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Last active February 1, 2021 23:55
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My Dart Custom Snippets for VSCode
"Flutter Screen": {
"prefix": "fl-page",
"body": [
"import 'package:flutter/material.dart';",
"/// TODO: Finish the docs",
"/// ${1:name}Page to...",
"class ${1:name}Page extends StatelessWidget {",
"/// Static named route for page",
"static const String route = '${1:name}';",
"/// Static method to return the widget as a PageRoute",
"static Route go() => MaterialPageRoute<void>(builder: (_) => ${1:name}Page());",
" @override",
" Widget build(BuildContext context) {",
" return const Scaffold(",
" body: Center(",
" child: Text('This is ${1:name}Page'),",
" ),",
" );",
" }",
"description": "Flutter page snippet"
"Test structure": {
"prefix": "fl-test",
"body": [
" () {",
" // setup -> create the object to test",
" ",
" // side effects -> collect the result to test",
" ",
" // expectations -> compare result to expected value",
" ",
" // verifications -> verify other actions that should(n't) happen",
" },",
"description": "Dart/Flutter test snippet"
"i18n extension class": {
"prefix": "i18n-class",
"body": [
"import 'package:i18n_extension/i18n_extension.dart';",
"/// TODO: Place your english string constants here",
"const kLoginSampleMessage = 'Login sample';",
"/// This extension method contains all",
"/// the strings for the ${1:name} view",
"extension ${1:name}Strings on String {",
"\tstatic final _t = Translations('en_us') +",
"\t\t'en_us': kLoginSampleMessage,",
"\t\t'es_es': '${1:name} ejemplo',",
"/// Getter to translate the string",
"String get i18n => localize(this, _t);",
"\t/// Method for interpolating strings",
"\tString fill(List<Object> params) => localizeFill(this, params);",
"\t/// Method for pluralizing strings",
"\tString plural(int value) => localizePlural(value, this, _t);",
"\t/// Method for creating custom modifiers according to any conditions",
"\tString version(Object modifier) => localizeVersion(modifier, this, _t);",
"\t/// Method for retrieving all the custom modifiers",
"\tMap<String, String> allVersions() => localizeAllVersions(this, _t);",
"description": "i18n extension file template"
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