-definitions_2.3.2-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-definitions_2.3.2-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-definitions_2.3.2-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-dependencies_2.3.2-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-dependencies_2.3.2-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-dependencies_2.3.2-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-dependencies_2.3.2-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-include-directories_2.3.2-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-include-directories_2.3.2-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-include-directories_2.3.2-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-include-directories_2.3.2-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-interfaces_2.3.2-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-interfaces_2.3.2-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-interfaces_2.3.2-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-interfaces_2.3.2-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-libraries_2.3.2-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-libraries_2.3.2-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-libraries_2.3.2-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-libraries_2.3.2-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-link-flags_2.3.2-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-link-flags_2.3.2-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-link-flags_2.3.2-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-link-flags_2.3.2-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-targets_2.3.2-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-targets_2.3.2-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-targets_2.3.2-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-targets_2.3.2-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gen-version-h_2.3.2-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gen-version-h_2.3.2-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gen-version-h_2.3.2-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gen-version-h_2.3.2-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gmock_2.3.2-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gmock_2.3.2-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gmock_2.3.2-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gmock_2.3.2-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-google-benchmark_2.3.2-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-google-benchmark_2.3.2-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-google-benchmark_2.3.2-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-google-benchmark_2.3.2-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gtest_2.3.2-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gtest_2.3.2-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gtest_2.3.2-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gtest_2.3.2-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-include-directories_2.3.2-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-include-directories_2.3.2-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-include-directories_2.3.2-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-include-directories_2.3.2-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-libraries_2.3.2-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-libraries_2.3.2-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-libraries_2.3.2-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-libraries_2.3.2-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pytest_2.3.2-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pytest_2.3.2-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pytest_2.3.2-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pytest_2.3.2-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-python_2.3.2-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-python_2.3.2-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-python_2.3.2-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-python_2.3.2-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-target-dependencies_2.3.2-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-target-dependencies_2.3.2-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-target-dependencies_2.3.2-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-target-dependencies_2.3.2-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test_2.3.2-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test_2.3.2-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test_2.3.2-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test_2.3.2-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-vendor-package_2.3.2-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-vendor-package_2.3.2-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-vendor-package_2.3.2-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-vendor-package_2.3.2-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-version_2.3.2-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-version_2.3.2-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-version_2.3.2-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-version_2.3.2-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake_2.3.2-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake_2.3.2-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake_2.3.2-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake_2.3.2-2_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake/2.3.2-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake/2.3.2-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_auto/2.3.2-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_auto/2.3.2-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_core/2.3.2-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_core/2.3.2-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_definitions/2.3.2-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_definitions/2.3.2-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_dependencies/2.3.2-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_dependencies/2.3.2-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_include_directories/2.3.2-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_include_directories/2.3.2-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_interfaces/2.3.2-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_interfaces/2.3.2-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_libraries/2.3.2-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_libraries/2.3.2-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_link_flags/2.3.2-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_link_flags/2.3.2-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_targets/2.3.2-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_export_targets/2.3.2-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_gen_version_h/2.3.2-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_gen_version_h/2.3.2-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_gmock/2.3.2-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_gmock/2.3.2-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_google_benchmark/2.3.2-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_google_benchmark/2.3.2-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_gtest/2.3.2-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_gtest/2.3.2-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_include_directories/2.3.2-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_include_directories/2.3.2-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_libraries/2.3.2-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_libraries/2.3.2-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_pytest/2.3.2-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_pytest/2.3.2-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_python/2.3.2-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_python/2.3.2-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_target_dependencies/2.3.2-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_target_dependencies/2.3.2-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_test/2.3.2-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_test/2.3.2-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_vendor_package/2.3.2-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_vendor_package/2.3.2-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_version/2.3.2-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_version/2.3.2-2
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-2.3.2-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-2.3.2-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-auto-2.3.2-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-auto-2.3.2-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core-2.3.2-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core-2.3.2-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-definitions-2.3.2-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-definitions-2.3.2-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-dependencies-2.3.2-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-dependencies-2.3.2-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-include-directories-2.3.2-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-include-directories-2.3.2-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-interfaces-2.3.2-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-interfaces-2.3.2-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-libraries-2.3.2-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-libraries-2.3.2-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-link-flags-2.3.2-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-link-flags-2.3.2-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-targets-2.3.2-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-targets-2.3.2-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gen-version-h-2.3.2-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gen-version-h-2.3.2-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gmock-2.3.2-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gmock-2.3.2-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-google-benchmark-2.3.2-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-google-benchmark-2.3.2-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gtest-2.3.2-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gtest-2.3.2-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-include-directories-2.3.2-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-include-directories-2.3.2-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-libraries-2.3.2-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-libraries-2.3.2-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pytest-2.3.2-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pytest-2.3.2-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-python-2.3.2-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-python-2.3.2-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-target-dependencies-2.3.2-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-target-dependencies-2.3.2-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test-2.3.2-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test-2.3.2-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-vendor-package-2.3.2-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-vendor-package-2.3.2-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-version-2.3.2-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-version-2.3.2-2_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master af32142cc] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
75d765055..af32142cc master -> master
Cloning into 'ament_cmake_catch2-release'...
[master 6897462] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/eayvl04_/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '1.4.0'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmpoagy6l38/upstream-1.4.0.tar.gz'
md5: 7edf10d914dfccf1817bd97c1bf67a9c
Removing tag: 'upstream/1.4.0'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/1.4.0'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing package: ['ament_cmake_catch2']
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_catch2' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_catch2'
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f7183826250> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['ament_cmake_catch2']
Debian Incremental Version: 2
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_catch2' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_catch2' at version '1.4.0-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-catch2' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-catch2_1.4.0-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_catch2' at version '1.4.0-2'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f3951b92a10> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['ament_cmake_catch2']
Debian Incremental Version: 2
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_catch2' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_catch2' at version '1.4.0-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-catch2' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-catch2_1.4.0-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_catch2' at version '1.4.0-2'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f937f87c310> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7feb39fc4a50> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['ament_cmake_catch2']
RPM Incremental Version: 2
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_catch2' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_catch2' at version '1.4.0-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-catch2' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-catch2-1.4.0-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_catch2' at version '1.4.0-2'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 1.4.0 --display-uri --name upstream --output-dir /tmp/tmpoagy6l38
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmpoagy6l38/upstream-1.4.0.tar.gz --release-version 1.4.0 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 2
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
+ 50ad8a7...c558fde debian/rolling/ament_cmake_catch2 -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_catch2 (forced update)
6c433c1..e6ed38c master -> master
+ 4673b7f...4b914d2 patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_catch2 -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_catch2 (forced update)
+ 309ee9c...cf1eaad patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_catch2 -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_catch2 (forced update)
+ fb21c81...29dc913 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_catch2 -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_catch2 (forced update)
+ f0a44ed...67e8972 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_catch2 -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_catch2 (forced update)
+ b4d4ef3...d81436a release/rolling/ament_cmake_catch2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_catch2 (forced update)
+ 973a3c7...d13c8a5 rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_catch2 -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_catch2 (forced update)
+ 8cedbc0...cd9dab3 rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_catch2 -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_catch2 (forced update)
+ c543801...d7a38ea upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_catch2 -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_catch2
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_catch2 -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_catch2
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_catch2 -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_catch2
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_catch2 -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_catch2
+ fdc5576...d7a38ea upstream/1.4.0 -> upstream/1.4.0 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-catch2_1.4.0-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-catch2_1.4.0-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-catch2_1.4.0-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-catch2_1.4.0-2_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_catch2/1.4.0-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_catch2/1.4.0-2
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-catch2-1.4.0-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-catch2-1.4.0-2_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master 886ec35] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
e6ed38c..886ec35 master -> master
Cloning into 'ament_cmake_ros-release'...
[master ee184e0] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/5rt1ji3k/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '0.12.0'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmp1h7gcv9f/ament_cmake_ros-0.12.0.tar.gz'
md5: e58eca0eb6f8a74f6688ba458db2972c
Removing tag: 'upstream/0.12.0'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/0.12.0'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing packages: ['domain_coordinator', 'ament_cmake_ros']
Releasing package 'domain_coordinator' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/domain_coordinator'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_ros' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_ros'
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f9dee2bafd0> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['ament_cmake_ros', 'domain_coordinator']
Debian Incremental Version: 2
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_ros' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_ros' at version '0.12.0-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-ros' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
domain_coordinator => ['ros-rolling-domain-coordinator']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_gtest => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gtest']
ament_cmake_gmock => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gmock']
ament_cmake_pytest => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pytest']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
domain_coordinator => ['ros-rolling-domain-coordinator']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-ros_0.12.0-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_ros' at version '0.12.0-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/domain_coordinator' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'domain_coordinator' at version '0.12.0-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-domain-coordinator_0.12.0-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'domain_coordinator' at version '0.12.0-2'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f0d909f1b90> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['domain_coordinator', 'ament_cmake_ros']
Debian Incremental Version: 2
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/domain_coordinator' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'domain_coordinator' at version '0.12.0-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-domain-coordinator_0.12.0-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'domain_coordinator' at version '0.12.0-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_ros' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_ros' at version '0.12.0-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-ros' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
domain_coordinator => ['python3-domain-coordinator']
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_gtest => ['ament-cmake-googletest']
ament_cmake_gmock => ['ament-cmake-googletest']
ament_cmake_pytest => ['ament-cmake-pytest']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
domain_coordinator => ['python3-domain-coordinator']
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-ros_0.12.0-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_ros' at version '0.12.0-2'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f5ff3af8c50> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f1acb384210> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['domain_coordinator', 'ament_cmake_ros']
RPM Incremental Version: 2
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/domain_coordinator' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'domain_coordinator' at version '0.12.0-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-domain-coordinator-0.12.0-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'domain_coordinator' at version '0.12.0-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_ros' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_ros' at version '0.12.0-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-ros' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
domain_coordinator => ['ros-rolling-domain-coordinator']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_gtest => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gtest']
ament_cmake_gmock => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gmock']
ament_cmake_pytest => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pytest']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
domain_coordinator => ['ros-rolling-domain-coordinator']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-ros-0.12.0-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_ros' at version '0.12.0-2'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 0.12.0 --display-uri --name ament_cmake_ros --output-dir /tmp/tmp1h7gcv9f
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmp1h7gcv9f/ament_cmake_ros-0.12.0.tar.gz --release-version 0.12.0 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 2
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
+ 0ce5263...ad6d56f debian/rolling/ament_cmake_ros -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_ros (forced update)
+ 1040cd6...eacb920 debian/rolling/domain_coordinator -> debian/rolling/domain_coordinator (forced update)
4fedeb1..3762df1 master -> master
+ 21d60cd...6e884d2 patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_ros -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_ros (forced update)
+ 93032cb...61ef4ac patches/debian/rolling/domain_coordinator -> patches/debian/rolling/domain_coordinator (forced update)
+ 66da0ff...bc76c21 patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_ros -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_ros (forced update)
+ 2a982f8...3494542 patches/release/rolling/domain_coordinator -> patches/release/rolling/domain_coordinator (forced update)
+ 7ae1a0f...83ce79e patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_ros -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_ros (forced update)
+ a2c72a0...d165eec patches/rpm/rolling/9/domain_coordinator -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/domain_coordinator (forced update)
+ ca60bab...adc5ffa patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_ros -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_ros (forced update)
+ 8bb7a6e...3906b1f patches/rpm/rolling/domain_coordinator -> patches/rpm/rolling/domain_coordinator (forced update)
+ 780b356...3ece4d9 release/rolling/ament_cmake_ros -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_ros (forced update)
+ 34150f7...b9937b9 release/rolling/domain_coordinator -> release/rolling/domain_coordinator (forced update)
+ a35088c...9f73db1 rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_ros -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_ros (forced update)
+ 746b5c0...874555e rpm/rolling/9/domain_coordinator -> rpm/rolling/9/domain_coordinator (forced update)
+ 8f14def...f078a58 rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_ros -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_ros (forced update)
+ 5cfd912...1b5d251 rpm/rolling/domain_coordinator -> rpm/rolling/domain_coordinator (forced update)
+ 7f1d846...6d544ac upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_ros -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_ros
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/domain_coordinator -> debian/rolling/bookworm/domain_coordinator
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_ros -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_ros
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/domain_coordinator -> debian/rolling/noble/domain_coordinator
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_ros -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_ros
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/domain_coordinator -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/domain_coordinator
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_ros -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_ros
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/domain_coordinator -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/domain_coordinator
+ 7f1d846...6d544ac upstream/0.12.0 -> upstream/0.12.0 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-ros_0.12.0-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-ros_0.12.0-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-ros_0.12.0-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-ros_0.12.0-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-domain-coordinator_0.12.0-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-domain-coordinator_0.12.0-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-domain-coordinator_0.12.0-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-domain-coordinator_0.12.0-2_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_ros/0.12.0-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_ros/0.12.0-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/domain_coordinator/0.12.0-2 -> release/rolling/domain_coordinator/0.12.0-2
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-ros-0.12.0-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-ros-0.12.0-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-domain-coordinator-0.12.0-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-domain-coordinator-0.12.0-2_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master 8b83e99] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
3762df1..8b83e99 master -> master
Cloning into 'ament_download-release'...
[master 9590b0c] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/jvlqwc7x/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '0.0.5'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmpjaqj3tl9/upstream-0.0.5.tar.gz'
md5: 1b00b50244687e44b6b06dadd2393c31
Removing tag: 'upstream/0.0.5'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/0.0.5'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing package: ['ament_download']
Releasing package 'ament_download' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_download'
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f1a2ed5e990> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['ament_download']
Debian Incremental Version: 5
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_download' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_download' at version '0.0.5-5'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
No CHANGELOG.rst found for package 'ament_download'
Package 'ament-download' has dependencies:
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-download_0.0.5-5_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_download' at version '0.0.5-5'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f2ff25ae790> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['ament_download']
Debian Incremental Version: 5
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_download' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_download' at version '0.0.5-5'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
No CHANGELOG.rst found for package 'ament_download'
Package 'ament-download' has dependencies:
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-download_0.0.5-5_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_download' at version '0.0.5-5'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7ff78a920490> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f296b0f6010> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['ament_download']
RPM Incremental Version: 5
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_download' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_download' at version '0.0.5-5'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-download' has dependencies:
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-download-0.0.5-5_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_download' at version '0.0.5-5'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 0.0.5 --display-uri --name upstream --output-dir /tmp/tmpjaqj3tl9
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmpjaqj3tl9/upstream-0.0.5.tar.gz --release-version 0.0.5 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 5
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
+ 5a99d7f...d6a2960 debian/rolling/ament_download -> debian/rolling/ament_download (forced update)
ba2af44..bde20dc master -> master
+ fa3b018...5169ad8 patches/debian/rolling/ament_download -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_download (forced update)
+ 588532b...6704700 patches/release/rolling/ament_download -> patches/release/rolling/ament_download (forced update)
+ 3a7f85b...789cf71 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_download -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_download (forced update)
+ d9c511f...5ae8c12 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_download -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_download (forced update)
+ c9e275d...ed8a038 release/rolling/ament_download -> release/rolling/ament_download (forced update)
+ 0e40a8a...4a82e1e rpm/rolling/9/ament_download -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_download (forced update)
+ 618af70...933447a rpm/rolling/ament_download -> rpm/rolling/ament_download (forced update)
+ 83c65ff...973f49b upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_download -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_download
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_download -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_download
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_download -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_download
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_download -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_download
+ 83c65ff...973f49b upstream/0.0.5 -> upstream/0.0.5 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-download_0.0.5-5_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-download_0.0.5-5_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-download_0.0.5-5_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-download_0.0.5-5_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_download/0.0.5-5 -> release/rolling/ament_download/0.0.5-5
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-download-0.0.5-5_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-download-0.0.5-5_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master d427743] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
bde20dc..d427743 master -> master
Cloning into 'ament_index-release'...
[master ebbefdc] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/v9myq521/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '1.7.0'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmp1afo6obo/ament_index-1.7.0.tar.gz'
md5: df737e410d352e7f2004281586a9e1dd
Removing tag: 'upstream/1.7.0'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/1.7.0'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing packages: ['ament_index_cpp', 'ament_index_python']
Releasing package 'ament_index_cpp' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_index_cpp'
Releasing package 'ament_index_python' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_index_python'
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fd58fc06b90> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['ament_index_cpp', 'ament_index_python']
Debian Incremental Version: 2
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_index_cpp' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_index_cpp' at version '1.7.0-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-index-cpp' has dependencies:
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-index-cpp_1.7.0-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_index_cpp' at version '1.7.0-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_index_python' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_index_python' at version '1.7.0-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-index-python_1.7.0-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_index_python' at version '1.7.0-2'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fd49af319d0> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['ament_index_python', 'ament_index_cpp']
Debian Incremental Version: 2
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_index_python' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_index_python' at version '1.7.0-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-index-python_1.7.0-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_index_python' at version '1.7.0-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_index_cpp' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_index_cpp' at version '1.7.0-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-index-cpp' has dependencies:
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-index-cpp_1.7.0-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_index_cpp' at version '1.7.0-2'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f4035297ed0> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f89e3eb6010> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['ament_index_python', 'ament_index_cpp']
RPM Incremental Version: 2
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_index_python' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_index_python' at version '1.7.0-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-index-python-1.7.0-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_index_python' at version '1.7.0-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_index_cpp' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_index_cpp' at version '1.7.0-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-index-cpp' has dependencies:
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-index-cpp-1.7.0-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_index_cpp' at version '1.7.0-2'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 1.7.0 --display-uri --name ament_index --output-dir /tmp/tmp1afo6obo
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmp1afo6obo/ament_index-1.7.0.tar.gz --release-version 1.7.0 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 2
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
+ b0e1d0e...a51c83d debian/rolling/ament_index_cpp -> debian/rolling/ament_index_cpp (forced update)
+ 91dd552...fc7be27 debian/rolling/ament_index_python -> debian/rolling/ament_index_python (forced update)
98fd243..418ea66 master -> master
+ 00ec990...db064c1 patches/debian/rolling/ament_index_cpp -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_index_cpp (forced update)
+ c04b9cb...5c84575 patches/debian/rolling/ament_index_python -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_index_python (forced update)
+ 3dd922f...744d07e patches/release/rolling/ament_index_cpp -> patches/release/rolling/ament_index_cpp (forced update)
+ e3eb97f...12d4dc7 patches/release/rolling/ament_index_python -> patches/release/rolling/ament_index_python (forced update)
+ c5fdf3b...37eee19 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_index_cpp -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_index_cpp (forced update)
+ 2e6c1d9...c502c5d patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_index_python -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_index_python (forced update)
+ a81a838...dc4293d patches/rpm/rolling/ament_index_cpp -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_index_cpp (forced update)
+ e925191...4889acc patches/rpm/rolling/ament_index_python -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_index_python (forced update)
+ d33db71...d4ad4b6 release/rolling/ament_index_cpp -> release/rolling/ament_index_cpp (forced update)
+ cb0bc9d...7c39381 release/rolling/ament_index_python -> release/rolling/ament_index_python (forced update)
+ 3fae174...146f35a rpm/rolling/9/ament_index_cpp -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_index_cpp (forced update)
+ 55e0645...e2b18fb rpm/rolling/9/ament_index_python -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_index_python (forced update)
+ 32fece2...034def5 rpm/rolling/ament_index_cpp -> rpm/rolling/ament_index_cpp (forced update)
+ d7e5ee7...9c76c5f rpm/rolling/ament_index_python -> rpm/rolling/ament_index_python (forced update)
+ 71ee373...84fee6e upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_index_cpp -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_index_cpp
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_index_python -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_index_python
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_index_cpp -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_index_cpp
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_index_python -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_index_python
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_index_cpp -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_index_cpp
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_index_python -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_index_python
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_index_cpp -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_index_cpp
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_index_python -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_index_python
+ 71ee373...84fee6e upstream/1.7.0 -> upstream/1.7.0 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-index-cpp_1.7.0-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-index-cpp_1.7.0-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-index-cpp_1.7.0-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-index-cpp_1.7.0-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-index-python_1.7.0-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-index-python_1.7.0-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-index-python_1.7.0-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-index-python_1.7.0-2_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_index_cpp/1.7.0-2 -> release/rolling/ament_index_cpp/1.7.0-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_index_python/1.7.0-2 -> release/rolling/ament_index_python/1.7.0-2
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-index-cpp-1.7.0-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-index-cpp-1.7.0-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-index-python-1.7.0-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-index-python-1.7.0-2_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master 67e26e7] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
418ea66..67e26e7 master -> master
Cloning into 'ament_lint-release'...
[master 896053c9f] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/6lc9zr14/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '0.16.3'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmpj_hhi3an/ament_lint-0.16.3.tar.gz'
md5: 5247e64b1d42ff9e42db2af044900b18
Removing tag: 'upstream/0.16.3'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/0.16.3'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing packages: ['ament_cmake_uncrustify', 'ament_cmake_mypy', 'ament_copyright', 'ament_xmllint', 'ament_pyflakes', 'ament_cmake_clang_tidy', 'ament_cmake_pyflakes', 'ament_mypy', 'ament_cpplint', 'ament_cmake_clang_format', 'ament_cmake_pycodestyle', 'ament_cmake_cpplint', 'ament_cmake_cppcheck', 'ament_lint_auto', 'ament_cppcheck', 'ament_uncrustify', 'ament_clang_tidy', 'ament_lint_common', 'ament_pep257', 'ament_cmake_flake8', 'ament_cmake_pep257', 'ament_clang_format', 'ament_cmake_pclint', 'ament_cmake_copyright', 'ament_lint_cmake', 'ament_pycodestyle', 'ament_pclint', 'ament_lint', 'ament_cmake_lint_cmake', 'ament_flake8', 'ament_cmake_xmllint']
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_uncrustify' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_uncrustify'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_mypy' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_mypy'
Releasing package 'ament_copyright' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_copyright'
Releasing package 'ament_xmllint' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_xmllint'
Releasing package 'ament_pyflakes' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_pyflakes'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_clang_tidy' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_tidy'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_pyflakes' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_pyflakes'
Releasing package 'ament_mypy' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_mypy'
Releasing package 'ament_cpplint' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cpplint'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_clang_format' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_format'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_pycodestyle' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_pycodestyle'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_cpplint' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_cpplint'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_cppcheck' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_cppcheck'
Releasing package 'ament_lint_auto' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_lint_auto'
Releasing package 'ament_cppcheck' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cppcheck'
Releasing package 'ament_uncrustify' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_uncrustify'
Releasing package 'ament_clang_tidy' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_clang_tidy'
Releasing package 'ament_lint_common' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_lint_common'
Releasing package 'ament_pep257' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_pep257'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_flake8' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_flake8'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_pep257' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_pep257'
Releasing package 'ament_clang_format' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_clang_format'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_pclint' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_pclint'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_copyright' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_copyright'
Releasing package 'ament_lint_cmake' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_lint_cmake'
Releasing package 'ament_pycodestyle' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_pycodestyle'
Releasing package 'ament_pclint' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_pclint'
Releasing package 'ament_lint' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_lint'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_lint_cmake' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_lint_cmake'
Releasing package 'ament_flake8' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_flake8'
Releasing package 'ament_cmake_xmllint' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_cmake_xmllint'
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f29a3978dd0> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['ament_cpplint', 'ament_lint_auto', 'ament_cmake_clang_format', 'ament_lint', 'ament_cmake_flake8', 'ament_uncrustify', 'ament_cmake_xmllint', 'ament_lint_common', 'ament_mypy', 'ament_clang_format', 'ament_cmake_pyflakes', 'ament_pycodestyle', 'ament_cppcheck', 'ament_cmake_clang_tidy', 'ament_lint_cmake', 'ament_cmake_lint_cmake', 'ament_cmake_cpplint', 'ament_cmake_copyright', 'ament_pclint', 'ament_cmake_mypy', 'ament_cmake_uncrustify', 'ament_cmake_pep257', 'ament_cmake_pclint', 'ament_clang_tidy', 'ament_copyright', 'ament_pep257', 'ament_flake8', 'ament_cmake_cppcheck', 'ament_cmake_pycodestyle', 'ament_pyflakes', 'ament_xmllint']
Debian Incremental Version: 2
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cpplint' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cpplint' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cpplint_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cpplint' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_lint_auto' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_lint_auto' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-lint-auto' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-lint-auto_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_lint_auto' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_format' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_clang_format' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-clang-format' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_clang_format => ['ros-rolling-ament-clang-format']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-clang-format_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_clang_format' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_lint' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_lint' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-lint_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_lint' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_flake8' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_flake8' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-flake8' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
ament_flake8 => ['ros-rolling-ament-flake8']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-flake8_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_flake8' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_uncrustify' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_uncrustify' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-uncrustify' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
uncrustify_vendor => ['ros-rolling-uncrustify-vendor']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-uncrustify_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_uncrustify' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_xmllint' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_xmllint' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-xmllint' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
ament_xmllint => ['ros-rolling-ament-xmllint']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-xmllint_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_xmllint' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_lint_common' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_lint_common' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-lint-common' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_copyright => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-copyright']
ament_cmake_cppcheck => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-cppcheck']
ament_cmake_cpplint => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-cpplint']
ament_cmake_flake8 => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-flake8']
ament_cmake_lint_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-lint-cmake']
ament_cmake_pep257 => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pep257']
ament_cmake_uncrustify => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-uncrustify']
ament_cmake_xmllint => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-xmllint']
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_export_dependencies => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-dependencies']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-lint-common_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_lint_common' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_mypy' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_mypy' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-mypy' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
python3-mypy => ['python3-mypy']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-mypy_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_mypy' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_clang_format' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_clang_format' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-clang-format' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
clang-format => ['clang-format']
python3-yaml => ['python3-yaml']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-clang-format_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_clang_format' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_pyflakes' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_pyflakes' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-pyflakes' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
ament_pyflakes => ['ros-rolling-ament-pyflakes']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pyflakes_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_pyflakes' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_pycodestyle' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_pycodestyle' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-pycodestyle' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
python3-pycodestyle => ['python3-pycodestyle']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-pycodestyle_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_pycodestyle' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cppcheck' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cppcheck' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cppcheck' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
cppcheck => ['cppcheck']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cppcheck_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cppcheck' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_tidy' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_clang_tidy' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-clang-tidy' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_clang_tidy => ['ros-rolling-ament-clang-tidy']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-clang-tidy_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_clang_tidy' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_lint_cmake' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_lint_cmake' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-lint-cmake_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_lint_cmake' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_lint_cmake' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_lint_cmake' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-lint-cmake' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
ament_lint_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-lint-cmake']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
ament_lint_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-lint-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-lint-cmake_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_lint_cmake' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_cpplint' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_cpplint' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-cpplint' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
ament_cpplint => ['ros-rolling-ament-cpplint']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-cpplint_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_cpplint' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_copyright' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_copyright' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-copyright' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
ament_copyright => ['ros-rolling-ament-copyright']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
ament_copyright => ['ros-rolling-ament-copyright']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-copyright_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_copyright' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_pclint' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_pclint' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-pclint_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_pclint' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_mypy' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_mypy' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-mypy' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
ament_mypy => ['ros-rolling-ament-mypy']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-mypy_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_mypy' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_uncrustify' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_uncrustify' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-uncrustify' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
ament_uncrustify => ['ros-rolling-ament-uncrustify']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-uncrustify_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_uncrustify' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_pep257' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_pep257' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-pep257' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
ament_pep257 => ['ros-rolling-ament-pep257']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pep257_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_pep257' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_pclint' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_pclint' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-pclint' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
ament_pclint => ['ros-rolling-ament-pclint']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pclint_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_pclint' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_clang_tidy' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_clang_tidy' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-clang-tidy' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
clang-tidy => ['clang-tidy']
python3-yaml => ['python3-yaml']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-clang-tidy_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_clang_tidy' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_copyright' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_copyright' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-copyright' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_lint => ['ros-rolling-ament-lint']
python3-importlib-metadata => ['python3-importlib-metadata']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-copyright_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_copyright' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_pep257' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_pep257' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-pep257' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_lint => ['ros-rolling-ament-lint']
pydocstyle => ['pydocstyle']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-pep257_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_pep257' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_flake8' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_flake8' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-flake8' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_lint => ['ros-rolling-ament-lint']
python3-flake8 => ['python3-flake8']
python3-flake8-builtins => ['python3-flake8-builtins']
python3-flake8-comprehensions => ['python3-flake8-comprehensions']
python3-flake8-docstrings => ['python3-flake8-docstrings']
python3-flake8-import-order => ['python3-flake8-import-order']
python3-flake8-quotes => ['python3-flake8-quotes']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-flake8_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_flake8' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_cppcheck' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_cppcheck' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-cppcheck' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
ament_cppcheck => ['ros-rolling-ament-cppcheck']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-cppcheck_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_cppcheck' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_pycodestyle' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_pycodestyle' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-pycodestyle' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
ament_pycodestyle => ['ros-rolling-ament-pycodestyle']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pycodestyle_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_cmake_pycodestyle' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_pyflakes' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_pyflakes' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-pyflakes' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
pyflakes3 => ['pyflakes3']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-pyflakes_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_pyflakes' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_xmllint' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_xmllint' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-xmllint' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_lint => ['ros-rolling-ament-lint']
libxml2-utils => ['libxml2-utils']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-xmllint_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_xmllint' at version '0.16.3-2'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f2add972a10> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['ament_cmake_clang_format', 'ament_flake8', 'ament_pclint', 'ament_uncrustify', 'ament_xmllint', 'ament_cmake_clang_tidy', 'ament_pycodestyle', 'ament_cmake_pycodestyle', 'ament_cmake_xmllint', 'ament_cmake_lint_cmake', 'ament_cmake_pyflakes', 'ament_cmake_uncrustify', 'ament_clang_tidy', 'ament_copyright', 'ament_mypy', 'ament_lint_cmake', 'ament_lint_common', 'ament_pep257', 'ament_cmake_cpplint', 'ament_cmake_cppcheck', 'ament_cmake_pep257', 'ament_clang_format', 'ament_pyflakes', 'ament_cmake_copyright', 'ament_cmake_mypy', 'ament_lint_auto', 'ament_cppcheck', 'ament_cpplint', 'ament_lint', 'ament_cmake_flake8', 'ament_cmake_pclint']
Debian Incremental Version: 2
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_format' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_clang_format' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-clang-format' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_clang_format => ['ros-rolling-ament-clang-format']
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-clang-format_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_clang_format' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_flake8' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_flake8' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-flake8' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_lint => ['ros-rolling-ament-lint']
python3-flake8 => ['python3-flake8']
python3-flake8-builtins => ['python3-flake8-builtins']
python3-flake8-comprehensions => ['python3-flake8-comprehensions']
python3-flake8-docstrings => ['python3-flake8-docstrings']
python3-flake8-import-order => ['python3-flake8-import-order']
python3-flake8-quotes => ['python3-flake8-quotes']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-flake8_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_flake8' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_pclint' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_pclint' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-pclint_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_pclint' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_uncrustify' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_uncrustify' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-uncrustify' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
uncrustify_vendor => ['ros-rolling-uncrustify-vendor']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-uncrustify_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_uncrustify' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_xmllint' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_xmllint' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-xmllint' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_lint => ['ros-rolling-ament-lint']
libxml2-utils => ['libxml2-utils']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-xmllint_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_xmllint' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_tidy' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_clang_tidy' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-clang-tidy' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_clang_tidy => ['ros-rolling-ament-clang-tidy']
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-clang-tidy_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_clang_tidy' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_pycodestyle' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_pycodestyle' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-pycodestyle' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
python3-pycodestyle => ['python3-pycodestyle']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-pycodestyle_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_pycodestyle' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_pycodestyle' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_pycodestyle' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-pycodestyle' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
ament_pycodestyle => ['ros-rolling-ament-pycodestyle']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pycodestyle_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_pycodestyle' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_xmllint' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_xmllint' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-xmllint' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
ament_xmllint => ['python3-ament-xmllint']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-xmllint_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_xmllint' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_lint_cmake' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_lint_cmake' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-lint-cmake' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
ament_lint_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-lint-cmake']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
ament_lint_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-lint-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-lint-cmake_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_lint_cmake' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_pyflakes' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_pyflakes' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-pyflakes' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
ament_pyflakes => ['ros-rolling-ament-pyflakes']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pyflakes_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_pyflakes' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_uncrustify' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_uncrustify' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-uncrustify' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
ament_uncrustify => ['ros-rolling-ament-uncrustify']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-uncrustify_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_uncrustify' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_clang_tidy' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_clang_tidy' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-clang-tidy' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
clang-tidy => ['clang-tidy']
python3-yaml => ['python3-yaml']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-clang-tidy_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_clang_tidy' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_copyright' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_copyright' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-copyright' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_lint => ['ros-rolling-ament-lint']
python3-importlib-metadata => ['python3-importlib-metadata']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-copyright_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_copyright' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_mypy' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_mypy' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-mypy' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
python3-mypy => ['python3-mypy']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-mypy_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_mypy' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_lint_cmake' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_lint_cmake' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-lint-cmake_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_lint_cmake' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_lint_common' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_lint_common' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-lint-common' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_copyright => ['ament-cmake-copyright']
ament_cmake_cppcheck => ['ament-cmake-cppcheck']
ament_cmake_cpplint => ['ament-cmake-cpplint']
ament_cmake_flake8 => ['ament-cmake-flake8']
ament_cmake_lint_cmake => ['ament-cmake-lint-cmake']
ament_cmake_pep257 => ['ament-cmake-pep257']
ament_cmake_uncrustify => ['ament-cmake-uncrustify']
ament_cmake_xmllint => ['ament-cmake-xmllint']
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_export_dependencies => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-lint-common_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_lint_common' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_pep257' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_pep257' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-pep257' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_lint => ['ros-rolling-ament-lint']
pydocstyle => ['pydocstyle']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-pep257_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_pep257' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_cpplint' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_cpplint' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-cpplint' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
ament_cpplint => ['ros-rolling-ament-cpplint']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-cpplint_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_cpplint' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_cppcheck' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_cppcheck' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-cppcheck' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
ament_cppcheck => ['ros-rolling-ament-cppcheck']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-cppcheck_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_cppcheck' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_pep257' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_pep257' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-pep257' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
ament_pep257 => ['python3-ament-pep257']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pep257_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_pep257' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_clang_format' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_clang_format' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-clang-format' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
clang-format => ['clang-format']
python3-yaml => ['python3-yaml']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-clang-format_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_clang_format' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_pyflakes' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_pyflakes' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-pyflakes' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
pyflakes3 => ['pyflakes3']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-pyflakes_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_pyflakes' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_copyright' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_copyright' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-copyright' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
ament_copyright => ['python3-ament-copyright']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
ament_copyright => ['python3-ament-copyright']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-copyright_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_copyright' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_mypy' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_mypy' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-mypy' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
ament_mypy => ['python3-ament-mypy']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-mypy_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_mypy' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_lint_auto' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_lint_auto' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-lint-auto' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-lint-auto_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_lint_auto' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cppcheck' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cppcheck' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cppcheck' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
cppcheck => ['cppcheck']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cppcheck_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cppcheck' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cpplint' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cpplint' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cpplint_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cpplint' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_lint' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_lint' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-lint_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_lint' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_flake8' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_flake8' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-flake8' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
ament_flake8 => ['python3-ament-flake8']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-flake8_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_flake8' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_cmake_pclint' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_pclint' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-cmake-pclint' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
ament_pclint => ['ros-rolling-ament-pclint']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['python3-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pclint_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_cmake_pclint' at version '0.16.3-2'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f12e6390d90> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fdc27e481d0> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['ament_lint_auto', 'ament_pycodestyle', 'ament_cmake_clang_format', 'ament_mypy', 'ament_uncrustify', 'ament_cmake_cppcheck', 'ament_cmake_xmllint', 'ament_xmllint', 'ament_lint_cmake', 'ament_pclint', 'ament_flake8', 'ament_cppcheck', 'ament_pyflakes', 'ament_cmake_cpplint', 'ament_cmake_clang_tidy', 'ament_clang_tidy', 'ament_cmake_pyflakes', 'ament_copyright', 'ament_cmake_uncrustify', 'ament_cmake_mypy', 'ament_clang_format', 'ament_cmake_pclint', 'ament_cmake_flake8', 'ament_cmake_lint_cmake', 'ament_cpplint', 'ament_pep257', 'ament_lint_common', 'ament_cmake_pep257', 'ament_cmake_copyright', 'ament_cmake_pycodestyle', 'ament_lint']
RPM Incremental Version: 2
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
Skipping dependency key 'python3-mypy' per --skip-keys
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_lint_auto' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_lint_auto' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-lint-auto' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-lint-auto-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_lint_auto' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_pycodestyle' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_pycodestyle' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-pycodestyle' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
python3-pycodestyle => ['python%{python3_pkgversion}-pycodestyle']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-pycodestyle-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_pycodestyle' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_format' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_clang_format' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-clang-format' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_clang_format => ['ros-rolling-ament-clang-format']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-clang-format-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_clang_format' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_mypy' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_mypy' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-mypy-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_mypy' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_uncrustify' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_uncrustify' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-uncrustify' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
uncrustify_vendor => ['ros-rolling-uncrustify-vendor']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-uncrustify-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_uncrustify' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_cppcheck' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_cppcheck' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-cppcheck' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
ament_cppcheck => ['ros-rolling-ament-cppcheck']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-cppcheck-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_cppcheck' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_xmllint' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_xmllint' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-xmllint' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
ament_xmllint => ['ros-rolling-ament-xmllint']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-xmllint-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_xmllint' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_xmllint' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_xmllint' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-xmllint' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_lint => ['ros-rolling-ament-lint']
libxml2-utils => ['libxml2']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-xmllint-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_xmllint' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_lint_cmake' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_lint_cmake' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-lint-cmake-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_lint_cmake' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_pclint' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_pclint' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-pclint-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_pclint' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_flake8' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_flake8' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-flake8' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_lint => ['ros-rolling-ament-lint']
python3-flake8 => ['python%{python3_pkgversion}-flake8']
python3-flake8-builtins => ['python3-flake8-builtins']
python3-flake8-comprehensions => ['python3-flake8-comprehensions']
python3-flake8-docstrings => ['python3-flake8-docstrings']
python3-flake8-import-order => ['python3-flake8-import-order']
python3-flake8-quotes => ['python3-flake8-quotes']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-flake8-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_flake8' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cppcheck' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cppcheck' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cppcheck' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
cppcheck => ['cppcheck']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cppcheck-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cppcheck' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_pyflakes' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_pyflakes' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-pyflakes' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
pyflakes3 => ['python%{python3_pkgversion}-pyflakes']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-pyflakes-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_pyflakes' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_cpplint' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_cpplint' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-cpplint' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
ament_cpplint => ['ros-rolling-ament-cpplint']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-cpplint-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_cpplint' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_tidy' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_clang_tidy' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-clang-tidy' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_clang_tidy => ['ros-rolling-ament-clang-tidy']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-clang-tidy-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_clang_tidy' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_clang_tidy' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_clang_tidy' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-clang-tidy' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
clang-tidy => ['clang-tools-extra']
python3-yaml => ['python%{python3_pkgversion}-yaml']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-clang-tidy-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_clang_tidy' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_pyflakes' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_pyflakes' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-pyflakes' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
ament_pyflakes => ['ros-rolling-ament-pyflakes']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pyflakes-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_pyflakes' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_copyright' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_copyright' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-copyright' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_lint => ['ros-rolling-ament-lint']
python3-importlib-metadata => ['python3']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-copyright-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_copyright' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_uncrustify' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_uncrustify' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-uncrustify' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
ament_uncrustify => ['ros-rolling-ament-uncrustify']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-uncrustify-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_uncrustify' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_mypy' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_mypy' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-mypy' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
ament_mypy => ['ros-rolling-ament-mypy']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-mypy-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_mypy' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_clang_format' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_clang_format' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-clang-format' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
clang-format => ['clang']
python3-yaml => ['python%{python3_pkgversion}-yaml']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-clang-format-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_clang_format' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_pclint' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_pclint' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-pclint' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
ament_pclint => ['ros-rolling-ament-pclint']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pclint-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_pclint' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_flake8' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_flake8' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-flake8' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
ament_flake8 => ['ros-rolling-ament-flake8']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-flake8-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_flake8' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_lint_cmake' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_lint_cmake' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-lint-cmake' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
