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Forked from bitjockey42/
Last active April 14, 2017 19:54
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Install SIP and PyQT4 (pyenv, pyenv-virtualenv)


pyenv virtualenv

Switch to the Python version you want to use:

pyenv shell 2.7.9

Create the virtualenv:

pyenv virtualenv <name-of-virtualenv>

Activate the virtualenv:

pyenv activate <name-of-virtualenv>

Find out what the path to the virtualenv is:

ls ~/.pyenv/versions

It will most likely look something like: ~/.pyenv/versions/<name-of-virtualenv>

Otherwise, the environmental variable can be read:


Install SIP

Change to the directory where the SIP source was extracted:

cd /path/to/src/SIP

Configure, and make sure to include python2.7 for the virtualenv:

python --incdir=$VIRTUAL_ENV/include/python2.7

Then compile and install:

make install

Install PyQt4

cd /path/to/src/PyQt4
make install


Ubuntu: libqt4-dev could be required

sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev
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