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Unity C# Reference

Unity C# Reference


The reference types are string, arrays, classes, delegates. Others like struct are value types.

To cast between types you do (int)myNumberString


string[] names = new string[5];
string[] names = new string[] { "marco", "eleonora", "bisceglie" };

The foreach loop looks like

foreach (var element in array) {
  // ...


It is just like a normal type

public struct Agent {
  string id;
  Vector3 position;


Rendered as selects in the editor

public enum Difficulty

Under the hood they have 0 to n values

public enum Difficulty
  Easy, // == 0
  Normal, // == 1
  Hard // == 2

public Difficulty currentDifficulty = Difficulty.Normal;

You can also set them specifically

public enum Difficulty
  Easy = 42,
  Normal = 62, 
  Hard = 2 


No functions in C#, only methods


public class Person
  string name;

  public Person(string name) {
     name = name;

protected only the class that inherit from this class can access it

virtual lets you override this property/method from an extending class

public class Pet : MonoBehaviour
  protected virtual void Speak() {

public class Duck : Pet
  protected override void Speak() {
    // base.Speak(); // to call the parent

static properties/methods can be accessed directly from the class type like Score.value += 1;.

Non-static properties/methods instead, can be accessed by finding them globally:

GameObject.Find("Score Keeper").getComponent<Score>();
                      This is the name of the object in the scene graph

Getters and setters are defined like this

public class Game : MonoBehaviour
  public bool IsGameOver
	  return Time.time > 30;

      // ...


To make a getter read-only from the outside:

public class Game : MonoBehaviour
  public bool IsGameOver { get; private set; }


You define namespaces like

namespace MyLibrary
	public class MyClass {}

And use them like

using MyLibrary

// ...

They can also be nested like namespace MyLibrary.Section and using MyLibrary.Section


Like arrays, but of variable length

using System.Collections.Generic;

// ...

public List<Player> players = new List<Player>();

void Start() 
  var player = new Player();


  players[0] == player; // true

  foreach (var player in players) {
    // ...


using System.Collections.Generic;

// ...
public Dictionary<string, Item> items = new Dictionary<string, Item>();

void Start() 
  var item = new Item();

  items.Add('9hasd8h9ads', item);

  items['9hasd8h9ads'] == item; // true

  foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Item> element in items) {
    var item = element.Value;

  foreach (var key in items.Keys) {
    // ...

  foreach (var item in items.Values) {
    // ...

  if (items.ContainsKey('9hasd8h9ads')) {
    // ...

Abstract classes

Abstract classes allow you to define some patterns that a child class extending the abstract class must implement.

public abstract class Enemy : MonoBehaviour
	void abstract Attack();


public class Skeleton : Enemy {
  public override void Attack() {}

If the Skeleton class in not implementing an Attack() method, it will throw an error.

The difference with virtual methods, is that abstract methods don't have an implementation (curly braces).


Interfaces are similar to abstract classes, however they do not allow methods or properties, just types.

They have a name I___able as common practice.

interface IDamageable {
  int Health { get; set; }

  void Damage(int damageAmount);

public class Player : MonoBehaviour, IDamageable  


A class can extend multiple interfaces, however just one traditional class.

You could also pass an interface type to a GetObject call:

// returns the class with IDamageable on the clicked GameObject
IDamageable clickedObj = hitInfo.collider.GetComponent<IDamageable>();

if (clickedObj) {
  // ...


A delegate is a variable that holds a method, the signature of the method is kept in a type of the class. They are kinda like callbacks in javascript (.onclick = ).

public class Player : MonoBehaviour
  public delegate void ChangeColor(Color newColor);
  public ChangeColor onColorChange;

  // to assign it
  void Start () {
    onColorChange = UpdateColor;

  void UpdateColor(Color newColor) {
    // ...


Evants make use of Delegates to turn them into something like addEventListener()

The difference is that events can be invoked only from whitin the class they are defined.

public class UI : MonoBehaviour 
  public delegate void ActionClick();
  public static event ActionClick onClick;

    if (onClick != null) { // if there's a listerner attached

public class Cube : MonoBehaviour 
  void Start() {
     UI.onClick += Explode;
  void OnDisable() {
     UI.onClick -= Explode;
  void Explode() {}


using System;

public class UI : MonoBehaviour 
  public static Action<> onClick; // in the generic go the parameter types of the function

    if (onClick != null) { // if there's a listerner attached

public class Cube : MonoBehaviour 
  void Start() {
     UI.onClick += Explode;
  void OnDisable() {
     UI.onClick -= Explode;
  void Explode() {}

The previous example can be written more clearly using actions

Function delegates

Function delegates are syntactic sugar of delegates

using System;

public class Player : MonoBehaviour
  public Func<Color, void> onColorChange; // input type + return type

  // to assign it
  void Start () {
    onColorChange = UpdateColor;

  void UpdateColor(Color newColor) {
    // ...

Singleton pattern

Singletons allow us to access easier instances of classes withoud doing the GameObject.GetComponent stuff

public class UIManager : MonoBehaviour
  private static UIManager _instance;
  public static UIManager Instance 
      if (_instance == null) {
        Debug.Error("UIManager not present in the scene");
      return _instance;

  void Awake() {
    _instance = this;


But this can easily be abstracted like:

public abstract class MonoSingleton<T> : MonoBehaviour where T : MonoSingleton<T>
  private static T _instance;
  public static T Instance 
      if (_instance == null) {
        Debug.Error(typeof(T).ToString() + " not present in the scene");
      return _instance;

  void Awake() {
    _instance = this as T;


  // since the class can't call Awake, we optionally provide the Init method to use
  public virtual void Init() {}

then use it on a class that you wish to make a singleton like

public class UIManager : MonoSingleton<UIManager> {}

and access it like



Like lodash, contains utilities for arrays ecc ecc

using System.Linq

public class Player : MonoBehaviour 
  void Start() {
    int[] scores = new  int[] { 97, 92, 81, 60 };
    var scoreQuery = 
      from score in scores 
      where score > 80
      select score;

    // which is exactly the same as

    var scoreQuerySimple = scores.Where(score => score > 80);

Unity utilities

You usually put your utilities as statics in public static class Utilities

To create a primitive

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