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Created March 14, 2016 19:40
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Power on a UE Boom via LE Blootooth commands using gatttool
set -ue
gatttool -b $MAC --char-write-req --handle=$HANDLE --value=$VALUE
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pbros commented Jan 24, 2017


I tried running your script with my UE Megaboom, but I get the following error.

Characteristic Write Request failed: Attribute requires authorization before read/write

Any ideas?


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Same issue for me, so I can't read the value's handle (<char-read-hnd 0x0003> return "Characteristic value/descriptor read failed: Attribute can't be read")

Tested on RPi 3 with UE MegaBoom


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romtrix commented Feb 15, 2018

Guys, it turns out that "VALUE" is your phone or computer mac address + "01" at the end.
So. in the example above 88:C6:26:1E:F5:38 is "UE Boom" MAC.
"VALUE=4480ebedc17401" is 44:80:eb:ed:c1:74+01. "44:80:eb:ed:c1:74" is the device that connects to UE Boom
Haven't tried it with gattool on linux. Works with UWP program written with C# on Windows.

            string laptopMAC = "10:08:b1:a9:35:8a";
            ulong bluetoothAddressUeBoom = 211280405159803;

            var magicBytes = new byte[7];
            byte[] arr = laptopMAC.Split(':').Select(x => Convert.ToByte(x, 16)).ToArray();
            Array.Copy(arr, magicBytes, 6);
            magicBytes[6] = 1;

            var ueBoom = await BluetoothLEDevice.FromBluetoothAddressAsync(bluetoothAddressUeBoom);
            var gatt = await ueBoom.GetGattServicesAsync();
            var characteristic = await gatt.Services[0].GetCharacteristicsAsync();
            var characteristics = characteristic.Characteristics;

            var writer = new DataWriter();
            var result = await characteristics[0].WriteValueWithResultAsync(writer.DetachBuffer(), GattWriteOption.WriteWithResponse);

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Thanks for this! The script worked for my UE Roll 2, except that the device's MAC address needs to be changed to C0:28:8D:00:2A:A8. Does anyone know how to remotely turn off the device in a similar fashion?

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mlalkaka commented Nov 24, 2018

I spent some time analyzing the Bluetooth packets sent between the UE Roll app on an Android phone and the UE Roll using Wireshark, and I figured it out! Turning off the device isn't done via the GATT Profile. Instead, I found that it's done via the Serial Port Profile (SPP). I've created a Gist that includes turning on and off the UE Roll: Power on and off a UE Roll via Bluetooth using GATT and SPP.

If you get a chance, I'm curious if it works for the UE Boom too.

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smpanaro commented Oct 4, 2019

This is awesome info! I used it and info from the decompiled Android app to make an iOS app that can turn the UE Roll on and off (even via Siri). It has a bit of documentation in the code about both the Low Energy and Classic Bluetooth protocols.

I suspect decompiling the UE Boom Android app would be a good way to go if you wanted to see see if that worked similarly.

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dj4ngo commented Nov 26, 2019

Thank yo so much ! For information this is working well on my UE Boom

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How are you guys finding UE's mac? A lot of BLE devices around me.

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tygooch commented Jun 17, 2020

If you're using MacOS, you can see the mac address of a connected device by holding the option key and clicking the Bluetooth menu bar icon.

Screen Shot 2020-06-17 at 12 18 31 PM

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@mlalkaka Just FYI: For the Boom 3, turning it off worked by sending "VALUE=02" instead of the 01 at the end.

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Padamdam commented Jul 1, 2020


I tried running your script with my UE Megaboom, but I get the following error.

Characteristic Write Request failed: Attribute requires authorization before read/write

Any ideas?



I faced the same issue when using this command on my raspberry (Node-RED).
I found out (but I would like confirmation from others), that the MAC address of the sending device (with 01 ou 02 at the end) has to be a MAC address of a previously paired device.

From what I learned, the Mac address does not have be of the sending device but of one of the device that the BOOM was already paired on.

In my cas im using my phone's Mac to ping the BOOM using my raspberry.

Hope this helps.


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Hey, I was just wondering how does this work. There isnt anything online related to this.

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JoshuaBeighton commented Apr 22, 2021

I tried running your script with my UE Megaboom, but I get the following error.
Characteristic Write Request failed: Attribute requires authorization before read/write
Any ideas?


I faced the same issue when using this command on my raspberry (Node-RED).
I found out (but I would like confirmation from others), that the MAC address of the sending device (with 01 ou 02 at the end) has to be a MAC address of a previously paired device.

From what I learned, the Mac address does not have be of the sending device but of one of the device that the BOOM was already paired on.

