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Last active March 21, 2023 21:39
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[Makefile with Build-In-Help]help and also git tag, git commit hash, and build time injection into binary #make
# Makefile to build ...
# for help run: make help
# nicer output with: make help | bat -l mk
# an alternative for build-in help w/ color coding and w/o .PHONY:
BINARY=$(shell basename $(shell pwd))
VERSION=$(shell git describe --tags --dirty)
# Get name of Makefile so the grep picks the right one
name1 := $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
# Set help as the default goal
@echo "$(BINARY) $(VERSION) $(shell git rev-parse HEAD)"
@grep '^.PHONY: .* #' "$(name1)" | sed 's/\.PHONY: \(.*\) # \(.*\)/\1: \2/' | expand -t20
.PHONY: build # build binary on current platform
go build -o $(BINARY) -ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -ldflags "-X main.Buildstamp=`date -u '+%Y-%m-%d_%I:%M:%S%p'` -X main.Githash=`git rev-parse HEAD` -X main.Version=$(VERSION)" .
.PHONY: buildLinux # build binary for Linux and enforce rebuild of packages that are already up-to-date (-a); takes longer
env CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 GOGC=off go build -o $(BINARY) -a -ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -ldflags "-X main.Buildstamp=`date -u '+%Y-%m-%d_%I:%M:%S%p'` -X main.Githash=`git rev-parse HEAD` -X main.Version=`$(VERSION)`" .
.PHONY: lint # lint the code
golangci-lint run --sort-results
.PHONY: tidy # tidy up the GO build environment
go mod tidy -compat=1.20
.PHONY: update # update the GO dependencies
go get -u all
.PHONY: currentTag # get the tag that will be used for current binary
@echo "$(VERSION)"
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