ament_lint_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-lint-cmake']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
ament_lint_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-lint-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-lint-cmake-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_lint_cmake' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cpplint' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cpplint' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cpplint-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cpplint' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_pep257' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_pep257' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-pep257' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_lint => ['ros-rolling-ament-lint']
pydocstyle => ['python3-pydocstyle']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-pep257-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_pep257' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_lint_common' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_lint_common' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-lint-common' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_copyright => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-copyright']
ament_cmake_cppcheck => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-cppcheck']
ament_cmake_cpplint => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-cpplint']
ament_cmake_flake8 => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-flake8']
ament_cmake_lint_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-lint-cmake']
ament_cmake_pep257 => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pep257']
ament_cmake_uncrustify => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-uncrustify']
ament_cmake_xmllint => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-xmllint']
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_export_dependencies => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-export-dependencies']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-lint-common-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_lint_common' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_pep257' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_pep257' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-pep257' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
ament_pep257 => ['ros-rolling-ament-pep257']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pep257-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_pep257' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_copyright' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_copyright' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-copyright' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
ament_copyright => ['ros-rolling-ament-copyright']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
ament_copyright => ['ros-rolling-ament-copyright']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-copyright-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_copyright' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_pycodestyle' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_pycodestyle' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-cmake-pycodestyle' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
ament_pycodestyle => ['ros-rolling-ament-pycodestyle']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
ament_cmake_test => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-test']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pycodestyle-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_cmake_pycodestyle' at version '0.16.3-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_lint' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_lint' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-lint-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_lint' at version '0.16.3-2'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 0.16.3 --display-uri --name ament_lint --output-dir /tmp/tmpj_hhi3an
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmpj_hhi3an/ament_lint-0.16.3.tar.gz --release-version 0.16.3 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 2
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name rhel --skip-keys python3-mypy
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
+ d5c34c14c...59dd60794 debian/rolling/ament_clang_format -> debian/rolling/ament_clang_format (forced update)
+ 413677826...671744871 debian/rolling/ament_clang_tidy -> debian/rolling/ament_clang_tidy (forced update)
+ 4d0eae759...176437610 debian/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_format -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_format (forced update)
+ 4e0c47a0f...7c159b497 debian/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_tidy -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_tidy (forced update)
+ 32ac6368a...24f6e2935 debian/rolling/ament_cmake_copyright -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_copyright (forced update)
+ b042458fd...eb1709eb0 debian/rolling/ament_cmake_cppcheck -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_cppcheck (forced update)
+ 316103202...faa842644 debian/rolling/ament_cmake_cpplint -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_cpplint (forced update)
+ 7cc1ed6b1...96a6aa63d debian/rolling/ament_cmake_flake8 -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_flake8 (forced update)
+ 2ba240612...7ee25f31c debian/rolling/ament_cmake_lint_cmake -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_lint_cmake (forced update)
+ ec573a8f0...dfcc8bf67 debian/rolling/ament_cmake_mypy -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_mypy (forced update)
+ b82541f60...32b8cae74 debian/rolling/ament_cmake_pclint -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_pclint (forced update)
+ 6b4954540...875203117 debian/rolling/ament_cmake_pep257 -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_pep257 (forced update)
+ 101ffe6de...f6ce0048c debian/rolling/ament_cmake_pycodestyle -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_pycodestyle (forced update)
+ 0cdebd7bc...9bdfed125 debian/rolling/ament_cmake_pyflakes -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_pyflakes (forced update)
+ 78cbbd4a9...e70736df1 debian/rolling/ament_cmake_uncrustify -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_uncrustify (forced update)
+ 623b98b0f...bad7a6dd5 debian/rolling/ament_cmake_xmllint -> debian/rolling/ament_cmake_xmllint (forced update)
+ 7f5593c92...ee16a81d5 debian/rolling/ament_copyright -> debian/rolling/ament_copyright (forced update)
+ 8d948c314...ec15fd6cf debian/rolling/ament_cppcheck -> debian/rolling/ament_cppcheck (forced update)
+ 111922d77...d8b9a4095 debian/rolling/ament_cpplint -> debian/rolling/ament_cpplint (forced update)
+ 76b1af6f7...8b7d9e9e0 debian/rolling/ament_flake8 -> debian/rolling/ament_flake8 (forced update)
+ 08503526a...dba5a5b2d debian/rolling/ament_lint -> debian/rolling/ament_lint (forced update)
+ 054161e04...32ba298f3 debian/rolling/ament_lint_auto -> debian/rolling/ament_lint_auto (forced update)
+ f4d24e7cc...d77b0c347 debian/rolling/ament_lint_cmake -> debian/rolling/ament_lint_cmake (forced update)
+ 04a0de380...4dbb039f8 debian/rolling/ament_lint_common -> debian/rolling/ament_lint_common (forced update)
+ 7c8c03dd8...ed5b1bb13 debian/rolling/ament_mypy -> debian/rolling/ament_mypy (forced update)
+ 7d5eb4402...9673806fc debian/rolling/ament_pclint -> debian/rolling/ament_pclint (forced update)
+ 8acef90d9...87af8d781 debian/rolling/ament_pep257 -> debian/rolling/ament_pep257 (forced update)
+ b47d3acd3...c5382275b debian/rolling/ament_pycodestyle -> debian/rolling/ament_pycodestyle (forced update)
+ 3c890667b...89537d917 debian/rolling/ament_pyflakes -> debian/rolling/ament_pyflakes (forced update)
+ 36c401f4e...ad8574b89 debian/rolling/ament_uncrustify -> debian/rolling/ament_uncrustify (forced update)
+ 3af1c8071...29974bf6c debian/rolling/ament_xmllint -> debian/rolling/ament_xmllint (forced update)
e7223bf28..292f3d2a1 master -> master
+ 3f5ddf47b...d217ed0f2 patches/debian/rolling/ament_clang_format -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_clang_format (forced update)
+ 6ffee6c25...af786fec7 patches/debian/rolling/ament_clang_tidy -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_clang_tidy (forced update)
+ 4db5aba45...47e221175 patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_format -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_format (forced update)
+ 32ea034c1...65ca2adf2 patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_tidy -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_tidy (forced update)
+ b4c2980d5...2aa747273 patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_copyright -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_copyright (forced update)
+ d627b6cfd...c747f93f2 patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_cppcheck -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_cppcheck (forced update)
+ 094668eee...036fd009b patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_cpplint -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_cpplint (forced update)
+ 63383a7fa...aec04c32c patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_flake8 -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_flake8 (forced update)
+ 4e4f863ae...7bbed253e patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_lint_cmake -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_lint_cmake (forced update)
+ e9ed1f2a7...3a2eee08b patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_mypy -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_mypy (forced update)
+ 8d00f7f14...5ebaaab9e patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_pclint -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_pclint (forced update)
+ b033e1946...c7d00b5e4 patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_pep257 -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_pep257 (forced update)
+ 4ff4c889d...30b9f5325 patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_pycodestyle -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_pycodestyle (forced update)
+ f1618112b...8cbae3447 patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_pyflakes -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_pyflakes (forced update)
+ b6fbc342f...bf86f7330 patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_uncrustify -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_uncrustify (forced update)
+ 44b1287aa...cc6833947 patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_xmllint -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cmake_xmllint (forced update)
+ 967158e0e...8aaf453a1 patches/debian/rolling/ament_copyright -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_copyright (forced update)
+ a06b4180e...e0da8cdaa patches/debian/rolling/ament_cppcheck -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cppcheck (forced update)
+ d25ba077b...a278c5866 patches/debian/rolling/ament_cpplint -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_cpplint (forced update)
+ 5be8c25b5...d33f052f1 patches/debian/rolling/ament_flake8 -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_flake8 (forced update)
+ 50729ad60...2435035fd patches/debian/rolling/ament_lint -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_lint (forced update)
+ a3c9301f2...dce1a1e14 patches/debian/rolling/ament_lint_auto -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_lint_auto (forced update)
+ 3a3ea1691...3943bb572 patches/debian/rolling/ament_lint_cmake -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_lint_cmake (forced update)
+ dc5089b4a...499618fb6 patches/debian/rolling/ament_lint_common -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_lint_common (forced update)
+ 73df51b66...cbce2057f patches/debian/rolling/ament_mypy -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_mypy (forced update)
+ 86a83ea76...d6f156af1 patches/debian/rolling/ament_pclint -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_pclint (forced update)
+ d60adfc85...c49c3bf5a patches/debian/rolling/ament_pep257 -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_pep257 (forced update)
+ 296a44a12...d5b5e0279 patches/debian/rolling/ament_pycodestyle -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_pycodestyle (forced update)
+ 0464dad91...bf19382d1 patches/debian/rolling/ament_pyflakes -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_pyflakes (forced update)
+ f2fe291cd...81d125007 patches/debian/rolling/ament_uncrustify -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_uncrustify (forced update)
+ 13ffce855...7b3f10d3a patches/debian/rolling/ament_xmllint -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_xmllint (forced update)
+ cacd94f3a...3863f79b6 patches/release/rolling/ament_clang_format -> patches/release/rolling/ament_clang_format (forced update)
+ a446c8f09...ea2a92073 patches/release/rolling/ament_clang_tidy -> patches/release/rolling/ament_clang_tidy (forced update)
+ e68330c08...aba2dfdc8 patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_format -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_format (forced update)
+ 4d3450c4a...ac9bfe297 patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_tidy -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_tidy (forced update)
+ 4e803f108...11f3409d4 patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_copyright -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_copyright (forced update)
+ b6eb618ec...bed13765b patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_cppcheck -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_cppcheck (forced update)
+ 10de3650b...e25ed7fa0 patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_cpplint -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_cpplint (forced update)
+ 25a8fcf68...9d2eb0050 patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_flake8 -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_flake8 (forced update)
+ 84170f819...8b8030f86 patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_lint_cmake -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_lint_cmake (forced update)
+ 5b8297c77...908db4cc9 patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_mypy -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_mypy (forced update)
+ 5fd72a14e...12413885d patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_pclint -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_pclint (forced update)
+ 58f7fb4d2...d36b20ce6 patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_pep257 -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_pep257 (forced update)
+ 7019d5312...495fc8839 patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_pycodestyle -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_pycodestyle (forced update)
+ 99c9bcadc...ccf812064 patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_pyflakes -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_pyflakes (forced update)
+ 9e519af0b...a2a7f5821 patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_uncrustify -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_uncrustify (forced update)
+ 34d293422...d43184ea0 patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_xmllint -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cmake_xmllint (forced update)
+ 910a6a0e5...a795a9bc9 patches/release/rolling/ament_copyright -> patches/release/rolling/ament_copyright (forced update)
+ cc6efd1cb...f77fa2241 patches/release/rolling/ament_cppcheck -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cppcheck (forced update)
+ b5d290b1c...f87e76282 patches/release/rolling/ament_cpplint -> patches/release/rolling/ament_cpplint (forced update)
+ 68b93a5e5...d34c8e177 patches/release/rolling/ament_flake8 -> patches/release/rolling/ament_flake8 (forced update)
+ 414812f24...b0ed69c8b patches/release/rolling/ament_lint -> patches/release/rolling/ament_lint (forced update)
+ 77ecf70af...020bd4f35 patches/release/rolling/ament_lint_auto -> patches/release/rolling/ament_lint_auto (forced update)
+ c830f2289...ce0a2cea7 patches/release/rolling/ament_lint_cmake -> patches/release/rolling/ament_lint_cmake (forced update)
+ e9a444e66...3f47e25d8 patches/release/rolling/ament_lint_common -> patches/release/rolling/ament_lint_common (forced update)
+ 174d418d3...ce326f354 patches/release/rolling/ament_mypy -> patches/release/rolling/ament_mypy (forced update)
+ e2da1c23f...fef2281a6 patches/release/rolling/ament_pclint -> patches/release/rolling/ament_pclint (forced update)
+ f14fc31b0...0bd5e320c patches/release/rolling/ament_pep257 -> patches/release/rolling/ament_pep257 (forced update)
+ 8bcad334a...606b21ef7 patches/release/rolling/ament_pycodestyle -> patches/release/rolling/ament_pycodestyle (forced update)
+ 084628de0...4b944b613 patches/release/rolling/ament_pyflakes -> patches/release/rolling/ament_pyflakes (forced update)
+ e14cccca9...aa20e5440 patches/release/rolling/ament_uncrustify -> patches/release/rolling/ament_uncrustify (forced update)
+ 2eaa2df88...7a88c069f patches/release/rolling/ament_xmllint -> patches/release/rolling/ament_xmllint (forced update)
+ 12298aa51...61e32f748 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_clang_format -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_clang_format (forced update)
+ 079023ba1...172021d27 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_clang_tidy -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_clang_tidy (forced update)
+ dfcd44711...e0857131d patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_clang_format -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_clang_format (forced update)
+ 19278e2a1...4ebeb674d patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_clang_tidy -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_clang_tidy (forced update)
+ ee677dd3f...cc5c030b0 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_copyright -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_copyright (forced update)
+ 478ba802d...d5c418976 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_cppcheck -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_cppcheck (forced update)
+ c2519e1ee...1d73abe4b patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_cpplint -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_cpplint (forced update)
+ be05636ec...0e5562c9b patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_flake8 -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_flake8 (forced update)
+ 6c66a3dea...df35320f5 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_lint_cmake -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_lint_cmake (forced update)
+ 7ab14f163...220bf09eb patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_mypy -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_mypy (forced update)
+ 9578813fa...b5bd1d059 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_pclint -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_pclint (forced update)
+ 80d8eacc4...d580115b7 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_pep257 -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_pep257 (forced update)
+ 713822eeb...f98ee7274 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_pycodestyle -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_pycodestyle (forced update)
+ 815ddac76...d0b76c275 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_pyflakes -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_pyflakes (forced update)
+ 30024cd4d...9ce204e95 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_uncrustify -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_uncrustify (forced update)
+ 6e20ee0e9...02e70bdf4 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_xmllint -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_xmllint (forced update)
+ bd29d5980...b9a2f348c patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_copyright -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_copyright (forced update)
+ e34d22894...588a33626 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cppcheck -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cppcheck (forced update)
+ 0c247f404...3a4732211 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cpplint -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_cpplint (forced update)
+ ec211fd65...8f8cd4576 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_flake8 -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_flake8 (forced update)
+ ec3c95855...4c4fbc115 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_lint -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_lint (forced update)
+ 93dd8bd95...6ef69ae5f patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_lint_auto -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_lint_auto (forced update)
+ f94368f35...e74501ca9 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_lint_cmake -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_lint_cmake (forced update)
+ 6e561771c...2af5470fd patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_lint_common -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_lint_common (forced update)
+ 3851aa121...f6dab2de4 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_mypy -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_mypy (forced update)
+ 40edcd2cf...1323cd5d4 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_pclint -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_pclint (forced update)
+ 6d492465d...ceb3d8de7 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_pep257 -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_pep257 (forced update)
+ 1b5ac37c3...a7ea77a1d patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_pycodestyle -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_pycodestyle (forced update)
+ 060d13000...fe5d71324 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_pyflakes -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_pyflakes (forced update)
+ 397eab292...9520375e1 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_uncrustify -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_uncrustify (forced update)
+ b68fa1d33...4c93fa479 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_xmllint -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_xmllint (forced update)
+ faa19d95a...e87947446 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_clang_format -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_clang_format (forced update)
+ 649e644cd...635409270 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_clang_tidy -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_clang_tidy (forced update)
+ 37bde72f9...c0d85d792 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_format -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_format (forced update)
+ db82afbfe...3bd6fbb92 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_tidy -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_tidy (forced update)
+ 92b738d4a...b25e3ad46 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_copyright -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_copyright (forced update)
+ 59f1c61a9...da196ae1f patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_cppcheck -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_cppcheck (forced update)
+ 7f8b978bd...9c491e12a patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_cpplint -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_cpplint (forced update)
+ ae466699a...a6a7bf500 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_flake8 -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_flake8 (forced update)
+ 377e1f1a0...6fab76a25 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_lint_cmake -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_lint_cmake (forced update)
+ 151369666...921463c26 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_mypy -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_mypy (forced update)
+ 77f2854f0...fb8de33d0 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_pclint -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_pclint (forced update)
+ 77629bee6...a03038455 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_pep257 -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_pep257 (forced update)
+ 3150d9f2c...2b2335b36 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_pycodestyle -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_pycodestyle (forced update)
+ 647527460...18167742d patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_pyflakes -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_pyflakes (forced update)
+ f193b7be9...419ba41b4 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_uncrustify -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_uncrustify (forced update)
+ bc8ae0e02...7ece2aea5 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_xmllint -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_xmllint (forced update)
+ bf40837c2...1627fb66f patches/rpm/rolling/ament_copyright -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_copyright (forced update)
+ fbd5c517c...e50a4d858 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cppcheck -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cppcheck (forced update)
+ 89c1bd454...c1a747850 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cpplint -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_cpplint (forced update)
+ 2b26a61d2...80f6fcd86 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_flake8 -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_flake8 (forced update)
+ 30a7d468e...2acfc3b03 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_lint -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_lint (forced update)
+ 4a025f0e8...4789086b0 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_lint_auto -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_lint_auto (forced update)
+ 5d7b7bce8...c8bdcae6b patches/rpm/rolling/ament_lint_cmake -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_lint_cmake (forced update)
+ 7cefa7e4c...2965934e4 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_lint_common -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_lint_common (forced update)
+ 6f98888e5...22eca129f patches/rpm/rolling/ament_mypy -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_mypy (forced update)
+ b8f194fb8...9de4f83cc patches/rpm/rolling/ament_pclint -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_pclint (forced update)
+ f191cdf81...d62efd421 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_pep257 -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_pep257 (forced update)
+ 341a2319b...9f9305afc patches/rpm/rolling/ament_pycodestyle -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_pycodestyle (forced update)
+ 8e488cab4...bc18622e8 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_pyflakes -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_pyflakes (forced update)
+ 74a694bb5...625ba30ba patches/rpm/rolling/ament_uncrustify -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_uncrustify (forced update)
+ 4e9061799...16ea3a23b patches/rpm/rolling/ament_xmllint -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_xmllint (forced update)
+ b796c9190...9d7c64acd release/rolling/ament_clang_format -> release/rolling/ament_clang_format (forced update)
+ e2aefaad7...5469c0a3e release/rolling/ament_clang_tidy -> release/rolling/ament_clang_tidy (forced update)
+ 43615e68d...898c91615 release/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_format -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_format (forced update)
+ e871dceba...2e37c040e release/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_tidy -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_tidy (forced update)
+ fa64dc49b...a7f5ba853 release/rolling/ament_cmake_copyright -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_copyright (forced update)
+ 3a6261427...e8fda6627 release/rolling/ament_cmake_cppcheck -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_cppcheck (forced update)
+ 6749a4dcb...80703f75a release/rolling/ament_cmake_cpplint -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_cpplint (forced update)
+ d5d4dd7df...5d9487099 release/rolling/ament_cmake_flake8 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_flake8 (forced update)
+ 0b8434b6c...c5eb7cf14 release/rolling/ament_cmake_lint_cmake -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_lint_cmake (forced update)
+ ea3fbc6bc...decc1bcd8 release/rolling/ament_cmake_mypy -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_mypy (forced update)
+ f78701c8a...6cddd8adc release/rolling/ament_cmake_pclint -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_pclint (forced update)
+ 258803dfb...fab87b4d2 release/rolling/ament_cmake_pep257 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_pep257 (forced update)
+ 09f380058...53c33111f release/rolling/ament_cmake_pycodestyle -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_pycodestyle (forced update)
+ b9126e4a9...14df0d354 release/rolling/ament_cmake_pyflakes -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_pyflakes (forced update)
+ ef57d94d3...2def4555e release/rolling/ament_cmake_uncrustify -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_uncrustify (forced update)
+ 06d6700d9...6a1b255b8 release/rolling/ament_cmake_xmllint -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_xmllint (forced update)
+ e4b499988...83a706ae5 release/rolling/ament_copyright -> release/rolling/ament_copyright (forced update)
+ 161243038...20c383dd1 release/rolling/ament_cppcheck -> release/rolling/ament_cppcheck (forced update)
+ 30a27c514...4762adaf7 release/rolling/ament_cpplint -> release/rolling/ament_cpplint (forced update)
+ e60785e81...5a50c25dc release/rolling/ament_flake8 -> release/rolling/ament_flake8 (forced update)
+ 9a41496d3...593547bec release/rolling/ament_lint -> release/rolling/ament_lint (forced update)
+ 395d232a7...9baf7fb8b release/rolling/ament_lint_auto -> release/rolling/ament_lint_auto (forced update)
+ 818d77005...0946d8a97 release/rolling/ament_lint_cmake -> release/rolling/ament_lint_cmake (forced update)
+ 4c5900dee...252d0f667 release/rolling/ament_lint_common -> release/rolling/ament_lint_common (forced update)
+ a162c2af8...a87fb5e7d release/rolling/ament_mypy -> release/rolling/ament_mypy (forced update)
+ 176935cff...cfa2f3878 release/rolling/ament_pclint -> release/rolling/ament_pclint (forced update)
+ 2a2674a06...13a4537b0 release/rolling/ament_pep257 -> release/rolling/ament_pep257 (forced update)
+ b51ce1cc1...6206b9519 release/rolling/ament_pycodestyle -> release/rolling/ament_pycodestyle (forced update)
+ e9c7133f7...5d54816b0 release/rolling/ament_pyflakes -> release/rolling/ament_pyflakes (forced update)
+ e0d5feaa4...edefd5bfe release/rolling/ament_uncrustify -> release/rolling/ament_uncrustify (forced update)
+ f2f0ea59b...b7e68b017 release/rolling/ament_xmllint -> release/rolling/ament_xmllint (forced update)
+ 36ecd3a1e...a9293381d rpm/rolling/9/ament_clang_format -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_clang_format (forced update)
+ f3c6bb35a...8bc018f8f rpm/rolling/9/ament_clang_tidy -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_clang_tidy (forced update)
+ 369cc6c81...da6017e27 rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_clang_format -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_clang_format (forced update)
+ 86dba5a6a...b82c6e495 rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_clang_tidy -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_clang_tidy (forced update)
+ 5572f5465...d8e2fcf78 rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_copyright -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_copyright (forced update)
+ e15872a24...11f6bfd45 rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_cppcheck -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_cppcheck (forced update)
+ f1d86bf70...8b9ae9cb4 rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_cpplint -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_cpplint (forced update)
+ d364c559f...e9faa9c22 rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_flake8 -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_flake8 (forced update)
+ ef9c452c1...a9529d46e rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_lint_cmake -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_lint_cmake (forced update)
+ 726875f26...1d7d2368c rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_mypy -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_mypy (forced update)
+ 1964560a9...01d94b178 rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_pclint -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_pclint (forced update)
+ 98edb5ff9...aa6466f66 rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_pep257 -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_pep257 (forced update)
+ 119d2d8a5...d1e940ebf rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_pycodestyle -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_pycodestyle (forced update)
+ 1b8827d02...67232ef3d rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_pyflakes -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_pyflakes (forced update)
+ cca71e5bb...abc134920 rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_uncrustify -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_uncrustify (forced update)
+ 8833cfd6f...4e894072b rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_xmllint -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cmake_xmllint (forced update)
+ 4ce6b100e...62d477a8a rpm/rolling/9/ament_copyright -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_copyright (forced update)
+ 541f0b147...8d779e550 rpm/rolling/9/ament_cppcheck -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cppcheck (forced update)
+ 9ae4cbe86...8561ce876 rpm/rolling/9/ament_cpplint -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_cpplint (forced update)
+ 2046e6a49...88c7599e5 rpm/rolling/9/ament_flake8 -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_flake8 (forced update)
+ e4fa0e14f...b4b659c65 rpm/rolling/9/ament_lint -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_lint (forced update)
+ 131de7175...85e1782e9 rpm/rolling/9/ament_lint_auto -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_lint_auto (forced update)
+ 6d835c76b...4194afaf7 rpm/rolling/9/ament_lint_cmake -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_lint_cmake (forced update)
+ 903a27d98...ad2a61a58 rpm/rolling/9/ament_lint_common -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_lint_common (forced update)
+ 0e7852da4...3694607af rpm/rolling/9/ament_mypy -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_mypy (forced update)
+ c10bb6583...2f4ef2e2a rpm/rolling/9/ament_pclint -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_pclint (forced update)
+ 8410d361a...ce8866e1e rpm/rolling/9/ament_pep257 -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_pep257 (forced update)
+ 0f4a2f2a9...d6aba2f85 rpm/rolling/9/ament_pycodestyle -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_pycodestyle (forced update)
+ b5b98d58f...406a6b6e5 rpm/rolling/9/ament_pyflakes -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_pyflakes (forced update)
+ 32e4ad375...be59da3a0 rpm/rolling/9/ament_uncrustify -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_uncrustify (forced update)
+ b20a00c09...9b99990b7 rpm/rolling/9/ament_xmllint -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_xmllint (forced update)
+ 34e027204...905f62116 rpm/rolling/ament_clang_format -> rpm/rolling/ament_clang_format (forced update)
+ dd8595fcf...031e58653 rpm/rolling/ament_clang_tidy -> rpm/rolling/ament_clang_tidy (forced update)
+ 80cc26c5c...cb1b78227 rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_format -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_format (forced update)
+ 1724d89b6...0c273f512 rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_tidy -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_tidy (forced update)
+ 7cc12f9b7...2f2efb8dc rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_copyright -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_copyright (forced update)
+ 044fe79b3...4a4d88205 rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_cppcheck -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_cppcheck (forced update)
+ e9ed033a3...e839f1737 rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_cpplint -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_cpplint (forced update)
+ aa64e34c4...df3a0a848 rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_flake8 -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_flake8 (forced update)
+ 910c72869...d3f9be519 rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_lint_cmake -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_lint_cmake (forced update)
+ e03d486b3...3eb13d004 rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_mypy -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_mypy (forced update)
+ 8abb37ddf...c29dfe865 rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_pclint -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_pclint (forced update)
+ ea03e1538...68aa39361 rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_pep257 -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_pep257 (forced update)
+ 1b0e050a6...e9d403bed rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_pycodestyle -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_pycodestyle (forced update)
+ 7cc522196...2f7e018f7 rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_pyflakes -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_pyflakes (forced update)
+ 29ca22483...8711eb060 rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_uncrustify -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_uncrustify (forced update)
+ 7ff159b35...750940de9 rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_xmllint -> rpm/rolling/ament_cmake_xmllint (forced update)
+ c5a5b3c44...a36869174 rpm/rolling/ament_copyright -> rpm/rolling/ament_copyright (forced update)
+ e34d2ace0...983bbbbf5 rpm/rolling/ament_cppcheck -> rpm/rolling/ament_cppcheck (forced update)
+ fc869932a...8069b0835 rpm/rolling/ament_cpplint -> rpm/rolling/ament_cpplint (forced update)
+ 741289827...2ba6bc1d6 rpm/rolling/ament_flake8 -> rpm/rolling/ament_flake8 (forced update)
+ d00baddbc...27b7cacea rpm/rolling/ament_lint -> rpm/rolling/ament_lint (forced update)
+ 331e28e6b...f68940212 rpm/rolling/ament_lint_auto -> rpm/rolling/ament_lint_auto (forced update)
+ 3872f8fcb...5298df59d rpm/rolling/ament_lint_cmake -> rpm/rolling/ament_lint_cmake (forced update)
+ 63debcbe6...0f68de50c rpm/rolling/ament_lint_common -> rpm/rolling/ament_lint_common (forced update)
+ 589ee1f2b...5b4da042a rpm/rolling/ament_mypy -> rpm/rolling/ament_mypy (forced update)
+ 33d3708a8...37ead2371 rpm/rolling/ament_pclint -> rpm/rolling/ament_pclint (forced update)
+ 1eef98838...80d906bf7 rpm/rolling/ament_pep257 -> rpm/rolling/ament_pep257 (forced update)
+ 7403cdb0e...522c28987 rpm/rolling/ament_pycodestyle -> rpm/rolling/ament_pycodestyle (forced update)
+ 5b30c7486...a1d3a903f rpm/rolling/ament_pyflakes -> rpm/rolling/ament_pyflakes (forced update)
+ 3cc8c7f21...48b144ef4 rpm/rolling/ament_uncrustify -> rpm/rolling/ament_uncrustify (forced update)
+ 250e87904...76641dd15 rpm/rolling/ament_xmllint -> rpm/rolling/ament_xmllint (forced update)
+ 07e9fd581...fc5565a79 upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_clang_format -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_clang_format
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_clang_tidy -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_clang_tidy
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_clang_format -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_clang_format
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_clang_tidy -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_clang_tidy
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_copyright -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_copyright
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_cppcheck -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_cppcheck
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_cpplint -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_cpplint
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_flake8 -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_flake8
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_lint_cmake -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_lint_cmake
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_mypy -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_mypy
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_pclint -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_pclint
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_pep257 -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_pep257
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_pycodestyle -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_pycodestyle
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_pyflakes -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_pyflakes
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_uncrustify -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_uncrustify
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_xmllint -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_xmllint
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_copyright -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_copyright
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cppcheck -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cppcheck
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cpplint -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cpplint
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_flake8 -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_flake8
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_lint -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_lint
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_lint_auto -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_lint_auto
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_lint_cmake -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_lint_cmake
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_lint_common -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_lint_common
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_mypy -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_mypy
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_pclint -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_pclint
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_pep257 -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_pep257
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_pycodestyle -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_pycodestyle
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_pyflakes -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_pyflakes
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_uncrustify -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_uncrustify
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_xmllint -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_xmllint
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_clang_format -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_clang_format
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_clang_tidy -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_clang_tidy
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_clang_format -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_clang_format
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_clang_tidy -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_clang_tidy
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_copyright -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_copyright
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_cppcheck -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_cppcheck
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_cpplint -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_cpplint
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_flake8 -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_flake8
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_lint_cmake -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_lint_cmake
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_mypy -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_mypy
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_pclint -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_pclint
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_pep257 -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_pep257
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_pycodestyle -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_pycodestyle
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_pyflakes -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_pyflakes
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_uncrustify -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_uncrustify
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_xmllint -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_xmllint
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_copyright -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_copyright
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cppcheck -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cppcheck
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_cpplint -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_cpplint
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_flake8 -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_flake8
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_lint -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_lint
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_lint_auto -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_lint_auto
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_lint_cmake -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_lint_cmake
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_lint_common -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_lint_common
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_mypy -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_mypy
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_pclint -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_pclint
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_pep257 -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_pep257
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_pycodestyle -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_pycodestyle
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_pyflakes -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_pyflakes
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_uncrustify -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_uncrustify
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_xmllint -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_xmllint
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_clang_format -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_clang_format
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_clang_tidy -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_clang_tidy
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_clang_format -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_clang_format
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_clang_tidy -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_clang_tidy
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_copyright -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_copyright
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_cppcheck -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_cppcheck
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_cpplint -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_cpplint
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_flake8 -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_flake8
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_lint_cmake -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_lint_cmake
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_mypy -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_mypy
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_pclint -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_pclint
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_pep257 -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_pep257
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_pycodestyle -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_pycodestyle
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_pyflakes -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_pyflakes
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_uncrustify -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_uncrustify
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_xmllint -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cmake_xmllint
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_copyright -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_copyright
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cppcheck -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cppcheck
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cpplint -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_cpplint
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_flake8 -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_flake8
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_lint -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_lint
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_lint_auto -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_lint_auto
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_lint_cmake -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_lint_cmake
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_lint_common -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_lint_common
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_mypy -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_mypy
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_pclint -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_pclint
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_pep257 -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_pep257
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_pycodestyle -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_pycodestyle
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_pyflakes -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_pyflakes
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_uncrustify -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_uncrustify
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_xmllint -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_xmllint
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_clang_format -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_clang_format
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_clang_tidy -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_clang_tidy
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_clang_format -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_clang_format
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_clang_tidy -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_clang_tidy
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_copyright -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_copyright
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_cppcheck -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_cppcheck
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_cpplint -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_cpplint
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_flake8 -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_flake8
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_lint_cmake -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_lint_cmake
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_mypy -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_mypy
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_pclint -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_pclint
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_pep257 -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_pep257
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_pycodestyle -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_pycodestyle
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_pyflakes -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_pyflakes
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_uncrustify -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_uncrustify
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_xmllint -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cmake_xmllint
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_copyright -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_copyright
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cppcheck -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cppcheck
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cpplint -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_cpplint
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_flake8 -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_flake8
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_lint -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_lint
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_lint_auto -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_lint_auto
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_lint_cmake -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_lint_cmake
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_lint_common -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_lint_common
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_mypy -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_mypy
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_pclint -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_pclint
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_pep257 -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_pep257
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_pycodestyle -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_pycodestyle
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_pyflakes -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_pyflakes
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_uncrustify -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_uncrustify
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_xmllint -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_xmllint
+ 07e9fd581...fc5565a79 upstream/0.16.3 -> upstream/0.16.3 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-clang-format_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-clang-format_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-clang-format_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-clang-format_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-clang-tidy_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-clang-tidy_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-clang-tidy_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-clang-tidy_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-clang-format_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-clang-format_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-clang-format_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-clang-format_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-clang-tidy_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-clang-tidy_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-clang-tidy_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-clang-tidy_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-copyright_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-copyright_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-copyright_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-copyright_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-cppcheck_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-cppcheck_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-cppcheck_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-cppcheck_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-cpplint_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-cpplint_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-cpplint_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-cpplint_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-flake8_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-flake8_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-flake8_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-flake8_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-lint-cmake_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-lint-cmake_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-lint-cmake_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-lint-cmake_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-mypy_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-mypy_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-mypy_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-mypy_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pclint_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pclint_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pclint_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pclint_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pep257_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pep257_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pep257_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pep257_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pycodestyle_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pycodestyle_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pycodestyle_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pycodestyle_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pyflakes_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pyflakes_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pyflakes_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pyflakes_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-uncrustify_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-uncrustify_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-uncrustify_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-uncrustify_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-xmllint_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-xmllint_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-xmllint_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-xmllint_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-copyright_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-copyright_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-copyright_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-copyright_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cppcheck_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cppcheck_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cppcheck_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cppcheck_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cpplint_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cpplint_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-cpplint_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-cpplint_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-flake8_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-flake8_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-flake8_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-flake8_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-lint-auto_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-lint-auto_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-lint-auto_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-lint-auto_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-lint-cmake_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-lint-cmake_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-lint-cmake_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-lint-cmake_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-lint-common_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-lint-common_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-lint-common_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-lint-common_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-lint_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-lint_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-lint_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-lint_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-mypy_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-mypy_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-mypy_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-mypy_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-pclint_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-pclint_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-pclint_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-pclint_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-pep257_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-pep257_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-pep257_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-pep257_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-pycodestyle_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-pycodestyle_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-pycodestyle_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-pycodestyle_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-pyflakes_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-pyflakes_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-pyflakes_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-pyflakes_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-uncrustify_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-uncrustify_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-uncrustify_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-uncrustify_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-xmllint_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-xmllint_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-xmllint_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-xmllint_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_clang_format/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_clang_format/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_clang_tidy/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_clang_tidy/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_format/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_format/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_tidy/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_clang_tidy/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_copyright/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_copyright/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_cppcheck/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_cppcheck/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_cpplint/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_cpplint/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_flake8/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_flake8/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_lint_cmake/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_lint_cmake/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_mypy/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_mypy/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_pclint/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_pclint/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_pep257/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_pep257/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_pycodestyle/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_pycodestyle/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_pyflakes/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_pyflakes/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_uncrustify/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_uncrustify/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cmake_xmllint/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cmake_xmllint/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_copyright/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_copyright/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cppcheck/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cppcheck/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_cpplint/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_cpplint/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_flake8/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_flake8/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_lint/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_lint/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_lint_auto/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_lint_auto/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_lint_cmake/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_lint_cmake/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_lint_common/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_lint_common/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_mypy/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_mypy/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_pclint/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_pclint/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_pep257/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_pep257/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_pycodestyle/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_pycodestyle/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_pyflakes/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_pyflakes/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_uncrustify/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_uncrustify/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_xmllint/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_xmllint/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-clang-format-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-clang-format-0.16.3-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-clang-tidy-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-clang-tidy-0.16.3-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-clang-format-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-clang-format-0.16.3-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-clang-tidy-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-clang-tidy-0.16.3-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-copyright-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-copyright-0.16.3-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-cppcheck-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-cppcheck-0.16.3-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-cpplint-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-cpplint-0.16.3-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-flake8-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-flake8-0.16.3-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-lint-cmake-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-lint-cmake-0.16.3-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-mypy-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-mypy-0.16.3-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pclint-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pclint-0.16.3-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pep257-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pep257-0.16.3-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pycodestyle-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pycodestyle-0.16.3-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pyflakes-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-pyflakes-0.16.3-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-uncrustify-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-uncrustify-0.16.3-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-xmllint-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cmake-xmllint-0.16.3-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-copyright-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-copyright-0.16.3-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cppcheck-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cppcheck-0.16.3-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cpplint-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-cpplint-0.16.3-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-flake8-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-flake8-0.16.3-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-lint-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-lint-0.16.3-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-lint-auto-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-lint-auto-0.16.3-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-lint-cmake-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-lint-cmake-0.16.3-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-lint-common-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-lint-common-0.16.3-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-mypy-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-mypy-0.16.3-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-pclint-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-pclint-0.16.3-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-pep257-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-pep257-0.16.3-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-pycodestyle-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-pycodestyle-0.16.3-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-pyflakes-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-pyflakes-0.16.3-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-uncrustify-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-uncrustify-0.16.3-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-xmllint-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-xmllint-0.16.3-2_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master 6e4791607] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
292f3d2a1..6e4791607 master -> master
Cloning into 'ament_nodl-release'...
[master 037e73d] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/_0gp5amt/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '0.1.0'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmp_gjgnhot/ament_nodl-0.1.0.tar.gz'
md5: 3e841c29bdfa50face7947118f9e05ea
Removing tag: 'upstream/0.1.0'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/0.1.0'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing package: ['ament_nodl']
Releasing package 'ament_nodl' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_nodl'
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f00f8c87790> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['ament_nodl']
Debian Incremental Version: 6
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_nodl' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_nodl' at version '0.1.0-6'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-nodl' has dependencies:
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-nodl_0.1.0-6_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_nodl' at version '0.1.0-6'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fef59551d50> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['ament_nodl']
Debian Incremental Version: 6
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_nodl' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_nodl' at version '0.1.0-6'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-nodl' has dependencies:
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-nodl_0.1.0-6_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_nodl' at version '0.1.0-6'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f83ae5552d0> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f72c8e7c310> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['ament_nodl']
RPM Incremental Version: 6
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_nodl' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_nodl' at version '0.1.0-6'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-nodl' has dependencies:
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-nodl-0.1.0-6_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_nodl' at version '0.1.0-6'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 0.1.0 --display-uri --name ament_nodl --output-dir /tmp/tmp_gjgnhot
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmp_gjgnhot/ament_nodl-0.1.0.tar.gz --release-version 0.1.0 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 6
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 6 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 6 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 6 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 6 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
+ 9248405...6434621 debian/rolling/ament_nodl -> debian/rolling/ament_nodl (forced update)
af59f56..e91d4cd master -> master
+ 10fb445...7f136a2 patches/debian/rolling/ament_nodl -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_nodl (forced update)
+ 7cc5321...1eb1c0b patches/release/rolling/ament_nodl -> patches/release/rolling/ament_nodl (forced update)
+ c2a49eb...50bc077 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_nodl -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_nodl (forced update)
+ 4b11639...371a19a patches/rpm/rolling/ament_nodl -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_nodl (forced update)
+ 9bd378f...e96e046 release/rolling/ament_nodl -> release/rolling/ament_nodl (forced update)
+ f20e6fb...5c60e17 rpm/rolling/9/ament_nodl -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_nodl (forced update)
+ 083ec9a...f2f85db rpm/rolling/ament_nodl -> rpm/rolling/ament_nodl (forced update)
+ f6a1537...e3b6b2a upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_nodl -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_nodl
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_nodl -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_nodl
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_nodl -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_nodl
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_nodl -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_nodl
+ f6a1537...e3b6b2a upstream/0.1.0 -> upstream/0.1.0 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-nodl_0.1.0-6_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-nodl_0.1.0-6_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-nodl_0.1.0-6_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-nodl_0.1.0-6_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_nodl/0.1.0-6 -> release/rolling/ament_nodl/0.1.0-6
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-nodl-0.1.0-6_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-nodl-0.1.0-6_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master b92cbd6] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
e91d4cd..b92cbd6 master -> master
Cloning into 'ament_package-release'...
[master 4bb8147] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/heuqcbjv/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '0.16.3'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmpa0cju4p4/ament_package-0.16.3.tar.gz'
md5: 91c8a0d3124fa4e5ccc54c00b9d6db5a
Removing tag: 'upstream/0.16.3'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/0.16.3'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing package: ['ament_package']
Releasing package 'ament_package' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_package'
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fada0c82fd0> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['ament_package']
Debian Incremental Version: 2
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_package' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_package' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-package' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
python3-importlib-metadata => ['python3-importlib-metadata']
python3-importlib-resources => ['python3-minimal']
python3-setuptools => ['python3-setuptools']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-package_0.16.3-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_package' at version '0.16.3-2'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fc7621c6f50> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['ament_package']
Debian Incremental Version: 2
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_package' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_package' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ament-package' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
python3-importlib-metadata => ['python3-importlib-metadata']
python3-importlib-resources => ['python3-importlib-resources']
python3-setuptools => ['python3-setuptools']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-package_0.16.3-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_package' at version '0.16.3-2'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fdd562bac90> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fb9b3bd4150> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['ament_package']
RPM Incremental Version: 2
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_package' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_package' at version '0.16.3-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-package' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
python3-importlib-metadata => ['python3']
python3-importlib-resources => ['python3']
python3-setuptools => ['python%{python3_pkgversion}-setuptools']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-package-0.16.3-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_package' at version '0.16.3-2'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 0.16.3 --display-uri --name ament_package --output-dir /tmp/tmpa0cju4p4
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmpa0cju4p4/ament_package-0.16.3.tar.gz --release-version 0.16.3 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 2
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
+ 315d8db...bc946fb debian/rolling/ament_package -> debian/rolling/ament_package (forced update)
60ccdd1..314b73f master -> master
+ c0666a6...e8003fa patches/debian/rolling/ament_package -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_package (forced update)
+ 88d30aa...1c90687 patches/release/rolling/ament_package -> patches/release/rolling/ament_package (forced update)
+ 8a04673...ed3717b patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_package -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_package (forced update)
+ 8f0c6f2...64b4103 patches/rpm/rolling/ament_package -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_package (forced update)
+ 9f67800...05f33e3 release/rolling/ament_package -> release/rolling/ament_package (forced update)
+ 6db36f9...c82ebbe rpm/rolling/9/ament_package -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_package (forced update)
+ 578186f...4084dc0 rpm/rolling/ament_package -> rpm/rolling/ament_package (forced update)
+ 119d9eb...9dfce7d upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_package -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_package
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_package -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_package
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_package -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_package
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_package -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_package
+ 119d9eb...9dfce7d upstream/0.16.3 -> upstream/0.16.3 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-package_0.16.3-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-package_0.16.3-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-package_0.16.3-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-package_0.16.3-2_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_package/0.16.3-2 -> release/rolling/ament_package/0.16.3-2
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-package-0.16.3-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-package-0.16.3-2_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master 60d6212] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
314b73f..60d6212 master -> master
Cloning into 'ament_vitis-release'...
[master 19a044f] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/t8byd9c5/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '0.10.1'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmp7z987ici/upstream-0.10.1.tar.gz'
md5: 35a38a28eb84a69e70458431c7907a89
Removing tag: 'upstream/0.10.1'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/0.10.1'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing package: ['ament_vitis']
Releasing package 'ament_vitis' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ament_vitis'
<string>:6: (WARNING/2) Title underline too short.
0.10.0 (2022-03-23)
<string>:67: (WARNING/2) Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fdde6800b90> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['ament_vitis']
Debian Incremental Version: 4
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_vitis' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ament_vitis' at version '0.10.1-4'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.

