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Last active November 21, 2017 17:33
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nlm_raster <- nlm_gaussianfield(100, 100, 5)
function(r, nx = 1, ny = 1, buffer = c(0, 0), path = file.path(getwd(), names(r)), cl) {
#' @export
#' @rdname splitRaster
sliding_box <- function(r, nx, ny, buffer, path, cl) {
# if (!is.numeric(nx) | !is.numeric(ny) | !is.numeric(buffer)) {
# stop("nx, ny, and buffer must be numeric")
# }
# if (!is.integer(nx)) nx <- as.integer(nx)
# if (!is.integer(ny)) ny <- as.integer(ny)
# if (is.integer(buffer)) buffer <- as.numeric(buffer)
if (missing(cl)) {
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(parallel::detectCores())
# if (length(buffer) > 2) {
# warning("buffer contains more than 2 elements - only the first two will be used.")
# buffer <- buffer[1:2]
# } else if (length(buffer) == 1) {
# buffer <- c(buffer, buffer)
# }
# if (buffer[1] < 1) {
# buffer[1] <- ceiling((buffer[1] * (xmax(r) - xmin(r)) / nx) / xres(r)) # nolint
# }
# if (buffer[2] < 1) {
# buffer[2] <- ceiling((buffer[2] * (ymax(r) - ymin(r)) / ny) / yres(r)) # nolint
# }
ext <- extent(r)
extents <- vector("list", length = nx * ny)
n <- 1L
for (i in seq_len(nx) - 1L) {
for (j in seq_len(ny) - 1L) {
x0 <- ext@xmin + i * ((ext@xmax - ext@xmin) / nx) - buffer[1] * xres(r) # nolint
x1 <- ext@xmin + (i + 1L) * ((ext@xmax - ext@xmin) / nx) + buffer[1] * xres(r) # nolint
y0 <- ext@ymin + j * ((ext@ymax - ext@ymin) / ny) - buffer[2] * yres(r) # nolint
y1 <- ext@ymin + (j + 1L) * ((ext@ymax - ext@ymin) / ny) + buffer[2] * yres(r) # nolint
extents[[n]] <- extent(x0, x1, y0, y1)
n <- n + 1L
croppy <- function(i, e, r) {
ri <- raster::crop(r, e[[i]])
raster::crs(ri) <- raster::crs(r)
tiles <- if (!is.null(cl)) {
parallel::clusterApplyLB(cl = cl, x = seq_along(extents), fun = croppy, e = extents, r = r)
} else {
lapply(X = seq_along(extents), FUN = croppy, e = extents, r = r)
# Shutdown cluster neatly
if(!is.null(parallelCluster)) {
parallelCluster <- c()
nlm_sliding_box<- sliding_box(nlm_raster, 10, 10, buffer = c(3,3))
lapply_var <- function(i, e) {
var_lap <- var(e[[i]][], na.rm = TRUE)
lapply_mean <- function(i, e) {
mean_lap <- mean(e[[i]][], na.rm = TRUE)
test_var <- lapply(X = seq_along(nlm_sliding_box), FUN = lapply_var, e = nlm_sliding_box)
test_mean <- lapply(X = seq_along(nlm_sliding_box), FUN = lapply_mean, e = nlm_sliding_box)
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