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func (p *Project) insertSshkey() {
homeDir := fileUtil.FindUserHomeDir()
cmd := exec.Command("cat", homeDir+"/.ssh/"".pub", "|", "ssh","@", "'cat", ">>", "~/.ssh/authorized_keys'")
err := cmd.Run()
if err != nil {
lucasrenan / media_magick_sortable.js
Created October 22, 2012 22:48
media magick - sortable js
function initUploader(relation){
$(".attachmentUploader" + "." + relation).pluploadIt();
$("a." + relation + "ToggleSortable").bind('click', function () {
mediaMagick.toggleSortable($("div.attachmentUploader." + relation + " .loadedAttachments"), '/update_priority', {
linkSelector: 'a.' + relation + 'ToggleSortable',
loadData: function () {
return {
elements: function () {
return $("div.attachmentUploader." + relation + " .loadedAttachments").sortable('toArray');
wbotelhos / gist:1901194
Created February 24, 2012 14:16
jQuery show and hide methods
if (boo) {
} else {
$(elem)[boo ? 'show' : 'hide']();
wbotelhos / gist:1171694
Created August 25, 2011 19:59
JSON formatado no console
// Exibindo o JSON no console
curl "" | python -mjson.tool
// Salvando em algum arquivo
curl "" | python -mjson.tool > response.json