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Last active July 18, 2023 20:44
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Ambiguous functional argument overload
import java.util.function.Consumer
import java.util.function.Function
import java.util.function.Supplier
// Take these ambiguous overloads:
fun fn(consumerLike: (String) -> Unit) = consumerLike("").also { println("consumer-like") }
fun fn(consumer: Consumer<String>) = consumer.accept("").also { println("consumer") }
fun <T> fn(functionLike: (String) -> T) = functionLike("").also { println("function-like") }
fun <T> fn(function: Function<String, T>) = function.apply("").also { println("function") }
fun fn(runnableLike: () -> Unit) = runnableLike().also { println("runnable-like") }
fun fn(runnable: Runnable) = { println("runnable") }
fun <T> fn(supplierLike: () -> T) = supplierLike().also{ println("supplier-like") }
fun <T> fn(supplier: Supplier<T>) = supplier.get().also{ println("supplier") }
// This is how you can invoke them:
fun main() {
// consumer-like
fn { _ -> }
// consumer
fn(Consumer { })
// function-like
fn({ _: String -> 123 } as (String) -> Int)
// function
fn(Function { _ -> })
// runnable-like
fn { -> }
// runnable
fn(Runnable { })
// supplier-like
fn({ -> 123 } as () -> Int)
// supplier
fn(Supplier { })
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