A CHANGELOG.rst was found, but no changelog for this version was found.
You REALLY should have a entry (even a blank one) for each version of your package.

Package 'ament-vitis' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_acceleration => ['ros-rolling-ament-acceleration']
ament_cmake_ros => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-ros']
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_acceleration => ['ros-rolling-ament-acceleration']
ament_cmake_ros => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-ros']
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-vitis_0.10.1-4_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ament_vitis' at version '0.10.1-4'

<string>:6: (WARNING/2) Title underline too short.
0.10.0 (2022-03-23)
<string>:67: (WARNING/2) Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fb6fda84150> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['ament_vitis']
Debian Incremental Version: 4
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ament_vitis' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_vitis' at version '0.10.1-4'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.

A CHANGELOG.rst was found, but no changelog for this version was found.
You REALLY should have a entry (even a blank one) for each version of your package.

Package 'ament-vitis' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_acceleration => ['ros-rolling-ament-acceleration']
ament_cmake_ros => ['ament-cmake-ros']
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_acceleration => ['ros-rolling-ament-acceleration']
ament_cmake_ros => ['ament-cmake-ros']
ament_cmake_core => ['ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ament-vitis_0.10.1-4_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ament_vitis' at version '0.10.1-4'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fc7dec849d0> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fc694346e90> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['ament_vitis']
RPM Incremental Version: 4
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ament_vitis' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_vitis' at version '0.10.1-4'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'ament-vitis' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_acceleration => ['ros-rolling-ament-acceleration']
ament_cmake_ros => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-ros']
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_acceleration => ['ros-rolling-ament-acceleration']
ament_cmake_ros => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-ros']
ament_cmake_core => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-core']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ament-vitis-0.10.1-4_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ament_vitis' at version '0.10.1-4'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 0.10.1 --display-uri --name upstream --output-dir /tmp/tmp7z987ici
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmp7z987ici/upstream-0.10.1.tar.gz --release-version 0.10.1 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 4
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
1cc32bc..9884df8 debian/rolling/ament_vitis -> debian/rolling/ament_vitis
2c10737..b40101e master -> master
+ 75dbd5f...44e3a70 patches/debian/rolling/ament_vitis -> patches/debian/rolling/ament_vitis (forced update)
+ 50da7bc...b34aba9 patches/release/rolling/ament_vitis -> patches/release/rolling/ament_vitis (forced update)
+ 1363d85...893a720 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_vitis -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ament_vitis (forced update)
+ eaaa4c4...7096d9c patches/rpm/rolling/ament_vitis -> patches/rpm/rolling/ament_vitis (forced update)
+ bb01eab...507aba5 release/rolling/ament_vitis -> release/rolling/ament_vitis (forced update)
+ ed17408...c5892f0 rpm/rolling/9/ament_vitis -> rpm/rolling/9/ament_vitis (forced update)
+ bd139b0...ecb34a1 rpm/rolling/ament_vitis -> rpm/rolling/ament_vitis (forced update)
+ c50c430...a8833b9 upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_vitis -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_vitis
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ament_vitis -> debian/rolling/noble/ament_vitis
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_vitis -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ament_vitis
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_vitis -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ament_vitis
+ c50c430...a8833b9 upstream/0.10.1 -> upstream/0.10.1 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-vitis_0.10.1-4_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-vitis_0.10.1-4_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ament-vitis_0.10.1-4_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ament-vitis_0.10.1-4_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/ament_vitis/0.10.1-4 -> release/rolling/ament_vitis/0.10.1-4
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ament-vitis-0.10.1-4_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ament-vitis-0.10.1-4_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master 2ec0671] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
b40101e..2ec0671 master -> master
Cloning into 'angles-release'...
[master ac7fd87] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/nt5ct8ra/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '1.16.0'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmpol992zpx/upstream-1.16.0.tar.gz'
md5: c148a472fcbb8d48d220e6d67de05d7c
Removing tag: 'upstream/1.16.0'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/1.16.0'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing package: ['angles']
Releasing package 'angles' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/angles'
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f98586c7210> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['angles']
Debian Incremental Version: 4
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/angles' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'angles' at version '1.16.0-4'
Generating debian for noble...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'angles' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_python => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-python']
python3-setuptools => ['python3-setuptools']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-angles_1.16.0-4_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'angles' at version '1.16.0-4'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f1f0807ca10> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['angles']
Debian Incremental Version: 4
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/angles' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'angles' at version '1.16.0-4'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'angles' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_python => ['ament-cmake-python']
python3-setuptools => ['python3-setuptools']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-angles_1.16.0-4_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'angles' at version '1.16.0-4'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f0313ab4cd0> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fc4ca927ad0> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['angles']
RPM Incremental Version: 4
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/angles' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'angles' at version '1.16.0-4'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
Package 'angles' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_python => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-python']
python3-setuptools => ['python%{python3_pkgversion}-setuptools']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-angles-1.16.0-4_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'angles' at version '1.16.0-4'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 1.16.0 --display-uri --name upstream --output-dir /tmp/tmpol992zpx
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmpol992zpx/upstream-1.16.0.tar.gz --release-version 1.16.0 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 4
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
+ 8a14501...bc4e2a5 debian/rolling/angles -> debian/rolling/angles (forced update)
07aaf8e..2d6575b master -> master
+ dbb4919...67664c4 patches/debian/rolling/angles -> patches/debian/rolling/angles (forced update)
+ b386be8...3f8d866 patches/release/rolling/angles -> patches/release/rolling/angles (forced update)
+ a18b7d9...7e07554 patches/rpm/rolling/9/angles -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/angles (forced update)
+ 3fd381f...bf91b10 patches/rpm/rolling/angles -> patches/rpm/rolling/angles (forced update)
+ a93ce15...327da84 release/rolling/angles -> release/rolling/angles (forced update)
+ 8575b44...ea01e5c rpm/rolling/9/angles -> rpm/rolling/9/angles (forced update)
+ abf8ed8...e9a7c85 rpm/rolling/angles -> rpm/rolling/angles (forced update)
+ 1265b6a...9edd045 upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/angles -> debian/rolling/bookworm/angles
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/angles -> debian/rolling/noble/angles
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/angles -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/angles
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/angles -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/angles
+ 1265b6a...9edd045 upstream/1.16.0 -> upstream/1.16.0 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-angles_1.16.0-4_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-angles_1.16.0-4_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-angles_1.16.0-4_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-angles_1.16.0-4_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/angles/1.16.0-4 -> release/rolling/angles/1.16.0-4
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-angles-1.16.0-4_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-angles-1.16.0-4_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master 8fb693a] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
2d6575b..8fb693a master -> master
Cloning into 'apex_test_tools-release'...
[master c3c4801] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/x24actis/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '0.0.2'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmp1ibbg746/upstream-0.0.2.tar.gz'
md5: ce4f5e43c45a0886cb1698b043212d39
Removing tag: 'upstream/0.0.2'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/0.0.2'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing packages: ['test_apex_test_tools', 'apex_test_tools']
Releasing package 'test_apex_test_tools' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/test_apex_test_tools'
Releasing package 'apex_test_tools' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/apex_test_tools'
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7effdd010a90> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['apex_test_tools', 'test_apex_test_tools']
Debian Incremental Version: 8
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/apex_test_tools' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'apex_test_tools' at version '0.0.2-8'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
No CHANGELOG.rst found for package 'apex_test_tools'
Package 'apex-test-tools' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
osrf_testing_tools_cpp => ['ros-rolling-osrf-testing-tools-cpp']
ament_cmake_gtest => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gtest']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
osrf_testing_tools_cpp => ['ros-rolling-osrf-testing-tools-cpp']
ament_cmake_gtest => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gtest']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_auto => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-auto']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-apex-test-tools_0.0.2-8_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'apex_test_tools' at version '0.0.2-8'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/test_apex_test_tools' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'test_apex_test_tools' at version '0.0.2-8'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
No CHANGELOG.rst found for package 'test_apex_test_tools'
Package 'test-apex-test-tools' has dependencies:
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake_auto => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-auto']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-test-apex-test-tools_0.0.2-8_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'test_apex_test_tools' at version '0.0.2-8'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f3aa23aafd0> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['apex_test_tools', 'test_apex_test_tools']
Debian Incremental Version: 8
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/apex_test_tools' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'apex_test_tools' at version '0.0.2-8'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
No CHANGELOG.rst found for package 'apex_test_tools'
Package 'apex-test-tools' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
osrf_testing_tools_cpp => ['libosrf-testing-tools-cpp-dev']
ament_cmake_gtest => ['ament-cmake-googletest']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
osrf_testing_tools_cpp => ['libosrf-testing-tools-cpp-dev']
ament_cmake_gtest => ['ament-cmake-googletest']
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_auto => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-apex-test-tools_0.0.2-8_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'apex_test_tools' at version '0.0.2-8'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/test_apex_test_tools' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'test_apex_test_tools' at version '0.0.2-8'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
No CHANGELOG.rst found for package 'test_apex_test_tools'
Package 'test-apex-test-tools' has dependencies:
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake_auto => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-test-apex-test-tools_0.0.2-8_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'test_apex_test_tools' at version '0.0.2-8'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f842ebfc3d0> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fc3133683d0> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['test_apex_test_tools', 'apex_test_tools']
RPM Incremental Version: 8
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/test_apex_test_tools' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'test_apex_test_tools' at version '0.0.2-8'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'test-apex-test-tools' has dependencies:
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake_auto => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-auto']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-test-apex-test-tools-0.0.2-8_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'test_apex_test_tools' at version '0.0.2-8'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/apex_test_tools' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'apex_test_tools' at version '0.0.2-8'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'apex-test-tools' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
osrf_testing_tools_cpp => ['ros-rolling-osrf-testing-tools-cpp']
ament_cmake_gtest => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gtest']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
osrf_testing_tools_cpp => ['ros-rolling-osrf-testing-tools-cpp']
ament_cmake_gtest => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-gtest']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_auto => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-auto']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-apex-test-tools-0.0.2-8_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'apex_test_tools' at version '0.0.2-8'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 0.0.2 --display-uri --name upstream --output-dir /tmp/tmp1ibbg746
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmp1ibbg746/upstream-0.0.2.tar.gz --release-version 0.0.2 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 8
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 8 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 8 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 8 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 8 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
+ 551a4d0...06490bb debian/rolling/apex_test_tools -> debian/rolling/apex_test_tools (forced update)
+ 2deb157...e6276b6 debian/rolling/test_apex_test_tools -> debian/rolling/test_apex_test_tools (forced update)
59a136b..99c8d67 master -> master
+ fe8eabf...fadead6 patches/debian/rolling/apex_test_tools -> patches/debian/rolling/apex_test_tools (forced update)
+ e0a356b...e394430 patches/debian/rolling/test_apex_test_tools -> patches/debian/rolling/test_apex_test_tools (forced update)
+ 985573e...99f69b8 patches/release/rolling/apex_test_tools -> patches/release/rolling/apex_test_tools (forced update)
+ fd5807f...7a08c76 patches/release/rolling/test_apex_test_tools -> patches/release/rolling/test_apex_test_tools (forced update)
+ d7e5c0e...eeacc66 patches/rpm/rolling/9/apex_test_tools -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/apex_test_tools (forced update)
+ 1383ea5...8d456c7 patches/rpm/rolling/9/test_apex_test_tools -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/test_apex_test_tools (forced update)
+ 6eb9e34...ba7d06d patches/rpm/rolling/apex_test_tools -> patches/rpm/rolling/apex_test_tools (forced update)
+ 6ebd82b...09c42a4 patches/rpm/rolling/test_apex_test_tools -> patches/rpm/rolling/test_apex_test_tools (forced update)
+ 2977805...4a87b1c release/rolling/apex_test_tools -> release/rolling/apex_test_tools (forced update)
+ eef5e70...e227042 release/rolling/test_apex_test_tools -> release/rolling/test_apex_test_tools (forced update)
+ 3b967f6...3a90250 rpm/rolling/9/apex_test_tools -> rpm/rolling/9/apex_test_tools (forced update)
+ 0bece98...9b61b8d rpm/rolling/9/test_apex_test_tools -> rpm/rolling/9/test_apex_test_tools (forced update)
+ feae90b...dc67f23 rpm/rolling/apex_test_tools -> rpm/rolling/apex_test_tools (forced update)
+ 31592c7...11bab1b rpm/rolling/test_apex_test_tools -> rpm/rolling/test_apex_test_tools (forced update)
+ b1115d1...2d2b541 upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/apex_test_tools -> debian/rolling/bookworm/apex_test_tools
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/test_apex_test_tools -> debian/rolling/bookworm/test_apex_test_tools
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/apex_test_tools -> debian/rolling/noble/apex_test_tools
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/test_apex_test_tools -> debian/rolling/noble/test_apex_test_tools
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/apex_test_tools -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/apex_test_tools
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/test_apex_test_tools -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/test_apex_test_tools
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/apex_test_tools -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/apex_test_tools
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/test_apex_test_tools -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/test_apex_test_tools
+ b1115d1...2d2b541 upstream/0.0.2 -> upstream/0.0.2 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-apex-test-tools_0.0.2-8_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-apex-test-tools_0.0.2-8_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-apex-test-tools_0.0.2-8_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-apex-test-tools_0.0.2-8_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-test-apex-test-tools_0.0.2-8_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-test-apex-test-tools_0.0.2-8_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-test-apex-test-tools_0.0.2-8_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-test-apex-test-tools_0.0.2-8_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/apex_test_tools/0.0.2-8 -> release/rolling/apex_test_tools/0.0.2-8
* [new tag] release/rolling/test_apex_test_tools/0.0.2-8 -> release/rolling/test_apex_test_tools/0.0.2-8
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-apex-test-tools-0.0.2-8_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-apex-test-tools-0.0.2-8_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-test-apex-test-tools-0.0.2-8_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-test-apex-test-tools-0.0.2-8_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master c067144] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
99c8d67..c067144 master -> master
Cloning into 'apriltag-release'...
[master 28e4a7c] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/t0zb58qy/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference 'v3.2.0'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmp_9c3rhjo/upstream-v3.2.0.tar.gz'
md5: 63508c10a9154058e0c936a351a1bdea
Removing tag: 'upstream/3.2.0'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/3.2.0'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing package: ['apriltag']
Releasing package 'apriltag' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/apriltag'
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f48f9d90d10> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['apriltag']
Debian Incremental Version: 5
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/apriltag' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'apriltag' at version '3.2.0-5'
Generating debian for noble...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
No CHANGELOG.rst found for package 'apriltag'
Package 'apriltag' has dependencies:
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
python3-numpy => ['python3-numpy']
cmake => ['cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-apriltag_3.2.0-5_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'apriltag' at version '3.2.0-5'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7ff382f81f90> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['apriltag']
Debian Incremental Version: 5
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/apriltag' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'apriltag' at version '3.2.0-5'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
No CHANGELOG.rst found for package 'apriltag'
Package 'apriltag' has dependencies:
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
python3-numpy => ['python3-numpy']
cmake => ['cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-apriltag_3.2.0-5_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'apriltag' at version '3.2.0-5'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f22de47c310> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fc3199918d0> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['apriltag']
RPM Incremental Version: 5
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/apriltag' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'apriltag' at version '3.2.0-5'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
Package 'apriltag' has dependencies:
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
python3-numpy => ['python%{python3_pkgversion}-numpy']
cmake => ['cmake3']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-apriltag-3.2.0-5_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'apriltag' at version '3.2.0-5'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag v3.2.0 --display-uri --name upstream --output-dir /tmp/tmp_9c3rhjo
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmp_9c3rhjo/upstream-v3.2.0.tar.gz --release-version 3.2.0 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 5
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
+ 52519ea...836bd43 debian/rolling/apriltag -> debian/rolling/apriltag (forced update)
5a35054..498aed1 master -> master
+ 9e29913...e0b8204 patches/debian/rolling/apriltag -> patches/debian/rolling/apriltag (forced update)
+ 90f21e4...d1389f8 patches/release/rolling/apriltag -> patches/release/rolling/apriltag (forced update)
+ 8823720...8698c4c patches/rpm/rolling/9/apriltag -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/apriltag (forced update)
+ 4ba2fd9...5450a8a patches/rpm/rolling/apriltag -> patches/rpm/rolling/apriltag (forced update)
+ 88016ff...e97591f release/rolling/apriltag -> release/rolling/apriltag (forced update)
+ 52ccdd0...eb1fdf0 rpm/rolling/9/apriltag -> rpm/rolling/9/apriltag (forced update)
+ dc2de05...331d194 rpm/rolling/apriltag -> rpm/rolling/apriltag (forced update)
+ 2a20a9b...ad4e8eb upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/apriltag -> debian/rolling/bookworm/apriltag
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/apriltag -> debian/rolling/noble/apriltag
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/apriltag -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/apriltag
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/apriltag -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/apriltag
+ 2a20a9b...ad4e8eb upstream/3.2.0 -> upstream/3.2.0 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-apriltag_3.2.0-5_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-apriltag_3.2.0-5_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-apriltag_3.2.0-5_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-apriltag_3.2.0-5_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/apriltag/3.2.0-5 -> release/rolling/apriltag/3.2.0-5
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-apriltag-3.2.0-5_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-apriltag-3.2.0-5_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master 7b08c06] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
498aed1..7b08c06 master -> master
Cloning into 'apriltag_detector-release'...
[master 296734d] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/jetc1p8m/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '1.0.0'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmpko37cmkv/apriltag_detector-1.0.0.tar.gz'
md5: 7c866e26dc8b29f5db17f8bd3f152d7e
Removing tag: 'upstream/1.0.0'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/1.0.0'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing package: ['apriltag_detector']
Releasing package 'apriltag_detector' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/apriltag_detector'
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fe55fab1b90> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['apriltag_detector']
Debian Incremental Version: 2
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/apriltag_detector' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'apriltag_detector' at version '1.0.0-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'apriltag-detector' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
apriltag_msgs => ['ros-rolling-apriltag-msgs']
image_transport => ['ros-rolling-image-transport']
sensor_msgs => ['ros-rolling-sensor-msgs']
cv_bridge => ['ros-rolling-cv-bridge']
apriltag => ['ros-rolling-apriltag']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
apriltag_msgs => ['ros-rolling-apriltag-msgs']
image_transport => ['ros-rolling-image-transport']
sensor_msgs => ['ros-rolling-sensor-msgs']
cv_bridge => ['ros-rolling-cv-bridge']
apriltag => ['ros-rolling-apriltag']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_ros => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-ros']
ament_cmake_auto => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-auto']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-apriltag-detector_1.0.0-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'apriltag_detector' at version '1.0.0-2'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f8b82e661d0> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['apriltag_detector']
Debian Incremental Version: 2
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/apriltag_detector' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'apriltag_detector' at version '1.0.0-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'apriltag-detector' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
apriltag_msgs => ['ros-rolling-apriltag-msgs']
image_transport => ['image-transport-tools', 'libimage-transport-dev']
sensor_msgs => ['libsensor-msgs-dev', 'python3-sensor-msgs', 'ros-sensor-msgs']
cv_bridge => ['libcv-bridge-dev', 'python3-cv-bridge']
apriltag => ['libapriltag-dev']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
apriltag_msgs => ['ros-rolling-apriltag-msgs']
image_transport => ['image-transport-tools', 'libimage-transport-dev']
sensor_msgs => ['libsensor-msgs-dev', 'python3-sensor-msgs', 'ros-sensor-msgs']
cv_bridge => ['libcv-bridge-dev', 'python3-cv-bridge']
apriltag => ['libapriltag-dev']
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_ros => ['ament-cmake-ros']
ament_cmake_auto => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-apriltag-detector_1.0.0-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'apriltag_detector' at version '1.0.0-2'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f4d5bdf4450> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7faf0c7706d0> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['apriltag_detector']
RPM Incremental Version: 2
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/apriltag_detector' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'apriltag_detector' at version '1.0.0-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'apriltag-detector' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
apriltag_msgs => ['ros-rolling-apriltag-msgs']
image_transport => ['ros-rolling-image-transport']
sensor_msgs => ['ros-rolling-sensor-msgs']
cv_bridge => ['ros-rolling-cv-bridge']
apriltag => ['ros-rolling-apriltag']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
apriltag_msgs => ['ros-rolling-apriltag-msgs']
image_transport => ['ros-rolling-image-transport']
sensor_msgs => ['ros-rolling-sensor-msgs']
cv_bridge => ['ros-rolling-cv-bridge']
apriltag => ['ros-rolling-apriltag']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_ros => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-ros']
ament_cmake_auto => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-auto']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-apriltag-detector-1.0.0-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'apriltag_detector' at version '1.0.0-2'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 1.0.0 --display-uri --name apriltag_detector --output-dir /tmp/tmpko37cmkv
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmpko37cmkv/apriltag_detector-1.0.0.tar.gz --release-version 1.0.0 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 2
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
a9695ab..64de3c3 debian/rolling/apriltag_detector -> debian/rolling/apriltag_detector
93128a9..5425a0d master -> master
+ 8b4b079...aede1b5 patches/debian/rolling/apriltag_detector -> patches/debian/rolling/apriltag_detector (forced update)
+ af3e203...20710fc patches/release/rolling/apriltag_detector -> patches/release/rolling/apriltag_detector (forced update)
+ 7b1782b...1105675 patches/rpm/rolling/9/apriltag_detector -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/apriltag_detector (forced update)
+ 138af32...3cedf4a patches/rpm/rolling/apriltag_detector -> patches/rpm/rolling/apriltag_detector (forced update)
+ fbd3fd9...014c267 release/rolling/apriltag_detector -> release/rolling/apriltag_detector (forced update)
+ 645d6f7...4038139 rpm/rolling/9/apriltag_detector -> rpm/rolling/9/apriltag_detector (forced update)
+ 8063b3b...e1a7a43 rpm/rolling/apriltag_detector -> rpm/rolling/apriltag_detector (forced update)
+ 3e2e8ec...267d1aa upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/apriltag_detector -> debian/rolling/bookworm/apriltag_detector
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/apriltag_detector -> debian/rolling/noble/apriltag_detector
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/apriltag_detector -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/apriltag_detector
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/apriltag_detector -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/apriltag_detector
+ fccd93f...267d1aa upstream/1.0.0 -> upstream/1.0.0 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-apriltag-detector_1.0.0-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-apriltag-detector_1.0.0-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-apriltag-detector_1.0.0-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-apriltag-detector_1.0.0-2_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/apriltag_detector/1.0.0-2 -> release/rolling/apriltag_detector/1.0.0-2
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-apriltag-detector-1.0.0-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-apriltag-detector-1.0.0-2_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master 55184c2] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
5425a0d..55184c2 master -> master
Cloning into 'apriltag_msgs-release'...
[master 8dd7cc7] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/htrv2mdz/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '2.0.1'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmpxbvtle2i/upstream-2.0.1.tar.gz'
md5: afdd189c3a0273e788a149405755bd9f
Removing tag: 'upstream/2.0.1'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/2.0.1'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing package: ['apriltag_msgs']
Releasing package 'apriltag_msgs' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/apriltag_msgs'
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f974a274bd0> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['apriltag_msgs']
Debian Incremental Version: 4
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/apriltag_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'apriltag_msgs' at version '2.0.1-4'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
No CHANGELOG.rst found for package 'apriltag_msgs'
Package 'apriltag-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-apriltag-msgs_2.0.1-4_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'apriltag_msgs' at version '2.0.1-4'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7ff3c8314110> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['apriltag_msgs']
Debian Incremental Version: 4
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/apriltag_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'apriltag_msgs' at version '2.0.1-4'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
No CHANGELOG.rst found for package 'apriltag_msgs'
Package 'apriltag-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-apriltag-msgs_2.0.1-4_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'apriltag_msgs' at version '2.0.1-4'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f9c2a664290> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f452509a090> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['apriltag_msgs']
RPM Incremental Version: 4
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/apriltag_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'apriltag_msgs' at version '2.0.1-4'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'apriltag-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-apriltag-msgs-2.0.1-4_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'apriltag_msgs' at version '2.0.1-4'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 2.0.1 --display-uri --name upstream --output-dir /tmp/tmpxbvtle2i
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmpxbvtle2i/upstream-2.0.1.tar.gz --release-version 2.0.1 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 4
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
+ cf1405d...3b30533 debian/rolling/apriltag_msgs -> debian/rolling/apriltag_msgs (forced update)
20479ff..3696d04 master -> master
+ e894820...331e47b patches/debian/rolling/apriltag_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/apriltag_msgs (forced update)
+ 22f8f2d...aa5acc2 patches/release/rolling/apriltag_msgs -> patches/release/rolling/apriltag_msgs (forced update)
+ 969d75f...c9ea6f6 patches/rpm/rolling/9/apriltag_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/apriltag_msgs (forced update)
+ 3804858...a6e06f6 patches/rpm/rolling/apriltag_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/apriltag_msgs (forced update)
+ a0b27f2...555203d release/rolling/apriltag_msgs -> release/rolling/apriltag_msgs (forced update)
+ 70b2059...2abd474 rpm/rolling/9/apriltag_msgs -> rpm/rolling/9/apriltag_msgs (forced update)
+ 3ea905a...b7223c6 rpm/rolling/apriltag_msgs -> rpm/rolling/apriltag_msgs (forced update)
+ 3959bb7...4abcd99 upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/apriltag_msgs -> debian/rolling/bookworm/apriltag_msgs
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/apriltag_msgs -> debian/rolling/noble/apriltag_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/apriltag_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/apriltag_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/apriltag_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/apriltag_msgs
+ 3959bb7...4abcd99 upstream/2.0.1 -> upstream/2.0.1 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-apriltag-msgs_2.0.1-4_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-apriltag-msgs_2.0.1-4_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-apriltag-msgs_2.0.1-4_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-apriltag-msgs_2.0.1-4_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/apriltag_msgs/2.0.1-4 -> release/rolling/apriltag_msgs/2.0.1-4
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-apriltag-msgs-2.0.1-4_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-apriltag-msgs-2.0.1-4_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master 76ddf47] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
3696d04..76ddf47 master -> master
Cloning into 'apriltag_ros-release'...
[master dd65ff1] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/hopea71o/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '3.1.1'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmpb393xfoi/upstream-3.1.1.tar.gz'
md5: 54565db5004ad6b872d475116fa64933
Removing tag: 'upstream/3.1.1'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/3.1.1'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing package: ['apriltag_ros']
Releasing package 'apriltag_ros' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/apriltag_ros'
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f2be7e74810> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['apriltag_ros']
Debian Incremental Version: 4
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/apriltag_ros' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'apriltag_ros' at version '3.1.1-4'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
No CHANGELOG.rst found for package 'apriltag_ros'
Package 'apriltag-ros' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
sensor_msgs => ['ros-rolling-sensor-msgs']
tf2_ros => ['ros-rolling-tf2-ros']
apriltag_msgs => ['ros-rolling-apriltag-msgs']
apriltag => ['ros-rolling-apriltag']
image_transport => ['ros-rolling-image-transport']
cv_bridge => ['ros-rolling-cv-bridge']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
eigen => ['libeigen3-dev']
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
sensor_msgs => ['ros-rolling-sensor-msgs']
tf2_ros => ['ros-rolling-tf2-ros']
apriltag_msgs => ['ros-rolling-apriltag-msgs']
apriltag => ['ros-rolling-apriltag']
image_transport => ['ros-rolling-image-transport']
