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Created December 9, 2014 01:40
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/// A calculation that holds a left term, a right term, and an operation
struct Calc<T> {
var lt: () -> T
var op: (T, T) -> T
var rt: () -> T
init(lt: () -> T, op: (T, T) -> T, rt: () -> T) { = lt
self.op = op
self.rt = rt
init(const: T) {
self.init(lt: { const }, op: { lt, rt in lt }, rt: { const })
var run: (() -> T) {
return { self.op(, self.rt()) }
mutating func push(op: (T, T)->T, value: T) {
self = Calc(lt:, op: op, rt: { value })
/// A calculator component
enum CalcPart : String {
case Plus = "+"
case Minus = "−"
case Divide = "÷"
case Multiply = "×"
case Equal = "="
case Decimal = "."
case Clear = "C"
case SwapSign = "±"
case Percent = "%"
case Num0 = "0"
case Num1 = "1"
case Num2 = "2"
case Num3 = "3"
case Num4 = "4"
case Num5 = "5"
case Num6 = "6"
case Num7 = "7"
case Num8 = "8"
case Num9 = "9"
case Display = ""
/// All the parts that can be tapped (everything but the display)
static var allButtons: [CalcPart] = [ .Plus, .Minus, .Divide, .Multiply, .Equal, .Decimal, .Clear, .SwapSign, .Percent, .Num0, .Num1, .Num2, .Num3, .Num4, .Num5, .Num6, .Num7, .Num8, .Num9 ]
import Foundation
/// A numeric entry area that handles partially-entered numbers such as "-0."
struct CalcDisplay : Printable {
var number: UInt = 0
var exponent: UInt = 0
var fraction = false
var positive = true
/// The currently entered number as a Double
var decimalValue: Double {
return (positive ? +1 : -1) * Double(number) / pow(10, Double(exponent))
var description : String {
if fraction {
let desc = String(format: "%.\(exponent+1)f", self.decimalValue)
return dropLast(desc)
} else {
return String(format: "%g", self.decimalValue)
mutating func appendDigit(digit: UInt) {
number *= 10
number += digit
if fraction {
mutating func reset() {
self = CalcDisplay()
typealias CalcOp = (Double, Double)->Double
enum CalcMode {
case Entry
case Result(CalcOp)
struct CalcState : Printable {
var calc: Calc<Double> = Calc(const: 0)
var curop: CalcOp = (+)
var mode: CalcMode = .Entry
var display: CalcDisplay = CalcDisplay()
var suffix = ""
var description: String {
switch mode {
case .Entry:
return display.description
case .Result(let op):
return String(format: "%g%@",, suffix)
mutating func toMode(newmode: CalcMode) {
switch (mode, newmode) {
case (.Entry, .Result(let newop)):
calc.push(curop, value: display.decimalValue)
mode = .Result(newop)
curop = newop
case (.Result, .Entry):
mode = .Entry
case (.Entry, .Entry):
mode = newmode
case (.Result, .Result(let newop)):
mode = newmode
curop = newop
mutating func enterOperation(op: CalcOp, value: Double? = nil, suffix: String = "") {
self.suffix = suffix
if let value = value {
calc.push(op, value: value)
} else {
mutating func enterDigit(digit: UInt) {
mutating func enterDecimal() {
display.fraction = true
var calcstack : Array<CalcState> = []
func undo() -> CalcState {
if calcstack.count > 0 {
return calcstack.last ?? CalcState()
func press(part: CalcPart) -> CalcState {
var calc = calcstack.last ?? CalcState()
switch part {
case .Display: return calc // no-op
case .Num0: calc.enterDigit(0)
case .Num1: calc.enterDigit(1)
case .Num2: calc.enterDigit(2)
case .Num3: calc.enterDigit(3)
case .Num4: calc.enterDigit(4)
case .Num5: calc.enterDigit(5)
case .Num6: calc.enterDigit(6)
case .Num7: calc.enterDigit(7)
case .Num8: calc.enterDigit(8)
case .Num9: calc.enterDigit(9)
case .Minus: calc.enterOperation(-, suffix: part.rawValue)
case .Plus: calc.enterOperation(+, suffix: part.rawValue)
case .Divide: calc.enterOperation(/, suffix: part.rawValue)
