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Dynamic simulation of a distillation column in python
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from typing import List, Union, Optional
class BinaryDistillationColumn:
Stages numbered from the top with condenser as index 0 and reboiler as index n_trays+1
def __init__(
m: Optional[GEKKO],
# feed_rate: Union[List[float], float],
# feed_composition: float,
# dynamic: bool = False,
n_trays: int = 30,
feed_stage: int = 17,
feed_pressure: float = 1000,
tray_holdup: float = 0.25,
condenser_holdup: float = 0.5,
reboiler_holdup: float = 0.1,
feed_temperature: float = 343,
q_reb: Optional[float] = None,
temp_cond: Optional[float] = None,
# q_cond: Optional[float] = None,
pressure_drop_stripping: float = 1.2,
pressure_drop_rectifying: float = 2.0,
pressure_top: float = 1000.0,
murphee_efficiency_rectifying: float = 0.35,
murphee_efficiency_stripping: float = 0.62,
self.N = n_trays
self.feed_stage = feed_stage
self.Ptop = pressure_top
self.dPrect = pressure_drop_rectifying
self.dPstrip = pressure_drop_stripping
self.murphee_efficiency_rectifying = murphee_efficiency_rectifying
self.murphee_efficiency_stripping = murphee_efficiency_stripping
### Define constants ###
# Reflux Ratio
self.rr = m.Param(value=0.7)
# Feed flowrate (mol/min)
self.Feed = m.Param(value=2)
# Mole fraction of feed
self.x_Feed = m.Param(value=0.5)
# Total molar holdup on each tray
self.n = [m.Const(value=tray_holdup) for _ in range(self.N + 2)]
self.n[self.N + 1].value = reboiler_holdup
self.n[0].value = condenser_holdup
# mole fraction of component A
self.x = []
for i in range(self.N + 2):
# Temperatures
self.T = [
value=273.15 + 80,
lb=273.15 + 65,
ub=273.15 + 100,
for i in range(self.N + 2)
### Define intermediates ###
# Pressures
self.P = [
m.Intermediate(self.Ptop - i * self.dPrect)
if i < self.feed_stage
else m.Intermediate(self.Ptop - i * self.dPstrip)
for i in range(self.N + 2)
# Distillate flowrate (mol/min)
self.D = m.Intermediate(0.5 * self.Feed)
# Liquid flowrate in rectification section (mol/min)
self.L = m.Intermediate(self.rr * self.D)
# Vapor Flowrate in column (mol/min)
self.V = m.Intermediate(self.L + self.D)
# Liquid flowrate in stripping section (mol/min)
self.FL = m.Intermediate(self.Feed + self.L)
# Bottoms
self.B = m.Intermediate(self.Feed - self.D)
def p_star(T, c):
# From NIST
# Methanol = 1
if c == 0:
A, B, C = 5.15853, 1569.613, -34.846
# Water = 2
elif c == 1:
A, B, C = 4.6543, 1435.264, -64.848
return 1000 * 10 ** ((A - (B / (T + C))))
self.p_star_0 = [p_star(temp, 0) for temp in self.T]
self.p_star_1 = [p_star(temp, 1) for temp in self.T]
# vapor mole fraction of Component A
# For trays calculated using murphee effciiencey below
# For condenser and reboiler, from the equilibrium assumption and mole balances
# 1) vol = (yA/xA) / (yB/xB)
# 2) xA + xB = 1
# 3) yA + yB = 1
self.y = [m.Var(value=0.3) for _ in range(self.N + 2)]
# Condenser and reboiler
for i in [0, self.N + 1]:
# Relative volatility = (yA/xA)/(yB/xB) = KA/KB = alpha(A,B)
vol = m.Var(value=3.5)
m.Equation(vol == self.p_star_0[i] / self.p_star_1[i])
m.Equation(self.y[i] == self.x[i] * vol / (1 + (vol - 1) * self.x[i]))
# Component balances
# Pressure balances
# Murphee efficiencies
def create_component_expressions(self):
equations = []
for i in range(self.N + 2):
# Right side of ODE
if i == 0:
# condenser
rhs = self.V * (self.y[1] - self.x[0])
elif i == self.N + 1:
# reboiler
rhs = (
self.FL * self.x[self.N]
- self.B * self.x[self.N + 1]
- self.V * self.y[self.N + 1]
elif i == self.feed_stage:
