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Last active February 7, 2018 10:46
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Simple German holidays helper class with DateTime Class (Deutsche Feiertage)
class Holidays
public static function getEaster()
$easter = new DateTime('now');
$year = $easter->format('Y');
$easter->setDate($year, 3, 21);
$easter->setTime(0, 0, 0);
$easter->modify('+' . easter_days($year) . 'days');
return $easter;
public static function holidays()
$buss_und_bettag = new DateTime('nov 23');
return array( "neujahr" => new DateTime('jan 1st'),
"heilige_drei_koenige" => new DateTime('jan 6'),
"gruendonnerstag" => self::getEaster()->modify('-3 days'),
"karfreitag" => self::getEaster()->modify('-2 days'),
"ostermontag" => self::getEaster()->modify('+1 day'),
"tag_der_arbeit" => new DateTime('may 1st'),
"christi_himmelfahrt" => self::getEaster()->modify('+39 days'),
"pfingstmontag" => self::getEaster()->modify('+50 days'),
"fronleichnam" => self::getEaster()->modify('+60 days'),
"maria_himmelfahrt" => new DateTime('aug 15'),
"tag_der_deutschen_einheit" => new DateTime('oct 3'),
"reformationstag" => new DateTime('oct 31'),
"allerheiligen" => new DateTime('nov 1st'),
"buss_und_bettag" => $buss_und_bettag->modify('last Wednesday'),
"weihnachtstag1" => new DateTime('dec 25th'),
"weihnachtstag2" => new DateTime('dec 26th'),
* Check if this is a holiday
* @param string|date object $date accepts valid date/time string or valid date object
* @return boolean
public static function isHoliday($date = 'now')
$holidays = self::holidays();
// create object in case of a time string
$date = new DateTime($date);
$date->setTime(0, 0, 0);
foreach($holidays as $holy => $day){
// $date->diff($day)->days;
// returns 0 if date is the same or just compare
if($date == $day){
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
var_dump(Holidays::isHoliday('2014-12-24'),Holidays::isHoliday('2014-12-25'),Holidays::holidays()); // prints out this years holidays
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