case .Multiply: calc.enterOperation(*, suffix: part.rawValue)
case .SwapSign: calc.enterOperation(*, value: -1.0)
case .Percent: calc.enterOperation(/, value: 100)
case .Equal: calc.enterOperation(calc.curop)
case .Decimal: calc.enterDecimal()
case .Clear: return undo()
calcstack += [calc]
return calc
import UIKit
class CalcPartView: UILabel {
let type: CalcPart
let handler: () -> Void
init(type: CalcPart, handler: () -> Void = { }) {
self.type = type
self.handler = handler
super.init(frame: CGRectZero)
self.textAlignment = .Center
self.layer.borderWidth = 0.5
self.font = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(45)
self.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true
self.userInteractionEnabled = true
self.text = String(type.rawValue)
switch type { // set the appropriate background based on the kind of button
case .Display:
self.textColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
self.backgroundColor = UIColor.blackColor()
self.textAlignment = .Right
case .Plus, .Multiply, .Minus, .Divide, .Equal:
self.textColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
self.backgroundColor = UIColor.orangeColor()
case .Clear, .SwapSign, .Percent:
self.textColor = UIColor.blackColor()
self.backgroundColor = UIColor(white: 0.78, alpha: 1.0)
self.textColor = UIColor.blackColor()
self.backgroundColor = UIColor(white: 0.84, alpha: 1.0)
required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
override func touchesBegan(touches: NSSet, withEvent event: UIEvent) {
self.layer.borderWidth = 2.0
override func touchesEnded(touches: NSSet, withEvent event: UIEvent) {
self.layer.borderWidth = 0.5
extension CalcPart {
var viewid : String {
// “View names must start with a letter or an underscore, then contain letters, numbers, and underscores.”
return "v" + join("_", map(self.rawValue.unicodeScalars) { "\($0.value)" })
/// Curried function to create and layout a view map
func autolayout(viewids: [NSString: UIView])(vertical: Bool, options: NSLayoutFormatOptions)(pin: CalcPart, parts: CalcPart...) {
let vids: [String] = map(enumerate(parts)) { (index, part) in
return index > 0 ? ("[" + part.viewid + "(" + pin.viewid + ")]") : ("[" + part.viewid + "]")
let fmts = ["|"] + vids + ["|"]
let format = fmts.reduce(vertical ? "V:" : "H:" , combine: +)
// format will look like: H:|[v52][v53(v67)][v54(v67)][v8722(v67)]|
NSLog("layout: \(format)")
let constraints = NSLayoutConstraint.constraintsWithVisualFormat(format, options: options, metrics: nil, views: viewids)
func addCalculatorToView(rootView: UIView) {
rootView.backgroundColor = UIColor.blackColor()
let display = CalcPartView(type: CalcPart.Display)
display.text = calcstack.last?.description
let views = [display] + { type in
let view = CalcPartView(type: type) {
display.text = press(type).description
return view
let viewids = views.reduce(Dictionary<NSString, CalcPartView>(), combine: { (var strviews, view) in
strviews[NSString(string: view.type.viewid)] = view
return strviews
let alviews = autolayout(viewids)
let alh = alviews(vertical: false, options: .AlignAllTop | .AlignAllBottom)
let alv = alviews(vertical: true, options: .AlignAllLeft)
alh(pin: .Display, parts: .Display)
alh(pin: .Clear, parts: .Clear, .SwapSign, .Percent, .Divide)
alh(pin: .Clear, parts: .Num7, .Num8, .Num9, .Multiply)
alh(pin: .Clear, parts: .Num4, .Num5, .Num6, .Minus)
alh(pin: .Clear, parts: .Num1, .Num2, .Num3, .Plus)
alh(pin: .Clear, parts: .Num0, .Decimal, .Equal)
alv(pin: .Display, parts: .Display, .Clear, .Num7, .Num4, .Num1, .Num0)
let rootView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x:0, y:0, width: 640, height: 1136)) // iPhone 5
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