cv_bridge => ['ros-rolling-cv-bridge']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-apriltag-ros_3.1.1-4_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'apriltag_ros' at version '3.1.1-4'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f140993d450> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['apriltag_ros']
Debian Incremental Version: 4
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/apriltag_ros' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'apriltag_ros' at version '3.1.1-4'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
No CHANGELOG.rst found for package 'apriltag_ros'
Package 'apriltag-ros' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
sensor_msgs => ['libsensor-msgs-dev', 'python3-sensor-msgs', 'ros-sensor-msgs']
tf2_ros => ['libtf2-ros-dev', 'python3-tf2-ros']
apriltag_msgs => ['ros-rolling-apriltag-msgs']
apriltag => ['libapriltag-dev']
image_transport => ['image-transport-tools', 'libimage-transport-dev']
cv_bridge => ['libcv-bridge-dev', 'python3-cv-bridge']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
eigen => ['libeigen3-dev']
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
sensor_msgs => ['libsensor-msgs-dev', 'python3-sensor-msgs', 'ros-sensor-msgs']
tf2_ros => ['libtf2-ros-dev', 'python3-tf2-ros']
apriltag_msgs => ['ros-rolling-apriltag-msgs']
apriltag => ['libapriltag-dev']
image_transport => ['image-transport-tools', 'libimage-transport-dev']
cv_bridge => ['libcv-bridge-dev', 'python3-cv-bridge']
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-apriltag-ros_3.1.1-4_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'apriltag_ros' at version '3.1.1-4'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fe40289a850> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f0284c5b590> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['apriltag_ros']
RPM Incremental Version: 4
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/apriltag_ros' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'apriltag_ros' at version '3.1.1-4'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'apriltag-ros' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
sensor_msgs => ['ros-rolling-sensor-msgs']
tf2_ros => ['ros-rolling-tf2-ros']
apriltag_msgs => ['ros-rolling-apriltag-msgs']
apriltag => ['ros-rolling-apriltag']
image_transport => ['ros-rolling-image-transport']
cv_bridge => ['ros-rolling-cv-bridge']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
eigen => ['eigen3-devel']
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
sensor_msgs => ['ros-rolling-sensor-msgs']
tf2_ros => ['ros-rolling-tf2-ros']
apriltag_msgs => ['ros-rolling-apriltag-msgs']
apriltag => ['ros-rolling-apriltag']
image_transport => ['ros-rolling-image-transport']
cv_bridge => ['ros-rolling-cv-bridge']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-apriltag-ros-3.1.1-4_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'apriltag_ros' at version '3.1.1-4'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 3.1.1 --display-uri --name upstream --output-dir /tmp/tmpb393xfoi
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmpb393xfoi/upstream-3.1.1.tar.gz --release-version 3.1.1 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 4
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
+ f7d51c4...2e4f1ee debian/rolling/apriltag_ros -> debian/rolling/apriltag_ros (forced update)
e7e5695..5bec15c master -> master
+ 8bd06f1...f1b38e9 patches/debian/rolling/apriltag_ros -> patches/debian/rolling/apriltag_ros (forced update)
+ 0a50d27...3fb8051 patches/release/rolling/apriltag_ros -> patches/release/rolling/apriltag_ros (forced update)
+ 75ee419...7d38ca6 patches/rpm/rolling/9/apriltag_ros -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/apriltag_ros (forced update)
+ 40d0bf2...3554aef patches/rpm/rolling/apriltag_ros -> patches/rpm/rolling/apriltag_ros (forced update)
+ 0120013...a3d22c5 release/rolling/apriltag_ros -> release/rolling/apriltag_ros (forced update)
+ 2ed64f8...99a9136 rpm/rolling/9/apriltag_ros -> rpm/rolling/9/apriltag_ros (forced update)
+ df0770b...650ae48 rpm/rolling/apriltag_ros -> rpm/rolling/apriltag_ros (forced update)
+ 9aed718...5eaeb1f upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/apriltag_ros -> debian/rolling/bookworm/apriltag_ros
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/apriltag_ros -> debian/rolling/noble/apriltag_ros
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/apriltag_ros -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/apriltag_ros
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/apriltag_ros -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/apriltag_ros
+ 9aed718...5eaeb1f upstream/3.1.1 -> upstream/3.1.1 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-apriltag-ros_3.1.1-4_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-apriltag-ros_3.1.1-4_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-apriltag-ros_3.1.1-4_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-apriltag-ros_3.1.1-4_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/apriltag_ros/3.1.1-4 -> release/rolling/apriltag_ros/3.1.1-4
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-apriltag-ros-3.1.1-4_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-apriltag-ros-3.1.1-4_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master 03aaaa1] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
5bec15c..03aaaa1 master -> master
Cloning into 'aruco_opencv-release'...
[master 174d12c] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/eati4zqt/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '4.1.1'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmp9ywou5d1/upstream-4.1.1.tar.gz'
md5: 4657571e98b365f60e92d086b860e695
Removing tag: 'upstream/4.1.1'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/4.1.1'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing packages: ['aruco_opencv_msgs', 'aruco_opencv']
Releasing package 'aruco_opencv_msgs' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/aruco_opencv_msgs'
Releasing package 'aruco_opencv' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/aruco_opencv'
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f067bfcf990> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['aruco_opencv_msgs', 'aruco_opencv']
Debian Incremental Version: 2
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/aruco_opencv_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'aruco_opencv_msgs' at version '4.1.1-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'aruco-opencv-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
geometry_msgs => ['ros-rolling-geometry-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
geometry_msgs => ['ros-rolling-geometry-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-aruco-opencv-msgs_4.1.1-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'aruco_opencv_msgs' at version '4.1.1-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/aruco_opencv' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'aruco_opencv' at version '4.1.1-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'aruco-opencv' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
rclcpp_lifecycle => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-lifecycle']
aruco_opencv_msgs => ['ros-rolling-aruco-opencv-msgs']
cv_bridge => ['ros-rolling-cv-bridge']
image_transport => ['ros-rolling-image-transport']
tf2_ros => ['ros-rolling-tf2-ros']
tf2_geometry_msgs => ['ros-rolling-tf2-geometry-msgs']
yaml-cpp => ['libyaml-cpp-dev']
python3-opencv => ['python3-opencv']
python3-numpy => ['python3-numpy']
python3-img2pdf => ['python3-img2pdf']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
rclcpp_lifecycle => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-lifecycle']
aruco_opencv_msgs => ['ros-rolling-aruco-opencv-msgs']
cv_bridge => ['ros-rolling-cv-bridge']
image_transport => ['ros-rolling-image-transport']
tf2_ros => ['ros-rolling-tf2-ros']
tf2_geometry_msgs => ['ros-rolling-tf2-geometry-msgs']
yaml-cpp => ['libyaml-cpp-dev']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-aruco-opencv_4.1.1-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'aruco_opencv' at version '4.1.1-2'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fcf56a9aa10> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['aruco_opencv', 'aruco_opencv_msgs']
Debian Incremental Version: 2
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/aruco_opencv' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'aruco_opencv' at version '4.1.1-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'aruco-opencv' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
rclcpp_lifecycle => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-lifecycle']
aruco_opencv_msgs => ['ros-rolling-aruco-opencv-msgs']
cv_bridge => ['libcv-bridge-dev', 'python3-cv-bridge']
image_transport => ['image-transport-tools', 'libimage-transport-dev']
tf2_ros => ['libtf2-ros-dev', 'python3-tf2-ros']
tf2_geometry_msgs => ['libtf2-geometry-msgs-dev', 'python3-tf2-geometry-msgs']
yaml-cpp => ['libyaml-cpp-dev']
python3-opencv => ['python3-opencv']
python3-numpy => ['python3-numpy']
python3-img2pdf => ['python3-img2pdf']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
rclcpp_lifecycle => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-lifecycle']
aruco_opencv_msgs => ['ros-rolling-aruco-opencv-msgs']
cv_bridge => ['libcv-bridge-dev', 'python3-cv-bridge']
image_transport => ['image-transport-tools', 'libimage-transport-dev']
tf2_ros => ['libtf2-ros-dev', 'python3-tf2-ros']
tf2_geometry_msgs => ['libtf2-geometry-msgs-dev', 'python3-tf2-geometry-msgs']
yaml-cpp => ['libyaml-cpp-dev']
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-aruco-opencv_4.1.1-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'aruco_opencv' at version '4.1.1-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/aruco_opencv_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'aruco_opencv_msgs' at version '4.1.1-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'aruco-opencv-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
geometry_msgs => ['libgeometry-msgs-dev', 'python3-geometry-msgs', 'ros-geometry-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
geometry_msgs => ['libgeometry-msgs-dev', 'python3-geometry-msgs', 'ros-geometry-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-aruco-opencv-msgs_4.1.1-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'aruco_opencv_msgs' at version '4.1.1-2'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fcfe18b1190> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fe927a90d90> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['aruco_opencv', 'aruco_opencv_msgs']
RPM Incremental Version: 2
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/aruco_opencv' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'aruco_opencv' at version '4.1.1-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'aruco-opencv' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
rclcpp_lifecycle => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-lifecycle']
aruco_opencv_msgs => ['ros-rolling-aruco-opencv-msgs']
cv_bridge => ['ros-rolling-cv-bridge']
image_transport => ['ros-rolling-image-transport']
tf2_ros => ['ros-rolling-tf2-ros']
tf2_geometry_msgs => ['ros-rolling-tf2-geometry-msgs']
yaml-cpp => ['yaml-cpp-devel']
python3-opencv => ['python3-opencv']
python3-numpy => ['python%{python3_pkgversion}-numpy']
python3-img2pdf => ['python3-img2pdf']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
rclcpp_lifecycle => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-lifecycle']
aruco_opencv_msgs => ['ros-rolling-aruco-opencv-msgs']
cv_bridge => ['ros-rolling-cv-bridge']
image_transport => ['ros-rolling-image-transport']
tf2_ros => ['ros-rolling-tf2-ros']
tf2_geometry_msgs => ['ros-rolling-tf2-geometry-msgs']
yaml-cpp => ['yaml-cpp-devel']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-aruco-opencv-4.1.1-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'aruco_opencv' at version '4.1.1-2'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/aruco_opencv_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'aruco_opencv_msgs' at version '4.1.1-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'aruco-opencv-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
geometry_msgs => ['ros-rolling-geometry-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
geometry_msgs => ['ros-rolling-geometry-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-aruco-opencv-msgs-4.1.1-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'aruco_opencv_msgs' at version '4.1.1-2'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 4.1.1 --display-uri --name upstream --output-dir /tmp/tmp9ywou5d1
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmp9ywou5d1/upstream-4.1.1.tar.gz --release-version 4.1.1 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 2
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
+ 9ddf8d0...0f8a941 debian/rolling/aruco_opencv -> debian/rolling/aruco_opencv (forced update)
+ cd1665f...0b359a7 debian/rolling/aruco_opencv_msgs -> debian/rolling/aruco_opencv_msgs (forced update)
5dd87c9..d7b3c62 master -> master
+ c7c05f1...b78d1cc patches/debian/rolling/aruco_opencv -> patches/debian/rolling/aruco_opencv (forced update)
+ a045ec3...8849c20 patches/debian/rolling/aruco_opencv_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/aruco_opencv_msgs (forced update)
+ 233012b...d5c7763 patches/release/rolling/aruco_opencv -> patches/release/rolling/aruco_opencv (forced update)
+ 334b66b...4761ae8 patches/release/rolling/aruco_opencv_msgs -> patches/release/rolling/aruco_opencv_msgs (forced update)
+ 48233a3...cd5aad6 patches/rpm/rolling/9/aruco_opencv -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/aruco_opencv (forced update)
+ 7052168...5d86eb5 patches/rpm/rolling/9/aruco_opencv_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/aruco_opencv_msgs (forced update)
+ 4670683...39d3585 patches/rpm/rolling/aruco_opencv -> patches/rpm/rolling/aruco_opencv (forced update)
+ 3a20a4f...8142611 patches/rpm/rolling/aruco_opencv_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/aruco_opencv_msgs (forced update)
+ 52d6b08...9bf0565 release/rolling/aruco_opencv -> release/rolling/aruco_opencv (forced update)
+ 119acd7...ec5b907 release/rolling/aruco_opencv_msgs -> release/rolling/aruco_opencv_msgs (forced update)
+ 8e2617b...916fa8e rpm/rolling/9/aruco_opencv -> rpm/rolling/9/aruco_opencv (forced update)
+ e184718...9e2bf6f rpm/rolling/9/aruco_opencv_msgs -> rpm/rolling/9/aruco_opencv_msgs (forced update)
+ 5a03ca2...eed9a93 rpm/rolling/aruco_opencv -> rpm/rolling/aruco_opencv (forced update)
+ be673a2...fc5c2fc rpm/rolling/aruco_opencv_msgs -> rpm/rolling/aruco_opencv_msgs (forced update)
+ d111c9d...6f9f0e2 upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/aruco_opencv -> debian/rolling/bookworm/aruco_opencv
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/aruco_opencv_msgs -> debian/rolling/bookworm/aruco_opencv_msgs
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/aruco_opencv -> debian/rolling/noble/aruco_opencv
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/aruco_opencv_msgs -> debian/rolling/noble/aruco_opencv_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/aruco_opencv -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/aruco_opencv
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/aruco_opencv_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/aruco_opencv_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/aruco_opencv -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/aruco_opencv
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/aruco_opencv_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/aruco_opencv_msgs
+ 0b157fb...6f9f0e2 upstream/4.1.1 -> upstream/4.1.1 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-aruco-opencv-msgs_4.1.1-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-aruco-opencv-msgs_4.1.1-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-aruco-opencv-msgs_4.1.1-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-aruco-opencv-msgs_4.1.1-2_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-aruco-opencv_4.1.1-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-aruco-opencv_4.1.1-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-aruco-opencv_4.1.1-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-aruco-opencv_4.1.1-2_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/aruco_opencv/4.1.1-2 -> release/rolling/aruco_opencv/4.1.1-2
* [new tag] release/rolling/aruco_opencv_msgs/4.1.1-2 -> release/rolling/aruco_opencv_msgs/4.1.1-2
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-aruco-opencv-4.1.1-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-aruco-opencv-4.1.1-2_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-aruco-opencv-msgs-4.1.1-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-aruco-opencv-msgs-4.1.1-2_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master 9f74562] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
d7b3c62..9f74562 master -> master
Cloning into 'astuff_sensor_msgs-release'...
[master ce221b72] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/mkzb75ji/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '4.0.0'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmp1r58vnc4/upstream-4.0.0.tar.gz'
md5: 61c861e572e90368893d48c52663602b
Removing tag: 'upstream/4.0.0'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/4.0.0'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing packages: ['mobileye_560_660_msgs', 'delphi_srr_msgs', 'delphi_mrr_msgs', 'ibeo_msgs', 'neobotix_usboard_msgs', 'delphi_esr_msgs', 'derived_object_msgs', 'kartech_linear_actuator_msgs']
Releasing package 'mobileye_560_660_msgs' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/mobileye_560_660_msgs'
Releasing package 'delphi_srr_msgs' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/delphi_srr_msgs'
Releasing package 'delphi_mrr_msgs' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/delphi_mrr_msgs'
Releasing package 'ibeo_msgs' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/ibeo_msgs'
Releasing package 'neobotix_usboard_msgs' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/neobotix_usboard_msgs'
Releasing package 'delphi_esr_msgs' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/delphi_esr_msgs'
Releasing package 'derived_object_msgs' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/derived_object_msgs'
Releasing package 'kartech_linear_actuator_msgs' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/kartech_linear_actuator_msgs'
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f8214662a10> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['kartech_linear_actuator_msgs', 'mobileye_560_660_msgs', 'derived_object_msgs', 'delphi_mrr_msgs', 'neobotix_usboard_msgs', 'delphi_srr_msgs', 'delphi_esr_msgs', 'ibeo_msgs']
Debian Incremental Version: 3
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/kartech_linear_actuator_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'kartech_linear_actuator_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'
Generating debian for noble...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'kartech-linear-actuator-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
ros_environment => ['ros-rolling-ros-environment']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-kartech-linear-actuator-msgs_4.0.0-3_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'kartech_linear_actuator_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/mobileye_560_660_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'mobileye_560_660_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'
Generating debian for noble...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'mobileye-560-660-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
ros_environment => ['ros-rolling-ros-environment']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-mobileye-560-660-msgs_4.0.0-3_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'mobileye_560_660_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/derived_object_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'derived_object_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'
Generating debian for noble...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'derived-object-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
geometry_msgs => ['ros-rolling-geometry-msgs']
shape_msgs => ['ros-rolling-shape-msgs']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
ros_environment => ['ros-rolling-ros-environment']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
geometry_msgs => ['ros-rolling-geometry-msgs']
shape_msgs => ['ros-rolling-shape-msgs']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-derived-object-msgs_4.0.0-3_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'derived_object_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/delphi_mrr_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'delphi_mrr_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'
Generating debian for noble...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'delphi-mrr-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
ros_environment => ['ros-rolling-ros-environment']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-delphi-mrr-msgs_4.0.0-3_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'delphi_mrr_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/neobotix_usboard_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'neobotix_usboard_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'
Generating debian for noble...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'neobotix-usboard-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
ros_environment => ['ros-rolling-ros-environment']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-neobotix-usboard-msgs_4.0.0-3_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'neobotix_usboard_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/delphi_srr_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'delphi_srr_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'
Generating debian for noble...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'delphi-srr-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
ros_environment => ['ros-rolling-ros-environment']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-delphi-srr-msgs_4.0.0-3_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'delphi_srr_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/delphi_esr_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'delphi_esr_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'
Generating debian for noble...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'delphi-esr-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
ros_environment => ['ros-rolling-ros-environment']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-delphi-esr-msgs_4.0.0-3_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'delphi_esr_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ibeo_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'ibeo_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'
Generating debian for noble...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ibeo-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
ros_environment => ['ros-rolling-ros-environment']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ibeo-msgs_4.0.0-3_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'ibeo_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f7d29ccafd0> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['ibeo_msgs', 'delphi_mrr_msgs', 'kartech_linear_actuator_msgs', 'delphi_esr_msgs', 'derived_object_msgs', 'mobileye_560_660_msgs', 'neobotix_usboard_msgs', 'delphi_srr_msgs']
Debian Incremental Version: 3
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/ibeo_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'ibeo_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'ibeo-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
ros_environment => ['ros-environment']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-ibeo-msgs_4.0.0-3_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'ibeo_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/delphi_mrr_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'delphi_mrr_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'delphi-mrr-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
ros_environment => ['ros-environment']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-delphi-mrr-msgs_4.0.0-3_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'delphi_mrr_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/kartech_linear_actuator_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'kartech_linear_actuator_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'kartech-linear-actuator-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
ros_environment => ['ros-environment']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-kartech-linear-actuator-msgs_4.0.0-3_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'kartech_linear_actuator_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/delphi_esr_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'delphi_esr_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'delphi-esr-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
ros_environment => ['ros-environment']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-delphi-esr-msgs_4.0.0-3_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'delphi_esr_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/derived_object_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'derived_object_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'derived-object-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
geometry_msgs => ['libgeometry-msgs-dev', 'python3-geometry-msgs', 'ros-geometry-msgs']
shape_msgs => ['libshape-msgs-dev', 'python3-shape-msgs', 'ros-shape-msgs']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
ros_environment => ['ros-environment']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
geometry_msgs => ['libgeometry-msgs-dev', 'python3-geometry-msgs', 'ros-geometry-msgs']
shape_msgs => ['libshape-msgs-dev', 'python3-shape-msgs', 'ros-shape-msgs']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-derived-object-msgs_4.0.0-3_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'derived_object_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/mobileye_560_660_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'mobileye_560_660_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'mobileye-560-660-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
ros_environment => ['ros-environment']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-mobileye-560-660-msgs_4.0.0-3_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'mobileye_560_660_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/neobotix_usboard_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'neobotix_usboard_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'neobotix-usboard-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
ros_environment => ['ros-environment']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-neobotix-usboard-msgs_4.0.0-3_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'neobotix_usboard_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/delphi_srr_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'delphi_srr_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'delphi-srr-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
ros_environment => ['ros-environment']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-delphi-srr-msgs_4.0.0-3_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'delphi_srr_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f71741c1650> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f8be794c790> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['ibeo_msgs', 'delphi_mrr_msgs', 'kartech_linear_actuator_msgs', 'mobileye_560_660_msgs', 'neobotix_usboard_msgs', 'derived_object_msgs', 'delphi_esr_msgs', 'delphi_srr_msgs']
RPM Incremental Version: 3
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/ibeo_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ibeo_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
Package 'ibeo-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
ros_environment => ['ros-rolling-ros-environment']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-ibeo-msgs-4.0.0-3_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'ibeo_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/delphi_mrr_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'delphi_mrr_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
Package 'delphi-mrr-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
ros_environment => ['ros-rolling-ros-environment']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-delphi-mrr-msgs-4.0.0-3_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'delphi_mrr_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/kartech_linear_actuator_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'kartech_linear_actuator_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
Package 'kartech-linear-actuator-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
ros_environment => ['ros-rolling-ros-environment']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-kartech-linear-actuator-msgs-4.0.0-3_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'kartech_linear_actuator_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/mobileye_560_660_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'mobileye_560_660_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
Package 'mobileye-560-660-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
ros_environment => ['ros-rolling-ros-environment']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-mobileye-560-660-msgs-4.0.0-3_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'mobileye_560_660_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/neobotix_usboard_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'neobotix_usboard_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
Package 'neobotix-usboard-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
ros_environment => ['ros-rolling-ros-environment']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-neobotix-usboard-msgs-4.0.0-3_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'neobotix_usboard_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/derived_object_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'derived_object_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
Package 'derived-object-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
geometry_msgs => ['ros-rolling-geometry-msgs']
shape_msgs => ['ros-rolling-shape-msgs']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
ros_environment => ['ros-rolling-ros-environment']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
geometry_msgs => ['ros-rolling-geometry-msgs']
shape_msgs => ['ros-rolling-shape-msgs']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-derived-object-msgs-4.0.0-3_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'derived_object_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/delphi_esr_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'delphi_esr_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
Package 'delphi-esr-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
ros_environment => ['ros-rolling-ros-environment']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-delphi-esr-msgs-4.0.0-3_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'delphi_esr_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/delphi_srr_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'delphi_srr_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
Package 'delphi-srr-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
ros_environment => ['ros-rolling-ros-environment']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-delphi-srr-msgs-4.0.0-3_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'delphi_srr_msgs' at version '4.0.0-3'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 4.0.0 --display-uri --name upstream --output-dir /tmp/tmp1r58vnc4
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmp1r58vnc4/upstream-4.0.0.tar.gz --release-version 4.0.0 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 3
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 3 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 3 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 3 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 3 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
+ b1ef7047...85334896 debian/rolling/delphi_esr_msgs -> debian/rolling/delphi_esr_msgs (forced update)
+ c683bc6f...9d0c803c debian/rolling/delphi_mrr_msgs -> debian/rolling/delphi_mrr_msgs (forced update)
+ a0b5cf71...2c51b306 debian/rolling/delphi_srr_msgs -> debian/rolling/delphi_srr_msgs (forced update)
+ 422c30b3...0de0cdda debian/rolling/derived_object_msgs -> debian/rolling/derived_object_msgs (forced update)
+ cad44bab...4c1682a7 debian/rolling/ibeo_msgs -> debian/rolling/ibeo_msgs (forced update)
+ 49a873ed...d241696e debian/rolling/kartech_linear_actuator_msgs -> debian/rolling/kartech_linear_actuator_msgs (forced update)
+ d13dcaa0...a789a1ef debian/rolling/mobileye_560_660_msgs -> debian/rolling/mobileye_560_660_msgs (forced update)
+ d9f06637...fc5d6648 debian/rolling/neobotix_usboard_msgs -> debian/rolling/neobotix_usboard_msgs (forced update)
070956df..4777f88b master -> master
+ b1868a0c...c8da6086 patches/debian/rolling/delphi_esr_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/delphi_esr_msgs (forced update)
+ fb5ac8b1...2ef9cd7b patches/debian/rolling/delphi_mrr_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/delphi_mrr_msgs (forced update)
+ c54752ef...91e08cb7 patches/debian/rolling/delphi_srr_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/delphi_srr_msgs (forced update)
+ c21cfe1f...b65bd124 patches/debian/rolling/derived_object_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/derived_object_msgs (forced update)
+ e1b4125b...5437f030 patches/debian/rolling/ibeo_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/ibeo_msgs (forced update)
+ c14d73eb...c2ea7800 patches/debian/rolling/kartech_linear_actuator_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/kartech_linear_actuator_msgs (forced update)
+ 5bd5ca98...ccdc3855 patches/debian/rolling/mobileye_560_660_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/mobileye_560_660_msgs (forced update)
+ 9d9f28bc...a078dcd0 patches/debian/rolling/neobotix_usboard_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/neobotix_usboard_msgs (forced update)
+ 5c834dde...1c4c6107 patches/release/rolling/delphi_esr_msgs -> patches/release/rolling/delphi_esr_msgs (forced update)
+ 2ba5f601...351f9ae7 patches/release/rolling/delphi_mrr_msgs -> patches/release/rolling/delphi_mrr_msgs (forced update)
+ 43d4fdff...ab76d574 patches/release/rolling/delphi_srr_msgs -> patches/release/rolling/delphi_srr_msgs (forced update)
+ 956a3fa2...b7345f78 patches/release/rolling/derived_object_msgs -> patches/release/rolling/derived_object_msgs (forced update)
+ 897c74b3...db1ed0eb patches/release/rolling/ibeo_msgs -> patches/release/rolling/ibeo_msgs (forced update)
+ 85f99ee1...fa5e6f3f patches/release/rolling/kartech_linear_actuator_msgs -> patches/release/rolling/kartech_linear_actuator_msgs (forced update)
+ 710d0bd2...2b074e62 patches/release/rolling/mobileye_560_660_msgs -> patches/release/rolling/mobileye_560_660_msgs (forced update)
+ 55af4062...3dd4a71e patches/release/rolling/neobotix_usboard_msgs -> patches/release/rolling/neobotix_usboard_msgs (forced update)
+ 0b838713...521537c4 patches/rpm/rolling/9/delphi_esr_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/delphi_esr_msgs (forced update)
+ a8f6f8b8...01aa5303 patches/rpm/rolling/9/delphi_mrr_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/delphi_mrr_msgs (forced update)
+ f9231fd4...0cf1ebfc patches/rpm/rolling/9/delphi_srr_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/delphi_srr_msgs (forced update)
+ ad5d9496...c919e3b9 patches/rpm/rolling/9/derived_object_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/derived_object_msgs (forced update)
+ e147371b...a5586f36 patches/rpm/rolling/9/ibeo_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/ibeo_msgs (forced update)
+ 1b6fbb3e...265024d2 patches/rpm/rolling/9/kartech_linear_actuator_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/kartech_linear_actuator_msgs (forced update)
+ 00537c12...eefeed33 patches/rpm/rolling/9/mobileye_560_660_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/mobileye_560_660_msgs (forced update)
+ 55f5a093...550cd7a3 patches/rpm/rolling/9/neobotix_usboard_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/neobotix_usboard_msgs (forced update)
+ 16ee4010...139533b1 patches/rpm/rolling/delphi_esr_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/delphi_esr_msgs (forced update)
+ d7a7c0da...e98fe373 patches/rpm/rolling/delphi_mrr_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/delphi_mrr_msgs (forced update)
+ a301224a...465a78d6 patches/rpm/rolling/delphi_srr_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/delphi_srr_msgs (forced update)
+ 32f658ae...cc2199d6 patches/rpm/rolling/derived_object_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/derived_object_msgs (forced update)
+ f9d57f16...22eb6ffa patches/rpm/rolling/ibeo_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/ibeo_msgs (forced update)
+ 71fdcfc3...19f70b1e patches/rpm/rolling/kartech_linear_actuator_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/kartech_linear_actuator_msgs (forced update)
+ ba639fc1...0f0af827 patches/rpm/rolling/mobileye_560_660_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/mobileye_560_660_msgs (forced update)
+ c547e217...ad8da72a patches/rpm/rolling/neobotix_usboard_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/neobotix_usboard_msgs (forced update)
+ eaecf478...96b9241b release/rolling/delphi_esr_msgs -> release/rolling/delphi_esr_msgs (forced update)
+ 7d74c808...3f3306d4 release/rolling/delphi_mrr_msgs -> release/rolling/delphi_mrr_msgs (forced update)
+ 8531d5aa...6e40e9d1 release/rolling/delphi_srr_msgs -> release/rolling/delphi_srr_msgs (forced update)
+ d7e28251...1dfd8e6f release/rolling/derived_object_msgs -> release/rolling/derived_object_msgs (forced update)
+ 4a2b5ea0...7b2b41c4 release/rolling/ibeo_msgs -> release/rolling/ibeo_msgs (forced update)
+ e0fb7797...eab32fa9 release/rolling/kartech_linear_actuator_msgs -> release/rolling/kartech_linear_actuator_msgs (forced update)
+ a4e79c80...59798e15 release/rolling/mobileye_560_660_msgs -> release/rolling/mobileye_560_660_msgs (forced update)
+ b60c7a49...39b4ec73 release/rolling/neobotix_usboard_msgs -> release/rolling/neobotix_usboard_msgs (forced update)
+ ff9d08c2...e1346023 rpm/rolling/9/delphi_esr_msgs -> rpm/rolling/9/delphi_esr_msgs (forced update)
+ a996ee8b...e7303c06 rpm/rolling/9/delphi_mrr_msgs -> rpm/rolling/9/delphi_mrr_msgs (forced update)
+ 0a6bd2e5...5e7ccf06 rpm/rolling/9/delphi_srr_msgs -> rpm/rolling/9/delphi_srr_msgs (forced update)
+ e67919c5...0b573225 rpm/rolling/9/derived_object_msgs -> rpm/rolling/9/derived_object_msgs (forced update)
+ f6dc0d6d...eb8323fd rpm/rolling/9/ibeo_msgs -> rpm/rolling/9/ibeo_msgs (forced update)
+ 2cd734fb...6bfa03ef rpm/rolling/9/kartech_linear_actuator_msgs -> rpm/rolling/9/kartech_linear_actuator_msgs (forced update)
+ f1a5a375...d6dc33ca rpm/rolling/9/mobileye_560_660_msgs -> rpm/rolling/9/mobileye_560_660_msgs (forced update)
+ 96aec0ec...de9e8960 rpm/rolling/9/neobotix_usboard_msgs -> rpm/rolling/9/neobotix_usboard_msgs (forced update)
+ 5efb57c7...9ffe6029 rpm/rolling/delphi_esr_msgs -> rpm/rolling/delphi_esr_msgs (forced update)
+ a77a542d...552ffb07 rpm/rolling/delphi_mrr_msgs -> rpm/rolling/delphi_mrr_msgs (forced update)
+ 190c641e...55f092c3 rpm/rolling/delphi_srr_msgs -> rpm/rolling/delphi_srr_msgs (forced update)
