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Created August 9, 2021 02:30
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Scrapper to Extract Title, Authors and Link Direct of ICML 2021 Papers
# We use the requests lib to make the HTTP GET request
import requests
r = requests.get("")
# And the BeautifulSoup lib to parse the HTML data
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser')
# I used the select_one operator to use the CSS selector and get the element with class 'col-xs-12'
# and then the select to obtain all the divs with the onClick attribute
divs = soup.select_one(".col-xs-12").select('div[onClick]')
# This is a helper function to proccess each div extracting the desired info
def process_div(d):
# The title and authors are obtained with the select_one on their respective divs and classes
title = d.select_one('div.maincardBody').text
authors = d.select_one('div.maincardFooter').text
# The URL is built using the onClick parameters accessed through the attrs.get
url = "" + d.attrs.get('onclick')[11:-1]
return pd.Series({'title' : title, 'authors' : authors, 'url' : url})
# Here I used pandas as a simple way to create a DataFrame and save it as CSV locally
import pandas as pd
dfs = []
for d in divs[2:]:
df = pd.concat(dfs, axis=1).T
# As the PDF's papers are not available on ICML website I also built a Google Search Ready URL
# to improve the hability to one's find it
import urllib.parse
df['search_url'] = df.title.apply(lambda t : ""+urllib.parse.quote_plus(t))
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