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Created January 31, 2024 17:46
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# GNU Radio C++ Flow Graph CMakeLists.txt
# Title: generate c++ variables
# Author: Marcus Müller, Solomon B Stoner
# GNU Radio version: v3.11.0.0git-649-gd7cdf222
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8)
find_package(Gnuradio "3.11" COMPONENTS
uhd UHD 4.0 RFNoC
add_executable(repro5090 repro5090.cpp)
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
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GNU Radio C++ Flow Graph Source File
Title: generate c++ variables
Author: Marcus Müller, Solomon B Stoner
GNU Radio version: v3.11.0.0git-649-gd7cdf222
#include "repro5090.hpp"
using namespace gr;
repro5090::repro5090 () {
this->tb = gr::make_top_block("generate c++ variables");
// Blocks:
this->fir_filter_xxx_0 = filter::fir_filter_ccf::make(
this->blocks_null_source_0 = blocks::null_source::make(sizeof(gr_complex)*1);
this->blocks_null_sink_0 = blocks::null_sink::make(sizeof(gr_complex)*1);
// Connections:
this->tb->hier_block2::connect(this->blocks_null_source_0, 0, this->fir_filter_xxx_0, 0);
this->tb->hier_block2::connect(this->fir_filter_xxx_0, 0, this->blocks_null_sink_0, 0);
repro5090::~repro5090 () {
// Callbacks:
long repro5090::get_samp_rate () const {
return this->samp_rate;
void repro5090::set_samp_rate (long samp_rate) {
this->samp_rate = samp_rate;
std::vector<float> repro5090::get_rrc () const {
return this->rrc;
void repro5090::set_rrc (std::vector<float> rrc) {
this->rrc = rrc;
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
repro5090* top_block = new repro5090();
return 0;
author: "Marcus M\xFCller, Solomon B Stoner"
catch_exceptions: 'True'
category: '[GRC Hier Blocks]'
cmake_opt: ''
comment: ''
copyright: 2021,2024
description: ''
gen_cmake: 'On'
gen_linking: dynamic
generate_options: no_gui
hier_block_src_path: '.:'
id: repro5090
max_nouts: '0'
output_language: cpp
placement: (0,0)
qt_qss_theme: ''
realtime_scheduling: ''
run: 'True'
run_command: '{python} -u {filename}'
run_options: run
sizing_mode: fixed
thread_safe_setters: ''
title: generate c++ variables
window_size: (1000,1000)
bus_sink: false
bus_source: false
bus_structure: null
coordinate: [8, 8]
rotation: 0
state: enabled
- name: rrc
id: variable_rrc_filter_taps
alpha: '0.35'
comment: ''
gain: '1.0'
ntaps: '21'
samp_rate: samp_rate
sym_rate: samp_rate/4
value: ''
bus_sink: false
bus_source: false
bus_structure: null
coordinate: [320, 12.0]
rotation: 0
state: enabled
- name: samp_rate
id: variable
comment: ''
value: '32000'
bus_sink: false
bus_source: false
bus_structure: null
coordinate: [208, 28.0]
rotation: 0
state: enabled
- name: blocks_null_sink_0
id: blocks_null_sink
affinity: ''
alias: ''
bus_structure_sink: '[[0,],]'
comment: ''
num_inputs: '1'
type: complex
vlen: '1'
bus_sink: false
bus_source: false
bus_structure: null
coordinate: [480, 200.0]
rotation: 0
state: enabled
- name: blocks_null_source_0
id: blocks_null_source
affinity: ''
alias: ''
bus_structure_source: '[[0,],]'
comment: ''
maxoutbuf: '0'
minoutbuf: '0'
num_outputs: '1'
type: complex
vlen: '1'
bus_sink: false
bus_source: false
bus_structure: null
coordinate: [56, 200.0]
rotation: 0
state: enabled
- name: fir_filter_xxx_0
id: fir_filter_xxx
affinity: ''
alias: ''
comment: ''
decim: '1'
maxoutbuf: '0'
minoutbuf: '0'
samp_delay: '0'
taps: rrc
type: ccf
bus_sink: false
bus_source: false
bus_structure: null
coordinate: [208, 188.0]
rotation: 0
state: enabled
- [blocks_null_source_0, '0', fir_filter_xxx_0, '0']
- [fir_filter_xxx_0, '0', blocks_null_sink_0, '0']
file_format: 1
grc_version: v3.11.0.0git-649-gd7cdf222
#ifndef REPRO5090_HPP
#define REPRO5090_HPP
GNU Radio C++ Flow Graph Header File
Title: generate c++ variables
Author: Marcus Müller, Solomon B Stoner
GNU Radio version: v3.11.0.0git-649-gd7cdf222
** Create includes
#include <gnuradio/top_block.h>
#include <gnuradio/filter/firdes.h>
#include <gnuradio/blocks/null_sink.h>
#include <gnuradio/blocks/null_source.h>
#include <gnuradio/filter/fir_filter_blk.h>
using namespace gr;
class repro5090 {
filter::fir_filter_ccf::sptr fir_filter_xxx_0;
blocks::null_source::sptr blocks_null_source_0;
blocks::null_sink::sptr blocks_null_sink_0;
// Variables:
long samp_rate = 32000;
std::vector<float> rrc = filter::firdes::root_raised_cosine(1.0, samp_rate,samp_rate/4, 0.35, 21);
top_block_sptr tb;
long get_samp_rate () const;
void set_samp_rate(long samp_rate);
std::vector<float> get_rrc () const;
void set_rrc(std::vector<float> rrc);
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