+ 389a1c7a...2c352362 rpm/rolling/derived_object_msgs -> rpm/rolling/derived_object_msgs (forced update)
+ 83ae958a...b7cad38c rpm/rolling/ibeo_msgs -> rpm/rolling/ibeo_msgs (forced update)
+ e929a275...fd968acf rpm/rolling/kartech_linear_actuator_msgs -> rpm/rolling/kartech_linear_actuator_msgs (forced update)
+ 97eabf3d...fa2a503a rpm/rolling/mobileye_560_660_msgs -> rpm/rolling/mobileye_560_660_msgs (forced update)
+ ebf2ef74...c6c3843e rpm/rolling/neobotix_usboard_msgs -> rpm/rolling/neobotix_usboard_msgs (forced update)
+ 1da8215e...caf4ae9d upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/delphi_esr_msgs -> debian/rolling/bookworm/delphi_esr_msgs
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/delphi_mrr_msgs -> debian/rolling/bookworm/delphi_mrr_msgs
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/delphi_srr_msgs -> debian/rolling/bookworm/delphi_srr_msgs
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/derived_object_msgs -> debian/rolling/bookworm/derived_object_msgs
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/ibeo_msgs -> debian/rolling/bookworm/ibeo_msgs
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/kartech_linear_actuator_msgs -> debian/rolling/bookworm/kartech_linear_actuator_msgs
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/mobileye_560_660_msgs -> debian/rolling/bookworm/mobileye_560_660_msgs
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/neobotix_usboard_msgs -> debian/rolling/bookworm/neobotix_usboard_msgs
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/delphi_esr_msgs -> debian/rolling/noble/delphi_esr_msgs
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/delphi_mrr_msgs -> debian/rolling/noble/delphi_mrr_msgs
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/delphi_srr_msgs -> debian/rolling/noble/delphi_srr_msgs
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/derived_object_msgs -> debian/rolling/noble/derived_object_msgs
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/ibeo_msgs -> debian/rolling/noble/ibeo_msgs
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/kartech_linear_actuator_msgs -> debian/rolling/noble/kartech_linear_actuator_msgs
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/mobileye_560_660_msgs -> debian/rolling/noble/mobileye_560_660_msgs
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/neobotix_usboard_msgs -> debian/rolling/noble/neobotix_usboard_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/delphi_esr_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/delphi_esr_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/delphi_mrr_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/delphi_mrr_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/delphi_srr_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/delphi_srr_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/derived_object_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/derived_object_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ibeo_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/ibeo_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/kartech_linear_actuator_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/kartech_linear_actuator_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/mobileye_560_660_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/mobileye_560_660_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/neobotix_usboard_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/neobotix_usboard_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/delphi_esr_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/delphi_esr_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/delphi_mrr_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/delphi_mrr_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/delphi_srr_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/delphi_srr_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/derived_object_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/derived_object_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/ibeo_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/ibeo_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/kartech_linear_actuator_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/kartech_linear_actuator_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/mobileye_560_660_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/mobileye_560_660_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/neobotix_usboard_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/neobotix_usboard_msgs
+ 1da8215e...caf4ae9d upstream/4.0.0 -> upstream/4.0.0 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-delphi-esr-msgs_4.0.0-3_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-delphi-esr-msgs_4.0.0-3_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-delphi-esr-msgs_4.0.0-3_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-delphi-esr-msgs_4.0.0-3_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-delphi-mrr-msgs_4.0.0-3_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-delphi-mrr-msgs_4.0.0-3_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-delphi-mrr-msgs_4.0.0-3_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-delphi-mrr-msgs_4.0.0-3_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-delphi-srr-msgs_4.0.0-3_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-delphi-srr-msgs_4.0.0-3_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-delphi-srr-msgs_4.0.0-3_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-delphi-srr-msgs_4.0.0-3_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-derived-object-msgs_4.0.0-3_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-derived-object-msgs_4.0.0-3_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-derived-object-msgs_4.0.0-3_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-derived-object-msgs_4.0.0-3_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ibeo-msgs_4.0.0-3_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-ibeo-msgs_4.0.0-3_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-ibeo-msgs_4.0.0-3_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-ibeo-msgs_4.0.0-3_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-kartech-linear-actuator-msgs_4.0.0-3_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-kartech-linear-actuator-msgs_4.0.0-3_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-kartech-linear-actuator-msgs_4.0.0-3_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-kartech-linear-actuator-msgs_4.0.0-3_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-mobileye-560-660-msgs_4.0.0-3_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-mobileye-560-660-msgs_4.0.0-3_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-mobileye-560-660-msgs_4.0.0-3_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-mobileye-560-660-msgs_4.0.0-3_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-neobotix-usboard-msgs_4.0.0-3_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-neobotix-usboard-msgs_4.0.0-3_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-neobotix-usboard-msgs_4.0.0-3_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-neobotix-usboard-msgs_4.0.0-3_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/delphi_esr_msgs/4.0.0-3 -> release/rolling/delphi_esr_msgs/4.0.0-3
* [new tag] release/rolling/delphi_mrr_msgs/4.0.0-3 -> release/rolling/delphi_mrr_msgs/4.0.0-3
* [new tag] release/rolling/delphi_srr_msgs/4.0.0-3 -> release/rolling/delphi_srr_msgs/4.0.0-3
* [new tag] release/rolling/derived_object_msgs/4.0.0-3 -> release/rolling/derived_object_msgs/4.0.0-3
* [new tag] release/rolling/ibeo_msgs/4.0.0-3 -> release/rolling/ibeo_msgs/4.0.0-3
* [new tag] release/rolling/kartech_linear_actuator_msgs/4.0.0-3 -> release/rolling/kartech_linear_actuator_msgs/4.0.0-3
* [new tag] release/rolling/mobileye_560_660_msgs/4.0.0-3 -> release/rolling/mobileye_560_660_msgs/4.0.0-3
* [new tag] release/rolling/neobotix_usboard_msgs/4.0.0-3 -> release/rolling/neobotix_usboard_msgs/4.0.0-3
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-delphi-esr-msgs-4.0.0-3_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-delphi-esr-msgs-4.0.0-3_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-delphi-mrr-msgs-4.0.0-3_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-delphi-mrr-msgs-4.0.0-3_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-delphi-srr-msgs-4.0.0-3_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-delphi-srr-msgs-4.0.0-3_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-derived-object-msgs-4.0.0-3_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-derived-object-msgs-4.0.0-3_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-ibeo-msgs-4.0.0-3_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-ibeo-msgs-4.0.0-3_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-kartech-linear-actuator-msgs-4.0.0-3_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-kartech-linear-actuator-msgs-4.0.0-3_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-mobileye-560-660-msgs-4.0.0-3_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-mobileye-560-660-msgs-4.0.0-3_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-neobotix-usboard-msgs-4.0.0-3_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-neobotix-usboard-msgs-4.0.0-3_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master 275b75eb] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
4777f88b..275b75eb master -> master
Cloning into 'async_web_server_cpp-release'...
[master 8fb5de5] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/__ddtzaw/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '2.0.0'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmpxfmukaw2/upstream-2.0.0.tar.gz'
md5: fdea0d8ff7b4230625b2de596569069b
Removing tag: 'upstream/2.0.0'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/2.0.0'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing package: ['async_web_server_cpp']
Releasing package 'async_web_server_cpp' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/async_web_server_cpp'
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f9262f54b90> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['async_web_server_cpp']
Debian Incremental Version: 5
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/async_web_server_cpp' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'async_web_server_cpp' at version '2.0.0-5'
Generating debian for noble...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'async-web-server-cpp' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
boost => ['libboost-all-dev']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
libssl-dev => ['libssl-dev']
boost => ['libboost-all-dev']
ament_cmake_ros => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-ros']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-async-web-server-cpp_2.0.0-5_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'async_web_server_cpp' at version '2.0.0-5'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fc895180bd0> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['async_web_server_cpp']
Debian Incremental Version: 5
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/async_web_server_cpp' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'async_web_server_cpp' at version '2.0.0-5'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'async-web-server-cpp' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
boost => ['libboost-all-dev']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
libssl-dev => ['libssl-dev']
boost => ['libboost-all-dev']
ament_cmake_ros => ['ament-cmake-ros']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-async-web-server-cpp_2.0.0-5_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'async_web_server_cpp' at version '2.0.0-5'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fbb7e1a6850> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f20129fc9d0> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['async_web_server_cpp']
RPM Incremental Version: 5
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/async_web_server_cpp' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'async_web_server_cpp' at version '2.0.0-5'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
Package 'async-web-server-cpp' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
boost => ['boost-devel', 'boost-python%{python3_pkgversion}-devel']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
libssl-dev => ['openssl-devel']
boost => ['boost-devel', 'boost-python%{python3_pkgversion}-devel']
ament_cmake_ros => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-ros']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-async-web-server-cpp-2.0.0-5_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'async_web_server_cpp' at version '2.0.0-5'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 2.0.0 --display-uri --name upstream --output-dir /tmp/tmpxfmukaw2
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmpxfmukaw2/upstream-2.0.0.tar.gz --release-version 2.0.0 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 5
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
+ f1a16ad...b7100cc debian/rolling/async_web_server_cpp -> debian/rolling/async_web_server_cpp (forced update)
5c851bb..e82c3ed master -> master
+ 3d468e2...e436676 patches/debian/rolling/async_web_server_cpp -> patches/debian/rolling/async_web_server_cpp (forced update)
+ 79cfd54...31a068c patches/release/rolling/async_web_server_cpp -> patches/release/rolling/async_web_server_cpp (forced update)
+ bdc4254...b717eac patches/rpm/rolling/9/async_web_server_cpp -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/async_web_server_cpp (forced update)
+ 082e9c6...4fe4fd3 patches/rpm/rolling/async_web_server_cpp -> patches/rpm/rolling/async_web_server_cpp (forced update)
+ cc19f71...8874c7a release/rolling/async_web_server_cpp -> release/rolling/async_web_server_cpp (forced update)
+ 464d37e...765bd89 rpm/rolling/9/async_web_server_cpp -> rpm/rolling/9/async_web_server_cpp (forced update)
+ 031bcb9...783ffb6 rpm/rolling/async_web_server_cpp -> rpm/rolling/async_web_server_cpp (forced update)
+ 6d5edd4...261f7bf upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/async_web_server_cpp -> debian/rolling/bookworm/async_web_server_cpp
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/async_web_server_cpp -> debian/rolling/noble/async_web_server_cpp
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/async_web_server_cpp -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/async_web_server_cpp
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/async_web_server_cpp -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/async_web_server_cpp
+ 6d5edd4...261f7bf upstream/2.0.0 -> upstream/2.0.0 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-async-web-server-cpp_2.0.0-5_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-async-web-server-cpp_2.0.0-5_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-async-web-server-cpp_2.0.0-5_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-async-web-server-cpp_2.0.0-5_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/async_web_server_cpp/2.0.0-5 -> release/rolling/async_web_server_cpp/2.0.0-5
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-async-web-server-cpp-2.0.0-5_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-async-web-server-cpp-2.0.0-5_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master 13f3c73] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
e82c3ed..13f3c73 master -> master
Cloning into 'automotive_autonomy_msgs-release'...
[master d588803] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/sfs11os5/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '3.0.4'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmpcqao1nou/upstream-3.0.4.tar.gz'
md5: 6dd83bcaedaa834d3d7f7d728dca1162
Removing tag: 'upstream/3.0.4'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/3.0.4'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing packages: ['automotive_autonomy_msgs', 'automotive_navigation_msgs', 'automotive_platform_msgs']
Releasing package 'automotive_autonomy_msgs' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/automotive_autonomy_msgs'
Releasing package 'automotive_navigation_msgs' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/automotive_navigation_msgs'
Releasing package 'automotive_platform_msgs' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/automotive_platform_msgs'
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f3663da44d0> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['automotive_navigation_msgs', 'automotive_platform_msgs', 'automotive_autonomy_msgs']
Debian Incremental Version: 5
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/automotive_navigation_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'automotive_navigation_msgs' at version '3.0.4-5'
Generating debian for noble...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'automotive-navigation-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
geometry_msgs => ['ros-rolling-geometry-msgs']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
ros_environment => ['ros-rolling-ros-environment']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
geometry_msgs => ['ros-rolling-geometry-msgs']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-automotive-navigation-msgs_3.0.4-5_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'automotive_navigation_msgs' at version '3.0.4-5'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/automotive_platform_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'automotive_platform_msgs' at version '3.0.4-5'
Generating debian for noble...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'automotive-platform-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
ros_environment => ['ros-rolling-ros-environment']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-automotive-platform-msgs_3.0.4-5_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'automotive_platform_msgs' at version '3.0.4-5'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/automotive_autonomy_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'automotive_autonomy_msgs' at version '3.0.4-5'
Generating debian for noble...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'automotive-autonomy-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
automotive_navigation_msgs => ['ros-rolling-automotive-navigation-msgs']
automotive_platform_msgs => ['ros-rolling-automotive-platform-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ros_environment => ['ros-rolling-ros-environment']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-automotive-autonomy-msgs_3.0.4-5_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'automotive_autonomy_msgs' at version '3.0.4-5'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f6233c48910> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['automotive_navigation_msgs', 'automotive_autonomy_msgs', 'automotive_platform_msgs']
Debian Incremental Version: 5
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/automotive_navigation_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'automotive_navigation_msgs' at version '3.0.4-5'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'automotive-navigation-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
geometry_msgs => ['libgeometry-msgs-dev', 'python3-geometry-msgs', 'ros-geometry-msgs']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
ros_environment => ['ros-environment']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
geometry_msgs => ['libgeometry-msgs-dev', 'python3-geometry-msgs', 'ros-geometry-msgs']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-automotive-navigation-msgs_3.0.4-5_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'automotive_navigation_msgs' at version '3.0.4-5'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/automotive_autonomy_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'automotive_autonomy_msgs' at version '3.0.4-5'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'automotive-autonomy-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
automotive_navigation_msgs => ['ros-rolling-automotive-navigation-msgs']
automotive_platform_msgs => ['ros-rolling-automotive-platform-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ros_environment => ['ros-environment']
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-automotive-autonomy-msgs_3.0.4-5_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'automotive_autonomy_msgs' at version '3.0.4-5'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/automotive_platform_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'automotive_platform_msgs' at version '3.0.4-5'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'automotive-platform-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
ros_environment => ['ros-environment']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-automotive-platform-msgs_3.0.4-5_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'automotive_platform_msgs' at version '3.0.4-5'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fe4e70b8050> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f56ab862b50> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['automotive_navigation_msgs', 'automotive_autonomy_msgs', 'automotive_platform_msgs']
RPM Incremental Version: 5
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/automotive_navigation_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'automotive_navigation_msgs' at version '3.0.4-5'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
Package 'automotive-navigation-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
geometry_msgs => ['ros-rolling-geometry-msgs']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
ros_environment => ['ros-rolling-ros-environment']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
geometry_msgs => ['ros-rolling-geometry-msgs']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-automotive-navigation-msgs-3.0.4-5_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'automotive_navigation_msgs' at version '3.0.4-5'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/automotive_autonomy_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'automotive_autonomy_msgs' at version '3.0.4-5'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
Package 'automotive-autonomy-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
automotive_navigation_msgs => ['ros-rolling-automotive-navigation-msgs']
automotive_platform_msgs => ['ros-rolling-automotive-platform-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ros_environment => ['ros-rolling-ros-environment']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-automotive-autonomy-msgs-3.0.4-5_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'automotive_autonomy_msgs' at version '3.0.4-5'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/automotive_platform_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'automotive_platform_msgs' at version '3.0.4-5'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
Package 'automotive-platform-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
ros_environment => ['ros-rolling-ros-environment']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-automotive-platform-msgs-3.0.4-5_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'automotive_platform_msgs' at version '3.0.4-5'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 3.0.4 --display-uri --name upstream --output-dir /tmp/tmpcqao1nou
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmpcqao1nou/upstream-3.0.4.tar.gz --release-version 3.0.4 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 5
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
1c07b90..af5e15e debian/rolling/automotive_autonomy_msgs -> debian/rolling/automotive_autonomy_msgs
+ 9dce878...cf06b47 debian/rolling/automotive_navigation_msgs -> debian/rolling/automotive_navigation_msgs (forced update)
+ 2b0cfd6...12db0c8 debian/rolling/automotive_platform_msgs -> debian/rolling/automotive_platform_msgs (forced update)
8bc2e0a..2e9f223 master -> master
+ c639e0c...bc2ba79 patches/debian/rolling/automotive_autonomy_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/automotive_autonomy_msgs (forced update)
+ 105a16a...6799844 patches/debian/rolling/automotive_navigation_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/automotive_navigation_msgs (forced update)
+ 34a0141...6bd953d patches/debian/rolling/automotive_platform_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/automotive_platform_msgs (forced update)
+ 3e5fcbc...e9bd36e patches/release/rolling/automotive_autonomy_msgs -> patches/release/rolling/automotive_autonomy_msgs (forced update)
+ 2ccbcca...b2fb01c patches/release/rolling/automotive_navigation_msgs -> patches/release/rolling/automotive_navigation_msgs (forced update)
+ 3852327...23e1633 patches/release/rolling/automotive_platform_msgs -> patches/release/rolling/automotive_platform_msgs (forced update)
+ 83390b0...d982b91 patches/rpm/rolling/9/automotive_autonomy_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/automotive_autonomy_msgs (forced update)
+ 4cdb4a5...80d4f28 patches/rpm/rolling/9/automotive_navigation_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/automotive_navigation_msgs (forced update)
+ a357177...5b9342d patches/rpm/rolling/9/automotive_platform_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/automotive_platform_msgs (forced update)
+ 0acc8f9...1a372cc patches/rpm/rolling/automotive_autonomy_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/automotive_autonomy_msgs (forced update)
+ 6c1e64b...c0bd93f patches/rpm/rolling/automotive_navigation_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/automotive_navigation_msgs (forced update)
+ fe69c0c...4430d89 patches/rpm/rolling/automotive_platform_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/automotive_platform_msgs (forced update)
+ aa13194...97aaee1 release/rolling/automotive_autonomy_msgs -> release/rolling/automotive_autonomy_msgs (forced update)
+ a998fdf...c1b8531 release/rolling/automotive_navigation_msgs -> release/rolling/automotive_navigation_msgs (forced update)
+ 28a436d...4e9bb5f release/rolling/automotive_platform_msgs -> release/rolling/automotive_platform_msgs (forced update)
+ eac5aeb...2feeac6 rpm/rolling/9/automotive_autonomy_msgs -> rpm/rolling/9/automotive_autonomy_msgs (forced update)
+ ede00e2...371e194 rpm/rolling/9/automotive_navigation_msgs -> rpm/rolling/9/automotive_navigation_msgs (forced update)
+ 3e4c740...de71e1f rpm/rolling/9/automotive_platform_msgs -> rpm/rolling/9/automotive_platform_msgs (forced update)
+ f3e4028...427a591 rpm/rolling/automotive_autonomy_msgs -> rpm/rolling/automotive_autonomy_msgs (forced update)
+ 1f3aa14...efce578 rpm/rolling/automotive_navigation_msgs -> rpm/rolling/automotive_navigation_msgs (forced update)
+ c70d860...616f42c rpm/rolling/automotive_platform_msgs -> rpm/rolling/automotive_platform_msgs (forced update)
+ a8bfe36...2ae4248 upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/automotive_autonomy_msgs -> debian/rolling/bookworm/automotive_autonomy_msgs
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/automotive_navigation_msgs -> debian/rolling/bookworm/automotive_navigation_msgs
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/automotive_platform_msgs -> debian/rolling/bookworm/automotive_platform_msgs
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/automotive_autonomy_msgs -> debian/rolling/noble/automotive_autonomy_msgs
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/automotive_navigation_msgs -> debian/rolling/noble/automotive_navigation_msgs
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/automotive_platform_msgs -> debian/rolling/noble/automotive_platform_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/automotive_autonomy_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/automotive_autonomy_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/automotive_navigation_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/automotive_navigation_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/automotive_platform_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/automotive_platform_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/automotive_autonomy_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/automotive_autonomy_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/automotive_navigation_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/automotive_navigation_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/automotive_platform_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/automotive_platform_msgs
+ a8bfe36...2ae4248 upstream/3.0.4 -> upstream/3.0.4 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-automotive-autonomy-msgs_3.0.4-5_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-automotive-autonomy-msgs_3.0.4-5_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-automotive-autonomy-msgs_3.0.4-5_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-automotive-autonomy-msgs_3.0.4-5_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-automotive-navigation-msgs_3.0.4-5_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-automotive-navigation-msgs_3.0.4-5_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-automotive-navigation-msgs_3.0.4-5_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-automotive-navigation-msgs_3.0.4-5_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-automotive-platform-msgs_3.0.4-5_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-automotive-platform-msgs_3.0.4-5_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-automotive-platform-msgs_3.0.4-5_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-automotive-platform-msgs_3.0.4-5_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/automotive_autonomy_msgs/3.0.4-5 -> release/rolling/automotive_autonomy_msgs/3.0.4-5
* [new tag] release/rolling/automotive_navigation_msgs/3.0.4-5 -> release/rolling/automotive_navigation_msgs/3.0.4-5
* [new tag] release/rolling/automotive_platform_msgs/3.0.4-5 -> release/rolling/automotive_platform_msgs/3.0.4-5
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-automotive-autonomy-msgs-3.0.4-5_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-automotive-autonomy-msgs-3.0.4-5_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-automotive-navigation-msgs-3.0.4-5_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-automotive-navigation-msgs-3.0.4-5_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-automotive-platform-msgs-3.0.4-5_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-automotive-platform-msgs-3.0.4-5_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master 38de254] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
2e9f223..38de254 master -> master
Cloning into 'autoware_auto_msgs-release'...
[master 561fc8d] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/s01z_abg/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '1.0.0'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmpzcff9no8/upstream-1.0.0.tar.gz'
md5: cf92bdd6e1cfa2d148b66ece63212050
Removing tag: 'upstream/1.0.0'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/1.0.0'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing package: ['autoware_auto_msgs']
Releasing package 'autoware_auto_msgs' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/autoware_auto_msgs'
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f378b5466d0> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['autoware_auto_msgs']
Debian Incremental Version: 6
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/autoware_auto_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'autoware_auto_msgs' at version '1.0.0-6'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'autoware-auto-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
action_msgs => ['ros-rolling-action-msgs']
geometry_msgs => ['ros-rolling-geometry-msgs']
sensor_msgs => ['ros-rolling-sensor-msgs']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
action_msgs => ['ros-rolling-action-msgs']
geometry_msgs => ['ros-rolling-geometry-msgs']
sensor_msgs => ['ros-rolling-sensor-msgs']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
ament_cmake_auto => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-auto']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-autoware-auto-msgs_1.0.0-6_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'autoware_auto_msgs' at version '1.0.0-6'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fee358c5010> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['autoware_auto_msgs']
Debian Incremental Version: 6
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/autoware_auto_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'autoware_auto_msgs' at version '1.0.0-6'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'autoware-auto-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
action_msgs => ['ros-rolling-action-msgs']
geometry_msgs => ['libgeometry-msgs-dev', 'python3-geometry-msgs', 'ros-geometry-msgs']
sensor_msgs => ['libsensor-msgs-dev', 'python3-sensor-msgs', 'ros-sensor-msgs']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
action_msgs => ['ros-rolling-action-msgs']
geometry_msgs => ['libgeometry-msgs-dev', 'python3-geometry-msgs', 'ros-geometry-msgs']
sensor_msgs => ['libsensor-msgs-dev', 'python3-sensor-msgs', 'ros-sensor-msgs']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
ament_cmake_auto => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-autoware-auto-msgs_1.0.0-6_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'autoware_auto_msgs' at version '1.0.0-6'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fa544fcc750> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fe474090d10> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['autoware_auto_msgs']
RPM Incremental Version: 6
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/autoware_auto_msgs' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'autoware_auto_msgs' at version '1.0.0-6'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'autoware-auto-msgs' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
action_msgs => ['ros-rolling-action-msgs']
geometry_msgs => ['ros-rolling-geometry-msgs']
sensor_msgs => ['ros-rolling-sensor-msgs']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
action_msgs => ['ros-rolling-action-msgs']
geometry_msgs => ['ros-rolling-geometry-msgs']
sensor_msgs => ['ros-rolling-sensor-msgs']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
ament_cmake_auto => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-auto']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-autoware-auto-msgs-1.0.0-6_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'autoware_auto_msgs' at version '1.0.0-6'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 1.0.0 --display-uri --name upstream --output-dir /tmp/tmpzcff9no8
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmpzcff9no8/upstream-1.0.0.tar.gz --release-version 1.0.0 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 6
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 6 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 6 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 6 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 6 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
+ ce6ce51...e928dde debian/rolling/autoware_auto_msgs -> debian/rolling/autoware_auto_msgs (forced update)
b9e55c5..bd953e5 master -> master
+ ae99cc9...0bbbed5 patches/debian/rolling/autoware_auto_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/autoware_auto_msgs (forced update)
+ 7f18db9...f248bab patches/release/rolling/autoware_auto_msgs -> patches/release/rolling/autoware_auto_msgs (forced update)
+ ff1b5ec...c00e50b patches/rpm/rolling/9/autoware_auto_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/autoware_auto_msgs (forced update)
+ 03492e0...afbb479 patches/rpm/rolling/autoware_auto_msgs -> patches/rpm/rolling/autoware_auto_msgs (forced update)
+ d756b80...b7d7292 release/rolling/autoware_auto_msgs -> release/rolling/autoware_auto_msgs (forced update)
+ 363413d...d77beb5 rpm/rolling/9/autoware_auto_msgs -> rpm/rolling/9/autoware_auto_msgs (forced update)
+ 0ee2373...110a565 rpm/rolling/autoware_auto_msgs -> rpm/rolling/autoware_auto_msgs (forced update)
+ cdcbf33...d03fcea upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/autoware_auto_msgs -> debian/rolling/bookworm/autoware_auto_msgs
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/autoware_auto_msgs -> debian/rolling/noble/autoware_auto_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/autoware_auto_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/autoware_auto_msgs
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/autoware_auto_msgs -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/autoware_auto_msgs
+ cdcbf33...d03fcea upstream/1.0.0 -> upstream/1.0.0 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-autoware-auto-msgs_1.0.0-6_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-autoware-auto-msgs_1.0.0-6_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-autoware-auto-msgs_1.0.0-6_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-autoware-auto-msgs_1.0.0-6_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/autoware_auto_msgs/1.0.0-6 -> release/rolling/autoware_auto_msgs/1.0.0-6
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-autoware-auto-msgs-1.0.0-6_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-autoware-auto-msgs-1.0.0-6_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master 290dde8] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
bd953e5..290dde8 master -> master
Cloning into 'avt_vimba_camera-release'...
[master fb20eb6] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/m3e6cwjs/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '2001.1.0'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmpek2v11z8/avt_vimba_camera-2001.1.0.tar.gz'
md5: 25b8f196645abe07a9cc22cd71fa42b4
Removing tag: 'upstream/2001.1.0'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/2001.1.0'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing package: ['avt_vimba_camera']
Releasing package 'avt_vimba_camera' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/avt_vimba_camera'
<string>:3: (WARNING/2) Duplicate explicit target name: "#22".
<string>:3: (WARNING/2) Duplicate explicit target name: "#15".
<string>:3: (WARNING/2) Duplicate explicit target name: "#3".
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fcc67964390> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['avt_vimba_camera']
Debian Incremental Version: 5
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/avt_vimba_camera' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'avt_vimba_camera' at version '2001.1.0-5'
Generating debian for noble...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'avt-vimba-camera' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
image_proc => ['ros-rolling-image-proc']
stereo_image_proc => ['ros-rolling-stereo-image-proc']
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
sensor_msgs => ['ros-rolling-sensor-msgs']
camera_info_manager => ['ros-rolling-camera-info-manager']
diagnostic_updater => ['ros-rolling-diagnostic-updater']
diagnostic_msgs => ['ros-rolling-diagnostic-msgs']
image_transport => ['ros-rolling-image-transport']
message_filters => ['ros-rolling-message-filters']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
sensor_msgs => ['ros-rolling-sensor-msgs']
camera_info_manager => ['ros-rolling-camera-info-manager']
diagnostic_updater => ['ros-rolling-diagnostic-updater']
diagnostic_msgs => ['ros-rolling-diagnostic-msgs']
image_transport => ['ros-rolling-image-transport']
message_filters => ['ros-rolling-message-filters']
ament_cmake_auto => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-auto']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-avt-vimba-camera_2001.1.0-5_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'avt_vimba_camera' at version '2001.1.0-5'

