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Created October 12, 2020 12:53
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Solution in Python to the HackerRank problem "Rod cutting"
# HackerRank - Rod Cutting
# Given an array with the lengths of various metal rods, repeatedly perform the following:
# 1. Count the number of rods.
# 2. Find the rod(s) with the shortest length.
# 3. Discard any rod of that length.
# 4. Cut that shortest length from each of the longer rods. These are offcuts.
# 5. Discard all offcuts.
# 6. Repeat until there are no more rods.
# Maintain an array of the numbers of rods at the beginning of each round of actions and return that array.
# Function Description
# Complete the function "rodOffcut".
# rodOffcut has the following parameter(s):
# int lengths[n]: the starting lengths of each rod
# Returns:
# int[]: the number of rods at the start of each turn
# Constraints
# 1 ≤ n ≤ 103
# 1 ≤ lengths[i] ≤ 103, where 0 ≤ i < n
import math
import os
import random
import re
import sys
def rodOffcut(lengths):
new_lengths = lengths.copy()
number_of_rods: List[int] = []
while new_lengths:
cut_length = min(new_lengths)
new_lengths = [l-cut_length for l in new_lengths if l > cut_length]
return number_of_rods
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