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Created November 5, 2010 08:24
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[Given(@"the following features in the database:")]
public void GivenTheFollowingFeaturesInTheDatabase(Table table)
// 1. Create a list of features => drive forth the feature class
var features = table.CreateSet<Feature>().ToList();
// 2. Create an substitute that returns that list
var dbWrapperSubsitute = Substitute.For<IFeatureDBWrapper>();
// 3. Save the subtitute in the scenario context
ScenarioContext.Current.Set(dbWrapperSubsitute, DBWRAPPER_KEY);
[When(@"I navigate to the homepage")]
public void WhenINavigateToTheHomepage()
// 4. Create the controller with the subsitute
// which drives forward the need for a depenendcy to the constructor
var featureDBWrapper = ScenarioContext.Current.Get<IFeatureDBWrapper>(DBWRAPPER_KEY);
var controller = new HomeController(featureDBWrapper);
// 5. Call the controller and return the view for the index action
var indexView = controller.Index() as ViewResult;
// 6. Do some basic assertions
var features = (IList<Feature>)indexView.ViewData.Model;
// 6. Save the view in the ScenarioContext
ScenarioContext.Current.Set(features, FEATURES_IN_VIEW_KEY);
[Then(@"I should see a view with the following features:")]
public void ThenIShouldSeeAViewWithTheFollowingFeatures(Table table)
// 7. Get the view from the ScenarioContext
var features = ScenarioContext.Current.Get<IList<Feature>>(FEATURES_IN_VIEW_KEY);
// 8. Assert that the view contains the expectedBooks
var expectedFeatures = table.CreateSet<Feature>();
foreach (var expectedFeature in expectedFeatures)
features.Should().Contain.Any( f => f.Name == expectedFeature.Name);
features.Should().Contain.Any( f => f.AssignedTo == expectedFeature.AssignedTo);
features.Should().Contain.Any( f => f.HoursWorked == expectedFeature.HoursWorked);
features.Should().Contain.Any( f => f.Status == expectedFeature.Status);
features.Should().Contain.Any( f => f.Size == expectedFeature.Size);
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