<string>:3: (WARNING/2) Duplicate explicit target name: "#22".
<string>:3: (WARNING/2) Duplicate explicit target name: "#15".
<string>:3: (WARNING/2) Duplicate explicit target name: "#3".
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f8191a91fd0> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['avt_vimba_camera']
Debian Incremental Version: 5
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/avt_vimba_camera' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'avt_vimba_camera' at version '2001.1.0-5'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'avt-vimba-camera' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
image_proc => ['libimage-proc-dev', 'python3-image-proc', 'ros-image-proc']
stereo_image_proc => ['libstereo-image-proc-dev', 'python3-stereo-image-proc', 'ros-stereo-image-proc']
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
sensor_msgs => ['libsensor-msgs-dev', 'python3-sensor-msgs', 'ros-sensor-msgs']
camera_info_manager => ['libcamera-info-manager-dev']
diagnostic_updater => ['python3-diagnostic-updater', 'libdiagnostic-updater-dev']
diagnostic_msgs => ['libdiagnostic-msgs-dev', 'python3-diagnostic-msgs', 'ros-diagnostic-msgs']
image_transport => ['image-transport-tools', 'libimage-transport-dev']
message_filters => ['libmessage-filters-dev', 'python3-message-filters']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
sensor_msgs => ['libsensor-msgs-dev', 'python3-sensor-msgs', 'ros-sensor-msgs']
camera_info_manager => ['libcamera-info-manager-dev']
diagnostic_updater => ['python3-diagnostic-updater', 'libdiagnostic-updater-dev']
diagnostic_msgs => ['libdiagnostic-msgs-dev', 'python3-diagnostic-msgs', 'ros-diagnostic-msgs']
image_transport => ['image-transport-tools', 'libimage-transport-dev']
message_filters => ['libmessage-filters-dev', 'python3-message-filters']
ament_cmake_auto => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-avt-vimba-camera_2001.1.0-5_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'avt_vimba_camera' at version '2001.1.0-5'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fc423076710> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f88b5a444d0> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['avt_vimba_camera']
RPM Incremental Version: 5
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/avt_vimba_camera' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'avt_vimba_camera' at version '2001.1.0-5'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
Package 'avt-vimba-camera' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
image_proc => ['ros-rolling-image-proc']
stereo_image_proc => ['ros-rolling-stereo-image-proc']
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
sensor_msgs => ['ros-rolling-sensor-msgs']
camera_info_manager => ['ros-rolling-camera-info-manager']
diagnostic_updater => ['ros-rolling-diagnostic-updater']
diagnostic_msgs => ['ros-rolling-diagnostic-msgs']
image_transport => ['ros-rolling-image-transport']
message_filters => ['ros-rolling-message-filters']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
sensor_msgs => ['ros-rolling-sensor-msgs']
camera_info_manager => ['ros-rolling-camera-info-manager']
diagnostic_updater => ['ros-rolling-diagnostic-updater']
diagnostic_msgs => ['ros-rolling-diagnostic-msgs']
image_transport => ['ros-rolling-image-transport']
message_filters => ['ros-rolling-message-filters']
ament_cmake_auto => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-auto']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-avt-vimba-camera-2001.1.0-5_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'avt_vimba_camera' at version '2001.1.0-5'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 2001.1.0 --display-uri --name avt_vimba_camera --output-dir /tmp/tmpek2v11z8
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmpek2v11z8/avt_vimba_camera-2001.1.0.tar.gz --release-version 2001.1.0 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 5
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
1fc219d..a43cc3f debian/rolling/avt_vimba_camera -> debian/rolling/avt_vimba_camera
7dc815a..ea46f19 master -> master
+ 809884a...8eed5f6 patches/debian/rolling/avt_vimba_camera -> patches/debian/rolling/avt_vimba_camera (forced update)
+ 2f8141a...96dc94d patches/release/rolling/avt_vimba_camera -> patches/release/rolling/avt_vimba_camera (forced update)
+ e9e4058...38ae005 patches/rpm/rolling/9/avt_vimba_camera -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/avt_vimba_camera (forced update)
+ ebddea7...efc7b0e patches/rpm/rolling/avt_vimba_camera -> patches/rpm/rolling/avt_vimba_camera (forced update)
+ 88d8ade...7e56860 release/rolling/avt_vimba_camera -> release/rolling/avt_vimba_camera (forced update)
+ fa6fe85...6847a91 rpm/rolling/9/avt_vimba_camera -> rpm/rolling/9/avt_vimba_camera (forced update)
+ 9c05083...0c6ae0d rpm/rolling/avt_vimba_camera -> rpm/rolling/avt_vimba_camera (forced update)
+ bf48cf7...faf5e96 upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/avt_vimba_camera -> debian/rolling/bookworm/avt_vimba_camera
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/avt_vimba_camera -> debian/rolling/noble/avt_vimba_camera
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/avt_vimba_camera -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/avt_vimba_camera
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/avt_vimba_camera -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/avt_vimba_camera
+ bf48cf7...faf5e96 upstream/2001.1.0 -> upstream/2001.1.0 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-avt-vimba-camera_2001.1.0-5_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-avt-vimba-camera_2001.1.0-5_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-avt-vimba-camera_2001.1.0-5_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-avt-vimba-camera_2001.1.0-5_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/avt_vimba_camera/2001.1.0-5 -> release/rolling/avt_vimba_camera/2001.1.0-5
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-avt-vimba-camera-2001.1.0-5_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-avt-vimba-camera-2001.1.0-5_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master 2ec6550] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
ea46f19..2ec6550 master -> master
Cloning into 'aws_robomaker_small_warehouse_world-release'...
[master 51ace0e] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/hanttkqs/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '1.0.5'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmpo074wbck/aws-robomaker-small-warehouse-world-1.0.5.tar.gz'
md5: 2ae9b4fc000b98e6a8bcf374fdade46e
Removing tag: 'upstream/1.0.5'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/1.0.5'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing package: ['aws_robomaker_small_warehouse_world']
Releasing package 'aws_robomaker_small_warehouse_world' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/aws_robomaker_small_warehouse_world'
Could not resolve rosdep key 'gazebo' for distro 'noble':
Some of the dependencies for packages in this repository could not be resolved by rosdep.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f32dff72a10> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['aws_robomaker_small_warehouse_world']
Debian Incremental Version: 4
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
No definition of [gazebo] for OS version [noble]
rosdep key : gazebo
OS name : ubuntu
OS version : noble
- gazebo
- gazebo11
- gazebo9
- gazebo
- sci-electronics/gazebo
- gazebo
- gazebo
- gazebo9
- gazebo11
- gazebo
Failed to resolve gazebo on ubuntu:noble with: Error running generator: Failed to resolve rosdep key 'gazebo', aborting.
gazebo is depended on by these packages: ['aws_robomaker_small_warehouse_world']
<== Failed
❌ The following generator action reported that it is missing one or more
 rosdep keys, but that the key exists in other platforms:
'['/usr/local/google/home/marcogg/rosdistro/migration-tools/migration-env/bin/git-bloom-generate', '-y', 'rosdebian', '--prefix', 'release/rolling', 'rolling', '-i', '4', '--os-name', 'ubuntu']'
If you are absolutely sure that this key is unavailable for the platform in
question, the generator can be skipped and you can proceed with the release.
Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 1.0.5 --display-uri --name aws-robomaker-small-warehouse-world --output-dir /tmp/tmpo074wbck
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmpo074wbck/aws-robomaker-small-warehouse-world-1.0.5.tar.gz --release-version 1.0.5 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 4
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name ubuntu
❌ Error running command '['/usr/local/google/home/marcogg/rosdistro/migration-tools/migration-env/bin/git-bloom-generate', '-y', 'rosdebian', '--prefix', 'release/rolling', 'rolling', '-i', '4', '--os-name', 'ubuntu']'
Cloning into 'aws_sdk_cpp_vendor-release'...
[master c11a128] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/kxyfzyk0/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '0.2.1'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmp5yga4qd1/upstream-0.2.1.tar.gz'
md5: ab3a550e8e4eebc4ed5eca385e4a7f13
Removing tag: 'upstream/0.2.1'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/0.2.1'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing package: ['aws_sdk_cpp_vendor']
Releasing package 'aws_sdk_cpp_vendor' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/aws_sdk_cpp_vendor'
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f1da1505350> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['aws_sdk_cpp_vendor']
Debian Incremental Version: 2
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/aws_sdk_cpp_vendor' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'aws_sdk_cpp_vendor' at version '0.2.1-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'aws-sdk-cpp-vendor' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
libssl-dev => ['libssl-dev']
zlib => ['zlib1g-dev']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
libssl-dev => ['libssl-dev']
zlib => ['zlib1g-dev']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_vendor_package => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-vendor-package']
curl => ['libcurl4-openssl-dev', 'curl']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-aws-sdk-cpp-vendor_0.2.1-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'aws_sdk_cpp_vendor' at version '0.2.1-2'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f59aeb09f90> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['aws_sdk_cpp_vendor']
Debian Incremental Version: 2
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/aws_sdk_cpp_vendor' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'aws_sdk_cpp_vendor' at version '0.2.1-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'aws-sdk-cpp-vendor' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
libssl-dev => ['libssl-dev']
zlib => ['zlib1g-dev']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
libssl-dev => ['libssl-dev']
zlib => ['zlib1g-dev']
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_vendor_package => ['ament-cmake']
curl => ['libcurl4-openssl-dev', 'curl']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-aws-sdk-cpp-vendor_0.2.1-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'aws_sdk_cpp_vendor' at version '0.2.1-2'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7ff300ed3310> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f8027194b50> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['aws_sdk_cpp_vendor']
RPM Incremental Version: 2
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/aws_sdk_cpp_vendor' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'aws_sdk_cpp_vendor' at version '0.2.1-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'aws-sdk-cpp-vendor' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
libssl-dev => ['openssl-devel']
zlib => ['zlib-devel']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
libssl-dev => ['openssl-devel']
zlib => ['zlib-devel']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_vendor_package => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-vendor-package']
curl => ['libcurl-devel', 'curl']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-aws-sdk-cpp-vendor-0.2.1-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'aws_sdk_cpp_vendor' at version '0.2.1-2'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 0.2.1 --display-uri --name upstream --output-dir /tmp/tmp5yga4qd1
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmp5yga4qd1/upstream-0.2.1.tar.gz --release-version 0.2.1 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 2
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
+ cd307eb...ca62da7 debian/rolling/aws_sdk_cpp_vendor -> debian/rolling/aws_sdk_cpp_vendor (forced update)
a98f8fb..443fef4 master -> master
+ bc4c52a...902a237 patches/debian/rolling/aws_sdk_cpp_vendor -> patches/debian/rolling/aws_sdk_cpp_vendor (forced update)
+ 502617c...5a6f666 patches/release/rolling/aws_sdk_cpp_vendor -> patches/release/rolling/aws_sdk_cpp_vendor (forced update)
+ 68cf56b...0fee638 patches/rpm/rolling/9/aws_sdk_cpp_vendor -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/aws_sdk_cpp_vendor (forced update)
+ a704747...d6be3cf patches/rpm/rolling/aws_sdk_cpp_vendor -> patches/rpm/rolling/aws_sdk_cpp_vendor (forced update)
+ c840b41...a14ef6b release/rolling/aws_sdk_cpp_vendor -> release/rolling/aws_sdk_cpp_vendor (forced update)
+ c8cf153...b1cd5ac rpm/rolling/9/aws_sdk_cpp_vendor -> rpm/rolling/9/aws_sdk_cpp_vendor (forced update)
+ 66a7a76...f2df8e6 rpm/rolling/aws_sdk_cpp_vendor -> rpm/rolling/aws_sdk_cpp_vendor (forced update)
+ fe5b2f2...c6dbbd5 upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/aws_sdk_cpp_vendor -> debian/rolling/bookworm/aws_sdk_cpp_vendor
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/aws_sdk_cpp_vendor -> debian/rolling/noble/aws_sdk_cpp_vendor
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/aws_sdk_cpp_vendor -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/aws_sdk_cpp_vendor
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/aws_sdk_cpp_vendor -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/aws_sdk_cpp_vendor
+ fe5b2f2...c6dbbd5 upstream/0.2.1 -> upstream/0.2.1 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-aws-sdk-cpp-vendor_0.2.1-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-aws-sdk-cpp-vendor_0.2.1-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-aws-sdk-cpp-vendor_0.2.1-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-aws-sdk-cpp-vendor_0.2.1-2_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/aws_sdk_cpp_vendor/0.2.1-2 -> release/rolling/aws_sdk_cpp_vendor/0.2.1-2
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-aws-sdk-cpp-vendor-0.2.1-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-aws-sdk-cpp-vendor-0.2.1-2_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master af9bb1f] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
443fef4..af9bb1f master -> master
Cloning into 'backward_ros-release'...
[master e9f1416] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/1_wcmual/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '1.0.2'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmprsei3gl8/backward_ros-1.0.2.tar.gz'
md5: a4dfa40ff2e433b35cc2fb34966d627e
Removing tag: 'upstream/1.0.2'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/1.0.2'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing package: ['backward_ros']
Releasing package 'backward_ros' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/backward_ros'
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fd00a062a10> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['backward_ros']
Debian Incremental Version: 5
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/backward_ros' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'backward_ros' at version '1.0.2-5'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'backward-ros' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
libdw-dev => ['libdw-dev']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
libdw-dev => ['libdw-dev']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-backward-ros_1.0.2-5_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'backward_ros' at version '1.0.2-5'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f52c4844410> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['backward_ros']
Debian Incremental Version: 5
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/backward_ros' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'backward_ros' at version '1.0.2-5'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'backward-ros' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
libdw-dev => ['libdw-dev']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
libdw-dev => ['libdw-dev']
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-backward-ros_1.0.2-5_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'backward_ros' at version '1.0.2-5'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fdf1358c650> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f51487923d0> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['backward_ros']
RPM Incremental Version: 5
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/backward_ros' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'backward_ros' at version '1.0.2-5'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'backward-ros' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
libdw-dev => ['elfutils-devel']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
libdw-dev => ['elfutils-devel']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-backward-ros-1.0.2-5_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'backward_ros' at version '1.0.2-5'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 1.0.2 --display-uri --name backward_ros --output-dir /tmp/tmprsei3gl8
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmprsei3gl8/backward_ros-1.0.2.tar.gz --release-version 1.0.2 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 5
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
fa98d1c..b1ff9fa debian/rolling/backward_ros -> debian/rolling/backward_ros
cb46902..bcdbc98 master -> master
+ 5505cf9...ef42a0a patches/debian/rolling/backward_ros -> patches/debian/rolling/backward_ros (forced update)
+ 72280a0...2b112a1 patches/release/rolling/backward_ros -> patches/release/rolling/backward_ros (forced update)
+ beb54da...30bf808 patches/rpm/rolling/9/backward_ros -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/backward_ros (forced update)
+ 7b582c8...3188e40 patches/rpm/rolling/backward_ros -> patches/rpm/rolling/backward_ros (forced update)
+ 5b0234e...b3ab49f release/rolling/backward_ros -> release/rolling/backward_ros (forced update)
+ c905631...315fa50 rpm/rolling/9/backward_ros -> rpm/rolling/9/backward_ros (forced update)
+ dda970b...05ad8bb rpm/rolling/backward_ros -> rpm/rolling/backward_ros (forced update)
+ b924b96...51d38d1 upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/backward_ros -> debian/rolling/bookworm/backward_ros
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/backward_ros -> debian/rolling/noble/backward_ros
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/backward_ros -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/backward_ros
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/backward_ros -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/backward_ros
+ b924b96...51d38d1 upstream/1.0.2 -> upstream/1.0.2 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-backward-ros_1.0.2-5_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-backward-ros_1.0.2-5_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-backward-ros_1.0.2-5_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-backward-ros_1.0.2-5_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/backward_ros/1.0.2-5 -> release/rolling/backward_ros/1.0.2-5
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-backward-ros-1.0.2-5_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-backward-ros-1.0.2-5_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master 1938ff6] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
bcdbc98..1938ff6 master -> master
Cloning into 'bag2_to_image-release'...
[master fedca2c] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/uim1a8f6/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '0.1.0'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmpru4xo4vh/upstream-0.1.0.tar.gz'
md5: 489d7afa70c984dc8991c347c8f9060e
Removing tag: 'upstream/0.1.0'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/0.1.0'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing package: ['bag2_to_image']
Releasing package 'bag2_to_image' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/bag2_to_image'
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fde871c82d0> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['bag2_to_image']
Debian Incremental Version: 4
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/bag2_to_image' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'bag2_to_image' at version '0.1.0-4'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'bag2-to-image' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
libopencv-dev => ['libopencv-dev']
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
rosbag2_cpp => ['ros-rolling-rosbag2-cpp']
rosbag2_storage => ['ros-rolling-rosbag2-storage']
sensor_msgs => ['ros-rolling-sensor-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
libopencv-dev => ['libopencv-dev']
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
rosbag2_cpp => ['ros-rolling-rosbag2-cpp']
rosbag2_storage => ['ros-rolling-rosbag2-storage']
sensor_msgs => ['ros-rolling-sensor-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-bag2-to-image_0.1.0-4_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'bag2_to_image' at version '0.1.0-4'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fd7e15c1a50> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['bag2_to_image']
Debian Incremental Version: 4
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/bag2_to_image' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'bag2_to_image' at version '0.1.0-4'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'bag2-to-image' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
libopencv-dev => ['libopencv-dev']
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
rosbag2_cpp => ['ros-rolling-rosbag2-cpp']
rosbag2_storage => ['ros-rolling-rosbag2-storage']
sensor_msgs => ['libsensor-msgs-dev', 'python3-sensor-msgs', 'ros-sensor-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
libopencv-dev => ['libopencv-dev']
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
rosbag2_cpp => ['ros-rolling-rosbag2-cpp']
rosbag2_storage => ['ros-rolling-rosbag2-storage']
sensor_msgs => ['libsensor-msgs-dev', 'python3-sensor-msgs', 'ros-sensor-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-bag2-to-image_0.1.0-4_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'bag2_to_image' at version '0.1.0-4'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fccef687c50> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f6e53392e90> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['bag2_to_image']
RPM Incremental Version: 4
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/bag2_to_image' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'bag2_to_image' at version '0.1.0-4'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'bag2-to-image' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
libopencv-dev => ['opencv-devel']
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
rosbag2_cpp => ['ros-rolling-rosbag2-cpp']
rosbag2_storage => ['ros-rolling-rosbag2-storage']
sensor_msgs => ['ros-rolling-sensor-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
libopencv-dev => ['opencv-devel']
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_components => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-components']
rosbag2_cpp => ['ros-rolling-rosbag2-cpp']
rosbag2_storage => ['ros-rolling-rosbag2-storage']
sensor_msgs => ['ros-rolling-sensor-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-bag2-to-image-0.1.0-4_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'bag2_to_image' at version '0.1.0-4'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 0.1.0 --display-uri --name upstream --output-dir /tmp/tmpru4xo4vh
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmpru4xo4vh/upstream-0.1.0.tar.gz --release-version 0.1.0 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 4
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
+ 4e1bc07...177ddad debian/rolling/bag2_to_image -> debian/rolling/bag2_to_image (forced update)
6593100..6e6fc77 master -> master
+ 2ab6ecd...0714948 patches/debian/rolling/bag2_to_image -> patches/debian/rolling/bag2_to_image (forced update)
+ 27ccc01...e59f1f3 patches/release/rolling/bag2_to_image -> patches/release/rolling/bag2_to_image (forced update)
+ 5c23a46...2c40121 patches/rpm/rolling/9/bag2_to_image -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/bag2_to_image (forced update)
+ 97af5c8...c284ca0 patches/rpm/rolling/bag2_to_image -> patches/rpm/rolling/bag2_to_image (forced update)
+ dc22c77...4f37c4e release/rolling/bag2_to_image -> release/rolling/bag2_to_image (forced update)
+ d052c04...ea453a8 rpm/rolling/9/bag2_to_image -> rpm/rolling/9/bag2_to_image (forced update)
+ d5fd94e...505f01a rpm/rolling/bag2_to_image -> rpm/rolling/bag2_to_image (forced update)
+ 170a434...a3ce742 upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/bag2_to_image -> debian/rolling/bookworm/bag2_to_image
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/bag2_to_image -> debian/rolling/noble/bag2_to_image
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/bag2_to_image -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/bag2_to_image
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/bag2_to_image -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/bag2_to_image
+ 170a434...a3ce742 upstream/0.1.0 -> upstream/0.1.0 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-bag2-to-image_0.1.0-4_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-bag2-to-image_0.1.0-4_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-bag2-to-image_0.1.0-4_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-bag2-to-image_0.1.0-4_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/bag2_to_image/0.1.0-4 -> release/rolling/bag2_to_image/0.1.0-4
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-bag2-to-image-0.1.0-4_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-bag2-to-image-0.1.0-4_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master 1ad6a90] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
6e6fc77..1ad6a90 master -> master
Cloning into 'behaviortree_cpp-release'...
[master 82036b3] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/p9ntzx7e/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '3.8.6'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmp_k8ljb7v/upstream-3.8.6.tar.gz'
md5: dba96a3dc83b00aec97f4dce1e18ae31
Removing tag: 'upstream/3.8.6'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/3.8.6'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing package: ['behaviortree_cpp_v3']
Releasing package 'behaviortree_cpp_v3' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/behaviortree_cpp_v3'
<string>:123: (WARNING/2) Title underline too short.
3.7.0 (2022-05-23)
<string>:123: (WARNING/2) Title underline too short.
3.7.0 (2022-05-23)
<string>:171: (WARNING/2) Inline emphasis start-string without end-string.
<string>:192: (WARNING/2) Inline emphasis start-string without end-string.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f091c5a7a50> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['behaviortree_cpp_v3']
Debian Incremental Version: 2
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/behaviortree_cpp_v3' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'behaviortree_cpp_v3' at version '3.8.6-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.

