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Last active June 2, 2017 18:49
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Abstraction to get date e anyone formats
* Check if a string is a valid based on $formats['input'], then format an output based on $formats['output']
* @author Marcos Freitas
* @param string $value The string of the date
* @param array $formats The given input and wanted output formats of the date.
* @return string|boolean
public static function getDate($value, $formats){
if (!isset($formats['input']) || empty($formats['input'])) {
$formats['input'] = 'd-m-Y';
if (!isset($formats['output']) || empty($formats['output'])) {
$formats['output'] = 'Y-m-d';
$d = \DateTime::createFromFormat($formats['input'], $value);
$date_errors = date_get_last_errors();
if ($date_errors['error_count'] || $date_errors['warning_count']) {
return false;
if ($d && $d->format($formats['input']) === $value) {
return $d->format($formats['output']);
} else {
return false;
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