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Last active November 15, 2019 01:38
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function and command to edit registers.
function! EditReg(reg)
let l:EditRegWinNum = bufwinnr("__EDITREG__")
if l:EditRegWinNum == -1
silent! belowright new __EDITREG__
setlocal modifiable
put! =getreg(a:reg)
setlocal noshowcmd
setlocal buftype=nofile
setlocal bufhidden=wipe
setlocal noswapfile
setlocal nowrap
setlocal nobuflisted
setlocal nonumber
setlocal nospell
execute 'setlocal statusline=editing\ register\ \"'.a:reg.'\ \|\ <CR>\ to\ confirm\ changes\ \|\ <ESC>\ or\ q\ to\ discard\ changes'
setlocal noruler
execute 'normal! z'.line('$').'ggG'
execute 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <CR> :call setreg("'.a:reg.'", getline(1,"$")) <BAR> silent! bwipeout! __EDITREG__<CR>'
execute 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> <CR> <ESC>:call setreg("'.a:reg.'", getline(1,"$")) <BAR> silent! bwipeout! __EDITREG__<CR>'
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <ESC> :silent! bwipeout! __EDITREG__<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> q :silent! bwipeout! __EDITREG__<CR>
autocmd BufLeave <buffer> :silent! bwipeout! __EDITREG__
command! -nargs=1 EditReg call EditReg(<f-args>)
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