# feed stage
rhs = (
self.Feed * self.x_Feed
+ self.L * self.x[i - 1]
- self.FL * self.x[i]
- self.V * (self.y[i] - self.y[i + 1])
# non-feed trays
if i > self.feed_stage:
l = self.FL
l = self.L
rhs = l * (self.x[i - 1] - self.x[i]) - self.V * (
self.y[i] - self.y[i + 1]
# Left hand side of ODE
lhs = self.n[i] * self.x[i].dt()
equations.append(lhs == rhs)
return equations
def create_pressure_balances(self):
equations = []
for i in range(self.N + 2):
rhs = self.x[i] * self.p_star_0[i] + (1 - self.x[i]) * self.p_star_1[i]
lhs = self.P[i]
equations.append(lhs == rhs)
return equations
def create_murphee_efficiencies(self):
equations = []
for i in range(1, self.N + 1):
if i < self.feed_stage:
me = self.murphee_efficiency_rectifying
me = self.murphee_efficiency_stripping
rhs = (
me * self.p_star_0[i] / self.P[i] * self.x[i] + (1 - me) * self.y[i + 1]
lhs = self.y[i]
equations.append(lhs == rhs)
return equations
def plot(self, time):
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
# Flows
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 1)
ax.plot(time, self.Feed.value, label="Feed")
ax.plot(time, self.D.value, label="Distillate")
ax.plot(time, self.L.value, label="Reflux")
ax.plot(time, self.B.value, label="Bottoms")
ax.set_ylabel("Molar flow rate (mol/min)")
# Pressures
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 2)
ax.plot(time, self.P[0].value, label="Reboiler")
for tray in [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 31]:
ax.plot(time, self.P[tray].value, label=f"Tray {tray-1}")
ax.plot(time, self.P[self.N + 1].value, label="Condenser")
ax.set_ylabel("Pressure [mbar]")
# Compositions
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 3)
ax.plot(time, self.x[0].value, "r--", label="Condenser")
for tray in [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 31]:
ax.plot(time, self.x[tray].value, label=f"Tray {tray-1}")
ax.plot(time, self.x[self.N + 1].value, "k-", label="Reboiler")
# Temperatures
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 4)
ax.plot(time, self.T[0].value, label="Reboiler")
for tray in [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 31]:
ax.plot(time, self.T[tray].value, label=f"Tray {tray-1}")
ax.plot(time, self.T[self.N + 1].value, label="Condenser")
ax.set_ylabel("Temperatures [mbar]")
fig.supxlabel("Time (min)")
return fig, ax
if __name__ == "__main__":
def p_star(T, c):
# From NIST
# Methanol = 1
if c == 0:
A, B, C = 5.15853, 1569.613, -34.846
# Water = 2
elif c == 1:
A, B, C = 4.6543, 1435.264, -64.848
return 1000 * 10 ** ((A - (B / (T + C))))
T_degC = 80
print(f"Temperature: {T_degC+273.1}K")
print("Vapor pressure 1:", p_star(273.1 + T_degC, 0))
print("Vapor pressure 2:", p_star(273.1 + T_degC, 1))
print("Relative volatility:", p_star(273.1 + T_degC, 0) / p_star(273.1 + T_degC, 1))
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
column = BinaryDistillationColumn(m)
# steady state solution
print(column.x) # with RR=0.7
# switch to dynamic simulation
m.options.imode = 4
nt = 61
m.time = np.linspace(0, 60, 61)
# step change in reflux ratio
rr_step = np.ones(nt) * 0.7
rr_step[10:] = 3.0
column.rr.value = rr_step
# xfeed_step = np.ones(nt) * column.x_Feed.value
# xfeed_step[10:] = xfeed_step[0] * 1.2
# column.x_Feed.value = xfeed_step
# Solve dynamics
# Make plots
fig, ax = column.plot(m.time)
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Distillation model

This is a model of a simple binary distillation column.

To install:

pip install gekko numpy matplotlib

To run


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