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Created February 5, 2020 09:49
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$ prove -l
t/00-basic.t ..................... ok
t/backend-file-basic.t ........... ok
t/backend-file-messages.t ........ ok
t/backend.t ...................... ok
t/config.t ....................... ok
t/connection.t ................... ok
t/connection_name.t .............. ok
t/irc-basic.t .................... ok
t/irc-commands.t ................. ok
# Failed test 'connect args first'
# at t/irc-connect.t line 83.
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->{tls_cert} = '/Users/marcus/Source/convos/script/../localhost.pem'
# $expected->{tls_cert} = Does not exist
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 27.
t/irc-connect.t ..................
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/27 subtests
t/irc-events.t ................... ok
t/irc-message.t .................. ok
t/irc-real-servers.t ............. skipped: TEST_NETWORKS=all is not set
t/irc-steal-nick.t ............... ok
t/log.t .......................... ok
[2020-02-05 10:49:21.51010] [11569] [error] [c196cd28] Test 500 page at /Users/marcus/Source/convos/lib/ line 45.
t/production-resources.t ......... ok
t/start.t ........................ ok
t/user.t ......................... ok
t/util.t ......................... ok
t/version.t ...................... skipped: TEST_ALL=1
Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at /Users/marcus/Source/convos/lib/Convos/Controller/ line 47.
t/web-admin.t .................... ok
t/web-base-url.t ................. ok
t/web-basic.t .................... ok
# Failed test 'exact match for JSON Pointer "/connections/1/url"'
# at t/web-connections.t line 28.
# got: 'irc://localhost:55432?nick=superman&tls=0'
# expected: 'irc://localhost:55432?nick=superman&tls=1'
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 68.
t/web-connections.t ..............
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/68 subtests
t/web-dialog.t ................... ok
[2020-02-05 10:49:26.65048] [11582] [error] [765e17d1] SSL connect attempt failed error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol
[2020-02-05 10:49:26.65128] [11582] [error] [765e17d1] SSL connect attempt failed error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol
# Failed test '200 OK'
# at t/web-embed.t line 18.
# got: '500'
# expected: '200'
# Failed test 'has value for JSON Pointer "/html"'
# at t/web-embed.t line 18.
[2020-02-05 10:49:26.67242] [11582] [error] [ba5e5f4f] SSL connect attempt failed error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol
[2020-02-05 10:49:26.67319] [11582] [error] [ba5e5f4f] SSL connect attempt failed error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol
# Failed test '200 OK'
# at t/web-embed.t line 21.
# got: '500'
# expected: '200'
# Failed test 'X-Cached: 1'
# at t/web-embed.t line 21.
# got: undef
# expected: '1'
# Failed test 'exact match for JSON Pointer "/title"'
# at t/web-embed.t line 21.
# got: undef
# expected: 'Convos - Better group chat'
# Failed test 'similar match for JSON Pointer "/html"'
# at t/web-embed.t line 21.
# undef
# doesn't match '(?^:Convos - Better group chat)'
# Looks like you failed 6 tests of 17.
t/web-embed.t ....................
Dubious, test returned 6 (wstat 1536, 0x600)
Failed 6/17 subtests
t/web-files.t .................... ok
t/web-forced-server.t ............ ok
t/web-irc-events.t ............... ok
t/web-login.t .................... ok
t/web-recover-password.t ......... ok
t/web-register-invite-only.t ..... ok
t/web-register-open-to-public.t .. ok
t/web-user.t ..................... ok
Test Summary Report
t/irc-connect.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 27 Failed: 1)
Failed test: 21
Non-zero exit status: 1
t/web-connections.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 68 Failed: 1)
Failed test: 25
Non-zero exit status: 1
t/web-embed.t (Wstat: 1536 Tests: 17 Failed: 6)
Failed tests: 11-12, 14-17
Non-zero exit status: 6
Files=34, Tests=1093, 20 wallclock secs ( 0.17 usr 0.09 sys + 15.26 cusr 3.06 csys = 18.58 CPU)
Result: FAIL
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