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Created July 16, 2019 10:48
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require 'json'
require 'open-uri'
# Documentation - GitHub API
url = '' # endpoint of Github API
# We open & read what is returning the API call
user_serialized = open(url).read # is a STRING
user = JSON.parse(user_serialized) # is a HASH ( JSON.parse(...) )
puts "#{user['name']} - #{user['bio']}"
require 'csv'
filepath = 'beers.csv'
# headers: :first_row => transform each row from _ARRAY_ to _HASH_
csv_options = { col_sep: ',', quote_char: '"', headers: :first_row }
CSV.foreach(filepath, csv_options) do |row| # ROW is a _HASH_
puts "#{row['Name']}, a #{row['Appearance']} beer from #{row['Origin']}"
require 'csv'
filepath = 'data/new_beers.csv'
csv_options = { col_sep: ',', force_quotes: true, quote_char: '"' }
beers = [
{name: "Asahi", appereance: "Lager", origin: "Japan"},
{name: "Guinness", appereance: "Stout", origin: "Ireland"}
], 'wb', csv_options) do |csv| # "WB" => overwrite the entire file
csv << ['Name', 'Appearance', 'Origin'] # HEADER
beers.each do |beer| # For each beer (HASH) we want to create an Array and inject into CSV
csv << [beer[:name], beer[:appereance], beer[:origin]] # We can use symbol cause we are inside Ruby
require 'json'
filepath = 'data/beers.json'
serialized_beers = # is a STRING
beers = JSON.parse(serialized_beers) # is a HASH
p beers["beers"][1]["name"]
require 'json'
filepath = "data/new_beers.json"
beers = { beers: [
name: 'Edelweiss',
appearance: 'White',
origin: 'Austria'
name: 'Guinness',
appearance: 'Stout',
origin: 'Ireland'
]}, 'wb') do |file| # |file| => it's the entire file and we want to write in it
file.write(JSON.generate(beers)) # JSON.generate will return a serialize obj (STRING)
require 'open-uri' # OPEN a Web page
require 'nokogiri' # help us to query the HTML nodes
ingredient = 'chocolate'
url = "{ingredient}"
html_file = open(url).read # serialize the website (STRING)
html_doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html_file) # for each node (h1 - p - div etc) create a Nokogiri Obj
# .search is a Nokogiri method that allow us to search, inside HTML, for nodes using CSS Selector
# PARENT CHILD'.m_titre_resultat a').each do |element|
puts element.text.strip
puts element.attribute('href').value
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