A CHANGELOG.rst was found, but no changelog for this version was found.
You REALLY should have a entry (even a blank one) for each version of your package.

Package 'behaviortree-cpp-v3' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
ament_index_cpp => ['ros-rolling-ament-index-cpp']
boost => ['libboost-all-dev']
libzmq3-dev => ['libzmq3-dev']
libncurses-dev => ['libncurses5-dev']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ros_environment => ['ros-rolling-ros-environment']
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
ament_index_cpp => ['ros-rolling-ament-index-cpp']
boost => ['libboost-all-dev']
libzmq3-dev => ['libzmq3-dev']
libncurses-dev => ['libncurses5-dev']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-behaviortree-cpp-v3_3.8.6-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'behaviortree_cpp_v3' at version '3.8.6-2'

<string>:123: (WARNING/2) Title underline too short.
3.7.0 (2022-05-23)
<string>:123: (WARNING/2) Title underline too short.
3.7.0 (2022-05-23)
<string>:171: (WARNING/2) Inline emphasis start-string without end-string.
<string>:192: (WARNING/2) Inline emphasis start-string without end-string.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f9a53448910> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['behaviortree_cpp_v3']
Debian Incremental Version: 2
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/behaviortree_cpp_v3' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'behaviortree_cpp_v3' at version '3.8.6-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.

A CHANGELOG.rst was found, but no changelog for this version was found.
You REALLY should have a entry (even a blank one) for each version of your package.

Package 'behaviortree-cpp-v3' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
ament_index_cpp => ['libament-index-cpp-dev']
boost => ['libboost-all-dev']
libzmq3-dev => ['libzmq3-dev']
libncurses-dev => ['libncurses5-dev']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ros_environment => ['ros-environment']
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
ament_index_cpp => ['libament-index-cpp-dev']
boost => ['libboost-all-dev']
libzmq3-dev => ['libzmq3-dev']
libncurses-dev => ['libncurses5-dev']
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-behaviortree-cpp-v3_3.8.6-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'behaviortree_cpp_v3' at version '3.8.6-2'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f1e90060090> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fc16c090d90> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['behaviortree_cpp_v3']
RPM Incremental Version: 2
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/behaviortree_cpp_v3' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'behaviortree_cpp_v3' at version '3.8.6-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'behaviortree-cpp-v3' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
ament_index_cpp => ['ros-rolling-ament-index-cpp']
boost => ['boost-devel', 'boost-python%{python3_pkgversion}-devel']
libzmq3-dev => ['cppzmq-devel']
libncurses-dev => ['ncurses-devel']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ros_environment => ['ros-rolling-ros-environment']
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
ament_index_cpp => ['ros-rolling-ament-index-cpp']
boost => ['boost-devel', 'boost-python%{python3_pkgversion}-devel']
libzmq3-dev => ['cppzmq-devel']
libncurses-dev => ['ncurses-devel']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-behaviortree-cpp-v3-3.8.6-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'behaviortree_cpp_v3' at version '3.8.6-2'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 3.8.6 --display-uri --name upstream --output-dir /tmp/tmp_k8ljb7v
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmp_k8ljb7v/upstream-3.8.6.tar.gz --release-version 3.8.6 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 2
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
+ 2476fad...dbac5dd debian/rolling/behaviortree_cpp_v3 -> debian/rolling/behaviortree_cpp_v3 (forced update)
c85cadb..2d39205 master -> master
+ 3c8f162...5db6096 patches/debian/rolling/behaviortree_cpp_v3 -> patches/debian/rolling/behaviortree_cpp_v3 (forced update)
+ 443f3a3...a0b9fa4 patches/release/rolling/behaviortree_cpp_v3 -> patches/release/rolling/behaviortree_cpp_v3 (forced update)
+ 4ba15d9...9de20cd patches/rpm/rolling/9/behaviortree_cpp_v3 -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/behaviortree_cpp_v3 (forced update)
+ 2040536...68217c3 patches/rpm/rolling/behaviortree_cpp_v3 -> patches/rpm/rolling/behaviortree_cpp_v3 (forced update)
+ 22ec6e9...f18a7c1 release/rolling/behaviortree_cpp_v3 -> release/rolling/behaviortree_cpp_v3 (forced update)
+ 3da6781...e26c5b4 rpm/rolling/9/behaviortree_cpp_v3 -> rpm/rolling/9/behaviortree_cpp_v3 (forced update)
+ becde14...866d4bb rpm/rolling/behaviortree_cpp_v3 -> rpm/rolling/behaviortree_cpp_v3 (forced update)
+ 17ba363...0a00dfa upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/behaviortree_cpp_v3 -> debian/rolling/bookworm/behaviortree_cpp_v3
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/behaviortree_cpp_v3 -> debian/rolling/noble/behaviortree_cpp_v3
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/behaviortree_cpp_v3 -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/behaviortree_cpp_v3
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/behaviortree_cpp_v3 -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/behaviortree_cpp_v3
+ 17ba363...0a00dfa upstream/3.8.6 -> upstream/3.8.6 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-behaviortree-cpp-v3_3.8.6-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-behaviortree-cpp-v3_3.8.6-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-behaviortree-cpp-v3_3.8.6-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-behaviortree-cpp-v3_3.8.6-2_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/behaviortree_cpp_v3/3.8.6-2 -> release/rolling/behaviortree_cpp_v3/3.8.6-2
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-behaviortree-cpp-v3-3.8.6-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-behaviortree-cpp-v3-3.8.6-2_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master 4e6af70] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
2d39205..4e6af70 master -> master
Cloning into 'behaviortree_cpp_v4-release'...
[master 691a7b4] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/thcccia5/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '4.5.1'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmp2dk3heuz/upstream-4.5.1.tar.gz'
md5: 2e4e55fddf44236cc24488ae10b495a7
Removing tag: 'upstream/4.5.1'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/4.5.1'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing package: ['behaviortree_cpp']
Releasing package 'behaviortree_cpp' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/behaviortree_cpp'
<string>:326: (WARNING/2) Title underline too short.
3.7.0 (2022-05-23)
<string>:326: (WARNING/2) Title underline too short.
3.7.0 (2022-05-23)
<string>:374: (WARNING/2) Inline emphasis start-string without end-string.
<string>:395: (WARNING/2) Inline emphasis start-string without end-string.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7facae7c9f90> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['behaviortree_cpp']
Debian Incremental Version: 2
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/behaviortree_cpp' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'behaviortree_cpp' at version '4.5.1-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'behaviortree-cpp' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
ament_index_cpp => ['ros-rolling-ament-index-cpp']
libsqlite3-dev => ['libsqlite3-dev']
libzmq3-dev => ['libzmq3-dev']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ros_environment => ['ros-rolling-ros-environment']
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
ament_index_cpp => ['ros-rolling-ament-index-cpp']
libsqlite3-dev => ['libsqlite3-dev']
libzmq3-dev => ['libzmq3-dev']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-behaviortree-cpp_4.5.1-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'behaviortree_cpp' at version '4.5.1-2'

<string>:326: (WARNING/2) Title underline too short.
3.7.0 (2022-05-23)
<string>:326: (WARNING/2) Title underline too short.
3.7.0 (2022-05-23)
<string>:374: (WARNING/2) Inline emphasis start-string without end-string.
<string>:395: (WARNING/2) Inline emphasis start-string without end-string.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f02845601d0> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['behaviortree_cpp']
Debian Incremental Version: 2
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/behaviortree_cpp' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'behaviortree_cpp' at version '4.5.1-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'behaviortree-cpp' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
ament_index_cpp => ['libament-index-cpp-dev']
libsqlite3-dev => ['libsqlite3-dev']
libzmq3-dev => ['libzmq3-dev']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ros_environment => ['ros-environment']
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
ament_index_cpp => ['libament-index-cpp-dev']
libsqlite3-dev => ['libsqlite3-dev']
libzmq3-dev => ['libzmq3-dev']
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-behaviortree-cpp_4.5.1-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'behaviortree_cpp' at version '4.5.1-2'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f107c9352d0> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f8623995f10> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['behaviortree_cpp']
RPM Incremental Version: 2
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/behaviortree_cpp' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'behaviortree_cpp' at version '4.5.1-2'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'behaviortree-cpp' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
ament_index_cpp => ['ros-rolling-ament-index-cpp']
libsqlite3-dev => ['libsq3-devel']
libzmq3-dev => ['cppzmq-devel']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ros_environment => ['ros-rolling-ros-environment']
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
ament_index_cpp => ['ros-rolling-ament-index-cpp']
libsqlite3-dev => ['libsq3-devel']
libzmq3-dev => ['cppzmq-devel']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-behaviortree-cpp-4.5.1-2_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'behaviortree_cpp' at version '4.5.1-2'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 4.5.1 --display-uri --name upstream --output-dir /tmp/tmp2dk3heuz
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmp2dk3heuz/upstream-4.5.1.tar.gz --release-version 4.5.1 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 2
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
+ b92bd53...117f2b0 debian/rolling/behaviortree_cpp -> debian/rolling/behaviortree_cpp (forced update)
2e54394..f8c2b16 master -> master
+ 248b232...1e337bb patches/debian/rolling/behaviortree_cpp -> patches/debian/rolling/behaviortree_cpp (forced update)
+ 59e7687...5eb7b6c patches/release/rolling/behaviortree_cpp -> patches/release/rolling/behaviortree_cpp (forced update)
+ 6f2bed0...8111962 patches/rpm/rolling/9/behaviortree_cpp -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/behaviortree_cpp (forced update)
+ 109bf56...2b6179b patches/rpm/rolling/behaviortree_cpp -> patches/rpm/rolling/behaviortree_cpp (forced update)
+ 90fd8b0...60cfecc release/rolling/behaviortree_cpp -> release/rolling/behaviortree_cpp (forced update)
+ c3cb962...d898f0f rpm/rolling/9/behaviortree_cpp -> rpm/rolling/9/behaviortree_cpp (forced update)
+ cff0c24...b9cbae7 rpm/rolling/behaviortree_cpp -> rpm/rolling/behaviortree_cpp (forced update)
+ ef4500c...3e073b1 upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/behaviortree_cpp -> debian/rolling/bookworm/behaviortree_cpp
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/behaviortree_cpp -> debian/rolling/noble/behaviortree_cpp
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/behaviortree_cpp -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/behaviortree_cpp
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/behaviortree_cpp -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/behaviortree_cpp
+ ef4500c...3e073b1 upstream/4.5.1 -> upstream/4.5.1 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-behaviortree-cpp_4.5.1-2_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-behaviortree-cpp_4.5.1-2_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-behaviortree-cpp_4.5.1-2_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-behaviortree-cpp_4.5.1-2_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/behaviortree_cpp/4.5.1-2 -> release/rolling/behaviortree_cpp/4.5.1-2
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-behaviortree-cpp-4.5.1-2_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-behaviortree-cpp-4.5.1-2_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master 5432926] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
f8c2b16..5432926 master -> master
Cloning into 'bno055-release'...
[master a38202e] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/q8jugrjb/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '0.5.0'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmpg7a2k94p/upstream-0.5.0.tar.gz'
md5: cc8ec14d376d34f646bb730a612f23de
Removing tag: 'upstream/0.5.0'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/0.5.0'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing package: ['bno055']
Releasing package 'bno055' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/bno055'
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f55e06d2fd0> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['bno055']
Debian Incremental Version: 2
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/bno055' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'bno055' at version '0.5.0-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'bno055' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rclpy => ['ros-rolling-rclpy']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
example_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-example-interfaces']
python3-serial => ['python3-serial']
python3-smbus => ['python3-smbus']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
python3-serial => ['python3-serial']
python3-smbus => ['python3-smbus']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-bno055_0.5.0-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'bno055' at version '0.5.0-2'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fd8e49271d0> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['bno055']
Debian Incremental Version: 2
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/bno055' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'bno055' at version '0.5.0-2'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'bno055' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rclpy => ['ros-rolling-rclpy']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
example_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-example-interfaces']
python3-serial => ['python3-serial']
python3-smbus => ['python3-smbus']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
python3-serial => ['python3-serial']
python3-smbus => ['python3-smbus']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-bno055_0.5.0-2_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'bno055' at version '0.5.0-2'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fda9dc80110> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
Could not resolve rosdep key 'python3-smbus' for distro '9':
Some of the dependencies for packages in this repository could not be resolved by rosdep.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fa33ed274d0> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['bno055']
RPM Incremental Version: 2
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
No definition of [python3-smbus] for OS [rhel]
rosdep key : python3-smbus
OS name : rhel
OS version : 9
- i2c-tools
- python3-smbus
- python3-i2c-tools
- python3-smbus
- python3-smbus
Failed to resolve python3-smbus on rhel:9 with: Error running generator: Failed to resolve rosdep key 'python3-smbus', aborting.
python3-smbus is depended on by these packages: ['bno055']
<== Failed
❌ The following generator action reported that it is missing one or more
 rosdep keys, but that the key exists in other platforms:
'['/usr/local/google/home/marcogg/rosdistro/migration-tools/migration-env/bin/git-bloom-generate', '-y', 'rosrpm', '--prefix', 'release/rolling', 'rolling', '-i', '2', '--os-name', 'rhel']'
If you are absolutely sure that this key is unavailable for the platform in
question, the generator can be skipped and you can proceed with the release.
Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 0.5.0 --display-uri --name upstream --output-dir /tmp/tmpg7a2k94p
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmpg7a2k94p/upstream-0.5.0.tar.gz --release-version 0.5.0 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 2
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 2 --os-name rhel
❌ Error running command '['/usr/local/google/home/marcogg/rosdistro/migration-tools/migration-env/bin/git-bloom-generate', '-y', 'rosrpm', '--prefix', 'release/rolling', 'rolling', '-i', '2', '--os-name', 'rhel']'
Cloning into 'bond_core-release'...
[master ece80c0] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/08x4vwpx/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '4.0.0'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmp4h42cif5/upstream-4.0.0.tar.gz'
md5: e5fc31f55efb0cf84df70bf6563b5f88
Removing tag: 'upstream/4.0.0'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/4.0.0'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing packages: ['bondcpp', 'smclib', 'test_bond', 'bond_core', 'bond']
Releasing package 'bondcpp' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/bondcpp'
Releasing package 'smclib' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/smclib'
Releasing package 'test_bond' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/test_bond'
Releasing package 'bond_core' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/bond_core'
Releasing package 'bond' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/bond'
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f631ccced90> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['test_bond', 'bond_core', 'smclib', 'bondcpp', 'bond']
Debian Incremental Version: 4
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/test_bond' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'test_bond' at version '4.0.0-4'
Generating debian for noble...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'test-bond' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
rclcpp_lifecycle => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-lifecycle']
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-test-bond_4.0.0-4_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'test_bond' at version '4.0.0-4'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/bond_core' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'bond_core' at version '4.0.0-4'
Generating debian for noble...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'bond-core' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
bond => ['ros-rolling-bond']
bondcpp => ['ros-rolling-bondcpp']
smclib => ['ros-rolling-smclib']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-bond-core_4.0.0-4_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'bond_core' at version '4.0.0-4'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/smclib' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'smclib' at version '4.0.0-4'
Generating debian for noble...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'smclib' has dependencies:
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_python => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-python']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-smclib_4.0.0-4_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'smclib' at version '4.0.0-4'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/bondcpp' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'bondcpp' at version '4.0.0-4'
Generating debian for noble...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'bondcpp' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
bond => ['ros-rolling-bond']
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_lifecycle => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-lifecycle']
smclib => ['ros-rolling-smclib']
uuid => ['uuid-dev']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
bond => ['ros-rolling-bond']
pkg-config => ['pkg-config']
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_lifecycle => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-lifecycle']
smclib => ['ros-rolling-smclib']
uuid => ['uuid-dev']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-bondcpp_4.0.0-4_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'bondcpp' at version '4.0.0-4'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/bond' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'bond' at version '4.0.0-4'
Generating debian for noble...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'bond' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-bond_4.0.0-4_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'bond' at version '4.0.0-4'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f340b213590> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['test_bond', 'bondcpp', 'bond_core', 'smclib', 'bond']
Debian Incremental Version: 4
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/test_bond' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'test_bond' at version '4.0.0-4'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'test-bond' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
rclcpp_lifecycle => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-lifecycle']
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-test-bond_4.0.0-4_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'test_bond' at version '4.0.0-4'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/bondcpp' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'bondcpp' at version '4.0.0-4'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'bondcpp' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
bond => ['libbond-dev', 'libbondcpp-dev', 'python3-bond']
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_lifecycle => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-lifecycle']
smclib => ['python3-smclib']
uuid => ['uuid-dev']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
bond => ['libbond-dev', 'libbondcpp-dev', 'python3-bond']
pkg-config => ['pkg-config']
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_lifecycle => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-lifecycle']
smclib => ['python3-smclib']
uuid => ['uuid-dev']
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-bondcpp_4.0.0-4_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'bondcpp' at version '4.0.0-4'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/bond_core' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'bond_core' at version '4.0.0-4'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'bond-core' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
bond => ['libbond-dev', 'libbondcpp-dev', 'python3-bond']
bondcpp => ['libbondcpp-dev']
smclib => ['python3-smclib']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-bond-core_4.0.0-4_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'bond_core' at version '4.0.0-4'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/smclib' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'smclib' at version '4.0.0-4'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'smclib' has dependencies:
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_python => ['ament-cmake-python']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-smclib_4.0.0-4_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'smclib' at version '4.0.0-4'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/bond' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'bond' at version '4.0.0-4'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'bond' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['libstd-msgs-dev', 'python3-std-msgs', 'ros-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-bond_4.0.0-4_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'bond' at version '4.0.0-4'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fb80b317e50> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7ff574833590> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['smclib', 'bond_core', 'bond', 'bondcpp', 'test_bond']
RPM Incremental Version: 4
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/smclib' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'smclib' at version '4.0.0-4'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
Package 'smclib' has dependencies:
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_python => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-python']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-smclib-4.0.0-4_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'smclib' at version '4.0.0-4'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/bond_core' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'bond_core' at version '4.0.0-4'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
Package 'bond-core' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
bond => ['ros-rolling-bond']
bondcpp => ['ros-rolling-bondcpp']
smclib => ['ros-rolling-smclib']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-bond-core-4.0.0-4_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'bond_core' at version '4.0.0-4'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/bond' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'bond' at version '4.0.0-4'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
Package 'bond' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-bond-4.0.0-4_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'bond' at version '4.0.0-4'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/bondcpp' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'bondcpp' at version '4.0.0-4'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
Package 'bondcpp' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
bond => ['ros-rolling-bond']
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_lifecycle => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-lifecycle']
smclib => ['ros-rolling-smclib']
uuid => ['libuuid-devel']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
bond => ['ros-rolling-bond']
pkg-config => ['pkgconfig']
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rclcpp_lifecycle => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-lifecycle']
smclib => ['ros-rolling-smclib']
uuid => ['libuuid-devel']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-bondcpp-4.0.0-4_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'bondcpp' at version '4.0.0-4'

