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Last active October 16, 2023 11:24
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Expression 2 code for my extra-input project
@name E2 Extra Input v1 by Marcsello
@outputs A B C D E F Connections ConnectionQuality EventCounter EventsSkipped
@persist Last
# Designed to work with
# I've also written a blog post about all this:
if (first() || duped()) {
Last = 0
Connections = 0
A = 0
B = 0
C = 0
D = 0
E = 0
F = 0
ConnectionQuality = 7
EventsSkipped = 0
EventCounter = 0
timer("connect", 500) # start the first connection after 500ms
if (clk("connect")) {
if (Connections < 3) {
if (httpCanRequest()) {
httpRequest("https://[YOUR DOMAIN]/sub?key=[YOUR READ_KEY]&last=" + Last)
if (Connections < 3) {
timer("connect", 15050) # 15 sec required after a new connection
} else {
timer("connect", 500) # retry connection if couldn't make it
if (httpClk()) {
Success = 0
# Parse response
if (httpSuccess()) {
Data = jsonDecode(httpData())
if (jsonError() == "") {
A = Data["A", normal]
B = Data["B", normal]
C = Data["C", normal]
D = Data["D", normal]
E = Data["E", normal]
F = Data["F", normal]
ID = Data["id", normal]
if (ID > Last) {
if (EventCounter > 0) { # do not count for the first connection
EventsSkipped += (ID-Last-1)
Last = ID
Success = 1
# update connection quality indicator
if (Success) {
if (ConnectionQuality < 10) {
} else {
if (ConnectionQuality > 0) {
# start timer for a new connection
if (Connections < 3) {
timer("connect", 3050) # 3 sec required after a closed connection
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