In my cas im using my phone's Mac to ping the BOOM using my raspberry.

Hope this helps.


I got the same error even after connecting my laptop to the boom and playing music through it. I did try changing the security level of gatttool but despite using gatttool -h, I couldn't figure out the syntax (I only got ubuntu this week)

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eni23 commented Nov 22, 2022

gatttool is deprecated and not in current distros anymore.

The following python script should do the trick to turn it on tho:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import bleak
import asyncio

# ue boom bluetooth mac address
UE_BOOM_MAC = "10:94:97:01:5A:30"

# any mac that was paired to ue boom works here
MY_MAC = "F0:AB:01:A9:6C:EE"

# service to turn on 
PWR_ON = "c6d6dc0d-07f5-47ef-9b59-630622b01fd3"

async def main():
  ble_msg = bytearray.fromhex(MY_MAC.replace(":",""))
  dev = bleak.BleakClient(UE_BOOM_MAC)
  await dev.connect()
  await dev.write_gatt_char(PWR_ON, ble_msg)

if __name__ == '__main__':

This was tested with a Megaboom 3 on Linux 6.0.9, but should work with UE Boom 2 as well, and also on windows and mac since bleak is working there as well.

Turning of (linux only) would work like this:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import socket

# ue boom bluetooth mac address
UE_BOOM_MAC = "10:94:97:01:5A:30"

# ue boom spp bt channel 

# message to turn the speaker off
UE_BOOM_OFF_MSG = b'\x02\x01\xb6'

def main():
  dev = socket.socket(

if __name__ == '__main__':

check out my repo for updates:

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gatttool is deprecated and not in current distros anymore.

The following python script should do the trick to turn it on tho:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import bleak
import asyncio

# ue boom bluetooth mac address
UE_BOOM_MAC = "10:94:97:01:5A:30"

# any mac that was paired to ue boom works here
MY_MAC = "F0:AB:01:A9:6C:EE"

# service to turn on 
PWR_ON = "c6d6dc0d-07f5-47ef-9b59-630622b01fd3"

async def main():
  ble_msg = bytearray.fromhex(MY_MAC.replace(":",""))
  dev = bleak.BleakClient(UE_BOOM_MAC)
  await dev.connect()
  await dev.write_gatt_char(PWR_ON, ble_msg)

if __name__ == '__main__':

This was tested with a Megaboom 3 on Linux 6.0.9, but should work with UE Boom 2 as well, and also on windows and mac since bleak is working there as well.

Turning of (linux only) would work like this:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import socket

# ue boom bluetooth mac address
UE_BOOM_MAC = "10:94:97:01:5A:30"

# ue boom spp bt channel 

# message to turn the speaker off
UE_BOOM_OFF_MSG = b'\x02\x01\xb6'

def main():
  dev = socket.socket(

if __name__ == '__main__':

check out my repo for updates:

yo how did you get the PWR_ON service, I wish your repo had a bit more information

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eni23 commented Jan 27, 2023

yo how did you get the PWR_ON service, I wish your repo had a bit more information

TBH, i did not invest a lot of time into this, but i got most infos from this thread here, a Reddit post where one decompiled the UE Android app and some playing around with bluetoothctl

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gatttool is deprecated and not in current distros anymore.
The following python script should do the trick to turn it on tho:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import bleak
import asyncio

# ue boom bluetooth mac address
UE_BOOM_MAC = "10:94:97:01:5A:30"

# any mac that was paired to ue boom works here
MY_MAC = "F0:AB:01:A9:6C:EE"

# service to turn on 
PWR_ON = "c6d6dc0d-07f5-47ef-9b59-630622b01fd3"

async def main():
  ble_msg = bytearray.fromhex(MY_MAC.replace(":",""))
  dev = bleak.BleakClient(UE_BOOM_MAC)
  await dev.connect()
  await dev.write_gatt_char(PWR_ON, ble_msg)

if __name__ == '__main__':

This was tested with a Megaboom 3 on Linux 6.0.9, but should work with UE Boom 2 as well, and also on windows and mac since bleak is working there as well.
Turning of (linux only) would work like this:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import socket

# ue boom bluetooth mac address
UE_BOOM_MAC = "10:94:97:01:5A:30"

# ue boom spp bt channel 

# message to turn the speaker off
UE_BOOM_OFF_MSG = b'\x02\x01\xb6'

def main():
  dev = socket.socket(

if __name__ == '__main__':

check out my repo for updates:

yo how did you get the PWR_ON service, I wish your repo had a bit more information

If u want more information I have created a repo with some explanation about this.

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Has someone gotten party up to work? Aka speaker interconnect?

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