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Created February 8, 2013 20:04
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Upstart attempts
description "Discourse Application"
# automatically start
start on (local-filesystems and net-device-up IFACE!=lo)
chdir /home/discourse/discourse
env RAILS_ENV=production
pre-start exec mkdir -p logs
exec bundle exec rails s -p 3001 >> logs/thin.log
description "Discourse Clockwork"
start on starting discourse-sidekiq
stop on stopping discourse-sidekiq
chdir /home/discourse/discourse
env RAILS_ENV=production
exec bundle exec clockwork config/clock.rb >> logs/clockwork.log
description "Discourse Sidekiq"
start on starting discourse
stop on stopping discourse
chdir /home/discourse/discourse
expect daemon
env RAILS_ENV=production
exec bundle exec sidekiq:start -e production
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