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Last active January 13, 2016 07:20
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package conversions
import scala.math.max
import scala.math.min
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions
import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.UserDefinedFunction
import org.joda.time.DateTime
class Users(
sc: SparkContext)
extends Serializable {
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
import Common.timeFormatter
import sqlContext.implicits._
import Users._
// Get ad data.
val adData: DataFrame = sc
.map(line => {
// Extract CSV fields.
val values: Array[String] = line.split(",")
// Extract user id.
val id: String = values(0)
// Extract traffic source.
val trafficSource: String = values(1)
// Extract ad campaign.
val adCampaign: String = values(2)
// Extract ad medium.
val adMedium: String = values(3)
// Extract search keyword.
val searchKeyword: String = values(4)
// Extract ad content.
val adContent: String = values(5)
AdInfo(id, trafficSource, adCampaign, adMedium, searchKeyword, adContent)
.toDF // Convert to Spark DataFrame.
.dropDuplicates(Seq("id")) // Deduplicate data.
// Get purchase data.
val purchaseData: DataFrame = sc
.map(line => {
// Extract CSV fields.
val values: Array[String] = line.split(",")
// Extract user id.
val userId: String = values(0)
// Extract price at which item was sold.
val price: Double = values(2).toDouble
// Extract item quantity sold.
val quantity: Double = values(3).toDouble
// Extract revenue from purchase event.
val revenue: Double = price * quantity
// Extract purchase timestamp.
val purchaseTimestamp: String = values(4)
// Extract purchase time in seconds.
val purchaseTime: Double = timeFormatter
.toDouble / 1000
PurchaseEvent(userId, revenue, purchaseTime)
.toDF // Convert to Spark DataFrame.
// Get signup data.
val signupData: DataFrame = sc
.map(line => {
// Extract CSV fields.
val values: Array[String] = line.split(",")
val valuesSize: Int = values.size
// Extract user id/
val id: String = values(0)
// Some register country fields contain commas,and thus we must collapse
// inner values components in order to extract register country.
val registerCountry: String = values
.slice(1, valuesSize - 1)
// Extract timestamp.
val signupTimestamp: String = values(valuesSize - 1)
// Parse DateTime from timestamp.
val signupDateTime: DateTime = timeFormatter
// Extract signup time in seconds.
val signupTime: Double = signupDateTime
.toDouble / 1000
// Extract day of year, week of year, and month of year for future feature generation.
val dayOfYear: String = signupDateTime
val weekOfYear: String = signupDateTime
val monthOfYear: String = signupDateTime
SignupEvent(id, registerCountry, signupTime, dayOfYear, weekOfYear, monthOfYear)
.toDF // Convert to Spark DataFrame.
// Get view data.
val viewData: DataFrame = sc
.map(line => {
// Extract CSV fields.
val values = line.split(",")
// Extract user id.
val userId: String = values(0)
// Extract view event timestamp.
val viewTimestamp: String = values(2)
// Extract view event time in seconds.
val viewTime: Double = timeFormatter
.toDouble / 1000
.toDF // Convert to Spark DataFrame
// Extract earliest and latest recorded purchase times.
private val purchaseTimes: MinMaxTime = purchaseData
.withColumn("purchaseTimeCopy", $"purchaseTime")
.agg(Map("purchaseTime" -> "min", "purchaseTimeCopy" -> "max"))
.map(row => {
val minTime = row.getAs[Double]("min(purchaseTime)")
val maxTime = row.getAs[Double]("max(purchaseTimeCopy)")
MinMaxTime(minTime, maxTime)
// Extract earliest and latest recorded view times.
private val viewTimes: MinMaxTime = viewData
.withColumn("viewTimeCopy", $"viewTime")
.agg(Map("viewTime" -> "min", "viewTimeCopy" -> "max"))
.map(row => {
val minTime = row.getAs[Double]("min(viewTime)")
val maxTime = row.getAs[Double]("max(viewTimeCopy)")
MinMaxTime(minTime, maxTime)
// Extract minimum activity time.
val minActivityTime: Double = min(purchaseTimes.minTime, viewTimes.minTime)
val maxActivityTime: Double = max(purchaseTimes.maxTime, viewTimes.maxTime)
// Compute constant denoting the length of 365 days in seconds.
private val yearInSeconds: Double = 365 * 24 * 60 * 60
// Generate activity time filter for removing users according to processing rules.
val activityFilterUDF: (Double, Double, Double) => UserDefinedFunction = {
(minActivityTime: Double, maxActivityTime: Double, yearInSeconds: Double) => functions.udf({
(signupTime: Double) => {
signupTime >= minActivityTime && maxActivityTime - signupTime >= yearInSeconds
// Generate user defined column function for returning nonzero revenues within CV time limits.
val cvUDF: Double => UserDefinedFunction = (yearInSeconds: Double) => functions.udf({
(revenue: Double, purchaseTime: Double, signupTime: Double) => {
val timeDiff: Double= purchaseTime - signupTime
if (timeDiff >= 0 && timeDiff <= yearInSeconds) {
} else {
// Get pre final data frame that satisifies activity and revenue time requirements.
val validUsers: DataFrame = signupData
// Only keep users that satisfy activity requirements.
.filter(activityFilterUDF(minActivityTime, maxActivityTime, yearInSeconds)($"signupTime"))
val preCVData: DataFrame = validUsers
.join(purchaseData, validUsers("id") === purchaseData("userId"), "left_outer")
.fill(Map("revenue" -> 0.0, "purchaseTime" -> 0.0))
// Restrict revenue withing 12 month time limit.
.withColumn("customerValue", cvUDF(yearInSeconds)($"revenue", $"purchaseTime", $"signupTime"))
val cvData: DataFrame = preCVData
.join(adData, "id")
object Users {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
import scala.sys.process._
printWrapper("Deleting old data.....")
"sudo rm -rf <OUTPUT_FILE_PATH>/users.parquet/".!!
"sudo rm -rf <OUTPUT_FILE_PATH>/customerValue.csv/".!!
val sparkConf = Common.getSparkConf("Computing_CV")
val sc: SparkContext = new SparkContext(sparkConf)
val users: Users = new Users(sc)
val cvData = users
printWrapper("Writing new data.....")
printWrapper("New data written.")
def printWrapper(any: Any): Unit = {
case class AdInfo(
id: String,
trafficSource: String,
adCampaign: String,
adMedium: String,
searchKeyword: String,
adContent: String)
extends Serializable
case class MinMaxTime(
minTime: Double,
maxTime: Double)
extends Serializable
case class PurchaseEvent(
userId: String,
revenue: Double,
purchaseTime: Double)
extends Serializable
case class SignupEvent(
id: String,
registerCountry: String,
signupTime: Double,
dayOfYear: String,
weekOfYear: String,
monthOfYear: String)
extends Serializable
case class ViewEvent(
userId: String,
viewTime: Double)
extends Serializable
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