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Created July 25, 2020 14:41
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Function to verify that a certificate by specific template exists, using powershell
function VerifyCertificateExists($issuer, $templateName){
#function that validates existence of required certificate.
#input issuer and template name (wildcards will automatically be added).
#example : VerifyCertificateExists -issuer "myCompany" -templateName "myCertTemplate"
#MIT license -
try {
Write-Verbose "Verifying existence of required certificate..." -Verbose
$certs = Get-ChildItem -Path cert:\currentuser\my | Where-Object Issuer -like "*$issuer*" -ErrorAction Stop
$cert = $certs | Where-Object{ $_.Extensions | Where-Object{ ($_.Oid.Value -eq '') -and ($_.Format(0) -like "*$templateName*") }} -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Verbose "Required certificate found!" -Verbose
} catch {
Write-Error "Missing certificate issued with the `"$templateName`" certificate template from the issuer `"$issuer!`""
exit 1
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