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Last active July 1, 2020 04:49
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Self Learning Progress


Vanilla Python

Clever Programmer - Python Tutorial for Beginners - Full Course in 11 Hours [2020]
Variables (2:47)
Functions (8:50)
Calendar (14:10)
If Else Statements (37:17)
While Loops (43:17)
For Loops (49:07)
Data Types (53:05)
Casting (56:37)
Strings (59:57)
Lists (1:03:23)
Slicing (1:17:07)
Split and Join (1:39:42)
Tuples (1:47:57)
Sets (1:58:55)
Dictionaries (2:16:50)
Mutability (2:50:24)
List Comprehension (3:02:43)
Regex (3:14:00)
Datetime Module (3:34:06)
Web Scraping (4:03:03)
Zip Functions (4:32:00)
Project: Tic Tac Toe (4:53:54)
Project: Twilio SMS App (5:59:00)
Project: To-Do List App (6:20:51)
Project: Craigslist Clone (7:13:54)
Python Freelancer Guide (10:11:10)

Al Sweigart - Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Programming
5/52 Lessons (9.6%)

Skipped to:
Section 10: Regular Expressions


Django - Django 3.0 Documentation


Tech With Tim - Flask Tutorial

Machine Learning (Tensorflow/Pytorch/FastAI)

Kaggle - Intro to Machine Learning
How Models Work
Basic Data Exploration
Your First Machine Learning Model
Model Validation

Underfitting and Overfitting
Random Forests
Exercise: Machine Learning Competitions
Intro to AutoML
Getting Started With Titanic

Tensorflow - TensorFlow Documentation

  • Quickstart for Beginners
  • Quickstart for Experts


  • ML basics with Keras
  • Load and preprocess data
  • Estimator


  • Customization
  • Distributed training
  • Images
  • Text
  • Structured data
  • Generative
  • Interpretability


TARUC - BACS1023 Problem Solving and Programming
Completed - C++ Tutorial for Beginners - Full Course
(0:00:00) Introduction
(0:01:38) Windows Installation
(0:04:54) Mac Installation
(0:08:44) Setup & Hello World
(0:12:29) Drawing a Shape
(0:19:55) Variables
(0:31:43) Data Types
(0:39:15) Working With Strings
(0:49:00) Working With Numbers
(0:59:41) Getting User Input
(1:05:32) Building a Calculator
(1:09:28) Building a Mad Libs
(1:13:45) Arrays
(1:20:03) Functions
(1:29:47) Return Statement
(1:35:22) If Statements
(1:47:15) If Statements (con’t)
(1:55:58) Building a Better Calculator
(2:02:20) Switch Statements
(2:10:47) While Loops
(2:18:53) Building a Guessing Game
(2:29:18) For Loops
(2:38:32) Exponent Function
(2:45:21) 2d Arrays & Nested Loops
(2:54:55) Comments
(2:59:11) Pointers
(3:13:26) Classes & Objects
(3:25:40) Constructor Functions
(3:34:41) Object Functions
(3:41:43) Getters & Setters
(3:54:04) Inheritance

The Cherno - C++ Playlist (Intermediate)
27/83 (32.5%)


Vanilla JavaScript

TARUC - BAIT1023 Web Design and Development

CS50 - Web Programming with Python and JavaScript

Front Ends
Testing, CI/CD
GitHub, Travis CI


Coursera - Full-Stack Web Development with React (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Front-end Web UI Frameworks and Tools: Bootstrap 4

  • Week 1
    • Full Stack Web Development: The Big Picture
    • Setting up your Development Environment: Git and Node
    • Introduction to Bootstrap
    • Responsive Design and Bootstrap Grid System
    • Assignment 1
  • Week 2 (Bootstrap CSS Components)
    • Navigation and Navigation Bar
    • User Input: Buttons and Forms
    • Displaying Content: Tables and Cards
    • Images and Media: Images, Thumbnail, Media Objects
    • Alerting Users: Badges, Alerts, Progress Bars
    • Assignment 2
  • Week 3 (Bootstrap JS Components)
    • Tabs, Pills, Tabbed Navigation
    • Hide and Seek: Collapse and Accordion
    • Revealing Content: Tooltips, Popovers and Modals
    • Carousel
    • Assignment 3
  • Week 4 (Web Tools)
    • Bootstrap and JQuery
    • Less is More!: Less and Sass
    • Assignment 4
    • Building and Deployment: NPM Scripts
    • Building and Deployment: Task Runners: Grunt and Gulp
    • Conclusions
    • Final Project

Front-end Web Development with React

  • Week 1 (Introduction to React)
    • Full-Stack Web Development: The Big Picture
    • Setting up your Development Environment: Git and Node
    • Introduction to React
    • React Components
    • Assignment 1: React Components
  • Week 2 (React Router and Single Page Applications)
    • React Component Types
    • React Router
    • Single Page Applications
    • Assignment 2: React Router and Single Page Applications
  • Week 3 (React Forms, Flow Architecture and Introduction to Redux)
    • Controlled Forms
    • Uncontrolled Forms
    • Introduction to Redux
    • React Redux Form
    • Assignment 3: React Forms and Redux
  • Week 4 (More Redux and Client-Server Communication)
    • Redux Actions
    • Redux Thunk
    • Client-Server Communication
    • Fetch
    • React Animations
    • Assignment 4: Redux, Client-Server Communication and Fetch
    • Building and Deployment

Multiplatform Mobile App Development with React Native
Not Started Yet

Server-side Development with NodeJS, Express and MongoDB
Not Started Yet


Flutter - Flutter Documentation

App Brewery - Introduction to Flutter Development
Section 1: Introduction to Flutter Development
Section 2: Installation and Setup for Flutter Development
Section 3: How to Create Flutter Apps From Scratch (I Am Rich Project)
Section 4: Running Your App on a Physical Device
Section 5: I Am Poor - App Challenge
Section 6: MiCard - How to Build Beautiful UIs with Flutter Widgets
Section 7: Dicee - Building Apps with State
Section 8: Boss Level Challenge 1 - Magic 8 Ball
Section 9: Xylophone - Using Flutter and Dart Packages to Speed Up Development
Section 10: Quizzler - Modularising & Organising Flutter Code

Section 11: Boss Level Challenge 2 - Destini
Section 12: Next Steps


Vanilla Java

Google - Tech Dev Guide (Foundations of Programming)
0/33 (0%)

TARUC - BACS2023 Object Oriented Programming
In Progress

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