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Last active May 23, 2019 11:07
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# pylint: skip-file
import time
import re
import md5
import requests
import json
HASHTAG_ENDPOINT = "/graphql/query/?query_hash={}&variables={}"
USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.181 Safari/537.36"
def get_first_page(hashtag):
return requests.get(INSTAGRAM_URL + "/explore/tags/{}/".format(hashtag), headers={"user-agent": USER_AGENT})
def get_csrf_token(cookies):
return cookies.get("csrftoken")
def get_query_id(html):
script_path ='/static(.*)TagPageContainer\.js/(.*).js', html).group(0)
script_req = requests.get(INSTAGRAM_URL + script_path)
return re.findall('return e.tagMedia.byTagName.get\\(t\\).pagination},queryId:"([^"]*)"', script_req.text)[0]
def get_rhx_gis(html):
return'rhx_gis":"([^"]*)"', html).group(1)
def get_end_cursor_from_html(html):
return'end_cursor":"([^"]*)"', html).group(1)
def get_end_cursor_from_json(json_obj):
return json_obj['data']['hashtag']['edge_hashtag_to_media']['page_info']['end_cursor']
def get_params(hashtag, end_cursor):
return '{{"tag_name":"{}","first":50,"after":"{}"}}'.format(hashtag, end_cursor)
def get_ig_gis(rhx_gis, params):
return + ":" + params).hexdigest()
def get_posts_from_json(json_obj):
edges = json_obj['hashtag']['edge_hashtag_to_media']['edges']
return [o['node'] for o in edges]
def get_posts_from_html(html):
json_str ='window._sharedData = (.*);</script>', html).group(1)
json_obj = json.loads(json_str)
graphql = json_obj["entry_data"]["TagPage"][0]["graphql"]
return get_posts_from_json(graphql)
def make_cookies(csrf_token):
return {
"ig_pr": "2",
"csrftoken": csrf_token,
def make_headers(ig_gis):
return {
"x-instagram-gis": ig_gis,
"x-requested-with": "XMLHttpRequest",
"user-agent": USER_AGENT
def get_next_page(csrf_token, ig_gis, query_id, params):
cookies = make_cookies(csrf_token)
headers = make_headers(ig_gis)
url = INSTAGRAM_URL + HASHTAG_ENDPOINT.format(query_id, params)
req = requests.get(url, headers=headers, cookies=cookies)
json_obj = req.json()
end_cursor = get_end_cursor_from_json(json_obj)
posts = get_posts_from_json(json_obj['data'])
return posts, end_cursor
def scrape_hashtag(hashtag, sleep=3):
Yields scraped posts, one by one
first_page = get_first_page(hashtag)
csrf_token = get_csrf_token(first_page.cookies)
query_id = get_query_id(first_page.text)
rhx_gis = get_rhx_gis(first_page.text)
end_cursor = get_end_cursor_from_html(first_page.text)
home_posts = get_posts_from_html(first_page.text)
for post in home_posts:
yield post
while end_cursor is not None:
params = get_params(hashtag, end_cursor)
ig_gis = get_ig_gis(rhx_gis, params)
posts, end_cursor = get_next_page(csrf_token, ig_gis, query_id, params)
for post in posts:
yield post
# main
for post in scrape_hashtag("summer"):
print post['id']
# do stuff
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Has somebody had problems with the scraper?

Basically the cookies are not having anymore the csrf token, and so, it is breaking

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