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Created February 18, 2020 23:05
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Programming Basics
# TODO Guess the price!
# Generate a random number (computer choice)
computer = rand(1..5)
loop do
# prompt the user to guess a number
puts "Guess a number!"
# from String (gets.chomp) to Integer (.to_i)
user = gets.chomp.to_i
# compare computer choice with user guess
if computer == user
puts "YOU WIN!"
break # EXIT the loop
puts "YOU LOSE!"
require 'date'
# TODO define a method to display number of days until xmas
def days_until_xmas(
# define xmas (Date class)
xmas =,12,25)
# define today (Date class)
today =
if xmas < today
xmas = + 1,12,25)
# subtract xmas - today
diff_days = xmas - today
#return correct data type (Integer)
return diff_days.to_i
# TDD - test driven development
puts days_until_xmas
puts days_until_xmas.class == Integer
# puts days_until_xmas == 311 # 18/02/2020
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