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Created March 31, 2012 22:45
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Save mardambey/2269248 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
mod_js is a *prototype* module that uses erlang_js to allow filtering stanza's through JavaScript for altering, dropping, etc.
%% mod_js is a prototype module that uses erlang_js
%% to allow filtering stanza's through JavaScript
%% for altering, dropping, etc.
%% NOTE: The JavaScript path is hardcoded to "test.js"
%% at the end of this file.
-export([start/2, stop/1, filter_packet/1, loop/1]).
%% Default path to load JavaScript files
%% from.
-define(DEFAULT_JS_PATH, "/tmp/").
%% We run the JavaScript VM and code
%% in a (single for now) separate process.
%% Global configuration
%% The js_path indicates where the module
%% will look for JavaScript files. We need a
%% way or convention to load the files and
%% apply them in some order.
-record(config, {js_path}).
start(_Host, Opts) ->
case whereis(?JS_SERVICE) of
undefined ->
?INFO_MSG("Loading module 'mod_js'", []),
JsPath = gen_mod:get_opt(js_path, Opts, ?DEFAULT_JS_PATH),
ejabberd_hooks:add(filter_packet, global, ?MODULE, filter_packet, 90),
register(?JS_SERVICE, spawn(?MODULE, loop, [#config{js_path = JsPath}]));
_ -> ok
stop(_Host) ->
?INFO_MSG("Unloading module 'mod_js'", []),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(filter_packet, global, ?MODULE, filter_packet, 90),
%% Return drop to drop the packet, or the original input to let it through.
%% From and To are jid records.
filter_packet(drop) -> drop;
filter_packet({From, To, Packet} = Input) ->
?DEBUG("filter_packet(From: ~p, To: ~p, Packet: ~p, Result: ~p)", [From, To, Packet, Input]),
%% It probably doesn't make any sense to block packets to oneself.
%% If this is not out packet or ourselves we'll check_stanza and
%% either return drop, allow, or send another stanza instead
R = if From#jid.luser == To#jid.luser, From#jid.lserver == To#jid.lserver -> Input;
true -> check_stanza(Input)
case R of
{drop, _} -> drop;
{drop, _, _} -> drop;
_ -> R
%% For now we only deal with "message" stanzas. We pull out the
%% body and send it off to JavaScript so it can be dealt with.
%% The message is then send with the new body.
check_stanza({From, To, {xmlelement, StanzaType, Attrs, Els} = Packet} = Input) ->
case StanzaType of
"message" ->
{_Subject, Body} = {
case xml:get_path_s(Packet, [{elem, "subject"}, cdata]) of
false -> "";
Text -> Text
xml:get_path_s(Packet, [{elem, "body"}, cdata])
Args = {
struct, [
{<<"from">>, unicode:characters_to_binary(jlib:jid_to_string(From))},
{<<"to">>, unicode:characters_to_binary(jlib:jid_to_string(To))},
{<<"body">>, unicode:characters_to_binary(Body)}
?JS_SERVICE ! {self(), {<<"filter">>, [Args]}},
{_Sender, {Result}} ->
{struct, [{_, _}, {_, _}, {_, NewBody}]} = Result,
[{xmlelement, Type2, Attrs2, Els2}] = Els,
NewEls = lists:keyreplace(xmlcdata, 1, Els2, {xmlcdata, NewBody}),
{From, To, {xmlelement, StanzaType, Attrs, [{xmlelement, Type2, Attrs2, NewEls}]}};
_ ->
?INFO_MSG("Failed to get JS reponse!", []),
_ -> Input
loop(Config) ->
{Sender, {Function, Data}} ->
{ok, JS} = js_driver:new(),
{ok, Contents} = file:read_file(filename:join([Config#config.js_path, "test.js"])),
js:define(JS, Contents),
{ok, Result} = js:call(JS, Function, Data),
Sender ! {self(), {Result}},
stop ->
?DEBUG("Stopping mod_js JavaScript service process.", []),
var filter = function(stanza) {
var oldBody = stanza['body'];
var newBody = runFilters(oldBody);
stanza['body'] = newBody;
ejsLog("/tmp/mod_js_filter.log", oldBody + " -> " + newBody);
return stanza;
var runFilters = function(text) {
return "[filtered] " + text;
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