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marcomalva / psql-query-dependent-objects.sql
Created January 9, 2024 22:25
[psql - query dependent object]Query Dependent Objects #psql
-- show tables/view dependent on object source_schema_name.source_table_name
-- change WHERE clause to change object
SELECT distinct current_database()
, dependent_ns.nspname as dependent_schema
, dependent_view.relname as dependent_view
, source_ns.nspname as source_schema
, source_table.relname as source_table
-- , pg_attribute.attname as column_name
FROM pg_depend
JOIN pg_rewrite ON pg_depend.objid = pg_rewrite.oid
marcomalva / psql-seach-value-in-array.sql
Created September 18, 2023 16:52
[psql - search value in array ]Postgres: check if array field contains value? #psql
-- check if array contains a value or multiple values
-- answer copied from
-- search for single value in array
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE 'Book' = ANY(pub_types);
-- search an array that contains multiple values **together**
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE pub_types @> '{"Journal", "Book"}';
--search an array that contains **one of** some values.
marcomalva / psql-work-with-json.sql
Last active July 25, 2023 11:53
[PSQL JSON]Tips to work with JSON/JSONB in PostgreSQL #psql #json
-- last element in a JSON array,
select '[[1479772800000, 70.12], [1479859200000, 70.83], [1480032000000, 71.23]]'::json->-1;
-- check if JSON array contains a string,
create table rabbits (rabbit_id bigserial primary key, info json not null);
insert into rabbits (info) values
('{"name":"Henry", "food":["lettuce","carrots"]}'),
('{"name":"Helen", "food":["lettuce","cheese"]}');
marcomalva / explain-analyze-query-template.sql
Created April 21, 2023 03:20
[Visualize PostgreSQL Query Plan Locally With Pev2] Basic Instructions #psql
-- Save the query as an SQL file and paste the JSON file into the index.html
-- Download the index.html page with the command below and open it in your web browser:
-- wget
-- Obtain the database query plan with command below:
-- psql -h ${DB_HOST:-localhost} -p ${DB_PORT:-5432} -U ${DB_USER:-db_user} -XqAt -f "${filename}" > "analyze-${filename%.*}.json"
marcomalva /
Last active March 21, 2023 21:39
[Makefile with Build-In-Help]help and also git tag, git commit hash, and build time injection into binary #make
# Makefile to build ...
# for help run: make help
# nicer output with: make help | bat -l mk
# an alternative for build-in help w/ color coding and w/o .PHONY:
BINARY=$(shell basename $(shell pwd))
VERSION=$(shell git describe --tags --dirty)
marcomalva /
Created February 18, 2023 03:45
[Makefile Help Target]: Self-Describing Makefile
# self describing makefile
# based on idea in
# add support for any Makefile name, see
# add colon after target name so bat -l mk gives nicer display on terminal
# for nicer Markdown add asterix around \1 in sed, e.g. for bat or mdcat
# Usage
# ==========
marcomalva / gnuplot-multiplot-pane.plot
Created January 24, 2023 22:53
[Gnuplot Multiplot/Pane]Plot Charts in Panes #gnulot
# Source:
### Start multiplot (2x2 layout)
set multiplot layout 2,2 rowsfirst
# --- GRAPH a
set label 1 'a' at graph 0.92,0.9 font ',8'
plot f(x) with lines ls 1
# --- GRAPH b
set label 1 'b' at graph 0.92,0.9 font ',8'
plot g(x) with lines ls 1
# --- GRAPH c
marcomalva / gnuplot-with-datetime-xaxis.plot
Created January 24, 2023 22:52
[GnuPlot] Create a plot with Date Time on X axis #gnuplot
# Source:
# Multiplot/pane:
# Setting output to be a PNG file of size 'width'x'height'
# 'width' and 'height' are set from the command line:
# gnuplot -e "filename='server_1.csv'; width=10000; height=500;" timeDifference.plot
#Setting the font of all text to be 'Verdana' size 8
set terminal pngcairo size width,height enhanced font 'Verdana,8'
marcomalva / psql-select-next-event-from-today.sql
Created January 24, 2023 21:03
[PSQL - Select Next Event From Today]Use CTE to supplement time zone from another table #psql
WITH tz AS (
SELECT gc.value AS tzv FROM public.gv_config gc WHERE = 'arena.timezone' LIMIT 1
, (NOW() AT TIME ZONE tz.tzv) now_arena
, (NOW() AT TIME ZONE tz.tzv)::date now_arena_date
public.event_details ed
, tz tz
marcomalva /
Created January 4, 2023 20:04
[PostgreSQL Like Operator]How PostgreSQL stores LIKE and ILIKE #PSQL

In PostgreSQL the LIKE operators are stored as "double tilde" binary operators:

  • LIKE: ~~
  • ILIKE: ~~*
  • NOT LIKE:!~~ and
  • NOT ILIKE: !~~*

All of these operators are PostgreSQL-specific