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/test_bond' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'test_bond' at version '4.0.0-4'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
Package 'test-bond' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
rosidl_default_runtime => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-runtime']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
rclcpp_lifecycle => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp-lifecycle']
rosidl_default_generators => ['ros-rolling-rosidl-default-generators']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-test-bond-4.0.0-4_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'test_bond' at version '4.0.0-4'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 4.0.0 --display-uri --name upstream --output-dir /tmp/tmp4h42cif5
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmp4h42cif5/upstream-4.0.0.tar.gz --release-version 4.0.0 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 4
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
+ b041428...43b7b0e debian/rolling/bond -> debian/rolling/bond (forced update)
+ 8ea5a6e...0380dc9 debian/rolling/bond_core -> debian/rolling/bond_core (forced update)
+ 66968a2...d5fb835 debian/rolling/bondcpp -> debian/rolling/bondcpp (forced update)
+ 61dc20f...7769a26 debian/rolling/smclib -> debian/rolling/smclib (forced update)
+ c8bafd5...812a3d3 debian/rolling/test_bond -> debian/rolling/test_bond (forced update)
f294d10..8a06120 master -> master
+ 85a869e...4d80887 patches/debian/rolling/bond -> patches/debian/rolling/bond (forced update)
+ a7d736c...313d561 patches/debian/rolling/bond_core -> patches/debian/rolling/bond_core (forced update)
+ d8aac66...156002d patches/debian/rolling/bondcpp -> patches/debian/rolling/bondcpp (forced update)
+ 4bb8e7c...7824232 patches/debian/rolling/smclib -> patches/debian/rolling/smclib (forced update)
+ 2c4e4a2...e252938 patches/debian/rolling/test_bond -> patches/debian/rolling/test_bond (forced update)
+ b18ea78...f0b7d3d patches/release/rolling/bond -> patches/release/rolling/bond (forced update)
+ 6e98541...76b3e61 patches/release/rolling/bond_core -> patches/release/rolling/bond_core (forced update)
+ 499d192...0ab04ac patches/release/rolling/bondcpp -> patches/release/rolling/bondcpp (forced update)
+ fdbdbd7...1b83a49 patches/release/rolling/smclib -> patches/release/rolling/smclib (forced update)
+ c1a2910...5453967 patches/release/rolling/test_bond -> patches/release/rolling/test_bond (forced update)
+ 7b62f09...849555d patches/rpm/rolling/9/bond -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/bond (forced update)
+ b1475fc...cd39d7c patches/rpm/rolling/9/bond_core -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/bond_core (forced update)
+ 359eed9...2242ad3 patches/rpm/rolling/9/bondcpp -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/bondcpp (forced update)
+ e7405f2...436ec58 patches/rpm/rolling/9/smclib -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/smclib (forced update)
+ cf75634...5cf8328 patches/rpm/rolling/9/test_bond -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/test_bond (forced update)
+ 1be66c3...72a8594 patches/rpm/rolling/bond -> patches/rpm/rolling/bond (forced update)
+ 3a43a62...be3fa26 patches/rpm/rolling/bond_core -> patches/rpm/rolling/bond_core (forced update)
+ d50969d...623df8e patches/rpm/rolling/bondcpp -> patches/rpm/rolling/bondcpp (forced update)
+ d92a532...74da5b1 patches/rpm/rolling/smclib -> patches/rpm/rolling/smclib (forced update)
+ 6a44390...e914e48 patches/rpm/rolling/test_bond -> patches/rpm/rolling/test_bond (forced update)
+ 5d09013...433bc6e release/rolling/bond -> release/rolling/bond (forced update)
+ 8c38a96...7004b48 release/rolling/bond_core -> release/rolling/bond_core (forced update)
+ ede085f...b671863 release/rolling/bondcpp -> release/rolling/bondcpp (forced update)
+ e7224c2...dbb9e2e release/rolling/smclib -> release/rolling/smclib (forced update)
+ 1eb509e...692cbfd release/rolling/test_bond -> release/rolling/test_bond (forced update)
+ fe43070...852fb3e rpm/rolling/9/bond -> rpm/rolling/9/bond (forced update)
+ f636b2c...381c642 rpm/rolling/9/bond_core -> rpm/rolling/9/bond_core (forced update)
+ 6189119...9e48d87 rpm/rolling/9/bondcpp -> rpm/rolling/9/bondcpp (forced update)
+ b0e7e5f...a3710cf rpm/rolling/9/smclib -> rpm/rolling/9/smclib (forced update)
+ e6204ae...5b147c2 rpm/rolling/9/test_bond -> rpm/rolling/9/test_bond (forced update)
+ c46d800...f6f2c45 rpm/rolling/bond -> rpm/rolling/bond (forced update)
+ 8ed9053...0990dcf rpm/rolling/bond_core -> rpm/rolling/bond_core (forced update)
+ f5b52f5...70f2fe2 rpm/rolling/bondcpp -> rpm/rolling/bondcpp (forced update)
+ 2b66083...d9b25f8 rpm/rolling/smclib -> rpm/rolling/smclib (forced update)
+ 31192ad...f1ca9ce rpm/rolling/test_bond -> rpm/rolling/test_bond (forced update)
+ 3572de7...4175756 upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/bond -> debian/rolling/bookworm/bond
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/bond_core -> debian/rolling/bookworm/bond_core
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/bondcpp -> debian/rolling/bookworm/bondcpp
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/smclib -> debian/rolling/bookworm/smclib
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/test_bond -> debian/rolling/bookworm/test_bond
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/bond -> debian/rolling/noble/bond
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/bond_core -> debian/rolling/noble/bond_core
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/bondcpp -> debian/rolling/noble/bondcpp
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/smclib -> debian/rolling/noble/smclib
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/test_bond -> debian/rolling/noble/test_bond
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/bond -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/bond
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/bond_core -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/bond_core
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/bondcpp -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/bondcpp
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/smclib -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/smclib
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/test_bond -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/test_bond
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/bond -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/bond
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/bond_core -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/bond_core
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/bondcpp -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/bondcpp
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/smclib -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/smclib
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/test_bond -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/test_bond
+ 3572de7...4175756 upstream/4.0.0 -> upstream/4.0.0 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-bond-core_4.0.0-4_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-bond-core_4.0.0-4_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-bond-core_4.0.0-4_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-bond-core_4.0.0-4_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-bond_4.0.0-4_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-bond_4.0.0-4_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-bond_4.0.0-4_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-bond_4.0.0-4_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-bondcpp_4.0.0-4_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-bondcpp_4.0.0-4_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-bondcpp_4.0.0-4_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-bondcpp_4.0.0-4_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-smclib_4.0.0-4_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-smclib_4.0.0-4_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-smclib_4.0.0-4_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-smclib_4.0.0-4_noble
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-test-bond_4.0.0-4_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-test-bond_4.0.0-4_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-test-bond_4.0.0-4_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-test-bond_4.0.0-4_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/bond/4.0.0-4 -> release/rolling/bond/4.0.0-4
* [new tag] release/rolling/bond_core/4.0.0-4 -> release/rolling/bond_core/4.0.0-4
* [new tag] release/rolling/bondcpp/4.0.0-4 -> release/rolling/bondcpp/4.0.0-4
* [new tag] release/rolling/smclib/4.0.0-4 -> release/rolling/smclib/4.0.0-4
* [new tag] release/rolling/test_bond/4.0.0-4 -> release/rolling/test_bond/4.0.0-4
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-bond-4.0.0-4_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-bond-4.0.0-4_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-bond-core-4.0.0-4_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-bond-core-4.0.0-4_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-bondcpp-4.0.0-4_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-bondcpp-4.0.0-4_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-smclib-4.0.0-4_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-smclib-4.0.0-4_9
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-test-bond-4.0.0-4_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-test-bond-4.0.0-4_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master 76a0de6] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
8a06120..76a0de6 master -> master
Cloning into 'boost_geometry_util-release'...
[master c99544b] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/55gk6lru/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '0.0.1'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmpdbq2th0t/upstream-0.0.1.tar.gz'
md5: b7c3eecb853bfa880f983b6bff7ed0e7
Removing tag: 'upstream/0.0.1'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/0.0.1'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing package: ['boost_geometry_util']
Releasing package 'boost_geometry_util' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/boost_geometry_util'
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fb11eda6990> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['boost_geometry_util']
Debian Incremental Version: 4
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/boost_geometry_util' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'boost_geometry_util' at version '0.0.1-4'
Generating debian for noble...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'boost-geometry-util' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
boost => ['libboost-all-dev']
geometry_msgs => ['ros-rolling-geometry-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
boost => ['libboost-all-dev']
geometry_msgs => ['ros-rolling-geometry-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_auto => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-auto']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-boost-geometry-util_0.0.1-4_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'boost_geometry_util' at version '0.0.1-4'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f588ac72f90> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['boost_geometry_util']
Debian Incremental Version: 4
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/boost_geometry_util' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'boost_geometry_util' at version '0.0.1-4'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No homepage set, defaulting to ''
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'boost-geometry-util' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
boost => ['libboost-all-dev']
geometry_msgs => ['libgeometry-msgs-dev', 'python3-geometry-msgs', 'ros-geometry-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
boost => ['libboost-all-dev']
geometry_msgs => ['libgeometry-msgs-dev', 'python3-geometry-msgs', 'ros-geometry-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_auto => ['ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-boost-geometry-util_0.0.1-4_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'boost_geometry_util' at version '0.0.1-4'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f9d20666850> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7fb6d2a46610> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['boost_geometry_util']
RPM Incremental Version: 4
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/boost_geometry_util' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'boost_geometry_util' at version '0.0.1-4'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
No homepage set
Package 'boost-geometry-util' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
boost => ['boost-devel', 'boost-python%{python3_pkgversion}-devel']
geometry_msgs => ['ros-rolling-geometry-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
boost => ['boost-devel', 'boost-python%{python3_pkgversion}-devel']
geometry_msgs => ['ros-rolling-geometry-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
ament_cmake_auto => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake-auto']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-boost-geometry-util-0.0.1-4_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'boost_geometry_util' at version '0.0.1-4'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 0.0.1 --display-uri --name upstream --output-dir /tmp/tmpdbq2th0t
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmpdbq2th0t/upstream-0.0.1.tar.gz --release-version 0.0.1 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 4
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 4 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
+ e437ef6...7e1ff30 debian/rolling/boost_geometry_util -> debian/rolling/boost_geometry_util (forced update)
840e71f..3b6d349 master -> master
+ e0f16c1...4aa3a2c patches/debian/rolling/boost_geometry_util -> patches/debian/rolling/boost_geometry_util (forced update)
+ bbcab58...93e1cfd patches/release/rolling/boost_geometry_util -> patches/release/rolling/boost_geometry_util (forced update)
+ 47720e6...bb5ca74 patches/rpm/rolling/9/boost_geometry_util -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/boost_geometry_util (forced update)
+ ba6cc82...8014909 patches/rpm/rolling/boost_geometry_util -> patches/rpm/rolling/boost_geometry_util (forced update)
+ c4e399c...0bd8064 release/rolling/boost_geometry_util -> release/rolling/boost_geometry_util (forced update)
+ 68a9015...e39fcaa rpm/rolling/9/boost_geometry_util -> rpm/rolling/9/boost_geometry_util (forced update)
+ cac7420...6b6bcc6 rpm/rolling/boost_geometry_util -> rpm/rolling/boost_geometry_util (forced update)
+ 2f69b1e...324cd1a upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/boost_geometry_util -> debian/rolling/bookworm/boost_geometry_util
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/boost_geometry_util -> debian/rolling/noble/boost_geometry_util
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/boost_geometry_util -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/boost_geometry_util
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/boost_geometry_util -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/boost_geometry_util
+ 2f69b1e...324cd1a upstream/0.0.1 -> upstream/0.0.1 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-boost-geometry-util_0.0.1-4_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-boost-geometry-util_0.0.1-4_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-boost-geometry-util_0.0.1-4_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-boost-geometry-util_0.0.1-4_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/boost_geometry_util/0.0.1-4 -> release/rolling/boost_geometry_util/0.0.1-4
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-boost-geometry-util-0.0.1-4_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-boost-geometry-util-0.0.1-4_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master 8d235ee] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
3b6d349..8d235ee master -> master
Cloning into 'cartographer-release'...
[master eb0e9e0] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/7xjdy_pc/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '2.0.9002'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmp6fqu9u2d/cartographer-2.0.9002.tar.gz'
md5: 0e3f15f0a88edb72b8ddaefc87e306cb
Removing tag: 'upstream/2.0.9002'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/2.0.9002'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing package: ['cartographer']
Releasing package 'cartographer' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/cartographer'
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f9048457790> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['cartographer']
Debian Incremental Version: 5
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/cartographer' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'cartographer' at version '2.0.9002-5'
Generating debian for noble...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.

A CHANGELOG.rst was found, but no changelog for this version was found.
You REALLY should have a entry (even a blank one) for each version of your package.

Package 'cartographer' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
libboost-iostreams-dev => ['libboost-iostreams-dev']
eigen => ['libeigen3-dev']
libabsl-dev => ['libabsl-dev']
libcairo2-dev => ['libcairo2-dev']
libceres-dev => ['libceres-dev']
libgflags-dev => ['libgflags-dev']
libgoogle-glog-dev => ['libgoogle-glog-dev']
lua5.2-dev => ['liblua5.2-dev']
protobuf-dev => ['libprotobuf-dev', 'protobuf-compiler', 'libprotoc-dev']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
git => ['git']
google-mock => ['google-mock']
gtest => ['libgtest-dev']
python3-sphinx => ['python3-sphinx']
libboost-iostreams-dev => ['libboost-iostreams-dev']
eigen => ['libeigen3-dev']
libabsl-dev => ['libabsl-dev']
libcairo2-dev => ['libcairo2-dev']
libceres-dev => ['libceres-dev']
libgflags-dev => ['libgflags-dev']
libgoogle-glog-dev => ['libgoogle-glog-dev']
lua5.2-dev => ['liblua5.2-dev']
protobuf-dev => ['libprotobuf-dev', 'protobuf-compiler', 'libprotoc-dev']
cmake => ['cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-cartographer_2.0.9002-5_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'cartographer' at version '2.0.9002-5'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f93b4480a90> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['cartographer']
Debian Incremental Version: 5
Debian Distributions: ['bookworm']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/cartographer' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'bookworm' debian for package 'cartographer' at version '2.0.9002-5'
Generating debian for bookworm...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.

A CHANGELOG.rst was found, but no changelog for this version was found.
You REALLY should have a entry (even a blank one) for each version of your package.

Package 'cartographer' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
libboost-iostreams-dev => ['libboost-iostreams-dev']
eigen => ['libeigen3-dev']
libabsl-dev => ['libabsl-dev']
libcairo2-dev => ['libcairo2-dev']
libceres-dev => ['libceres-dev']
libgflags-dev => ['libgflags-dev']
libgoogle-glog-dev => ['libgoogle-glog-dev']
lua5.2-dev => ['liblua5.2-dev']
protobuf-dev => ['libprotobuf-dev', 'protobuf-compiler', 'libprotoc-dev']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => bookworm key
git => ['git']
google-mock => ['google-mock']
gtest => ['libgtest-dev']
python3-sphinx => ['python3-sphinx']
libboost-iostreams-dev => ['libboost-iostreams-dev']
eigen => ['libeigen3-dev']
libabsl-dev => ['libabsl-dev']
libcairo2-dev => ['libcairo2-dev']
libceres-dev => ['libceres-dev']
libgflags-dev => ['libgflags-dev']
libgoogle-glog-dev => ['libgoogle-glog-dev']
lua5.2-dev => ['liblua5.2-dev']
protobuf-dev => ['libprotobuf-dev', 'protobuf-compiler', 'libprotoc-dev']
cmake => ['cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-cartographer_2.0.9002-5_bookworm
#### Successfully generated 'bookworm' debian for package 'cartographer' at version '2.0.9002-5'

<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f28b8539890> rolling
No platforms defined for os 'fedora' in release file for the 'rolling' distro.
Not performing RPM generation.
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f90aaaaaed0> rolling
Generating source RPMs for the packages: ['cartographer']
RPM Incremental Version: 5
RPM OS: rhel
RPM Distributions: ['9']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying RPM dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing RPM template files into 'rpm/rolling/cartographer' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'rpm' folder.

#### Generating 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'cartographer' at version '2.0.9002-5'
Generating RPM for rhel 9...
Package 'cartographer' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
libboost-iostreams-dev => ['boost-devel']
eigen => ['eigen3-devel']
libabsl-dev => ['abseil-cpp-devel']
libcairo2-dev => ['cairo-devel']
libceres-dev => ['ceres-solver-devel', 'suitesparse-devel', 'flexiblas-devel']
libgflags-dev => ['gflags-devel']
libgoogle-glog-dev => ['glog-devel']
lua5.2-dev => ['lua-devel']
protobuf-dev => ['protobuf-devel', 'protobuf-compiler']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => rhel 9 key
git => ['git']
google-mock => ['gmock-devel']
gtest => ['gtest-devel']
python3-sphinx => ['python%{python3_pkgversion}-sphinx']
libboost-iostreams-dev => ['boost-devel']
eigen => ['eigen3-devel']
libabsl-dev => ['abseil-cpp-devel']
libcairo2-dev => ['cairo-devel']
libceres-dev => ['ceres-solver-devel', 'suitesparse-devel', 'flexiblas-devel']
libgflags-dev => ['gflags-devel']
libgoogle-glog-dev => ['glog-devel']
lua5.2-dev => ['lua-devel']
protobuf-dev => ['protobuf-devel', 'protobuf-compiler']
cmake => ['cmake3']
==> In place processing templates in 'rpm' folder.
Expanding 'rpm/template.spec.em' -> 'rpm/template.spec'
Creating tag: rpm/ros-rolling-cartographer-2.0.9002-5_9
#### Successfully generated 'rhel 9' RPM for package 'cartographer' at version '2.0.9002-5'

Skipping transactional safety mechanism, be careful...
Processing release track settings for 'rolling'
Executing release track 'rolling'
==> bloom-export-upstream git --tag 2.0.9002 --display-uri --name cartographer --output-dir /tmp/tmp6fqu9u2d
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmp6fqu9u2d/cartographer-2.0.9002.tar.gz --release-version 2.0.9002 --replace
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease rolling --source upstream -i 5
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name ubuntu
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name debian --os-not-required
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name fedora
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrpm --prefix release/rolling rolling -i 5 --os-name rhel
Tip: Check to ensure that the debian tags created have the same version as the upstream version you are releasing.
Everything went as expected, you should check that the new tags match your expectations, and then push to the release repo with:
git push --all && git push --tags # You might have to add --force to the second command if you are over-writing existing tags
+ 7e4cbd8...3553062 debian/rolling/cartographer -> debian/rolling/cartographer (forced update)
c5f36b7..79485d7 master -> master
+ 58e2d62...93d0fdf patches/debian/rolling/cartographer -> patches/debian/rolling/cartographer (forced update)
+ e87010d...ef7357b patches/release/rolling/cartographer -> patches/release/rolling/cartographer (forced update)
+ 90270c6...156ba25 patches/rpm/rolling/9/cartographer -> patches/rpm/rolling/9/cartographer (forced update)
+ 608390e...d0b8cf5 patches/rpm/rolling/cartographer -> patches/rpm/rolling/cartographer (forced update)
+ 546a07c...37703ce release/rolling/cartographer -> release/rolling/cartographer (forced update)
+ 293341e...d6f4425 rpm/rolling/9/cartographer -> rpm/rolling/9/cartographer (forced update)
+ 670439b...7211d18 rpm/rolling/cartographer -> rpm/rolling/cartographer (forced update)
+ 22660bf...08d4b2e upstream -> upstream (forced update)
* [new branch] debian/rolling/bookworm/cartographer -> debian/rolling/bookworm/cartographer
* [new branch] debian/rolling/noble/cartographer -> debian/rolling/noble/cartographer
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/cartographer -> patches/debian/rolling/bookworm/cartographer
* [new branch] patches/debian/rolling/noble/cartographer -> patches/debian/rolling/noble/cartographer
+ 22660bf...08d4b2e upstream/2.0.9002 -> upstream/2.0.9002 (forced update)
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-cartographer_2.0.9002-5_bookworm -> debian/ros-rolling-cartographer_2.0.9002-5_bookworm
* [new tag] debian/ros-rolling-cartographer_2.0.9002-5_noble -> debian/ros-rolling-cartographer_2.0.9002-5_noble
* [new tag] release/rolling/cartographer/2.0.9002-5 -> release/rolling/cartographer/2.0.9002-5
* [new tag] rpm/ros-rolling-cartographer-2.0.9002-5_9 -> rpm/ros-rolling-cartographer-2.0.9002-5_9
Switched to branch 'master'
[master 555f827] Restore saved version for rolling track.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
79485d7..555f827 master -> master
Cloning into 'cartographer_ros-release'...
[master ae990af] Update rolling track to release the same version as the source distribution.
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Cloning into '/tmp/qap7qjiv/upstream'...
Checking out repository at '' to reference '2.0.9001'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmp4usd9li5/cartographer_ros-2.0.9001.tar.gz'
md5: 55356865a2ebfc787e539f2eec9c2679
Removing tag: 'upstream/2.0.9001'
Creating upstream branch.
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/2.0.9001'
I'm happy. You should be too.
Releasing packages: ['cartographer_ros_msgs', 'cartographer_rviz', 'cartographer_ros']
Releasing package 'cartographer_ros_msgs' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/cartographer_ros_msgs'
Releasing package 'cartographer_rviz' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/cartographer_rviz'
Releasing package 'cartographer_ros' for 'rolling' to: 'release/rolling/cartographer_ros'
<rosdistro.index.Index object at 0x7f03c5995cd0> rolling
Generating source debs for the packages: ['cartographer_ros', 'cartographer_rviz', 'cartographer_ros_msgs']
Debian Incremental Version: 2
Debian Distributions: ['noble']
Releasing for rosdistro: rolling
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
All keys are OK

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/cartographer_ros' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.

#### Generating 'noble' debian for package 'cartographer_ros' at version '2.0.9001-2'
Generating debian for noble...
No historical releaser history, using current maintainer name and email for each versioned changelog entry.
Package 'cartographer-ros' has dependencies:
Run Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
launch => ['ros-rolling-launch']
robot_state_publisher => ['ros-rolling-robot-state-publisher']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
cartographer => ['ros-rolling-cartographer']
cartographer_ros_msgs => ['ros-rolling-cartographer-ros-msgs']
eigen => ['libeigen3-dev']
geometry_msgs => ['ros-rolling-geometry-msgs']
libabsl-dev => ['libabsl-dev']
libgflags-dev => ['libgflags-dev']
libgoogle-glog-dev => ['libgoogle-glog-dev']
libpcl-all-dev => ['libpcl-dev']
nav_msgs => ['ros-rolling-nav-msgs']
pcl_conversions => ['ros-rolling-pcl-conversions']
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rosbag2_cpp => ['ros-rolling-rosbag2-cpp']
rosbag2_storage => ['ros-rolling-rosbag2-storage']
sensor_msgs => ['ros-rolling-sensor-msgs']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
tf2 => ['ros-rolling-tf2']
tf2_eigen => ['ros-rolling-tf2-eigen']
tf2_msgs => ['ros-rolling-tf2-msgs']
tf2_ros => ['ros-rolling-tf2-ros']
urdf => ['ros-rolling-urdf']
visualization_msgs => ['ros-rolling-visualization-msgs']
Build and Build Tool Dependencies:
rosdep key => noble key
google-mock => ['google-mock']
python3-sphinx => ['python3-sphinx']
builtin_interfaces => ['ros-rolling-builtin-interfaces']
cartographer => ['ros-rolling-cartographer']
cartographer_ros_msgs => ['ros-rolling-cartographer-ros-msgs']
eigen => ['libeigen3-dev']
geometry_msgs => ['ros-rolling-geometry-msgs']
libabsl-dev => ['libabsl-dev']
libgflags-dev => ['libgflags-dev']
libgoogle-glog-dev => ['libgoogle-glog-dev']
libpcl-all-dev => ['libpcl-dev']
nav_msgs => ['ros-rolling-nav-msgs']
pcl_conversions => ['ros-rolling-pcl-conversions']
rclcpp => ['ros-rolling-rclcpp']
rosbag2_cpp => ['ros-rolling-rosbag2-cpp']
rosbag2_storage => ['ros-rolling-rosbag2-storage']
sensor_msgs => ['ros-rolling-sensor-msgs']
std_msgs => ['ros-rolling-std-msgs']
tf2 => ['ros-rolling-tf2']
tf2_eigen => ['ros-rolling-tf2-eigen']
tf2_msgs => ['ros-rolling-tf2-msgs']
tf2_ros => ['ros-rolling-tf2-ros']
urdf => ['ros-rolling-urdf']
visualization_msgs => ['ros-rolling-visualization-msgs']
ament_cmake => ['ros-rolling-ament-cmake']
==> In place processing templates in 'debian' folder.
path: .
Expanding 'debian/rules.em' -> 'debian/rules'
Expanding 'debian/compat.em' -> 'debian/compat'
Expanding 'debian/copyright.em' -> 'debian/copyright'
Expanding 'debian/gbp.conf.em' -> 'debian/gbp.conf'
Expanding 'debian/source/options.em' -> 'debian/source/options'
Expanding 'debian/source/format.em' -> 'debian/source/format'
Expanding 'debian/changelog.em' -> 'debian/changelog'
Expanding 'debian/control.em' -> 'debian/control'
Creating tag: debian/ros-rolling-cartographer-ros_2.0.9001-2_noble
#### Successfully generated 'noble' debian for package 'cartographer_ros' at version '2.0.9001-2'

Placing debian template files into 'debian/rolling/cartographer_rviz' branch.
==> Placing templates files in the 'debian' folder.
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