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Created September 28, 2012 07:09
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package Capybara;
use Mojo::Base -base;
use Test::More;
use Mojo::Parameters;
use Mojo::URL;
use Data::Dumper;
has 'test';
has 'tx';
has 'dom';
our $scope;
sub app { shift->test->app }
sub ua { shift->test->ua->max_redirects(5) }
sub scope {
$scope // shift->dom;
sub find {
my $self = shift;
$self->scope->find(@_)->map(sub {
Capybara::Node->new(dom => $_, session => $self)
sub at {
my $self = shift;
my $dom = $self->scope->at(@_);
$dom && Capybara::Node->new(dom => $dom, session => $self);
sub within {
my ($self, $selector, $code) = @_;
local $scope = $self->scope->at($selector);
sub current_page {
my $self = shift;
$self->tx && $self->tx->req->url;
sub _do {
my $self = shift;
my $msg = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $tx = $self->ua->$name(@_);
is $tx->res->code, 200, $msg;
sub visit {
my $self = shift;
my $url = $self->app->url_for(@_);
$self->_do("Visiting $url", get => $url);
sub click_link {
my ($self, $rel) = @_;
my $link = $self->at("a[rel~=$rel]");
ok $link, "Finding link with rel=$rel";
sub fill_in {
my ($self, $name, $value) = @_;
my $input = $self->at("input[name=$name]");
ok $input, "Finding input with name=$name";
sub select {
my ($self, $name, $option) = @_;
my $select = $self->at("select[name=$name]");
ok $select, "Finding select with name=$name";
sub click_button {
my ($self, $action) = @_;
my $input = $self->find("input[type=submit]")->first(sub { $_->dom->{'data-rel'} eq $action });
ok $input, "Finding input with data-rel=$action";
sub _submit {
my $self = shift;
my $form = shift;
my $button = shift // '';
my $params = Mojo::Parameters->new;
$form->find('input, select')->each(sub {
my $i = shift;
next if $i->{disabled};
given ($i->type) {
when ("input") {
given ($i->{type}) {
when ("submit") {
if ($i eq $button) {
$params->append($i->{name} => $i->{value});
default {
$params->append($i->{name} => $i->{value});
when ("select") {
my $opt = $i->at('option[selected]') || $i->at('option');
$params->append($i->{name} => $opt->{value} // $opt->text);
my $url = Mojo::URL->new($form->{action});
if ($form->{method} && lc $form->{method} eq 'post') {
$self->_do("Posting $url", post_form => $url->to_abs, $params->to_hash);
} else {
$self->_do("Querying $url", get => $url->to_abs);
package Capybara::Node;
use Mojo::Base -base;
use Test::More;
has 'dom';
has 'session';
sub click {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->dom->type eq 'a') {
} elsif ($self->dom->type eq 'input') {
my $form = $self->dom;
$form = $form->parent until $form->type eq 'form';
ok $form, "Finding form";
$self->session->_submit($form, $self->dom);
sub fill {
my ($self, $value) = @_;
$self->dom->{value} = $value;
sub select {
my ($self, $option) = @_;
$self->dom->find('option[selected]')->each(sub {
delete $_->{selected}
my $o = $self->dom->find('option')->first(sub {
$_->{value} eq $option or $_->text eq $option
ok $o, "Finding option with value $option";
$o->{selected} = 'selected';
sub submit {
my $self = shift;
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