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Last active April 9, 2021 06:02
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Unity EditorWindow

Unity EditorWindow



Will stop GUI calling layout methods until next frame.


Best Practice

Serialization: Every time you start/stop playmode, or you load/unload a scene, the editor serializes/deserialzes the editor(windows) itself. EditorWindow provides a flag (HideFlags) to avoid this behavior. Once you start splitting your code in different classes, you have to ensure all your code is serializable. You can either do that by adding [Serializable] to your class, or derive from ScriptableObject. If you derive from ScriptableObject, ensure you set the hideFlags to HideFlags.DontSave.


using System;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

namespace wooga.WDK.Editor
    public class TestWindow : EditorWindow
        public SubClass myInstance;

        [MenuItem("Test Window")]
        private static void ShowWindow()

        void Awake()
            myInstance = new SubClass();
            myInstance.instanceName = "TestName";

        private void OnGUI()
    public class SubClass 
        public string instanceName;

In case you want to serialize private fields, make sure you add [SerializeField]

public class SubClass 
    public string instanceName;
    [SerializeField] private string instanceDescription;
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